Thanks to @twin_cousins for the amazing cover. I love it❤️
Only around 3-4 chapter left to go. Maybe less.
Since most of you wanted Candy's POV so here it is... I'll make sure you all enjoy it.
And since many of you were confused with the 'cupcake' slip of Aaron, he was just trying to test it out. Eventually he didn't like it.
Aaron: LIAR! She beat me up with a broomstick for stealing her name!
Okay fine. Go now, it's your POV.
Aaron: *poof*
Candy's POV
"Do it." I spoke into the phone.
"B-But-," Sam stuttered.
"Please? You'll be saving my now non-existing love life," I nearly pleaded.
"But you don't understand! I can't stay away from my phone!" She nearly cried.
I rolled my eyes. "Do it or your secret is out."
There was a pause before she spoke up again. "You're pure evil."
"Sorry but desperate times ask for desperate measures," I replied and quickly tied my shoes.
I was right now doing the same thing as Muffin. Getting ready for my date, that is.
If nearly exploded when I heard that Nick had changed his plans to a day before.
He had ruined all my plans. Plans that included spying on the date and 'accidentally' spoiling it.
But today I already had a date so I needed to see how I could do that.
"Honey, you ready? Lisa will be here any moment," mom said, knocking on the door of my room.
"Why do I have to do this, again?" I asked her with an annoyed expression.
"I know that you want to spend your time with Agen- I mean Allie but it's kind of your fault," she said, shrugging.
I gaped at her. "My fault?!"
"Yep. If you weren't so popular at your school, I don't think she would've taken an interest in you at all."
I rolled my eyes. "I don't think so."
"Then you should've asked Allie out ages ago. Even then you wouldn't have been in this predicament."
I turned red and let out a groan. "Do you have to remind me that every single time?"
She shrugged and nodded.
I looked at her in disbelief. She really won't let me live it down. Ever.
"So how's Lisa like? I haven't even seen her."
"Well, I don't know about her but her mother is Satan's sister," mom said, lowering her tone.
I laughed. My mom didn't like her new boss' wife.
She was like-what my mom loved to call them- Barbie with devil's horns.
Apparently, Lisa, my mom's boss' daughter had heard a lot about me (from whom, I don't know) and had developed a crush on me.
So she managed to use the 'boss' card on my mom, landing me in a situation.
I had to take her on a date which I really wasn't anticipating.
I thought of what Muffin would be doing right now. Was she excited for the date? Did she like Nick?
The name of that fucker brought a sour taste to my mouth.
That bastard knew how I felt about Allie and still had the nerve to ask her out on a date.
I had even confronted him on this.
After I'd gotten to know about the date, I'd pulled him aside by the collar of his shirt and backed him up against the wall for answers.
And what he said made me want to punch him endless. He replied-
"Well, I don't see you making your move on her anytime soon so might as well have her experience better things in life than spending all her time with a pussy like you," he'd smirked.
Never in my entire life I'd wanted to hit someone so badly.
"Aaron? There's someone her to see you," Mom called out.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Who could it be?
I jogged down the stairs, running a hand through my hair, which I had left messy.
I went downstairs and to my utter surprise and shock, I found Muffin's blonde ex-friend waiting outside.
I clenched my jaw as I recalled what she had done to my Muffin. She had topped my hate-list when she put up all the posters around school.
"What do you want, Kelly?" I asked.
She turned around confused before giggling. "It's Kinsy, babe."
And I don't care.
"I'm asking again. What are you doing here?"
She stepped towards me, swaying her hips to the side, trying to be seductive.
I held in the urge to roll my eyes.
She crossed my personal bubble and ran her had down my chest.
I stopped her hand before she could reach my abs. I pried it off of me and stepped aside.
"Aaron, I know you why you did that drama," she said, trying to come into my personal bubble again.
She was wearing nothing but a pair of short shorts and a Cami and I wondered why she wasn't freezing.
The temperature had dropped a few degrees and in that outfit, anyone would be shivering.
"What are you saying? What drama?" I asked, shifting back so that I could get away from her.
"Pretending to be Alyssa's friend. I know you wanted to get rid of Shelley so you grabbed the opportunity that useless bitch offered you on stage. I mean how can a guy like you even look at her. She's pathetic," she said, making a disgusted face and I wanted nothing more than to rip her vocal cords out.
"Don't say another word of you want me to restrain myself from hitting a girl," I gritted out and she didn't seemed fazed.
"It's alright baby, you can drop the act. It's just me. I know you don't even like that coward," she whispered, winking.
She had the nerve to wink.
I clenched my jaw. She was bitching about the wrong person. I could feel the muscles in my jaw tick dangerously.
I repressed the urge to go all hulk on her and decided to tell it to her, her way. With that, I forced a smile on my face and bent down and placed my mouth next to her ear.
I could she her shiver with excitement.
"You're right. I don't like her. I love her. And if you utter one more word against her, I'll make sure you lose all your reputation in school," I whispered and immediately backed off.
Her jaw had dropped as she started to stutter. "I-uh-um."
"And if you think that I'll be even look at you after what you did to my Muffin, you are gravely mistaken," I sent her a cold look and slammed the door on her face.
God! She had the nerve to think that I would fall into her arms after what she's done.
Not after a minute that I'd shut the door, the door bell rang again.
I was about to yell at her again but when I opened the door, I was met by an unfamiliar person.
"Oh Aaron! You look so hot!" A girl with platinum blonde hair with pink streaks in them gushed and threw her arms around me, making me stumble.
I gently pried her arms off of me and stepped back. "Uh, Lisa?"
"Obviously silly. Who else would it be?" She giggles and smacked my arm.
She didn't seem that bad. She was just a bit too girly, a bit too giggly, a bit too high pitched.
She wore a skin-tight sparkly pink dress that reached her mid-thigh. Her hair was left open with the pink highlights standing out. She was wearing sparkly-pink high heels that matched her dress and bracelets.
Even her nail paint was so shiny that it was hurting my eyes with just one look.
I held back my smile as I thought of what Muffin would say in a situation like this.
'It looks like someone puked hippopotamus milk on her and then dunked her in pink glitter'
(Hippo's milk is pink in colour)
"So are you ready to go?"
I was about to reply when I got a text from Sam.
From: Sam
Nick is taking her to the carnival. So now since you know that, I'm not going through with that 'phone plan' of yours. Have fun x.
PS- Don't kill me
Sent at 6:03 PM
I raised my eyebrows at her message.
How did she manage to find that out?
I shrugged. At least I got what I wanted.
"Ready to go?" I asked Lisa and headed out as she let out a squeal.
I was really starting to question her age. And sanity.
"So where are we going? I mean I've heard that there's this new restaurant that serves really good sushi and-"
"Uh- actually Lisa. We aren't going to a restaurant. I mean I really like adventurous girls so I wanted to see how adventurous you are. So, are you adventurous?" I asked, shooting her a wide smile.
She seemed to be at a loss of words before she formed a sentence. "Y-Yeah. Of course. I love a-adventures."
"That's great. We'll have lots of fun at the carnival," I said grinning at her and noticed her forcing a smile too.
"Yay," she muttered not-so enthusiastically and I almost wanted to laugh.
Muffin, here I come.
"Aaron! Come on, let's go over to that booth. I really want you to win that panda for me," Lisa pouted and wrapped her hands around my bicep but I was too busy glaring at the back of Nick's head.
It had been an hour into the date and I was sneakily spying on Allie and the dick.
Honestly speaking, it was getting hard to remove my eyes from Muffin but I had to do it to glare at the dick.
A while ago I'd almost got busted when Muffin turned abruptly and I'd dived behind a popcorn stand immediately.
I didn't know what was happening but after that save, Muffin seemed to be looking for something as she kept glancing behind her
"Who is she?" Lisa startled me and I removed my eyes from Mu-Nick. I was staring at Nick-the dick. Yeah.
"I'm asking you who is the girl you keep staring at?" She asked, giving me a flat look.
"I am not staring at any girl. I just-"
"Oh cut the crap. Here I am wearing a short dress and high heels with my hair properly made and yet you keep looking at the girl who is wearing nothing but a simple pair of ripped jeans and an off-shoulder sweatshirt," she deadpanned.
Damn. She wasn't dumb.
"I-uh," I let out a defeated sigh and spoke,"That girl is my best friend."
I actually expected Lisa to explode and cause a tantrum while saying something about me ditching her but I was utterly surprised when she laughed.
"Oh god. It's so much fun to see guys get whipped. You're so cute," she said and proceeded to pinch my cheeks and I could feel them go warm.
"I-I am not whipped," I stuttered, turning my head away.
"Yeah and I'm Kim Kardashian," she said flatly.
"Wait, your personality just took a 180 degree turn," I spoke and realised that it was true.
She wasn't the same overly-cheery girl with a high-pitched voice.
She rolled her eyes and pulled off the sparkly part of her dress and threw it away.
I watched her with my jaw dropped as she did the same thing with her heels which were now jet black.
"W-What just..."
"Honestly, I never wanted you to like me so I behaved like some Barbie crazed maniac but I guess I won't have to do it anymore," she said and smiled at me genuinely.
"I don't understand. Why did you want to come for a date with me then?" I asked still not getting over what just happened.
Lisa was now in a dark pink dress (with no sparkles) and black heels
"Do you see a guy behind me, wearing a green oversized cost and glasses?" She asked and I looked back to see a guy as she described, holding a newspaper with two holes in it for spying.
I chuckled at his appearance. He was literally standing out in the crowd and everyone was giving him weird looks.
"Yeah. I know he looks weird but that's the guy I love. He is in denial and isn't ready to accept his feelings for me even though he gets jealous even if I talk to another guy at school," she rolled her eyes.
I understood where she was going with it.
"So you decided to come on a date with me to give him a push," I continued and she nodded.
I sighed in relief but sudden laughter captured my attention and when I saw the dick laughing with his arm around my Muffin, I just wanted to explode.
"Now wanna tell your story?"
So I did.
I told her how I lived her and even though the ugly duckling over there knew it, he still went ahead and asked her out. I told her about how much I loved Muffin.
How I loved her laugh and the funny faces she pulled while trying to cheer me up on my bad days. The twinkle in her eyes that brightened up my day when she made fun of me. Her cute little blush that made her resemble a tomato.
And most importantly how I loved that she could light up my day with just a simple curve of her lips.
Lisa aww-ed at it and I could feel the heat in my cheeks.
"So I've got a plan that will get us both what we want. Plus it'll be easier since she already likes you. We just have to make her jealous enough to admit it," she said and I coughed.
"How do you know she likes me?"
"Dude, ever since the moment she saw you she's been looking here and there, trying to spot you. Haven't you seen that she's not even paying attention to that guy whom she's with?"
"Wait-what do you mean ever since she saw me?"
"Remember the dive behind the pop-corn stand? She spotted you and since then she's being oddly clingy to that brown-haired guy," she explained.
"Are you sure about what you're implying?"
"Only one way to find out," she said and pulled me by the arm
She dragged me along while she accidentally bumped into Muffin.
"Oh I'm so sorry," she apologised and turned to me. "Oh sweetheart why do you have to be so clumsy?"
I composed my expression and controlled my laughter and smiled instead.
"Sorry Lisa. My bad," I said and feigned a surprised look when I faced Muffin.
"Alyssa? What are you-oh so your on you date. Of course," I said, feigning innocence.
She raised her eyebrow at Alyssa and I almost wanted to laugh. She was so cute.
Her hair was in a French braid and left open halfway through. She looked beautiful with almost negligible make-up on. I could see the few cute, tiny freckles that had faded away a long time ago, leaving only a light brown hue.
I just wanted to literally confess there and then so that I could take her into my arms.
And boy do I feel whipped?
"Hi. I'm Lisa, Aaron's date," she said, wrapping her arms around my bicep and leaning her head on my shoulder.
It was comical how Allie's eyes nearly bulged out of her sockets at this.
Maybe it was my imagination but I saw burning jealousy through her eyes before she diverted them elsewhere.
Was Lisa right about her liking me?
"Oh just cut the crap," Nick growled, startling everyone.
"How much did he pay you to act as his date?" He asked Lisa who straightened up at his accusation.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, how much did the chicken pay for you to come on this crappy date with him?" He asked, pointing at me.
Before I could punch him for even thinking that I would use a girl like that, Muffin stepped in.
"What are you saying?" She asked.
"Oh nothing just that your best friend is a pathetic little wuss who must've paid a girl to be his fate since he obviously is such a jealous-"
"Stop," Allie interjected but he didn't pay heed to it.
"-and a pathetic loser who thinks that he's better than me while he-"
I balled my fists. The only thing stopping me from hitting him was Allie who was standing in front of him with her eyes on the ground.
"-doesn't even have the guts to tell you how much he is-"
"-in love with you." He finished with a smirk and all I saw was red.
He looked at my expression that was livid and filled with fury and gave me a smug look in return.
"Oooh. Is your little secret out? What are you going to do, cry in a corner?" He taunted with a smirk.
But before I could lunge for his neck and beat him shitless, something happened that made my eyes bulge out and left me utterly completely flabbergasted.
Muffin raised her head that had been looking at the ground and looked at Nick.
"I fucking asked you to STOP," she yelled and punched Nick right in the nose, making it emit a loud crack, telling us that it had just smashed.
My jaw dropped while I was still deciding whether to be more surprised at her saying 'fuck' or her punch.
Nick clutched his nose that had started bleeding pretty badly and fell to his knees in pain.
She then turned her deadly glare towards Lisa who raised her hands in surrender and backed away before I could stop her.
Her glare then directed towards me, almost making me flinch at how deadly it was.
I can't even confess my feeling before my murder.
She stepped forward and quickly landed a slap on my cheek. Before I could comprehend what was happening and even feel the pain of the slap, she pulled me by my shirt towards her.
"Why the hell couldn't you confess earlier?" She scolded and I felt my hand graze the sore part of my cheek.
I flinched when I touched it and he gaze softened.
"W-What?" I stuttered, utterly, completely, fully, absolutely fucking confused as to what was happening.
She pulled down the hand on my cheek and cupped my face instead.
"I didn't like him saying the words I wanted to hear from your mouth," she smiled and it was like I forgot everything around me, including my aching cheek.
She chuckled and I was literally in heaven. "Blame the day-long lecture I got from Sam."
But like a dumb homosapien I was, I said-
She rolled her eyes and pulled my face close to hers and I could only concentrate on how amazing her hands felt on my cheeks.
Tingles sent shivers down my spine as I gazed into her beautiful eyes as they held my gaze.
Our foreheads were in contact with each other and I could feel the whole zoo create a stampede inside my stomach.
"You ass, I love you too," she said before jerking my face forward, and making my lips collide with hers, which I could gladly say- was the best fucking thing I'd ever experienced in my whole damn life.
Hey lovely cookies❤️
So... How was it?
I know you might be a little confused as what happened but everything will clear out in the next chapter which will be in our dear little Muffin's POV.
Anyway, I know I told you that I won't update but I guess I love you all too much.
Two of my exams are over but on a serious note, don't expect an early update of this story now... Just don't expect. It will be better if I give you the unexpected. But yeah. Seriously, don't expect.
But I might update TCBB since I had already written a bit of its next chapter earlier.
Please go check out my other stories too.
I love you all for the support you have given me. So as a return gift for an early update, can this chapter reach 1K votes and 500 comments?
Thank you one and all. I give you all my love from the deep centres of my heart❤️❤️
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