13. The First Date

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"The special event is dates." This confused people. "For now on, after every verse I'll be showing you a random universe where izuku goes on a date with one of the girls. Or boys. I don't discriminate" the man said with a shrug.

This definitely peeked the girls interests. Some of the boys weren't so sure about it.

"How are we going to decide who goes on the date?" One of the girls ask.

"By spinning a wheel of course. It's the most fair way to decide and I can't pick favorites."

"You have favorites?" Mina asked

"Well of course I do"

"Ooh, who?" Hagakure asked but the man just ignored her and went for the wheel. The wheel had

Ochako Uraraka
Melissa Shield
Mei Hatsume
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Kyoka Jiro
Tooru Hagakure
Momo Youyorozu
Itsuka Kendo
Yui Kodai
Kinoko Komori
Ibara Shiozaki
Pony Tsunotori
Reiko Yanagi
Setsuna Tokage
Fuyumi Todoroki
Rumi Usagiyama
Nejire Hado
Nemuri Kayama
Ryuko Tatsuma
Shino Sosaki
Ryuko Tsuchikawa
Tomoko Shiretoko
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoto Todoroki

"Hey, your name is up there. Bet you've been waiting for that" Kirishima teased Kaminari

"Your name is up there too" Kaminari pointed out. Kirishima just shrugged. The girls just wanted the man to spin the wheel already. So he did. Everyone watched it spin until it landed on...

Setsuna Tokage

Most girls groaned that it wasn't them. The boy just laughed at their reactions. Setsuna was just glad she was the first one to be first. Midoryia was also happy about the spin outcome.

Midoryia was in his room shirtless with only a towel on. His hair was wet. It was obvious that he just got out of the shower.

To say the girls were enjoying the sight of the half naked Izuku would be an understatement.

He was currently deciding on what to wear for his date. He didn't even know how he got the date in the first place. He heard of the new exhibit opening at the museum. He told Tokage about it and Boom, here he is on a date with a pretty, beautiful, and sexy girl

"So, I'm sexy huh?" Tokage smirked as Izuku just offered a nervous chuckle.

He decided to just go with his typical outfit since Tokage said casual would be fine. He put on one of his word to shirts, a red, blue, and yellow hoodie, unzipped. Blue jeans with his red sneakers.

"Midoryia got that drip" Kaminari said without getting a response from anyone.

He made his way downstairs to the common area where most of his classmates were doing there own thing.

"Looking sharp Midori. Where you heading?" Mina asked as she approached Izuku.

"O-oh, Uh, I'm taking Tokage to the new dinosaur exhibit.

"Ooh, a date?" Mina asked wanting to tease her classmate.

"Uh, y-yeah it is actually" Midoryia said with a nervous smile.

"What, Midoribro has a date? Congrats man" Kirishima congratulated him with a thumbs up.

'Congrats indeed" Kirishima said with a thumbs up and Midoryia great him a smile.

"I should probably head out. I really don't want to make her wait." I waved goodbye to my classmates as I made my way over to the class 1B dorms.

I peaked my head into the door since it was already open only to see it dark inside. I felt a crawling feeling on my back. I looked back to see a hand on my shoulder. This caused me to freak out and fall with a slight scream.

This got a good reaction from the class as Izuku screamed while falling from Tokage's antics.

"What took you so long greenie?" I looked up to see Tokage smirking at me. She was also in casual wear. She was wearing a green turtle neck sweater with black leggings.

"I-im sorry about that" He apologized as she helped him up. "Uh, you look beautiful, Tokage"

"Thanks greenie. But Setsuna is alright."

"You sure?" He asked with her just nodding. "Well, uh, Izuku is alright too then"

"What, you don't like greenie?" She pouted.

"I-i don't mind it" He said waving hid hands

"I'm just messing with you, Izuku." She smiled at me showing her sharp teeth. They reminded me of Kirishimas teeth. "Now let's go see some dinosaurs." She yelled as she ran towards the entrance to UA. Izuku just smiled as he chased after her.

"When it comes to dinosaurs, you don't get in her way" Kendo shuddered at the thought of being in her way.

"Its the same when Midoryia finds a new quirk." Uraraka said.

"The dinosaur nerd and the Quirk nerd on a date. Not a bad combo" Kirishima shrugged.

The two had boarded a train to get there. The walk there was mostly Tokage making fun of Izuku. The ride on the train, they sat in comfortable silence. The two of them sat right next to each other.

Their hands were next to each other, nearly touching. Tokage took a note of this and moved her hand ontop of Izuku's hand only to see him go all red, making her laugh.

"Never held a girls hand before?" She teased him for him to only shale his head no. So she leaned up to his ear and whisper "I can be your first" she teased again making him even more red.

"Thats a girl" Midnight yelled proudly as she stood up. This got her a spray of water from Aizawa.

"Down women, down" He said spraying her again.

Tokage just laughed at the boy as he got all flustered. He just joined in on the laughter after he was able to recompose himself.

It was there stop, so they got off the train and headed for the museum. Tokage was about to pay for herself to get in, but before she could pay, Izuku already paid for the both of them.

"What a gentlemen" Tokage smirked. Izuku just smiled as the two entered. The new dinosaur exhibit was packed. It was the first day afterall.

The two went on to look all around the exhibit for almost an hour. Tokage bought Izuku a Skull hat. As he was busy looking at a skeleton, Tokage quickly snapped a picture.


They look so cute" Mina and Hagakure squeeled.

While looking around the exhibit, the started to hold each other's hand without even knowing it. Tokage went on to point out nearly every fact she knew about Dinosaurs.

This may have been boring for most people. But he really enjoyed hearing her talk about them even if he had no idea what she was talking about. There was passion behind her words. He could see it in her eyes. Everytime she found out something knew, there was a glimmer in her eyes.

"Is there an exhibit you'd like to visit greenie?" Tokage asked bringing Izuku back to reality.

"Space" is all he said.

"So you're a space nerd aswell eh?" She teased as they made there way over to the space exhibit.

"Yeah, gues I am" He smiled.

"I guess we shouldbt be surprised. I mean when we went to the beach, when it turned dark he could point out almost all the constellations" Sero commented.

Space was another one of Izuku escapes. The only reason why he got into space was because people looked down on his Quirk notes. So he wanted to explore something else that people considered normal

Just like Tokage, Izuku pointed out everything he knew as they walked past everything. She honestly had no idea what he was talking about. Definitely space stuff. But she didn't mind it. She found it cute.

"Hey, you getting hungry?" Izuku asked.

"I guess I could get a bite" she said with a shrug

"I know a great Cafe nearbye. Their sandwiches are amazing" Izuku grabbed her hand again as they exited the Museum  and made their way down to the Cafe he was talking about.

The two took their seats and were immediately given menus. They told the waiter what they wanted to drink and he left.

The two got to properly know each each other better. Izuku learned about how she was bullied for her Quirk and she hated at a young age. But she grew to like it and because of her Quirk, she also began to take an interest in dinosaurs. It was her escape from reality.

She learned about how Izuku was a late bloomer and he always had a quirk, but he just wasn't strong enough to handle it, so it stayed dormant until he was ready and that caused him to be bullied when he was younger.

The two got their food and thanked waiter. Tokage also found out Izuku was a regular here. Turns out that most of the food here was really healthy and low in calories and all that jazz as she would put it. But he was right. The food was absolutely amazing.

"This is the longest I've seen him talk to a girl without a stutter" uraraka said.

It's true, Midoryia would always stutter when he talked to a cute girl. Growing up he had no friends at all. So he didn't know how to talk to girls. He even asked all might how to and let's just say he's exactly like Izuku.

Midoryia was about to pay for their food, but Tokage stopped him.

"Let me pay this time, greenie" Tokage said, using her Quirk to split her hand to stop Midoryia from paying.

"You sure?" He asked.

"You paid for me to get in. So I'm paying for your food" she said taking the money out and he just nodded.

The two thanked for the food and went on there way.

"Since you showed me something, it's my turn to show you something." Tokage said grabbing Izuku's hand before he could say anything. She dragged him down the street. It felt like forever. But the finally arrived.

It was a beach. It was Dagobah Municipal Beach. There was not single trash in sight. Tokage leaned against the railing that split the concrete from the sand. Her green hair flowed with the wind. She looked even more beautiful.

Izuku joined her at her side, leaning against the railing. Seeing the beach made him proud. This was his first accomplishments and firs step to become a hero.

"When I was a kid, this was my favorite place to be. My family would come here all the time. Then it was suddenly filled with trash. It was honestly really depressing. This was my safe space before it was a trash dump. I would sit under the gazebo for hours just lost in my thoughts. When I heard it was cleaned, I wanted to thank the person who cleaned it so much" Tokage went on about the beach, showing off her smile. Midoryia wanted to tell her that he was the one to clean it. So that's what he did.

"Yeah, it was one hell of a job to clean. It took me almost ten months" Midoryia said with a smile.

"Yeah it proba- YOU WHAT?!"

"YOU WHAT?!" Most people yelled. All Might couldn't help but smile at his successor. Training Midoryia has been one of the best moments of his life.

All Midoryia could do was let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, to train my body ready for UA, I cleaned up the beach. And let me tell you, it was pure hell" Midoryia said as Tokage just stared at him shocked. "Uh, Tokage?" Tokage came back to reality.

"But how, there was trucks, fridge, air conditioner units, and other huge crap. How did you move it?" She asked.

"I had help from my mentor with the trucks and stuff. He knew a guy who could get rid of them. This was my first step to becoming a hero. But knowing that I'd your favorite place, it makes it feel greater to see it all cleaned up." Midoryia smiled into the distance.

Tokage literally only wanted to do one thing and she said fuck it. She put put he hands on Midoryia's cheeks and planted her lips on his.

Midoryia was in extreme shock. This was definitely not the reaction he was expecting. Not wanting to ruin the moment, he melted into the kiss.

A few moments later, they pulled away and tokage only had one thing to say

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, Setsuna"

The screen soon faded to black.

"Now that's what I call a date" Tokage said with a smirk. "But I didn't know you were a space nerd, greenie"

"The more you know" Midoryia smiled. Maybe I can take you to the museum when we get back.

This confidence utterly shocked almost everyone. Did he just asked Tokage on an actual date in front of everyone? 

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