"Shoto, no" Natsu tried grabbing a notebook from Todoroki, but failed. Todoroki narrowed his eyes at Midoryia.
"I'll save you some time. The Midoryia's are no where related to the Todoroki's"
Todoroki just groaned and shut his notebook. He was severely disappointed knowing his biggest theory was disproven in mere seconds.
"Is that the same notebook as Deku?" Uraraka asked her half and half classmate.
"Yes" Is all Todoroki said with his stoic attitude.
"Yeah, Todoroki was asking for one a while ago" Midoryia answered for his classmates
"Again, as much as I love seeing you all play around. It's time to spin the wheel!" The man said excitedly, getting the attention of all the girls.
The wheel spun round and round until it slowly stopped on...
Melissa Shield
"Yes!" Melissa yelled. She quickly put her hands over her mouth from embarrassment. Her father just raised an eyebrow at her. All Might has a smile on his face. Seeing them on the Island, he thought they'd be great for each other.
The girls were teasing Melissa about her behavior.
"Uh, guys. Has anyone seen Mineta? I haven't seen him since the universe where Midoryia was older than us" Kaminari asked his classmates. They looked around to see that he wasn't there.
"OH, thats my bad. I pretty much locked him up knowing we'd be going over Ships. Guess I forgot" the man snapped his fingers and Mineta appeared.
"I'm alive!" He yelled.
"Alright, alright. Let's just get into it already."
Midoryia was wearing his red and black stripe suit he wore the last time he visited the island. But this time, he was slightly taller and bigger. So he got another one tailored just like his old one.
"What? I liked that suit" Midoryia shrugged as everyone just looked at him.
Today I was going to a hero Gala with Melissa. It was held on the Island. Melissa had flown me and All Might out. The Gala was supposed to be for Mirko becoming Number 3 in the hero rankings.
"Pfft, like I care" Mirko crossed her arms as her dragon friend just laughed.
I met up with All Might, but he already had his so called "date" with him. He was standing with my mother.
Inko and Toshinori just smiled at each other as Midoryia sat in awkward silence.
"Young Midoryia, is that the same one as last years?" All Might asked, pointing out my suit.
"Yeah, it is. Melissa said it looked good on me, so. I thought I get a new one tailored." Midoryia answered with a small smile. Seeing his mom out again made him happy. She wasn't cooped up in their apartment 24/7 now. "I should probably find Melissa" I said waving goodbye to my Mother and mentor.
I walked through a long hallway thay led to Melissa's own personal workshop. Surprisingly she wasn't in there. So I left. I made my down to where the event would be held and waiting in the lobby was her.
Melissa wore the exact same dress she wore last year. She looked stunning as she did before. She looked beautiful.
Hearing Midoryia say those about her, Melissa grew happy to know that her crush thought she was pretty.
Midoryia couldn't keep his eyes off of Melissa. Just as his alternate self described her, she was absolutely stunning. He loved that dress.
"Hey, Izuku" Melissa waved over to Midoryia. Izuku approached Melissa with a smile.
"H-hey, you look absolutely stunning" since the last time he met Melissa, Izuku had gotten a lot better with flirting and compliments.
"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" she smiled at the boy.
"Shall we?" Midoryia asked as he offered his arm. Melissa gladly accepted the offer. The two walked to there table with their arms locked together.
All Might, Inko, and David had already reached the table.
"I hope you didn't have to drag her out of that shop of hers" David said with a smile.
"No, not at all. She was already here" Midoryia said as he pushed Melissa's chair in.
"Well that's a first. Must mean a lot to you then" David teased his daughter, making her go red and hide her face. All Might and Inko just laughed at the father's antics.
Midoryia sat there trying to hide his chuckle. When Melissa heard it, she just death stared him. Midoryia tensed up a bit.
"Now that sent shivers down my spine" Mirko commented with others nodding in agreement.
"She got that from her mother" David nervously chuckled
Seeing Midoryia's reaction, Melissa laughed. The Remaining of the Gala went on peacefully. David and Inko got to know each other more. So did Midoryia and Melissa. They were able to have a proper dinner unlike last time.
When the Gala was over, the two young adults said bye to their parents. The two walked in silence as Melissa guided them down the hallways.
"So, where are we going?" Midoryia asked.
"You'll see" Melissa said with a smirk. This made Midoryia confused. Melissa continued to direct the two down the halls until they reached an elevator.
In the elevator, the two stood in awkward silence. Midoryia looked down to see they were holding hands. When did that happen? Dont freak out.
As the door opened, fresh air hit his nose. He remembered that smell. Midoryia stepped out to see they were in the tower garden. The events of what happened in the tower had always stuck to him.
"Isn't it beautiful" Melissa asked as she let go of his hand and ran off. Midoryia just smiled.
"Yeah it is" But It's not as beautiful as you. Midoryia thought to himself. He caught up to Melissa who was looking a flower.
"These are Black-eyed Susan's. They were my mothers favorite" Melissa said picking one. Midoryia took the flower she picked and put it in her hair.
The two smiled at each other. Their faced seemed to drift closer and closer together. When they were just a mere inch away, izuku notice something behind Melissa. So he went over to check it out.
This earned a few groans from the girls. Especially from Melissa. David just chuckled.
"Midoryia?" Melissa walkd over to see what he was looking at. They were red flowers. Midoryia had his hand on the railing that separated the walkway from the grass.
There was a sign. It was for the flower. It read...
Lycoris Radiata
Or known as
Red Spider Lily's
She could tell that Midoryia wasn't looking all too well. He looked like he was crying.
People were feeling bad for the groaning earlier now knowing his story.
Midoryia was having nearly the same reaction. His mother noticed, so she rubbed his back. Bakugou saw that Midoryia had tears, so he just sunk into his seat trying to ignore it.
"I-im sorry. I need to sit" Midoryia said as Melissa helped him to a nearbye bench.
"Its ok." She said smiling at him. She looked back at the flowers then back to Midoryia, then the ground. "My father planted them after my mother past away. He said it was supposed to help guide her after death"
Midoryia glanced at Melissa for a quick second. He decided to tell her about his middle school experience where he would receive Spider lily's on his desk everyday.
Melissa didn't know what to say. So she did the only thing she knew what to do. She hugged him. Midoryia didn't even hesitate, he hugged her back right away.
"Sorry for ruining the date. Wait, is this a date?" Midoryia asked.
"I don't see why not. But if it is, then I should be able to do this" Melissa placed her hand on Midoryia's chin and brought his face closer to hers. Unlike before. Their lips were able to touch.
The screen started to fade as people cheered for the two. Melissa was more than happy about how their date ended. Sure it had its hiccup towards the end, but it ended very well.
"Well, as I see no one had anything to say, I can say it's safe to move on"
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