Quidditch, House Pride, and the Wronksi Feint

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114 votes! I didn't think I'd get 1, let along a hundred+, I'm in shock, thank you!

Only own Olivia, Adam, John and plot, the rest to J.K. Rowling.

Draco POV

We've been backs to school for a few weeks now, and now it's time for the next 'teamed' Quidditch match.

Meaning Gryffindor and Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

The Hufflepuff/Slytherin team desperately need redemption from last match.

I got in the shower, and was ready before Hermione was even up! Must've stayed up too late studying.

I decided to wake her up.

"'Mione," I said softly, I kissed her forehead, and continued shaking her.

"What?" She groaned.

"Wake up," I told her.


"Because there is a Quidditch game today, and you're gonna go to support me," I said smugly.

"No, way," Hermione said turning her head, "I am not supporting Slytherin. Since I'm a Gryffindor."

"Meanie," I say sticking my tongue out at her.

She rolled her eyes, and sat up.

"Alright I'm gonna go grab Blaise," I say walking out of the room.

I knocked on the door that had 'Zabini's' on it.

About twenty seconds later Ginny opened the door in a Gryffindor Jumper.

She then asked, "What?"

"Is Blaise ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, why?" 

"Because we need to eat early, so we can practice this time. The Hufflepuff/Slytherin team barely practices," I answered.

"Okay, that's kind of stupid, you should practice more, but whatever, good for us," Ginny stated, "BLAISE! DRACO WANTS YOU!"

"Coming Gin, and you don't need to yell ya know?" Blaise said appearing, and mockingly cleaning out his ears, to show his 'pain.'

Ginny shoved him out the door, with an eye roll, and went into the bathroom.

"Women," I stated.

"I heard that!" Hermione said touching my shoulder.

I turned around, and cowered under her glare.

She was wearing a dark colored coat, with a Gryffindor scarf, and a Gryffindor beanie.

She was obviously trying to make a point.

She smirked at me, before walking over to a couch and sitting on it.

Blaise and I then walked through the portrait hole, and through the endless corridors to the Great Hall.

We saw a bunch of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs huddled at the end of the Hufflepuff table.

We joined them, and waited until everyone else on the team was there, we ate and planned our strategies.  

Once we were done with Breakfast we all hurried to our dorms to grab our Quidditch supplies.

As soon as Blaise and I got back to the Common Room, I noticed Neville, Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Olivia walking towards the portrait.

Olivia was putting on Blue Earrings.

(A/N it is not real, it's plastic, she isn't dumb. Well the picture might be real, but for the story they're fake, kay.)

"Hey Liv," I asked, "Why are you wearing earrings? What if they fall off?"

"Well first they're fake, and whenever I wear them my team tends to win, so they're the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw team's good luck charm," Olivia stated, "And I thought you didn't talk to your 'competition' on the day of a match."

"Oh, right," I said awkwardly, walking to my room to get my equipment.

~Time Skip to the Game~ (A/N Same organization as last game.)

Our captain the Hufflepuff I learned his name was Adam, and Olivia walked to the middle of the pitch and shook hands.

Then Madame Hooch blew her Whistle, and we all launched into the air.

I instinctively went as high as possible,

But by the time I was up there I noticed Harry already diving for the Snitch, which seemed impossible. 

The announcer then questioned, "Has Potter already spotted the Snitch?"

I then dove down looking for it, along with the other seeker on my team, I couldn't see it. But what confused me was why hadn't the Ravenclaw seeker dived.

Harry was still diving, and suddenly he pulled up, and both me and the Hufflepuff hit the ground. 

I had intense pain in my arm, and I couldn't move it, and the other kid seemed to have a twisted ankle.

The the announcer said, "And it appears Potter has used the Wronksi Feint, he performed spectacularly, now both the Hufflepuff and Slytherin seeker, can not play. Since this move, does not result in a foul, the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw team has a major advantage. Oh and Hufflepuff/Slytherin captain Adam declares a time out, and maybe get Madame Pomphrey (A/N spelling)."

Everyone stops playing, and all the other players come and huddle around us.

Me and the Hufflepuff, John, are taken to the Hospital Wing.

The team leaves to resume play, I don't know why though there is no chance we'll win.

Soon Madame Pomphrey says I have a broken arm, and gives me a potion to take. 

I take it and she says I can't finish the game, since if I break it again, she won't be able to magically fix it, so I'm stuck.

But, she does let me have visitors again, but only one person could wait.

Soon Hermione comes into the room, and sits next to me on the bed, she holds the hand, that doesn't have the broken arm.

"How'd do you feel?" Hermione asks me.

"Okay, but I feel better that you're here now," I say smiling.

"Who would have thought that Draco Lucius Malfoy was cheesy," Hermione said kissing my cheek.

I noticed Hermione had taken off her coat, scarf, and beanie.

"I still can't believe Harry did this, again," Hermione said shocked.

"Again?" I asked.

"Yeah, he did it a few years back, it's funny that my first Boyfriend did it, and my last received it," Hermione said beginning to laugh.

"Wait, when did you and Potter date?" I asked in shock, and referred to him as Potter by accident.

"What? I never dated Harry," Hermione stated in shock.

"But you just said you're first Boyfriend did it, and Harry just did," I said in confusion.

"I did, but you know who my date to the Yule Ball was, right?"


"Well it was Viktor Krum, and he's famous for pulling the Wronksi Feint," Hermione said with an eye roll.

"Ohhhhhh," I said.

After a while the team came in to the Hospital Wing, looking depressed.

"Lost?" I asked not overly surprised.

"Yup, by a landslide, they have such good plans, and strategies," Adam informed us, while flopping down onto another hospital cot, sadly.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, until someone came into the room.

It was Olivia.

"What are you doing here, Ravenclaw?" Adam asked.

"Checking in on my brother," Olivia said obviously annoyed, "We totally crushed you though. We had a very detailed plan, we've been planning for weeks, unlike your 'the morning of' plan."

"Yeah, you must've cheated," Goyle stated.

"Well we didn't but again like last time, we took advantage of when you were all distracted, so while you were watching the Wronksi Feint we were scoring, we were just going in and out of the poles, it was honestly a lot of fun to watch. Since Madame Hooch saw us score, it was counted, so here's a tip, START PAYING ATTENTION!" Olivia gave us a lecture, and then added calmly to me, "And how do you feel brother?"

And that was some Quidditch, House Pride, and the Wronksi Feint. The Wronksi Feint is the death of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin team, but we'll be ready next time, I swear.


1144 words not counting A/Ns. Yes a filler, but umm we're gonna learn about the reason for Olivia's hair dye, and just some drama next chapter.

Seriously Olivia's sass is gonna kill me.

Okayy...comment this story is hopefully gonna be over by the time my school starts, just so ya know, that is a little more than a week, so I might update more each day, or, I don't know, but it's almost over, so if ya want an adventure it'll be a sequel, kay, yeah.


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