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The history of humanity has always been shrouded in mystery and speculation. Remains and technology have been found, but that only tells the species that replaced humanity so much.Who was the species that replaced humanity after their extinction? Well, there's two species that have done so: the Inklings and Octolings; cephalopod like humanoids with tentacles for hair and weapons that fire ink.Two relatively docile races that have evolved to become land dwelling creatures and build their own civilization. These two races would live together in harmony before going to war, then would go back to living in peace. But after all that, humanity still remains a massive mystery.Not a single human would be seen for the last 12,000 years, thus, they were thought to be completely extinct. But that wouldn't be the case, inside a bunker near the city of Inkopolis would be a human. The first human to be seen for the first time in 12,000 years.his name would be (y/n) (l/n) and he would be: The Last One Alive.This story is heavily inspired @AlanBall22's "Alone in a brand new world" go read it, it's an amazing story! Along with other Splatoon stories!I don't own Splatoon that goes to Nintendo.…