Strangely nothing had affected the group of objects. It wasn't leaving much debris behind either, but it had been collecting more and more space debris. It was however queer how the object was not affected at large.
But maybe it was because the objects didn't have sulfur or the usual elements found in large objects similar to this. Instead, the object had the composition of amygdalin which was composed of cyanide and sugar. The amygdalin was inside the inner layer. The outside layer had a hard shell-like outside which was composed of carbon and fiber.
There also seemed to be gases that had amassed from a long-distance farther from the shell and the large bodies of mass that are contained inside the shell. The gases seemed to be very dense and fog like. Such gases that have that opaqueness and high density don't usually form in space. But the whole shape and structure of how these shells, thick fog, and vast gargantuan objects were forming were perplexing.
"Hey did anyone see a meteor that's going to strike-"
"what were you thinking about?", concerning the first person. Who was concerned about why the man had paused.
"Oh, yes sorry... Well, the object did affect something, and no the object does not seem to be largely affected."
"You know surely we've gotten the documentation on the size of these objects?", announced the second person.
The man pulled the papers he had gotten earlier and gave it to the second person who took it gratefully and read it.
"Oh that's pretty interesting-", said the second person.
The first person peered over the second's shoulder. He looked at what the second had just read.
"This! This! This is how large these dark masses are?", cried the first person who had been looking over the second person shoulder to take a peek at the reports that had been given.
"Oh yes! That is! the exact size.", exclaimed the man. They all were fascinated by the size of the object. The two people at the table continued to talk and discuss. He walked away from the table and then walked into the library.
During his available time, he had made a hypothetical theory based on Amorgin's proposed equations. It depended on the continuous creation and removal of matter. His theory fully explained the formation of the objects and how the trail of debris forms.
But there were still many bugs and issues. He reread his theory, his finger tracing the line of text. He wrote down the points of his theory that were central to explaining it. Then he got some papers out of his briefcase.
The theory would have to be rigorously checked.
The man wrote out and examined Amorgins equations. He was currently testing if Amorgins equations predicted the dark objects' masses. According to his testing Amorgins equations had predicted how the objects formed. He continued to test if the equation predicted the dark objects' masses.
Vans drove up and parked on the observatory below the hill. These were vans from the Pauli space telescope. The telescope itself had been built very recently and had a much farther range than Hubble and most telescopes. It uses quantum mechanics at it's finest abilities using quantum mechanics for the supercomputer and A.I upscaling technology to discern small stars as fine 4k images. Its range is limited to a massive distance but otherwise limited.
They had come from a German residence far away and had gotten data with an anomaly a day ago that they needed urgently to be analyzed and studied by other people.
The anomaly in the data had been noticed by George Bjinkel who had noticed, as he was passing through the daily images, that Pauli space telescope had taken a strange photograph.
Strangely it had taken up most of Pauli space telescopes' existing file storage. This strange anomaly was because of how large and expansive the photo itself was, the upscaling required to make it in the best quality, and how much colors were introduced into the image itself forcing the photograph to convert to a different color base system in order to encrypt the image in Pauli's storage system.
The van's occupants ran out and went up the long flight of stairs. After a couple of minutes, the man saw them emerge from the last flight of stairs required to finish the long stretch up the observatory. They were red-faced and tired. Then they came up to a bench and sat down for a moment.
After a moment they ran up to the director who looked shocked at their appearance and the data they carried. Which they showed to the director himself who seemed to look perplexed.
The director passed the data to his assistant who rushed to a copier to print out copies of the data and make them available to everyone. After a limited amount of time, the assistant rushed out and passed out these copies to everyone.
Eventually, there were more images that seemed to be just a large planar rounded surface. It had a reddish color. Strangely though it seemed that the shape (according to the data) surrounded the max X distance of which the telescope could see through. It seemed at the end of the telescope itself there had been a massive obstruction the massive obstruction itself was thick and exceptionally larger than the dark masses that were seen beforehand.
Strangely though it seemed to surround a percentage of known and seen space. The data was still coming through and eventually, they would know the composition of the material the exact size, and how it was formed.
The object itself was quite large.
"Did you see the images?", queried a colleague who had walked over and was also baffled by the statistics.
"Yeah", casually replied the man.
"So, what are you working on?", peering the colleague over the man's shoulder.
"Oh, I'm working with a friend to figure out the formation of the dark masses, or UF-209.", replied the man.
"That's a pretty big project to deal with.", the colleague scratched his head.
"Oh, we've already found out how they form.", the man pulled out Amorgins papers.
"See, this equation fitted the formation of UF-209. So I tested it with various empirical data."
"OK, that make's sense.", nodded the colleague.
"Yes, but it does require that the universe continuously creates and destroys matter.", the man pointed down to a diagram.
"What?", the colleague was confused.
"Continuously creates and destroys matter? How much?", said the colleague.
"About a pound.", replied the man.
"What?", said the colleague.
"Distributed across the universe, a pound is taken and destroyed. Then a pound is created.", the man pointed down to the diagram.
"Ok, ok I understand. So are you trying to fix it?", the colleague asked.
"Oh, yes. I tried to fix it the best I could! But in the end, the data fit so well with the theory that I-"
A noise had caught the man's attention and he spurred away from the conversation.
The sound drove him back toward earth and he crashed toward it with a bang.
"I accepted the theory as is."
"Affiliates! People!", yelled the director of Hubble who ran down the stairs carved into the domes. Catching his breath only once and leaning his hand on the railing. Then rushed down the stairs.
"We !. . . have Amorgins Gernley in our observatory you can take time to ask him questions about his theory!", announced the director. Suddenly ears pricked and some people stood up. Some people ran up the stairs with stats in their hands. Quickly there was a swarm of people surrounding the stairs.
A line then formed for either a talk or a question for Amorgins Gernley. Chances of meeting the physicist who wrote a paper this suddenly was small and there was a small chance that they would have a chance to ask him questions and inquiry him on how he came up with such developments and ideologies on his theory. The colleague ran into the line.
The director then headed toward him.
"Say, Just fact-checking but how many sightings were there?", the director had been looking at him for a while when he had been discussing.
He looked for the proof. Sifting through the piles of papers that were on his table he spotted the proof."Oh, about a couple hundred sightings"
His friend came into the room. The director walked away and went up to his office.
"Oh, hey!", waved the man at his friend.
"Hello! What's your name?"
"Nothing", the man pointed to Amorgins Paper.
"So these were the papers I was talking to you earlier about."
During lunch, he had talked to his friend about Amorgin's paper but had forgotten it at his worktable. Now that he had it
"Uh, huh!", his friend exclaimed
"Yeah, it's pretty interesting. I'll show you everything I learned from the paper. Alright?"
His friend nodded and he showed him everything he had learned from the paper. From the rate of expansion to why UF-209 had appeared.
"Yeah, and that's why UF-209 is larger than all the nearby gases that happen to surround it."
"Oh, I'm just comparing the nearby gas pile to UF-209"
"So, did you insert the proof in?"
"Yes, I tested it rigorously with data provided by the internet", the man replied.
"Oh. So what do you plan to do with it?"
"Well, I plan to prove it and write a paper on it."
"Oh. I'm going to leave now.", his friend said.
"Wait! wait. Take these papers with you."
The man held out the papers that he had made copies of earlier. His friend took them and left the main room of the observatory.
He relaxed in his chair and slumped back.
This was the time when you studied and enjoyed the afternoon. He relaxed for a bit and took some time to look at the pile of papers that was sitting on the director's desk. It held the recent sightings of the objects. He went over and looked at the recent images taken last night and overseas.
"Hey! Hey!", shouted his friend who had come in earlier. He ran down the stairs to meet the man. Some people who were in the line looked at him. They were angered at him for taking so much space in the line and for startling them.
The man stood up and walked over to him the speed of his reaction was quick and fast as he answered his friend's calls.
"What?", answered the man. He looked at his friend who had barged in the room so suddenly.
"Its Amorgin he's just proposed an outrageous statement!", shouted his friend. Some people ran out of the room where Amorgin proposed his statement. They were going down to get some data to prove something.
"Let's go!", replied the man. He looked at the door where Amorgin was answering and discussing with fellow people of the physics community.
He was going to go up.
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