"Dio, I want my phone back" Mina said quietly. In her pocket, her phone appeared. She quickly took it out and took a picture quick as she could. The pictures was of Ji4o and Midoryia having their first kiss.
The two love birds soon realized that they were being watched. They both were red again. The just made their way over to Midoryia's previous seat without saying anything.
Inko was the first to hug Midoryia.
"I'm so proud of you" she said basically crying a flood.
"M-mom, I'm glad you're happy. But your flooding the theater" Midoryia said hugging his mother with a smile.
"As much as I love seeing you guys like this. There's a universe to be watched" Dio said tapping his wrist. Everyone quickly went back to their original seats.
Excepte Jiro. She took Katsima's spot, sitting next to Midoryia. Sure Katsuma was sad he didn't get to sit next to Midoryia. But at least he got to sit by eri.
Now Jiros old spot being wide open, he took it, sitting next to Mina.
"So, the other verses have been pretty light hearted and funny right?" Dio asked with everyone agreeing. "Well, this isn't. Like always the kids won't be able to see. So let's get into it"
The city was leveled to the ground. It was absolute destruction. This was cause by one man and one man only.
"Jesus christ" Hawks said spilling
"Not even all Might can do that much damage. So who could've done that?" Sato asked.
"OH, that reminds me." Dio snapped his fingers and more people appeared. It was only two people. It was All For One and Shigaraki.
"The hell" Mirko yelled as she stood up. Many of the pro Heroes, teaches, even students got defensive.
"Do not worry they're harmless. All For One agreed to come here peace"
"That's right, Dio here came to me in my dream. He said if we come peacefully, we'll, we can watch." All For One said folding his hands together.
Everyone was still skeptical if he'll attack or not.
"Dont worry. I disabled everyone's quirks. So let's just get one with it. Shigaraki has a big part in this."
"I do?" He asked scratching his neck. Dio just nodded.
In the destruction sat two young men. One had white hair and was shirtless. He had a rebar pole sticking out of his chest.
The other one had green hair. His hero costume was ripped up. He was losing a leg and an arm.
"Jesus fuck, is that who I think it is?" Mitsuki asked. Dio nodded.
It was Midoryia and Shigaraki sitting side by said, unable to move.
"Midoryia's leg and arm is gone" Mina called out. Inko had tears in her eyes. So did Jiro. It was hard to see someone she just confessed her heart to, just to seem them laying there on deaths door.
"So, this is how it ends huh?" Shigaraki asked.
"It seems that way. They won't be able to reach us fast enough. Even with flying heros" Midoryia said looking at where his missing leg would be.
"Why?" Shigaraki asked.
"Why what?" Midoryia glanced at Shigaraki, causing him to cough blood.
"After three years, you still kept fighting. You had so many chances to just give up. But you kept going. So, why?"
"Because..." Midoryia just chuckled. "It was all because I wanted to be a hero that saves someone with a smile."
"All Might fan boy huh? I was one once. That was before society left me to rot. Do you know how many people walked past me in that alleyway? I was only five. But he saved me." Shigaraki smiled slightly. "He gave me a purpose. A home"
"Yeah, to kill All Might."
"Thats what it started as. But, now, I was trying to change society. This society is wrong" Shigaraki said as he coughed and grabbed a rock, disintegrating it.
"You're not wrong. That's something we both can agree on. This is not what society should be. I was 4 when it all started. All because I was a late bloomer." Midoryia coughed up a laugh.
"Its ironic"
"Why's that?" Midoryia asked.
"You're protecting the thing that tossed you aside for not having a quirk. Here you are, protecting everyone who treated you different for not being like them." Shigaraki explained.
"You're right, it is ironic" Midoryia started to laugh and cough at the same time. Shigaraki soon joined in with the laughter and coughing.
"Guys, he's over here" an older Uraraka said ad she lifted rubble. Bakugou jumped over it with his explosions.
"Damn it you damn nerd." Bakugou let out a tear at the site. Soon the rest of the pro heros came to save their friend. But only to see that both Midoryia and Shigaraki had already passed, both with a smile on their faces.
"Well, that was dark" Dio said swinging in his swivel chair.
"You think?" Mirko asked.
"Could I really cause that much destruction?" Shigaraki
"No, not yet at least" all for one answers.
"And I won't let you. I'll stop you, even if I end up how like he did." Midoryia said standing up.
"Why you little-"
"Now Tomura, calm down. We're here to watch. Not puck fights." All For One calmed Shigaraki. Shigaraki just proceed to scratch his neck.
Jiro reached for Midoryia's hand, squeezing it. Midoryia just smiled at Jiro.
(This was honestly one of my favorites I wrote so far. I hoped to enjoyed it as much as I did.)
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