The last day of break

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I can't believe this is the 50th chapter! Yay! 

I still only own Olivia, the random Ravenclaws, Jason, Callie, plot, and the rest belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Hermione POV

I woke up at around eight, but noticed I couldn't get up.

Draco had his arm wrapped around my waist not letting me move.

I just laid there for like five minutes, until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Draco," I complained, "Move, I have to get up, I'm hungry."

"Nah, I'm good," he said tightening his grip, and burring his head in my hair.

"Please," I begged.

"Why should I?" he asked.

"Because your wife told you so," I stated with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah, but since I'm your husband, and I'm telling you to stay," Draco said thoughtfully.

"Now that's a stupid reason, but seriously, LET ME GO, now," I warned him.

"Fine," he said loosening his grip.

"Finally," I said getting up. I stretched, and then went to go get dressed for the day.

I picked out high waisted jeans, and a red and gold jumper.

I'm going Gryffindor today.

I smiled to myself, and walked into the common room.

Luna and Olivia were talking about Care of Magical Creatures.

I sat on the other couch and we waited for Pansy and Ginny.

Once we were all there we walked down to the Great Hall for Breakfast.

I was eating some waffles along with Pansy, while Luna and Ginny ate pancakes, and Olivia ate cereal.

We were all complaining about class starting back up tomorrow. 

Eventually the boys joined us, and soon the owls swept in.

Once Olivia read who her's was from she groaned and muttered, "Justin."

Harry groaned along with Olivia.

Draco said, "Umm... Olivia my-our dad sent us a letter. Something about how his trial is soon."

"How hasn't he had his trial yet?" I asked.

"My mom, her telling You-Know-Who Harry was dead seriously saved my family," Draco said shrugging.

"Oh, can you tell her thanks for that by the way," Harry asked.

"Yeah sure," Draco said.

"When was/is your trial?" Olivia asked.

"Oh months ago," Draco answered staring at his food, "I got declared innocent since You-Know-Who used blackmail on me, and I did not tell my family Harry, was Harry back in the manor."

We all nodded and went back to our food.

Soon we had finished up, and went back to the common room.

"I know we've played a lot of get-to-know-you games lately, but let's just say our biggest secrets, few people know," Blaise asked.

"Why?" I asked questionably.

"No reason," Blaise said sitting down.

"Why not," Draco agreed sitting on the carpet.

"Sure," we all said sitting down.

"I'll go first," Harry suggested, "'Mione and Ron already know this, but I have a godson who was orphaned during the war, so I'm an official guardian of Teddy Remus Lupin."

"WHAT!" Olivia yelled.

"Oh, I didn't mention that," Harry said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No, you didn't," Olivia said in a voice that sounded like a low growl.

"Sorry," Harry muttered quietly.

"Uh... Olivia your turn," Draco intervened preventing an argument.

We all glanced at him gratefully. 

"Umm... well," Olivia began, "I'm well the heir of all Four Hogwarts Founders. Meaning I'm the heir of Hogwarts. And I have special gifts from each, like I'm a Parselmouth, I can make hats talk/sing, a strangely good tutor, and very good in the kitchen." 

She said that very fast, but we absorbed all the information and started at her in shock.

Harry was the first to recover from his shock and said, "So, I'm not allowed to not tell you I have a godson, but you're allowed to not tell me you are related to all the founders?"

"Yeah," Olivia said.

Harry scoffed, and walked away.

Olivia followed him, and then they walked into their dorm, for an argument, no doubt. 

Even with the door closed we could hear their voices.

We all sat in silence and listened.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry yelled.

"Because, well," Olivia began, "I remember how people looked at you when they found out you could speak Parselmouth, and you're Harry Potter, 'the Boy Who Lived', a hero and I'm just some random girl, I was fully convinced I would be shunned from everyone. Only my family knows, that's it!"

"Why do you think we'd do that to you!?" Harry asked.

"I don't know! But my mom, my uncles, my aunts, and my grandparents, have all told me to tell know one!" Olivia yelled angerly, "And I've always trusted those people to make the best choices for me, so I just said nothing. I'm sorry!" Olivia finished breaking out into hysterical tears.

And rather they stopped talking or they started talking in softer tones, because we couldn't hear anything except Olivia's sobs.

I then stated, "Guys, we are eavesdropping on their personal conversation."

"Oh, yeah..." Draco trailed off backing away from the door.

We then sat back down on the couches.

Soon Harry walked out of the room, and sat down on one of the armchairs.

We waited for Olivia, and after a few minutes Pansy asked, "Harry, is Olivia coming?"

"No," he answered, "She said she had to do something."

We dropped it, and just kind of sat in silence.

After a while, Olivia came bolting into the common room with her phone in hand, and grabbed Luna's wrist, and dragged her towards the portrait.

"What's going on?" Luna asked.

"It's the first Sunday of the month, we have the Ravenclaw meeting," Olivia said in some kind of code.

"Oh...yeah," Luna said.

"What meeting?" Ron asked.

"Of course none of you would know," Olivia said, "Let's just say... the two less important houses do have special traditions, and aren't boring," she finished with an eye roll.

"We never said that-" Ron began, but was cut off by Luna.

"We have a handstand competition," Luna stated simply.

"So basically a challenge to see if anyone can beat Luna since she's the best handstander in Ravenclaw history," Olivia said opening the portrait.

Then the two girls disappeared through the portrait.

Neville then said after a few moments of silence, "At least she left her room."

We all laughed, and then told more of our 'biggest' secrets.

After a few hours, we left the common room to go to lunch.

When we got there, we noticed all the Ravenclaws huddled in the middle of their table.

Two familiar blondes in the middle.

They were all laughing, and looking at a small object on the table.

Occasionally someone would pat Luna on the back, as a compliment?

Eventually we were just so confused we walked up to the Ravenclaw group and I asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh, we're re-watching Luna crush her record," some random Ravenclaw informed us, I think they were at Olivia's wedding, "her record went from forty-three minutes and twenty-seven seconds to One hour, thirty-four minutes and eleven seconds. She already had the record by fifteen minutes, now she's beaten her's by more than double!"

"It's insane at this point!" another Ravenclaw added, I think he was at Luna's wedding.

"Can we watch the video?" I asked.

"Sure, we just finished it so you can watch it," Olivia said handing over her phone.

~The video~

It started with a bunch of people tucking their shirts into their pants, and the girls putting their hair into buns.

I could tell they were using a charmed mat, I'm assuming to prevent them from using magic to hold themselves up.

Soon a timer was started and everyone was in the handstand position.

We watched people drop off until it was only Olivia, Luna, Jason, and two other Ravencalws, but soon everyone was out except Luna who was still going.

People started cheering. 

One person said, "Keep going Looney Lovegood." I think I recognized them from Cho's squad.

But then I heard Olivia yell, "Don't call her that, she isn't mad she's just unique, which is something you're not, so I guess you're just jealous of her. And if you were nice enough to be invited to her wedding you would now know she's is Luna Longbottom." Olivia sassed him.

"Oooooooooooooooooh," the Ravenclaws taunted, "You just got burned, bud."

Olivia was smirking, and then people continued cheering on Luna.

Soon enough Luna did like a backwards bridge to get out of the handstand, and collapsed onto the mat

"You did great Lu!" Olivia cheered running up to Luna.

We then heard Luna mutter, "Liv I can't move my arms."

"They're probably just sore, but we can go get a strengthening potion if necessary," Olivia suggested.

"Kay," Luna said, still out of breath.

"But I can assure you, your record will stay for a while."

Luna laughed weakly.

The video then cut to Luna standing in front of a plaque that had Luna's face on it, and her name 'Luna Longbottom nee Lovegood' and underneath her name it said Longest handstand 1:34:11.

~End of video~

We were all impressed.

Well that's is pretty much the Last Day of Break.


1386 words not counting A/Ns. The only reason I put in a fight was to keep the book more realistic, I mean all couples, even if they're couple goals, will have fights it is natural.


But this is one of your last chances to comment.


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