Little Explanation: I thought this be a good idea since both Deku and Narancia (JoJo Part 5) have the same Japanese voice actor Daiki Yamashita. Also unlike the other JoJo chapter, this'll take place in MHA and people can see his stand.
Today was the day of the Entrance exams. I could barely sleep last night. I was even lucky to get a little bit of sleep. I was supposed to meet Kacchan on the way to the exams.
I didn't want to keep him waiting, so I quickly got dressed.
"Deku Seriously is going to wear that?" Bakugou laughed earning a slap from his mother.
"Midoryia has some style" Yui commented with other girls nodded. Midoryia took notes of what girls called style
"Mom, I'm heading out." Midoryia said as he ran out before she could say anything. He ran until he met up with Bakugou "kacchan."
"Took you long enough, Narancia"
"Narancia?" Most people asked at the same time.
"In this universe the teacher got two students name wrong multiple times because they looked really similar. As you can guess, that was Izuku and Narancia. So naturally the both of them were called the others name and now they just roll with it."
"Sorry about that. I had to grab some food for Mr. Smith" Midoryia Apologized.
"So that's what you call the damn thing? I thought it was Lil Bomber?" Bakugou asked.
"Well yeah it is. But I found out there's a little dude in there piloting it. So I decided on Mr. Smith. Yknow, just like the toy" Midoryia explained
"Whatever. Let's just get to the exams. I hope you studied." Bakugou eyed Midoryia.
"Uuuhhh" Midoryia just chuckled.
"I don't like where this is going" Mina said.
"In this universe, well let's just say he and Kaminari would be great friends."
"I feel Attacked" Kaminari said.
The two reached the exams. The two saw a boy with red hair trip and get caught by a girl with brown hair. The two of us ignored it as we walked into the exam hall.
The Hero Present mic explained the test as Midoryia stared into the distance.
"And you there" Midoryia went back to reality to see a boy with Blue hair pointing at me. "Show some respect and pay attention. And you should represent your school and not wear thay hideous outfit."
"But I don't have a school" Midoryia explained. "But, no one insults my outfit" He slammed his hands on the desk. Bakugou placed a hand on Midoryia's shoulder, shaking his head.
Present mic finished explaining the written exam and let us start. I was already having trouble. Especially with math.
Bakugou looked over to see he got a simple math question wrong. He literally put the answer to 16 X 58 as 28. Bakugou just sighed. I'm friends with an idiot.
After the written exam, he was directed to where they'd have the combat exam. He reread over the letter. To make sure he understand what to do to pass. There was one aspect he did find out that wasn't on the letter.
Save people.
"Clever. For his intelligence. I am surprised." Nezu commented.
"He isn't the brightest bulb." The man chuckled.
The exam soon started when present mic said there was no counter in a real battle. Just so I can get ahead, I summoned Lil Bomber to fly ahead to destroy as many robots possible while I save people.
The sounds of an airplane confused everyone. So they looked up to see a small airplane fly right over their heads, shooting at the first robot they seen.
"Woah, that's his Quirk?!" Melissa asked.
"Sure is"
"Thats so cool" Mina said bouncing up and down. Mina wasn't the only one, so was Nejire.
"So manly" Kirishima wiped a fake tear.
The physical exam was doing well. That was until the zero pointer came along. When he was about to run, he saw a girl trapped in rubble. He went to rescue her.
On his way, the robot hit a building, causing some rubble to fall. Some of it hit Midoryia, scratching his cheek. He felt his cheek as he went quite.
Everyone was watching him just standing there.
"ILL KILL YOU. LIL BOMBER" Midoryia yelled as Lil Bomber flew right over him to the Zero Pointer. When it reached the top, it dropped something on top of it. When it collided with the robot, it exploded.
He went up to the robot as a red headed boy went to get the girl.
"HOW DARE YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?! AND THAT! AND THAT! AND THIS!" Midoryia yelled as he kicked the zero pointer. Everyone just watched, afraid to even go up to him. He kept going until a blonde boy came up and took him away.
Everyone just sat there watching the tantrum from Midoryia
"OH yeah, that's normal."
"Great. That's two hot heads that don't know how not to yell" Mina said sinking into her seat.
"THE HELL YOU SAY RACOON EYES?" Bakugou screamed.
Today was the first day of school. Midoryia had to be forced into his school uniform by his mother. Luckily he was able to be in his usual outfit underneath.
The moment Midoryia opened the door, he saw Bakugou being scolded by the same blue haired boy who scolded him during the exam.
"Oi, Narancia" Bakugou said getting up from his seat. "How the hell did you pass?"
"Language" the blue haired boy said.
"Can it Four eyes" Bakugou yelled.
"Shut up and go back to tbe dipshit corner"
Everyone giggled at Midoryia's comment. Even Midoryia. Everyone liked this Midoryia's temper and humor.
The boy just stood ther silent as a few students laughed and giggled. Midoryia and Bakugou just high fived each other.
"Seriously, how did you pass dumbass?' Bakugou asked and Midoryia just shrugged. "How, you literally answered 16 X 58 as 28." This definitely got people laughing.
"Everyone sit down" a voice called out. Midoryia looked down to see a yellow caterpillar making him scream.
(I thought it was too funny to pass up)
"It took you 8 seconds to quiet and sit down. Now put these on and meet me out side" the man said before leaving.
Everyone changed into their uniform. Well, except for Midoryia. He just took his school uniform and went out in his usual outfit. This got many looks from the boys.
"Dont piss him off" is all Bakugou said before leaving.
Everyone was now standing in a straight line. The man introduced himself as Aizawa, their homeroom teacher. As he began to explain the assessment, he looked at Midoryia and stopped.
"OH, no" Literally everyone said.
"OH yeah" Aizawa said with a smile.
"You there. Name." Aizawa demanded.
"Izuku Midoryia. But Everyone calls me Narancia" Midoryia gave him his name.
"Do you think this is a game?" Aizawa asked.
"Nope" Midoryia said oblivious to his situation.
"If you don't get first place, your expelled."
"Yes sir- WAIT WHAT? HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO THAT?" Midoryia started to freak out. Bakugou just sighed.
"Figure it out. Alright. Bakugou, step up to the circle."
The exercise went on as planned. But Midoryia was seriously lacking behind. He couldbt use his Quirk like everyone else could.
Here came the ball throw. Midoryia was in the circle with the ball In hand. Right when he was about to throw it, he was stopped
"Use your quirk." His teacher demanded.
"But I can't like this" Midoryia complained.
"Quirk, now" He demanded. Midoryia just swallowed as he got in stance again. Right then, an idea came.
"LIL BOMBER" Midoryia yelled as he threw the ball and a small airplane was summoned from thin air, surprising people.
"He is the kid from the entrance exam" a red head said.
"You mean the guy who destroyed the zero pointer and then started to beat it?" A yellow haired boy asked.
As the ball went into the air, Lil Bomber got a hold of it and went high as it could. Aizawa red the device and sighed.
"Here's the scores" Aizawa said as he pulled up the scores. Midoryia was dead last.
"Guess some things don't change m" Kaminari joked.
Midoryia dropped to the floor on his back and just stared at the sky.
"Oi, dumbass" Bakugou approached the boy.
"Leave me alone, Katsuki" Hearing him being called by his first name, he frown and just left the boy laying on the ground.
The screen faded to black.
"You have the wors timings possible" Mina pouted as the man shrugged.
"Yeah" people chimed in here and there.
"Guess I won't spin the wheel." The moment the wheel was mentioned, everyone's attitude changed. That is except Midoryia. He took a huge interest in the plane quirk. He started to write things down. The man took notice of this before spinning the wheel. "And the next date is..."
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