Telecom High
Jungkook x readerYou are a new student at Telecom high school. Your mom suddenly had to move and her job offered you several school options and you filled out many forms to see what school you would get in. All the schools were living schools, which meant you would be living on campus.After a few weeks of waiting you received only one letter back telling you were welcomed to Telecom High. Your mother and you were super excited for this great opportunity, for this was a really nice school and you would have everything paid for.Another week passed and you received your new school uniform. You wanted to question why the outfit you received wasn't "girl like" but you figured because it was such a professional school that this was how everyone had to dress; so you didn't question it.Putting the outfit on was a little difficult because you didn't really know how to work the tie. But after several trials and errors; you got the hang of it. You smiled at yourself in the mirror and didn't really notice that your boy-cut short hair made you look like a boy. But honestly that didn't really matter to you, you were too excited for this amazing offer at this great school....Boy were you wrong...…