I only own Jason, Callie, Olivia and plot, I don't own the game, and J.K. Rowling owns everything else.
Olivia POV
Yesterday was the Malfoy wedding, and now Hermione was my half-sister-in-law, I finally have a sister, YES!
And now it's a new year, January first.
Everyone slept in until like ten, since we stayed up until three this morning.
But, I woke up at seven, so I got dressed, and got breakfast for everyone.
Soon enough, everyone walked out of their rooms dressed.
And dug into the food I brought right away.
I just rolled my eyes, and once they were done I said, "Your Welcome!"
"Oh, sorry, thanks," everyone said in sync, well I think that's what Ron said, he had so much food in his mouth it sounded like, 'Uh, sorby, vanks.'
I rolled my eyes again and reprimanded, "Hasn't your mother ever taught you not to speak with your mouthful, or at least cover your mouth, you're disgusting!"
"That's what we're always saying!" All the other girls, minus Luna agreed.
"But seriously my Uncle's dog, has better manners than you," I said with disgust, "At least Buddy doesn't bark with food in his mouth."
"Leave me alone," Ron wined.
Once Ron finished Hermione asked, "Any ideas of what to do, I'm assuming you already did your homework for the break?"
Shockingly, everyone nodded.
"Olivia," Draco asked me, "You tend to come up with the best ideas, any suggestions?"
"Yeah, I do," I said smirking.
"Uh oh," Blaise said, "That smirk is never a good thing."
"Oh don't worry Blaisiey, dear," I said my smirk growing, "How about Two Truths and a Lie?"
"Yeah," Harry agree from his spot next to me.
"What's Two Truths and whatever?" Pansy asked with Ron, Ginny, Blaise, Draco, Luna and Neville nodding in agreement. (A/N Harry and Hermione would know because they went to Muggle school.)
"It's a muggle game," Hermione answered, "Basically one person says three statements two are true about themselves and one's a lie, and everyone else have to guess the lie. It's a get-to-know-you kind of game, and basically everyone's a team, but the person with the statements, and you can give different guesses than everyone else, if you want."
"I'll play," Neville said with everyone agreeing.
"Alright, Hermione first," I stated.
"Why me," Hermione asked.
"Because you explained the game," I stated.
"But you suggested-, you know what whatever," Hermione said giving up with an eye roll, "1. I've cheated on homework. 2. I was scared of Harry for sometime. 3. I once broke someone else's wand, on purpose."
"1. Hermione Granger would never cheat, plus no one's smarter than her, so if she cheated, she'd probably get the answer wrong," Pansy stated crossing her arms, and nodding proudly, while Draco, Neville, Luna, Ginny and Ron agreed.
Harry said, "3, you did break my wand, but I believe it was accidental, and for 1 there is probably a loophole."
I then said, "I agree there are loopholes in 1, but I believe you might've broken a Death Eaters wand, or something, but you wouldn't be friends with Harry if you were scared of him, so 2," Blaise agreed with me.
"Okay 1 was... True, I did Harry and Ron's homework all the time, which would mean I cheated for someone else. 2 is True, I was scared Harry wouldn't want to be my friend, anymore, and the fact that he had a dream of attacking Mr. Weasley as a snake, is terrifying. 3 is a lie I broke Harry's wand, on accident," Hermione said.
"Yeah! I won, I'm right, you are all are all wrong," Harry cheered.
I rolled my eyes.
"Olivia your turn," Hermione said.
"Kay," I answered collecting my thoughts, "Umm... 1. I hated my ex-step-dad. 2. I had a brother, not counting Draco. 3. I don't like Luke Bryan's music."
"2. You've never mentioned a brother, and neither has your mother," Harry said quickly, an everyone nodded.
I waited for anyone else to say something, but when no one did, I cleared my throat, and said, "Y'all are all wrong, I had a step-brother, before my step-dad and mom's divorce, and 3 is the lie, since Play It Again, Roller Coaster, etc. (A/N I don't own.) are all amazing."
They all stared at me with their mouth's open.
"Close your mouth's or you'll catch flies," I stated smirking.
That pulled them out of their trance.
"How have you never mentioned you had a brother in all the time I've known you?" Harry asked looking slightly hurt.
"Never thought it really mattered, but you guys still don't know anything about me, you've barely touched the surface. Luna knows maybe like fifty percent about me, but not nearly everything. I don't like to talk about anything that had to do with my ex-step-dad, he- he was just horrible," I said, shaking at the memories, of that m-monster.
Harry wrapped an arm around me, and I leaned into him, but no one brought it back up, sensing it was a sore subject.
"Uh... anyway, Luna your turn," Hermione stated.
"Alright," Luna said in her dreamy voice, "1. I can hold a hand stand for at least forty minutes. 2. I caused the Cho-Olivia rivalry to begin. 3. I hate being the Quibbler advertiser. Oh, and Olivia you know the answer, so you can't answer."
"C'mon, Lu," I wined.
"Nope," Luna responded casually.
"Meanie," I said sticking my tongue out at her.
"Umm... 1 has to be the lie, that's gotta be immpossible," Draco stated, everyone nodded.
"Wrong," I answered for Luna, "I'm gonna show you how well I know Luna. 1. Is true, most Ravenclaws have the ability to hold handstands for unusually long periods of time, why? We don't know, we just all practice them, a lot, ever since someone made it a record in the Ravenclaw record book. (A/N I thought it'd be funny, since we know barely anything about Ravenclaws.) 2. Is true, Cho was yelling at Luna and calling her a crazy freak, so I told her to stop, and then we became enemies. 3. is wrong, because Luna would rather write for the Quibbler, than just hand out copies. Am I correct Luna?"
"Yep," Luna answered.
"That's freaky," Neville started, while everyone else nodded.
"I know Luna very well," I answered smirking again.
Luna sighed.
We continued playing until twelve-thirty when Ron asked, "Anyone else hungry?"
"Of course you would ask that," I said rolling my eyes, "But, yeah, I could eat."
Everyone agreed, and we stood up.
"Great game idea, Olive," Pansy said walking next to me.
"Thanks," I said smiling at her comment.
We got to our table, and we sat next next to our partners.
But before I knew it Jason ran over to me dragging Callie with him.
He got to be and whisper-yelled, "We're getting married!"
"I know, but since Callie is in sixth year you're waiting until next year, right?" I asked confused.
"We were, but we wanna get married now," Jason said smiling.
"What!" I practically yelled.
"You heard me," Jason stated.
"Okay, so like in the week, or right now, right now?" I asked.
"Now. Like, we're going to Hogsmeade, Apparating to the Ministry, and getting married. We're inviting our close family, we want your mother to come, and we want you to marry us," Callie said.
"What do they mean 'Marry them?'" Hermione asked in confusion.
"I can technically marry people," I answered.
"Really?" Harry asked me.
"Like I said you people don't know much about me, but basically my Uncle Marci some how got me permission to marry people. Basically if he can't make it to a wedding, I'll marry the people," I answered shortly.
"Will you come?" Callie asked hopefully, "You're our best friend, we need you there, and this would mean everything to us."
"Okay, let me owl my mom, and get dressed, give me like an hour-ish," I told them.
"Alright, thank you, thank you, thank you," Callie said hugging me tightly, "You are the best friend ever!"
"I've never been more great full, for Olivia Clair Taylor," Jason said hugging me two.
"Actually I'm Olivia Clair Potter nee Taylor now."
That caused them to laugh.
I waved to everyone as I ran to my dorm to write my mom a letter.
And that was the morning that we played Two Truths and a Lie.
1280 words not counting A/Ns. Kind of a filler, but it is introducing future problems, we are learning about Olivia's past, be ready.
P.S. To those Percy Jackson fans, my friend yourpalstyx finally published the first chapter of A pirate's life for me, check it out, I recommend it.
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