Olivia's secrets revealed.

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Okay seriously I only own Olivia, Callie, Jason, Olivia's family, and plot, the rest to J.K. Rowling.

Olivia POV

I had just came back from the Robert's (Jason and Callie's) wedding.

I walked through the portrait muttering, "Golden Frog."

I walked into the dorm and I saw no one in there.

'What are they doing?' I wondered to myself.

I shrugged, and walked into my room, and saw something shocking.

I scanned my room in silence as I watched nine people raid my room.

All of my dorm mates.

When I finally could speak again, I cleared my throat and yelled, "What the heck are you doing?"

Once they heard my voice all their head snapped in my direction.

"Uh-uh- we... um," Harry stuttered guilty.

But then Hermione stood up and glared at me, at me! And she's the one that was invading my privacy! 

Hermione then yelled, "And what are you doing, what have you hid?"

Draco then added, "There is a diary, that has tear stained pages, so please give us the key, so we know why there are tear drops on them."

"No, you don't need to know," I answered, masking my fear.

"No we do," Luna snapped, "Truth or dare?"

"What?" I asked skeptically.

"You know what," Luna snapped again, "I know you'll never refuse a Truth or Dare," Luna added smirking.

"Fine," I answered scoffing, "Dare."

"I dare you..." Luna began, "to give us the key to your diary."

"I hate you," I said walking over to my sock drawer, and fished a sock out of the bottom of the drawer. I then pulled out a small, metal key.

"Here," I said throwing it at them.

I walked into my bathroom, and locked the door, so I wouldn't see their reactions.

After two hours of only hearing Hermione reading my diary aloud, I just heard silence, and a few sobs, and sniffles.

I was sitting against the bathroom door, crying.

Eventually I heard four knocks, Harry.

"What?" I asked, wiping my tears.

"Olivia we need to talk," he whispered softly.

(A/N it's gonna get a bit dark and sad for a bit, but I gotta make Harry and Olivia more similar.)

I unlocked the door, and stood up.

Almost everyone had red faces, they had been crying.

Harry instantly wrapped his arms around me, and I leaned my head onto his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Luna said while being comforted by Neville.

"It's fine, only five people did," I answered sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at the diary.

"Who?" Hermione asked, wrapping an arm around me.

"Me, him, my step-brother, who did try to stop it, and my mom, a lot later," I answered.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Pansy asked.

"Because he threatened to hurt her if I told her," I answered.

"Wait you said five?" Blaise stated suddenly.

"My uncle, Austin, after I would go to him, he recommended I write a diary, so if this ever got to court there was evidence, he understood how it had to be a secret though," I said.

"So, how'd you get rid of him?" Pansy asked.

"During the summer after my fourth year, I told my mom, I figured, wait I'm a witch, he's a muggle, I can take him, then they got a divorce, and the next thing I knew I was in Muggle court, stating my case. One of the best days of my life, was when the jury declared him guilty, and then my step-brother, well he died, he might've been the one thing that monster loved, even if he didn't love him, but he got sick, died naturally, just sick, nothing could be done," I finished smiling slightly at the memory of Lenny, best younger step-brother ever.

"I'm sorry," Draco said hugging me.

"It's fine, the only thing I have now is the scars, physical and emotional, remember in fifth year, Luna, how almost every other weekend I would disappear for a few hours, yeah that was therapy, but it got better, and now I'm almost fully recovered, mentally anyway."

"Well that's good," Luna said smiling.

"Yeah, but can we just forget about this conversation, this is one of those things I only talk about with my therapist," I stated.

"Yeah sure," Harry said.

"Can we like, clean up my room, y'all attacked it," I questioned.

"Oh yeah, sure," Hermione said grabbing her wand.

"No," I said grabbing Hermione's wand.

"What?" She asked confused.

"You're gonna clean it the muggle way," I said with a smirk, "and one of you can give me a foot massage. I've worn heels way to much for way to long over the past two weeks."

"Ugh," they all wined.

"Hey, y'all brought this upon yourselves."

"Evil, pure evil," Pansy stated.

"Who's giving her a foot massage?" Luna asked.

"Blaise," Pansy and Draco said pointing at him faster than you could say 'hippogriff.'

"What? He has a gift," Draco said throwing his hands in the air.

"Ugh," Blaise said rolling his eyes, as he rolled up his sleeves, and got on his knees, as I leaned against the head board, pulling out my phone, and taking my heels off.

I started watching a movie.

It was slightly hilarious, to watch them clean like maids and servants.

They might've learned my greatest secrets, but I still got them to clean my room.

I smirked.

Well that's how my, Olivia's secrets were revealed, because of a bunch of stalkers.

I should probably call Aurors, but I'm too lazy, oh well, they're save, for now.


828 words, not counting A/Ns. Does anyone get the number reference 828, as in the T.V. show?  

So, if you didn't get it, basically Olivia got abused, that is the darkest this book will get, I promise, well maybe if I make a sequel for the quest if y'all want it, (If ya want it, comment it.), it might get worse, but I don't to blood and torture well, so I ain't giving gory details.


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