"So what's next, uh mr..." Kaminari said trying to come up with a name for him.
"Know what. How about you call me Dio" the man said as she changed into...
(But it was I Dio all along)
"Dont mind me stealing one of Izuku's appearances." The man said.
"Wait, there's a universe where Izuku is blonde and extremely hot?" Tokage asked being all thirsty.
"And a vampire" The man now known as Dio smirked. "But we can get into that later. I found a universe for you to watch
The year was 1945. A soldier risked everything to save his country. Including his life. The day was February fifth when theyost contact with him. The last thing they knew was he was going to crash a plane somewhere in the article.
That was almost two hundred years ago. The soldier was founded to be preserved in ice with a shield. ..
"Thats a unique backstory. Is it Izukus?" Mina asked
"Maybe. Maybe it isn't." Dio answered
"I hate you"
It was now 2122 soldier wearing red, white, and blue was standing over a bunch of unconscious men. He put the shield on his back. It had a star on it.
"Captain, there's a call for you" a soldier said coming out 9lof a truck with a radio.
"Thanks. I'll get it soon" the man said said walking to the truck, taking the radio.
"Its me. I need the favor" the person on the other side was non other than Nezu
"Its about time."
All the teachers and All Might just shivered at hearing he owed a favor from Nezu. Nezu on the other hand just smirked.
Now it was focused on a class. Specifically class 1A. They were all there. But in the seat Midoryia would be is a boy with purple hair and eyebags.
"See, I told you" Midoryia said as shinso just smiled.
They were all loud as usual, until the door opened. They all were afraid to be expelled just for breathing. But their teacher didn't walk in. It was a young man who looked to be around his early twenties. His outfit was similar to All Mights in a way. Another copy cat?
"Hello, class. I'll be your new teacher for a while. My name is Izuku Midoryia" the teacher said introducing himself.
All the girls just whistled at the sight of Izuku while the boys Jawa dropped. He's huge.
"This is a joke right?" Sero asked.
"You look like you just graduated." Mina said.
"I look a lot older than I look. Trust me." Midoryia said with a smile.
"How old are you?" Mineta straight up asked.
"I'm physically 20 but I'm 177 years old" Midoryia explained as his class went silent. "I'll explain. I fought in world War two with the Americans. During my last fight I sunk a plane in the artic, halting my life cycle."
"No way, you're captain America" Kaminari yelled standing up.
"Yup, that's me" Midoryia said with a small wave.
"You're like a super hero before quirks even came into the world." Mina said with excitement.
"Tch, the guy doesn't even have a quirk. How strong can he be." Bakugou said looking out the window. "Plus he needs a shield."
"Bakugou-" Iida stood up.
"Its alright. Sit down" iida sat down. "I may not have a quirk. But I can easily bench 1000 pounds no sweat and can even pull a moving helicopter to the ground."
Everyone was surprised of the sheer man power of the man.
"Bet you can't even beat me, you damn extra"
"Language Bakugou." Midoryia said irritated. "And I won't stand for quirk bias in this classroom. Quirk or not'
"Here we go. He's gonna snap" Momo said preparing herself. Midoryia really didn't want to see himself snap.
"I challenge you to a fight." Bakugou said standing up. His classmates are shocked.
"Alright, I'd that's what you want. But I am from the 1940s. So we're going to have to wager something" Midoryia said with. Smirk.
"Ooh. Ooh, if Bakugou loses, he has to be nice to everyone for a month."
"What the hell raccoon eyes!" Bakugou yelled as Mina smirked.
"I won't ask again, watch your language. But I can work with that. If I lose, I'll quit being a hero"
Both the class in the verse and the people watching were absolutely shocked he'd wager something like that.
"You're going down extra"
"Meet me at field gamma with your costume on" Midoryia said before leaving
"Dude are you insane" was the last thing Midoryia heard before making his was to the field. On his way to the field, he was greeted by a few fell pros/teachers to welcome him back. After hearing about the wager, they just had to come and watch.
On the field stood Midoryia waiting for Bakugou. There was a lot of people watching, including both hero courses and the Gen Ed course, along with a bunch of teachers. Even nezu was ther with his tea.
Soon Bakugou stepped up in his hero costume.
"Your hero costume is a little too flashy for my taste" Midoryia said stretching
"You're going down extra" Bakugou had a permanent scowl on his face.
"You know the rules. When I say fight the match starts. 3. 2. 1. Go" The moment Midnight said go, Midoryia threw his shield completely missing Bakugou, confusing everyone.
"You missed you id-" in the middle of his sentence, Bakugou fell to the floor out cold. The field began to roar in excitement.
"But how?" Was the most he heard.
"I can do this all day" Midoryia said walking over to Bakugou and kicked up his shield, putting it on his back.
"No way, the match didn't even last 5 seconds." Kirishima said in awe.
"There's no way he did that without a quirk" serk said, who also was in awe. Midoryia was taking notes on how he threw the shield and how it bounced back, hitting Bakugou. Bakugou just sunk into his chair in embarrassment.
"All he had was the super soldier syrum they injected him with in the 1940s" Dio explained.
"Super soldier syrum?" Kendo asked confused.
"During world War two the military were experimenting with soldier to see if they could make them into super soldier. Midoryia was the only survivor of the program. But there's a date waiting isn't there?"
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