10:with Samuel

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[The next day]

Samuel:Miss, I'm gonna go out for a bit.
Step mum:Whatever, I don't really care.
Samuel:Okay, if you say so.
Step mum:Don't tell anyone I hurt you!
Samuel:y-yes miss, I won't.

[Later in the day, the police come to the house]

Police:Hey kid, are you Samuel?
Samuel:y-yes, that's my name,Why are you asking.
Police:Your mum died earlier today, so we need to take you to the police station.
Samuel:If you say so Mr police.

[They get to the police station, then the police rings kai]

Kai:Hello, who is this?
Police:I'm a police and I have a boy who is your sibling.
Kai:I don't remember that I have another sibling. Are you sure you're not mistaking me for someone else?
Police:No, I'm not as his full name is Samuel starin.
Kai:Okay, I'll get one of my drivers to pick him up.
Police:Okay, if you say so.

[The police ends the call]

Samuel:Who was that, sir?
Police:your older brother.
Samuel:Do I have a twin?

Police:Yes, you do, and it also happened to your sister, but it was your mum taking her.
Samuel:That sounds cool.
Police:I see the car, so you should go to the car.
Samuel:If you say so Mr police.

[Samuel goes in the car]

Driver:Well, hello, younger Mr.,starin.
Samuel:Please don't call me that as it makes me uncomfortable, but just call me Samuel or Sam.
Driver:You're just like Sophia. You are as she said it as well to me.
Samuel:Does that mean she's my twin?
Driver:Yeah, she's six the same age as you.
Samuel:How come I was in another house then?
Driver:Your siblings didn't know about you until the police rang your brother.
Samuel:Oh, if you say so, but you seem cool.
Driver:I'm glad to hear that you are comfortable around me.
Samuel:Well, I trust some people, and it'd be hard to gain my trust.
Driver:I'll keep that in mind.

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