Everyone watched as the wheel spun until it slowly stopped.
Itsuka Kendo
Kendo was quiet excited about the date, but she wasn't vocal as most girls.
"Get your man" Tokage teased Kendo
Midoryia had stayed up all night learning car language. He was a quirk nerd. Not a car nerd. All he knew about cars what how to change a tire. Other than that, he was hopeless.
"Kendo, you're a car girl?" Yui asked.
"Y-yeah, I am." Kendo said embarrassed. She had always thought it would make her less feminine if she shared that she likes cars. Jiro was currently also facing the same problem. Little do they know. Midoryia has a thing for those types of girls. (By Midoryia I mean me but whatever. Suck it)
A week ago Midoryia had heard about a car show in town near UA and he approached Kendo about it.
Kendo was eating her lunch with her class. She was soon approached by a boy with green hair.
"Uh, h-hey kendo" Midoryia greeted Kendo.
"OH, Hey, Midoryia" Kendo smiled at the boy.
"So, Uh, I kinda heard about a car show in the area. So, I Uh, I was wondering if you'd like to join me. But you don't have to if you want" Midoryia said in a big stutter mess. Kendo just smiled at the boy.
"Of course, I'd like to go. When is it?" She asked.
"Its next Saturday."
"Yeah, I'm free that day. I'm down" Kendo said.
"Great. I'll talk to you later, hello" Midoryia said instead of goodbye from his nervousness. Kendo just giggled.
"Midoryia actually said goodbye when he entered the room on his first day" Mina said.
"Did he really?" Midnight asked.
"Yeah he did, it was the funniest thing ever" Hagakure laughed.
Midoryia and Kendo agreed to meet up front of the school so the two didn't have to deal with Monoma.
After changing into casual clothing, he made his way to the front. Kendo was already waiting there.
"H-hey, Kendo. Sorry if I kept you waiting." Midoryia Apologized as he walked up to Kendo. Approaching her, he realized how beautiful she was in and out of her school uniform and hero costume.
"No, it's alright. I just got here. So, where is the show?" She asked as the two started their walk.
"Its just a few blocks north. It's an inside one." Midoryia answered. Just like the other dates, Midoryia and Kendo got to know each other more. Their interests, hobbies, likes and Dislikes, and a little of their past.
When they got there. It was absolutely packed. It would've been easy to lose each other in there. So instinctively, Kendo reached for Midoryia's hand. Midoryia jumped a bit from the sudden touch. But he squeezed her hand.
As they walked along, Kendo pointed out things he didn't even know existed. At one point he admitted he knew absolutely nothing about cars.
"So then why did you want to go to a car show?" Kendo asked.
"Well, I honestly really just wanted to spend some time with you" Midoryia answered embarrassed.
"Now that is love" Midnight said confusing some of the younger kids.
"Midoryia asked the girl out to an event he knew nothing about to get to know her better and spend time with" Hawks answered. Everyone just stared at him. "What? I have a love life too yknow"
"So, you asked me to an event you know absolutely nothing about because you want to spend time with me. Awe, how sweet" she said resting her head on Midoryia's should.
Midoryia couldn't help but go bright red. The grip on their hands was tighter. They continued on until Kendo excused herself to the bathroom.
But on the way to the bathroom, she was pulled into a secluded hallway. It took her moment to realize who it was
"Tokage, what are you doing here?" Kendo asked.
"I totally wasn't spying. But cmon, progress report" Tokage said excitedly.
"W-well, I found out he invited me to just spend time with me and he knows absolutely nothing about cars." Kendo explained.
"Welp. My suspicions are right. He's a keeper. Good luck" Tokage said before running off, leaving her confused.
With Midoryia, he was watching someone demonstrate how to properly take apart an engine. He was doing his best to understand what was going on. He wanted to impress Kendo with at least some knowledge.
But as he was watching and muttering, a girl came up to him.
"Wow, you're really strong" she said feeling his arm. "What are you doing here by yourself?"
"Booo!" Midnight yelled, with a few others doing the same, including some of the male teachers and pro Heroes. Even the four kids joined in.
(BTW Katsuma and Mahoro are the sister and brother from Two Heroes if anyone forgot)
"Sorry, I'm on a date" Midoryia said not moving his gaze away from the engine.
"But there's no one here. I could be your date" she said feeling his muscle more.
"Ma'am, I need you to stop. I said I'm on a date and you're making me uncomfortable" Midoryia said raising his voice slightly for him to get the point acrossed, but not loud enough to draw attention.
This definitely got the point across.
"Of course midori is the dominant type" Mina joked. But she wasn't wrong.
Kendo appeared out of nowhere.
"You see any of that?" Midoryia asked.
"Sure did. All of it." She said with a smile and leaned her head on his shoulder. "So it's a date huh?"
"W-Well, it doesn't have to be" Midoryia said going red.
"Dont worry about it, Izuku. I'd love it if it was a date." Kendo said. Hearing his first name basically broke him. Kendo just laughed at him as she dragged him onto the next thing down the line.
"That. Was. Just. Adorable" Tokage said excitedly. "But not better than mine. We saw dinosaurs"
"Why am I not surprised you'd say that" Awase sighed.
Midoryia and Kendo just smiled at each other. Midoryia definitely had crushes on different girls. After this, one definitely was Kendo.
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