"My baby boy just asked a girl on a date" Inko screamed as she hugged her baby boy, Izuku. Izuku just sat there taking it in. He was one to never refuse a hug no matter what.
"You better pull through Greenie" Tokage basically threatened.
"Y-yeah, I will" Midoryia said scratching his cheek.
"As much as I live seeing you guys threaten each other, but we have a universe I particularly am fond of. So no questions and let's get into it"
The screen started to play.
Fire/Telekinesis Quirk
Izuku was in a locker room doing push ups, shirtless. But there was something different about this Izuku. His hair was snow white and he had burn marks similar to Dabi's on both arms and chest. None of them went to his face luckily.
All the girls were basically drooling at the shirtless Izuku. But seeing the scars did make them worry though
"Midoryia" Izuku stopped his push ups to see who came in, it was Shoto Todoroki.
"Todoroki, what do you want?" Izuku asked.
"I will beat you today and take your spot" is all he said.
"And ill beat you" Midoryia smirked. Todoroki just gave him a small smile.
Todoroki bowed before leaving th locker room. Just in five minutes, Todoroki and Midoryia will have their fight.
"OH, So is this at the sports festival" Mina asked
"Yes it is. But it's at their third year sports festival"
"Please welcome the final challengers for the one on one fights. Please welcome two of the big three. Shoto Todoroki. Izuku Midoryia. It also seems that the two have put a wager on this match. The winner gets the number one spot in the big 3" Present mic announced as The two young men walked up onto the field.
"No way. They're the big three" Uraraka said
"From what I've seen, I'm not surprised one bit" Nezu said sipping his tea.
"Thats my worst nightmare." Aizawa hid behind his scarf.
"Who's the third big 3?" Sero asked.
"It has to be Bakugou right?" Mina said getting a few nods.
"Actually it's not"
"The fuck you talking about?" Bakugou asked confused.
"You were finally beaten By Eijiro Kirishima, taking your place on the number three Seat"
"No way, that's so cool" Kirishima said with his eyes lighting up.
"And manly" Tetsutetsu added.
Midoryia and Todoroki just stared at 4ach other until Midnight announced the beginning of the match. Todoroki launched and iceberg at Midoryia. But he just charged up 2% to dodge it quickly.
Todoroki knew Midoryia wouldn't fight unless he used his flames on him. But he refused after what happened.
"I feel a back story coming" Kaminari announced.
"Hey, Todoroki, Kirishima." Midoryia said walking up to the two boys in their dorms.
"What's up Midoribro" Kirishima said giving his beat friend a high five. Shoto just stood there.
"To welcome you to the big three, I propose a 1 v 1 v 1 sparring session." Midoryia said confidently.
"I'm so down. Todoroki?" Kirishima asked as he just got a nod from Todoroki.
Todoroki, Kirishima, and Midoryia stood in an arena as class 3A, 3B, and General studies watched from the sidelines. So it was going good. Midoryia hasn't used his Quirk yet. Todoroki was alternating between fire and ice and kirishima was only using his Quirk to counter Todoroki or Midoryia's attacks.
Izuku had resorted to using OFA instead of his true Quirk. But it all went wrong. Todoroki had a quirk malfunction. Apparently it was from a bunch of stress piling up on him. But he wasn't the victim of his Quirk malfunction. It was Izuku Midoryia. He felt the wrath of his flames.
Everyone was worried Seeing Midoryia being swallowed by the flames. At least they now knew what caused the scarring on Midoryia's body. But they wanted to know what his true Quirk is.
Midoryia was getting the upper hand by Turing out Todoroki. He could also tell that he was getting Frostbite all over his body.
"Damn it Todoroki. Use your damn flame" Midoryia yelled as he pinned Todoroki to the ground.
"I can't. I can't let it happen again." Todoroki said either a tear turning to ice as it left his eye.
"Todoroki, how many times do I have to tell you. None of that was your fault. If it's anyone's fault, it's that damn old man of yours. He put all that stress on you. Your quirk malfunction wasn't your fault Shoto. I forgive you. Now fight me with your flame" Midoryia yelled.
Soon flame started to come off Todorokis left side. So Midoryia hopped, going to the other side of the arena. Todoroki's flames started to grow bigger and bigger. He shot his flames towards Midoryia. The stadium started to feel like a furnace.
But all of a sudden it got cold. Out of nowhere, white flames were countering Todoroki's red flames, pushing the two different flames up into the sky like a tornado.
Everyone was shocked by the power the two had over the flames. Seeing Midoryia with flame powers was cool. But they didn't know why it was getting cold all of a sudden in the stadium.
So he got his Quirk from his father. Inko thought to herself, making her smile.
"Would you look at that folks. Hot and cold flames colliding. What could happen?" Present mic announced
"Death, destruction, chaos"
As the flames rose, Midnight was decided wether to step in or not. But when she saw floating rocks, she decide not to.
"What's with the floating rocks?" Kendo asked.
"You'll see"
A bunch of rocks flew at Todoroki, causing him to stop using his fire and dodge them. That's when Midoryia took his chance
"FROZEN AURA" Midoryia yelled as ice freezed on his body as he ran at Todoroki "FROSTBITE" He yelled again as he reached Todoroki.
Midoryia jumped in the air using his fire. Todoroki had fear in his eye. He knew he lost right then and there.
Seeing the fear in Todoroki's eyes sent shiver down most people's spines. Todoroki wasn't one to show emotions. But when he does, it's really rare. So seeing him full of fear was scary.
There are three boys standing on a podium with medals around their necks. The third place belonged to Eijiro Kirishima. Second place belonged to Shoto Todoroki. First place belonged to Izuku Midoryia.
When they stepped off the podium, the three boys took turns shaking hands. Todoroki and Midoryia even hugged.
"Awwe, look at you two" Inko said gushing about her son hugging Todoroki. Rei was just smiling at her sons smile he had.
"So what even is his quirk?" Kirishima asked.
"His Quirk is called Enchanted Cold Flames"
"Sounds badass" Kaminari said.
"Its a combination of his father's Quirk, Which was fire breath, and, his mother's, which allowed her to float small objects to her."
"That explains the floating rocks earlier." Uraraka pointed out
"But what about the cold. I know its in the name. But where did he get the cold element from, kero?" Tsu asked.
"Ah, simple. Hishasi's mother had an ice Quirk. But Hisashi himself didn't receive anything from it. But he passed it on to Izuku"
Todoroki just narrowed his eyes at the Midoryia family and looked back at the Todoroki's
"Shoto, no" Nastsu said getting up and running over to Todoroki.
Everyone just laughed knowing what Todoroki was thinking.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net