12. Her Last Gift

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I cried a bit making this. So enjoy

Sword Art Online

It's been two years since we all got trapped in this hell. People slowly are starting not wanting to go back to their homes.

"Wait, so where are they exactly" Sero asked.

"OH, they're trapped in a video game called Sword Art Online."

This peeked the interest of all the gamers among the people.

I took my sword. To many this would've needed a two handed skill to use. But my one handed was almost max, so I was able to use that.

I only used one sword. I refused to use a shield in my other hand. People may think it's stupid. But what they don't know is that I have a secret skill.

"Now that's a man right there" Mirko smirked

"Switch" a girl with orangish brown hair yelled.

"On it" I yelled as I ran straight for the monster. All I have to do is injure its legs. I got in close as I could while dodging attack it threw at me. When I got close, I slid under it and slash one of his legs. "Switch"

"Nice one" a boy with black hair said as he ran full force at the monster with his sword. He rammed into it with all his Might. The health bar of the enemy slowly depleted until it hit zero, causing the monster to turn into a bunch of pixels.

"Good team work guys" the girl said as she put he rapier away.

"When does that never work?" The boy with black hair asked sarcastically. I just laughed as I sheathed my sword.

"Cmon, we should tell them we cleared the floor." I said walking towards the big door that lead into the dungeon.

"This would've been easier if we had other parties" the girl complained.

"If we did, then only your name would be on the wall" I said

"I literally don't understand a single thing" Jiro complained.

"Well in most games if you defeat a boss with multiple party's, only the party leaders will be rewarded." Kaminari explained.

"But if only one party beats the boss, the whole team gets reward. So the three of them did it by themselves as one party meaning they get the reward." Kirishima added.

The door opened to reveal an entire army. The moment they saw the three of them walk out, they were full of shock.

"Excuse me" The girl said as she made her way to the now active teleporter. When the three of them stepped on it, they were transported to a town center. "Come on you two"

The boy with black hair ran after the girl as I just smiled at them. While they were ahead, I quickly removed myself from the party without them realizing it.

I quickly caught up to them. They were looking at a wall full of names. Under the number 57 were our names

"We did it guys" the girl said as I ruffled my hand in the boys hair.

"He's literally just a dad" Mina said getting others to agree

"You going to join us at the cabin with the others?" The boy asked.

"Sorry guys. But this is where we parts ways" I apologized

"Again? You always do this. After a boss fight, you go missing for a month or two" the girl complained.

"Sorry, but I have business to do. I'll see you guys later, ok?" I said leaving the two before they could say anything.

I took the teleporter to floor 27. I would avoid this floor as much as I can. But today was an exception.

"I wonder why that is, kero" Tsu asked.

I made my way to an inn full of other players. Hearing that if you die here, you die in real life, some players took up the jobs of basic jobs like inn keepers.

"Thats one intense video game" Kirishima commented.

"In this universe, a man by the name of Akihiko Kayaba use a vr system to trap players into a video game. If they die in the game or if someone takes the head set of, it sends microwaves to their brains, killing them"

This sent shudders down their spine.

"Well look who it is. The boss clearer" a women with blue hair said as she cleaned a glass cup "heard you cleared another floor."

"Yeah, we did. I'd like a room please" I said setting a coing down.

"That time again?" She said losing her smile. I just looked down at the counter.

"Yeah" she slid the coin back to me.

"Its all yours" I took the coin.

"Thanks, Nejire. Next time don't use your name as your username" I said joking as she tossed a plate at me. I laughed as I made my way yo the stairs dodging the plate.

The interaction between Izuku and Nejire just made everyone laugh.

"He is right. You shouldn't use your real name for your avatars" Kaminari commented.

"Ok lightning_God69" sero laughed.

I opened the door to see two beds with a desk in the corner.

"Ooh, two beds huh. Who's the lucky girl?" Minight smirked.

I went straight over to the desk and accessed the menu with my right hand. As I scrolled through my inventory, I notice something in the window.

It was snowing. This made me smile as a tear escaped my eye.

Everyone saw that the man also had a tear in his eye. This could only mean one thing.

I finally found what I was looking for. As I clicked on it, a cube spawned on the table. I clicked the button, making it start to float.

"Merry Christmas, Izuku. By the time you get this, I'm guessing I'll be dead. How can I explain it. Did you know, to tell you the truth, I didn't want to leave the starting town to begin with. But if i kept feeling like that, I'll probably end up dead. And I can't blame anyone for that. It'll be my own fault. Since that night, you were always encouraging me. You continued to tell me each night that I wouldn't die. If I get killed by a monster, I'm guessing you're going to start blaming yourself. That's why I decided to record this message. Actually, unlike the others I'm aware how strong you are. I accidentally saw it a while ago. I started to think really hard about why you wouldn't tell us your level and why you were and why you would join low level people. But I never did really understand why. But still, after I learned your true strength, I guess you could say I guess I was sort of relieved. So then, even I die, you keep living OK. Live on to see the end of this world and why it was created and the reason why someone as weak and frail as as myself ended up here. Also, the reason you and I met one another. That's what I want you to do. There's still plenty of time left. We'll since it's Christmas, I'll sing a song."

The box started to hum a song. It was Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I couldnt help myself anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks, falling onto the desk. As the song finished, it started again.

"Well it's time, Izuku. I'm really glad I was able to Meet you and be with you... I thank you. Goodbye, Love"

The cube, shut off, falling to the desk.


Everyone now understood why the man had a tear earlier. What they just listened to made them all tear up. Including Bakugou. He had a soft spot for romance novels and manga. Despite this being about the damn nerd, it still made a tear escaped his eye.

Finding out she was the one to make the speech, Mina was tearing up the most. So was Izuku. Midoryia cared a lot about all his classmates. But hearing something like this just hurt.

"Mina..." I turned it on again, listening to the whole thing again. When she hummed the song, I joined in this time. Once it turned off, it despawned. "Wait! No!" I went to grab it as it despawned.

I went to check my inventory to only see it wasn't there. Tears continued to go down my face. That's the last time I'll ever hear her voice.

"Why do we have to check it out? We're supposed to be on the front lines. Not police duty" the boy with black hair complained.

"If you keep complaining, you'll have to find a different chef" the girl teased him as he started to freak out.

This definitely brought the mood back a little a few people laughed at the boys reaction.

The two couple walked with their hands together, showing off their rings.

"Awe, they look so cute together" Hagakure said with the girls agreeing.

"But where's Midori?" Mina asked.

"Well I don't see anything. Time to go back" The boy said turning around. But the girl just grabbed him before he could go anywhere.

"Do you hear that?" She asked as she tried to focus. There was faint yelling, so she decided to run.

"I just wanted to have a nice date night" the boy said running after her.

The mood was definitely up as most the people were laughing.

The two slowly approached. The yelling with their hands on their hilts incase it was a monster. There was monsters, but it wasnt them making the noise.

It was someone slaughtering the monsters. Most likely for XP. The person looked too familiar to them. When he finished the last one, they approached him.

"Hey man, what happened here?" The boy asked sarcastically as I fell to the ground.

"Rough day?" The girl asked. I just nodded. "Nejire told us what happened." The girl said as she said down next to my head and ran her hand through my hair. "I'm really sorry about what happend"

"Its ok" I said as the boy sat down next to us.

"Yknow were here for you man" the boy said with a small smile.

"We both are" the girl kept brushing my hair.

"Thanks Kirito. Thanks Asuna"

The screen started to fade again.

"Thats it?"

"I want more"

"Hold your horses yall. We can watch more later. Or we could do it now. But we'll miss out on a special event."

This caught everyones attention. Izuku also wanted to see more about this universe. But he too wanted to know what the special event was.

"The special event is.."

(I'll definitely be doing a second part later)

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