"I think this calls for a break. You all have been sitting down for a long time now. It'll be best for you to get up and run around." Dio said as the theater turned into a field and play ground.
"Come on Mr. Deku" katsuma and Eri said pulling on his sleeves. Kota and Mahoro were pushing him towards the playground.
"Alright, I'm coming" Midoryia said going off with the four kids.
Shino, Inko, and All Might stood next to each other.
"He's amazing isn't he?" Inko asked as she watched her son play with the four kids.
"Yes, he is. Kota has become so much happier ever since the training camp. He looks so much up to Midoryia" Shino said with a smile as she watched her nephew.
"Young Midoryia has matured a lot from the first time I met him. He has came so far on his own" All Might smiled at his successor. He knew his mentor was smiling from above.
Jiro was sitting by herself as she watched her friend run around with each other. But she was mainly focused on Midoryia. She wondered if he thought the same as his alternate self.
"So, are you going to get your man" Jiro blushed as she whipped around to see all of Class 3A girls behind her.
"Well don't just sit here. Get a move on girl" Hagakure said pushing Jiro over to the general area where Midoryia was.
The hell is she gonna say? He Midoryia, so I'm kinda in love with you. Jiro had a small panick attack as she approached Midoryia.
Midoryia was in the middle of Kights and dragons with the four kids. As he noticed Jiro walking over. He just waved to her as he continued to act like a dragon.
He didn't care if people called him weird for playing as an imaginary dragon at the age of 18. The kids were having fun and that's all that mattered.
"H-hey, Midoryia" Midoryia looked to his right to see jiro.
"Keep playing. I'll be right back." Midoryia walked up to jiro rubbing the back of his neck. "H-hey Jiro"
"Can I ask you something?" She asked.
"But you already did" Midoryia chuckled. "Sorry, that was terrible"
"No, it's ok. But uh, I was uhm, I was wondering if you had the same thoughts as him" She asked.
"You mean my alternate self?" Jiro nodded. "Well... I uh, yeah, I do. I don't care what you look like. You're already beautiful how you are and I think your room is really cool. Like how it's full of instruments. Definitely cooler than mine. But I also don't think it makes you a tomboy. Same with how you dress. I really like the way you dress. It fits you very well. And I can say the same for your personality. It fits you so well. It's one of my favorite things about you. So yeah, I think the exact same thing as my alternate self"
Jiro stood there in absolute shock. She didn't know what to say.
"Everyone is staring at us aren't they?" Midoryia asked as both he and Jiro just stared at each other.
"Deku is in looove" Kota started to chant as he ran around. Soon the other three started to join in.
Both Midoryia and Jiro went bright red.
"Come on Midoribro. Get your girl" Kirishima yelled as he raised a fist.
"Get him girl" Mina yelled.
Midoryia just nervously smiled at Jiro. She offered a nervous smile right back. Midoryia looked over at Dio and gave him a look of please help. Dio fully understood. So Midoryia and Jiro were separated from the others and were back in the theater.
"So, that was awkward." Midoryia rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah it was" jiro looked away.
"I like you" the both said in unison. The two just smiled at each other.
With the others, they were confused on where the two went
"Uh, what just happened?" Hawks asked.
"Midoryia asked to be separated from everyone else" Dio explained.
"Ooh, I bet they're confessing there true feelings" Mina said hopping up and down. Kirishima put his hand ontop of Minas head to stop here.
"Why don't we go back to the theater. I best there's another verse waiting for us" Dio snapped his fingers and tbeu were in the theater. In the back corner was something that made all their jawdrops.
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