Chapter 11 : Chasing Around

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A Friend will comfort you when you'r sad. But a Best Friend will pick up a bat saying,"Someone's gonna get it!"......<3

Chapter 11: Chasing Around

Right now I felt helpless. I had no idea as to what I could do.

I didn't want Aaron to worry at all. Making him worry would make me feel even more bad and guilty for letting the panic attacks control me.

But just one look in those hazy blue eyes told me that he was not going to let me win the argument at any cost.

"I'm waiting for you to elaborate. And don't try to deny anything. It will be easier for both of us," he said, confirming my thoughts.

I let out a huge sigh. I knew how wasn't going to let it go. He was stubborn and I guess that's what made him my best friend.

"I'll tell you," I agreed," I'll tell you all of it but not now."

He tried to say something but I cut him off.

"Please, Aaron. I promise I will."

He hesitated at first, but nodded,"I am going to let the topic go but only for now."

I smiled at him. I opened my mouth to say something when suddenly 'I'm a Barbie Girl' started blaring. The sound seemed to be coming from Candy's pocket.

Whatever! I'm going to call him Candy!

Speaking of the devil, he groaned loudly.

"Let me guess? It's the brainless birdie calling," I said, amused at Candy's expression, who had now started to bang his forehead against the car.

He stopped banging his head and rolled his eyes.

"Are you even gonna pick up?" I asked.

He stuck his tongue out at me and finally accepted the call.

I simply shook my head at him, chuckling.

"Hello?" he spoke through the phone. He listened to Shelly for a minute, rolling his eyes at the stuff she was saying.

"No, I wasn't feeling well, so I took off."

"No, I didn't do it to ditch you."

"I don't care what the rumour says."

"Shelly, for the love of God, you just had to go through the lunch period without me. What's the big deal?"

I could practically hear the brainless-barbie's shrieks from here.

"Whatever. I'm hanging up." Candy said running a hand through his brown hair. Shelly was still shrieking when he ended the call.

The moment he did, I let out a hearty laugh.

"Hardy har-har. Laugh all you want at my misery," Candy scowled.

I laughed all the more.

"Why do you even date her even when you know that she has lost brain cells even more than the stars present in the whole of the universe?" I asked, when my laughter ceased.

"It's all your fault," he accused.

"My fault? How so?" I asked cocking an eyebrow at him.

"I was just trying to follow those idiotic, cliched chick flicks where the popular jock dates the brainless cheerleader and then somehow finds an innocent, sweet girl to fall in love with and they have a happily ever after," he huffed.

And after hearing this, I was rolling on the grass, laughing as I clutched my stomach.

"You-you actually....," I trailed off as I laughed more.

When I sobered up a bit, I looked at Aaron who was scowling at me with a tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"But you do realize that in your life, the popular jock part is alright but Shelly can't dance to save her life, let alone be a cheerleader. Right?"

"What can I do? She was the most popular girl in school. She even beat the head cheerleader, popularity-wise," Candy pouted.

"Speaking of chick-flicks, why didn't you show up on the movie night? You've been doing that quite much," I asked him. This question had been bugging me all through today.

His eyes widened at my question and he looked away," I-I forgot. I had s-some errands to run," he said still avoiding my gaze.

I looked at him suspiciously. he was hiding something.

"Hey, come on. Let's go inside. I'm starving," he changed the subject and quickly got up and rushed inside.

I let the topic go and followed him inside. He went into the kitchen while I went up to my room to clean up. I took a shower, scrubbing myself to remove the sauce. It took me a good forty five minutes to do that. Once I was completely clean, I went towards my cupboard to find something to wear. It took me forever to find something since all I kept finding were my shorts. I didn't wear shorts or any dress after the incident. It made me feel conscious so I changed into my yoga pants and a tank top.

Pulling my wet hair into a bun, I discarded my spoiled clothes. I was about to go downstairs when my phone rang. I picked it up without bothering to see the caller ID.


"Hey Ali!" Sam's voice was said.

"Oh, hey Sam. What's up?"

"I called you to ask if you were okay. I didn't see you for the rest of the day, so I was worried," she asked, concern lacing her voice.

"I'm okay. Thanks for asking," I said, smiling. It felt nice to know that someone cared, beside my parents and Candy, that is.

"Will it be okay if I came to your house right now? I mean I have been dying to talk to you and waiting till four seems to much to control. I mean I might start to babble it out to a random stranger if that happened," she asked. I could hear the sheepish tone in her voice.

I laughed," Sure. Why not?"

"Great. I'll be there in ten," she said, hanging up.

I shook my head at her and went downstairs. I found Aaron sprawled on the couch, flipping through different channels. When he heard me come, he glanced up.

"What took you so long? I was dying here, being deprived of company," he said, letting out a dramatic sigh.

"I was removing the sauce from my body," I replied, plopping down beside him.

"Yeah. I heard the shower. But what were you doing after that?"

"Well, I couldn't find my sweats. All I kept finding were my shorts,"I replied, sitting Indian style to face him.

"You could've worn shorts. I mean even I have never seen you in dresses or shorts since forever. And I am your best friend," he huffed.

"Who said anything about you being my best friend?" I asked him, cocking an eyebrow.

"OUCH! You hit me right here," he said pointing at his chest, where his heart was supposed to be.

"Let me see," I said, removing his hand and keeping my hand over his heart," Nope, still healthy. Next time I'll have to aim better."

"Hey!"he tried to look offended, but failed miserably.

"Lol," I replied.

"Wait, did you just say lol?" With that, he started laughing.

"Okay enough," I said rolling my eyes.

He rolled his eyes at me," Anyways, waiting for you made me hungry again. So I'm gonna go make me a sandwhich," he said getting up.

"Pig," I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that!"

"You were supposed to."

I sat there wondering what to do, when the bell rang. I got up to open the door.

Opening the door, I was received with a sight of Sam who was waving to her mother who had apparently dropped her.

When she turned and saw me, she jumped to give me a bear hug!

GOD! This woman could hug!

"Sam, I. Can't. Breathe." I managed to say as she literally choked me.

"Oh sorry. I guess I got a bit too excited to see you," she replied with a sheepish grin.

I ushered her inside and shut the door. We began proceeding towards the living room when Candy came out of the kitchen. Shirtless.

"Hey muffin, can you keep my t-shirt in the laundry bi-," he trailed off when he saw Sam standing there with her eyes wide.

Even his eyes went wide as he stood the holding out his t-shirt, which had a huge stain on it and his six-pack abs on full display.

"I,uh, um.... Shit?" was all he said.

I looked at him, then at Sam and then back and started laughing like a maniac. This seemed to confuse Candy since his eyebrows scrunched up together as he stared at me, probably thinking that I had gone bonkers.

When I sobered up, I introduced both of them

"Candy, Sam. Sam , Aaron."

Aaron still looked at me confused.

"Don't worry, she knows," I answered his unasked question.


"Yeah, now what the hell did you do with your t-shirt?" I asked.

"Uh- I, by mistake and I do mean by mistake, dropped your favourite chocolate shake on it," he replied.

No, he didn't. Not my favourite shake.

"You what?" I asked again, giving him a chance to deny that he didn't do it.

"Oops?" he uttered and that just confirmed his previous statement.

"Run," was all I said as I charged at him.

I ran after him throughout the house. I chased him up and down but couldn't catch him. So, I made a plan. I chased him upstairs but halfway through the stairs, I came down and hid behind them. After a few minutes, I heard him come down too.

I slowly crept towards the banister and the moment he stepped down the last stair, I jumped on his back, letting out a victory cry.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. You win," Candy said as he balanced me on his back.


"Okay. I get it. Please stop bursting my eardrums," he replied rubbing his ears with one hand while the other kept me in place.

That was when I realized that Sam was watching us. I had totally forgotten about her.

I got off Aaron and went towards her with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry you had to witness that," I said.

"Whats there to be sorry for? That was totally worth watching," she replied," Wow. I never thought that I'd see the most popular guy at school like this, running from a girl."

"Hey, she's not just any girl. She's my best friend and only she can make me run like that," Candy piped in with a cheeky smile.

"Awww," I cooed," but you still owe me the carton."

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Way to ruin a good moment."


(not the rest of the chapters...)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!




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