3. Deference For Darkness

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It was rainy night. The rain hadn't stopped for hours by now. Barely any lights on. The city looked abandoned. It was like a ghost town.

That wa until a group of aliens walked into the city Square, speaking in their native language.

"OK, I know there's aliens, but I thought you said he's a space marine. This ain't space" I hears the pro hero Hawks complain.

"We'll get there" the man said.

All of a sudden there was a gun shot and one of the bigger aliens fell to the ground. Then there was more gunshot as more aliens fell to the ground. The Gunshots were made by two men in bulky armor. But it seemed like they didn't have trouble running in it.

"Times up, looked like you owe me a drink" the man in the green and black armor said.

"Shut up. I'll get you next time asshole." The one in blue and black armor said joking around.

"If you ladies are done down there, it's time to evac. It's time" my wrist communicator said.

"Sir yes sir" we both said before running towards where we were supposed to evac from. When we got there, a pelican ship was waiting for us. But when we got into the area, the ship explode and a scarab showed up.

"Aw shit" the green marine yelled.

"Thats a huge ship" Kaminari yelled.

"But it's so manly looking" Kirishima said.

"But it destroyed their ship" sero added.

The two marines go into cover.

"Do you see any banshees nearbye?" The Blue marine asked

"Yeah, I saw one on the roof near by. If you give me cover, I can reach the building" the green marine said as the blue marine nodded. So the green one ran towards the building as the blue drew any fire at the two.

Before going into the building, the green marine looked back at the blue one. He knew he could handle himself. So he ran up the endless flights of stairs until he reached the roof to see it was guarded by a bunch of elites and grunts. Luckily no jackals.

"Easy" He said before going all out on the elites and grunts. It didn't take long before only one was left. Being out of bullets from using his weapon day after day, he picked up an energy sword, turning it on.

He had a sparing match with the elite, showing similar skill in the weapon. The sword Being made for elites, using it proved very difficult for humans. Only very few humans could casually use the weapon.

Soon after a few minutes of sparring, the green Marine saw an opening and shoved the two tips of the sword into the throat of the elite, making him collaps to the floor.

"I've seen many things in my hero career and that was just brutal" the pro hero Hawks said with many pro heros agreeing with him.

After the elite fell to the floor, he retrieved the sword, turning it off.

"Rook, I'm at the banshee." He said before entering the small ship. But there was no answer from his partner. He knew what that would mean. Either someone is Jamming their communications or he's dead.

But he knew exactly what kind of mission they were sent on. This was a suicide mission to save New Mombasa from the covenant.

With using the ship with relatively ease, he was able to destroy the small canons and any visible grunt, jackals, and elites on board the scarab, aswell dodging the Canon with ease.

Shortly he landed on the scarab with only just an energy sword.

"He's about to destroy that thing with only a sword. That's so manly" Kirishima said excitedly

The marine dodged and weaved around countless enemies, dodging anything they shot at him. He even killed anything in sight of him with just the sword.

Everyone was just in shock of how fast he was almost done with his task. Even I was in shock at the speed he was going in.

When he entered the core room, a hunter was waiting for him.

"You have to be fucking kidding me" The marine said before rushing at the hunter, with the hunter doing the same thing. The fight with the hunter felt like it lasted forever even though it's only been five minutes.

When he found an opening, that's when it striked, hitting the marine in the chest causing him to fly across the room, hit the wall.

"Yo get up" Kirishima yelled.

"You got this man" Kaminari yelled.

"OH no" most of the girls said quietly.

"Thats one hell of a blow. I'm surprised if he gets up" Mr. Aizawa said.

With his hud malfunctioning, the marine took his helmet off, tossing it to the side. The marine now exposed his face. He had short black hair with some green in it. It was more matured version of Midoryia.

"Damn, I'm Might have to steel him mind" Ms. Midnight said making me go all red.

"Come at me" Izuku said standing up with no problem at all. Once again they both rushed each other. But right before he was about to get hit, he weaved to the side. As he did, he activated a plasma grenade, sticking to the hunter.

The hunter was completely clueless to the grenade. Within five seconds, he found cover before it exploded, killing the hunter.

"That takes care of that" He said getting out of cover and going to the core. He activated the sword before shoving it in the core. The core slowly went from blue to purple then to red.

Now running up the scarab, jumping over bodies of the covenant soldiers, there was only one way off. Jump.

"The hell does he mean jump?" Hawks asked. "He don't got wings"

Izuku ran and jumped off the edge with the scarab exploding behind him. Below him was the street of New Mombasa with no safe way of landing.

That was until he saw a warhog driving his way.

"Damn it Johnson. You knew what kind of mission this was" I said into my comm.

"Shut it soldier. I can't lose my second best soldier yet." Johnson said. With perfect timing, my armor locked up right as I fell into the bed of the warhog.

"You're welcome by the way" I said as I took the gun from the private sitting in the front seat. Seeing I was a spartan, he didn't protest.

"You owe me one soldier." He said driving fast through the collapsing city.

"The hell is happening to the city!" I yelled through all the noise.

"A covenant ship just entered the city through slip space soldier" He explained.

"Thats twice now. Are they trying to kill everyone including their own soldiers" I asked shooting whatever was shooting at us as Johnson weaved and dodge anything in the streets. Mostly rubble from collapsing buildings. "Please tell me you got rook"

"Evac got him earlier. He's alive and well. You might wanna watch your head" Johnson said driving into a store window, having us drive through a convenient store before exiting through another window.

"I think you're doing more damage than the covenant sir" I said causing him to laugh.

"Where's the fun in that of you don't cause some damage" He said as I laughed. He isn't wrong there.

"Not you guys. As heroes You're meant to lower the damage as much as possible" Mr. Aizawa explained.

We soon approached the new evac site to see a prowler class instead of a pelican.

"Is that a prowler. I though those were still in development?" I asked as I stared at the heavily guarded ship.

"Sure is Soldier. We got some special cargo that want to speak to you" He said parking the warhog. Someone wants to speak to me?

The three of us got out of the warhog and made our way to the prowler. After some verification, the door opened. In the ship, a scientist and marine waited for us. But these weren't your ordinary scientist and marine. The scientist approached me and looked at my armor.

"Yknow, these aren't cheap" she said with a smile.

"Doctor Halsey" I bowed to her. When I looked up there was a marine standing next to her. His armor read 117. The screen proceeded to go black.

"That was so manly!" Kirishima said with many people agreeing with him.

"Did you see his face?" One of the girls asked with almost every girl's agreeing.my face was all red again.

"That jump was risky. But like he said it was a suicide mission" Mr. Aizawa said.

"That was pretty brave of Midoryia to even do" All Might said with a smile.

"It was badass allright" Kaminari said getting the usual tch from Bakugou.

"Midoryia. You haven't said much or anything since the two showings." The man said to me.

"Uh, well. I'm not sure what to say. They were definitely interesting to say. The marine one was definitely very interesting to watch and see what he'll, well I guess I'll do next. But the first one was kind of embarrassing" I said scratching my cheek.

"Come on Midori. You were cute" Mina said, Giving me a nick name.

"Yeah you were" uraraka said agreeing causing me to go even more red.

"Alright, that's enough of teasing Izuku. Why don't we see him in the 1800 hundreds with vampire." This got the attention of everyone again and everyone started to speak with people next them saying how excited they are. The screen started to play something again.

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