9:Theo's pov

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[I just woke up and saw sophia asleep on me]

Theo's mind:she is so adorable while she is sleeping, but I better get up, but I would need to be careful not to wake up sophia as she definitely needs to sleep.

[Theo carefully put sophia off and took her to her room, then leaves to his room]

Theo:For once, I'm bored, but what should I exactly do right now as I would think they are busy.

[Theo suddenly gets a text from amelia]

Amelia:Hey Theo, you know when you're my favourite cousin, right?
Theo:Mel, what exactly did you do?
Amelia:first of don't call me Mel as you know I hate that nickname and I kind of made my brothers mad becouse I was with my boyfriend and we kissed now they are gonna kill him so text my brothers and help me.
Theo:Mel, you are definitely alone as im not helping you because of your boyfriend, and it's between you guys, not me.
Amelia:Fine, but you're lucky, I like you as your calmer than the rest of our family, even Thomas, too.
Theo:Don't compare me to him as I like tech and gaming more, but he is more of a fighter type.
Amelia:Whatever you say theo but I gotta go, so see ya when I see yo

[Theo looks up and sees luca in front of the door]

Theo:You need something, luca?
Luca:Yes, I do need something. Do you remember the Russian mafia?
Theo:Yes, I know them as they are enemy,
Why are you asking?
Luca:I want to know there plans's I feel like they are up to something, and it might lead to Sophia.

Theo:Fine, I'll hack into their cameras.
Luca:Thanks theo,Your suck a great help.

[Theo hacks into the cameras and sees their plans]

Theo:That can't be right as they shouldn't have any cameras there.
Luca:What's wrong, theo?
Theo:they do have plans for her, and they are already doing something.
Luca:we will be fine, so don't worry.
Theo:If you really say so luca.

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