11:reunion between twins

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[The car parks in front of the house, and samuel goes out the car]

Kai:uhm, hi Samuel, it's nice to meet you
Samuel:It's nice to meet you two, but who are you?
Kai:I'm kai, your older brother and guardian of you and sophia, which is your twin.
Samuel:Can we go in now?
Kai:Sure, we can go in the house now.

[They go in, and they go in the living room]

Elijah:Who is that boy kai?
Luca:That's Samuel, isn't it?
Kai:Wait, how did you know his name?
Thomas:asked isaac for something, so don't worry about it.
Ezra:Wait, we have another brother, and it's sophia's twin?!
Luca:Well, that means we have two pairs of twins in the house right now.
Theo:mhm it is, but Sophia should be down in a minute or so.

Elijah:Wait, what is she doing?
Thomas:trying to find her teddy from the last time me and theo checked.

[Sophia comes downstairs]

Theo:Finally, you found your teddy.
Sophia:Didn't I say I couldn't find Mr. Snuggles, but who is he?
Kai:uhm, soph, that's your twin brother.
Samuel:uhm, hi Sophia...
Theo:I don't remember mum giving birth to twins.

[Sophia goes to Samuel and hugs him, and he hugs back]

Ezra:Why do you two have to look cute together.
Kai:Samuel, did you get hurt by your stepmother?
Samuel:Yes, I did, How did you know?
Luca:Because sophia's stepfather hurt her.
Sophia:it's true, so I kinda have the fame life as you.
Kai:But you two are safe now, so don't worry about it.

[Sophia goes to Thomas and cuddles him]

Samuel:Could I have a hug to?
Thomas:sure bud come here so I can hug you.
Luca:they are just so precious in this world.
Kai:If you really say so, luca but elijah and ezra have to be nice to them.
Elijah:Fine, I will be nice to them, but they aren't allowed to leave again like how mum took Sophia and how Samuel got kidnapped.
Thomas:they won't unless something bad happens.
Kai:Also, Sophia and samuel, you are gonna see your cousins on Saturday.
Theo:Please say mel's boyfriend isn't coming.
Luca:Wait, she has a boyfriend?
Thomas:Oh, that's maybe why I got a call from one of them.
Sophia:Okay then, if you say so.
Samuel:Okay, I understand.

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