The Aether Parts Of Space

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This was proposed by Aristotle in his five elements.

First is earth, water, fire, air, and finally quintessence. Quintessence was perceived by Aristotle as what made up the stars.

When the theory of elements failed quintessence was converted to a different form. The first conversion, as the ether, to prove the speed of light was truly constant. As it's the final conversion, it was used as a hypothetical form of dark energy.

Quintessence is truly confusing with its many forms.

He went back down and reached the discussion room. He stumbled through the chairs and managed to reach the couch. So many people gathered in the discussion room and he knew the reason why. These sightings were released into circulation and the discovery spread like a disease. It spread to famous media outlets and now they were reporting on the incident.

Many complained about the objects as obstructions as they were blocking the sightings of trans-Neptunian objects. Some called these objects airplanes or satellites.

A friend walked into the discussion room. He had met this man at a lecture by the Lucasian Professors of Mathematics at Cambridge.

"Here you are! Here are the papers for the dates when the dark masses will be seen at their best light. ", His friend then fell backward, collapsed onto the couch, and dozed off.

It was over-midnight and the sky was lurid and garishly dotted with stars. It seemed like an evening of excitement and fun. Sure but after a whole day of studying the images repetitively the stress from studying so rigorously could make you explode.

There was a fast pitter-patter of feet and various clicks and snaps as people's bags were packed up and put into news vans or cars. Time passed and everyone left the discussion room. Eventually, the discussion room was void of sound.

It was like this for the whole night. The silence was deafening. Chirp! The table shook with every cricket noise. The wind thrashed the building and the inside shook. The grass swayed in the wind and brushed against the sturdy bricks of the observatory.

Boom! the observatory shook and the sound echoed infinitely inside the observatory. The director of Hubble had arrived at the observatory. He brewed some coffee and began to go up the stairs.

More people arrived at the observatory and a line for coffee formed. The man arrived at the observatory and he went inside the building. He could smell the fresh coffee that was being brewed and went into the line for coffee.

The man then began to walk toward the observatory's stairs. It would be several flights of stairs before he would be near the main observatory. The staircase spiraled upward into ad infinitum there was spiral after spiral. His steps resonated into the bronze stairs. Step. Step. Step.

The first step, then the second, and then the third. Slowly after a few hundred steps, he arrived at the top of the observatory. He grabbed the railings of the stairs and pulled himself up. He sat on the bench and wiped his forehead of sweat that had formed during the climb up the stairs.

The observatory was littered with people. People filled up armchairs and read in the extensive library. Chairs with people were scattered throughout the main observatory. Some people walked up the dome's stairs and studied books in the dome.

"So that's the exact position of the recent sighting", said the director of the main observatory.

The director was walking throughout the observatory. He took this time to look at everyone's work and comment on it. He looked at the man and smiled then the director continued walking.

The director thanked him and walked away. He continued on with his work and continued with his theory. Then he checked if the theory fit in with nature. If he had made any mistakes, he would mark it with his pencil and fix it later.

A week ago there had been a sighting at Hawaii's observatory of a small asteroid that was seen glimmering past Jupiter. The observatory had been tracking the path of the asteroid and they were nearing the origin of the object.

The telescope angled itself slowly. The dials turned and the telescope's view focused on the path of the asteroid. He wiped the lenses and then the man looked through the telescope. He could see many dark ellipses scattered in front of the telescope.

There was a lit-up object that stood out. He studied it closely and wrote a description of it on a notepad.

It was like a shell that surrounded the masses. He gazed at the shell again and continued to write a description of it in his notebook. The shell looked like a walnut with its crinkly brown skin and strange shape. It surrounded the tall dark masses and surrounded the several planets that were caught in the orbit of the shell.

The man rushed off the hollow inside of the dome and onto the main room of the top of the observatory.

"Hey, hey!", shouted the man toward the director.

The director looked at the man and made a quizzical face.

"What is it?"

"Come take a look at this!"

He rushed over to the telescope and showed it to the director. The director looked through the telescope's lenses.

"What is this?"

"Don't know, let me grab a camera."

The man rushed down the stairs of the dome and into the main observatory where he grabbed a camera and shuffled his way up the stairs.

"Thanks.", exclaimed the director.

He positioned the camera into the telescope and took a picture.

"Wow.", said the man.

"I'll send the photos to everyone, and thanks! for sharing this discovery to me.", thanked the director.

"Ok.", he said.

The stairs flew past him. Quickly, he arrived at his destination. He was about to grab a cup of water when he noticed something. There was a small discussion going on in a table next to him. He headed over to their table. They were talking about something.

"What do you mean?", said the first person

"I mean it's so similar to an ap-", said the second person who was just about to finish his reply.

"Hi, there!", said the man to them. He walked toward them.

"Oh hey! We were just talking about the sightings", said the second person who had just finished his food. They were perplexed and curious about the sightings. Everyone was confused about the clumps of matters. The news had penetrated scientific communities and it had exploded as a hot topic.

"Surely it would've affected something by now? Or Be affected?", interrupted the first person who looked at the man.

The man sat there and thought.

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