Chapter 4: We Meet Again

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Y/N: "Hello" - Talking

Y/N: 'Hello' - Thoughts

Y/N: Punch - Actions

Y/N: "Hello" - Whisper

A/N: "Hello" - Author Note

Hello - Narration


Orpheus - "Hey everyone, how's it going? It is time for the next chapter so I hope you enjoy it. We are finally getting into the meat of the story so hopefully these chapters get a bit longer. Talk to you all again at the end."


{Y/N's P.O.V}

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for my long term plan here in Kuoh. I knew I needed a cover so I got an application to the high school called Kuoh Academy. Supposedly it was an old all girls school but it suddenly let guys in.

I had applied as a transfer from Europe as a second year high school student. I did it mainly to save money as going to the college would just drain my wallet more and I wasn't planning on staying here long.

I got out of bed to see Morrigan and Lilith on the bed on both sides of me. I managed to get out without waking them and got ready for the day. I showered, changed into my standard outfit, ate breakfast, and then brushed my teeth to avoid tasting toothpaste my toast. I could cook better food but seeing as this was my first day of a human school I wanted to get situated as soon as possible.

Before leaving I wrote a note for the sisters that they could do whatever they wanted as long as I came home to a clean house. I then set off in the direction of the school.

The walk was pleasant and I couldn't help but take in details that I had missed when I was searching earlier. I noticed the way traffic seemed to follow a pattern, the way the wind blew, and the sound of birds. It almost felt like home.

I shook off the memory. After all, the past is something I can only look back on. This came at an opportune time as I had arrived at my destination. It was both beautiful yet underwhelming given the impression I had of it.

It was beautiful as it had plenty of trees and nature and the architecture was well done. It was bland with such an unassuming look and the three stories felt more like an average high school rather than a prestigious private school. One thing was immediately clear however and that was the sheer amount of girls to guys.

I knew that I stood out as my suit and cape with tufts of fur didn't look anything like the uniforms but I couldn't care less as long as my horns stayed hidden. I walked into the main area looking for whomever I am supposed to in order to get my schedule from. I was about to give up when I spotted a girl with a demonic presence.

She had white hair that became curly from the chin to her shoulders, fair skin, and blueish grey eyes. She wore the standard uniform for the girls at this school.

While I might have kept a small eye on her and not much more I thought she was the student council member I was looking for as she had a schedule in her hands. When her eyes settled on me I saw her give a small smile and wave me towards her. I walked right up to her and knew that since I didn't know her my body would go into auto charmer but I needed to try and control the impulses set in place by my father.

Y/N: "Hello, my name is Y/N L/N. I believe you are the person I was meant to meet."

???: "Indeed I am. My name is Momo Hanakai. I am a member of the student council and I will guide you to your class and answer as many questions as I can."

She handed me my schedule and she showed me around the school telling me what each area was used for. As we walked we came to a point where she didn't need to point out anything so I decided to start a conversation.

Y/N: "So I figure you're not the council president but who exactly is?"

Momo: "Well, she is a student by the name of Souna Shitori. She sadly couldn't show you around due to prior arrangements."

I nodded to that even if I was behind her. The name sounded familiar but not right, like a terrible remix of a good song it stuck out enough to notice but not enough to recognize. I stopped thinking about for now as I realized I had more important things to ask.

Y/N: "So what exactly does a beautiful girl like you do for the council?"

Shit, auto charmer took ahold. I saw her glance back and she had a light red on her face meaning the flirt was working or she was embarrassed.

Momo: "W-well I am note taker of sorts. I record things of interest and remember them."

Y/N: "Well you certainly have caught mine."

There it goes again. This time the blush on her face is a lot more noticeable and judging by her small fidgeting she probably has a small crush developing. I remember being told that first impressions and the first week after meeting someone are important factors in wether someone falls in love with another. A part of me wanted to stop talking to her while the other didn't want her to thing I was just playing her.

Before I could embarrass her even more we arrived outside my class. She turned to me and said her farewell.

Momo: "Goodbye Y-Y/N."

Y/N: "Goodbye Momo, I hope we can hang out more and get to know each other better."

She quickly nodded with a blush and walked off. I realized that if she developed a crush that quickly it probably meant the was little to no competition for her which saddened me a little. She seemed like a nice girl so either the guys here are even more perverted than Azazel or they are terrible people. Both options made me want to get closer to her but for now I needed to introduce myself.

I knocked on the door and heard a come in from an older sounding voice. I heard whispering and debate over if the new student would be a cute guy from the female section or a sexy girl from the guy section. This only helped to ensure I never let Morrigan or Lilith enroll with me if the guys sound this horny.

I walked into the classroom and I could see three types of people. There were the girls who looked like they just got a gift from God in the form of an attractive male. The other two were guys who either were upset I wasn't a girl with big tits or that I was stealing their girls with my presence and the guys who were wondering why I was all dressed. The teacher cleared his throat before speaking.

Teacher: "Alright everyone this is our new transfer student. Please treat him with respect and make him feel welcomed. I still need to head down to the printer to pick up today's notes so I will do that while he introduces himself to everyone."

With that the teacher left. I made my way in front of the black board and began to introduce myself.

Y/N: "It is a pleasure to be here. My name is Y/N L/N. I am a transfer from Europe and I hope we get along well."

I flashed a quick smile mainly out of curiosity if my earlier assumption was correct. As expected the girls squealed while some of the guys glared. I could confirm that the the girls likely saw me as a type of high school crush as the alternatives were less appealing. If these crushes become love however would be determined by interaction.

One of the girls at that point raised her hand to ask a question. I pointed at her and she stood up.

Girl: "So Y/N, are you a pervert?"

Y/N: "That is a bit of an odd question to ask but okay. Well I do enjoy a nice personality in a girl and I can focus on more that just a girls body. I won't say some cheesy thing about how beauty is more important than looks as most guys won't talk to a girl if she isn't beautiful, but I can safely say no girl in this room has that problem."

A could hear a fit of giggles from the girls along with some blushes to match. I looked around and saw another hand go up on the left side of the classroom.

I pointed at the guy and now I could see that he is that same guy from the park who was bleeding out. I could tell because you don't forget a magical signature so naturally close to zero.

I could see him more clearly and he had brown hair, brown eyes, and a tanned complexion. He wore a traditional Blazer and pants with a red undershirt. He was unassuming and average yet probably the biggest pervert in the room based on the reactions of girls from him standing up.

He looked at me with a mix of a glare and admiration before telling me his question.

???: "What exactly is your plan here? Why are you seducing all our woman!?!"

I gave him a look that was a cross between pity and slight anger. He reminded me of how my father objectified people as simply items for his control, the reason I don't want to reject someone's love, the reason I was banished in the first place.

Y/N: "Well, I am simply here for the reason you should be here as well. To be told random facts that have to be memorized for some test so that society deems me acceptable. I am not here to seduce the girls here as they have their own will and that will seems to be to dislike you. I simply complimented them."

I could hear giggles coming from girls and a sharp glare from the devil. I simply shot him one back which caused him to sit back down. Before more questions could be asked the door opened and the teacher walked in with papers. He sat me down in an empty seat near the back and I sat down. This was going to hopefully entertain me long enough for the job to get done.

{Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N taking notes and struggling to stay awake}

The class period went by fairly quickly. It was interesting at first but quickly became tedious as the class dragged on. Afterwards we were given a break so I left the class to explore a little.

I already hear gossip about how I was rich or ran from crime but one thing was consistent. I was nicknamed the the white knight due to my hair. I didn't care much but it was a little uncomfortable.

As I walked around I bumped into a girl knocking her down. She had brown hair that came down in two braids, light brown eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore a standard uniform and a light blush on her face.

I saw her still on the ground so I lent her a hand. She accepted it and I helped her up.

Y/N: "I am very sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going. If I had I believe I would have noticed I cute girl such as yourself."

I could see her blush darken and I gave up on fighting my natural response to new women and just hoped she didn't do anything to affect me.

???: "T-thank you and it's okay. I wasn't really looking where I was either."

I could sense a demonic presence from her so I knew she was likely a devil. I realized this must be a type of base for the devils given how many I've seen with these uniforms. I decided that I would probably need to get a little closer to them so I might hear something plus it would be nice to interact with new people.

Y/N: "So, may I get you name?"

???: "Oh, silly me, my name is Reya Kusaka."

Y/N: "Well your name fits you. My name is Y/N L/N."

I gave her a smile which she responded with her own. We walked together for awhile and we learned a bit about each other. She was also a student council member and seemed to be more soft spoken. I dropped in a flirt every now and then partially because it was natural and partially because she was cute with a blush.

We kept chatting for a bit until I ran into a few other members of the student council. I recognize Momo who had a light blush on her face but there were three new faces as well.

The first girl had red hair that was tied up into pigtails along with an ahoge, brown eyes, and a slightly tanned complexion. She wore the standard uniform and a slight blush.

Next To her was a girl with blue shoulder length hair, fair skin, and deep blue eyes. She wore the standard uniform and seemed the most composed.

The last girl had brown hair that was tied into twin ponytails, greenish blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore the standard uniform, had a green clip in her hair, and a blush dusting her cheeks.

I walked up to them along with Reya both to introduce myself and because Reya was looking for them before we bumped into each other.

Y/N: "Hello again Momo. Who are you all?"

Momo smiled at me while the red head stepped forward to introduce herself first.

???: "Well my name is Tomoe Meguri."

The blue haired one stepped forward to introduce herself next.

???: "I am Tsubasa Yura. It is a pleasure."

After her the girl with the ponytails stepped forward.

???: "My name is Ruruko Nimura. So what's your name?"

Y/N: "My name is Y/N L/N. It is a pleasure to meet you lovely girls and I hope we can all get to know each other better."

I gave them a smile which all girls present blushed at. I noticed Reya and Momo having slightly annoyed glances at the other three. I guess they really did start liking me and were probably upset since they knew me longer, even if it was by an hour or two.

We spent the remainder of the period talking and I got to learn a bit more about each. Tsubasa was a little of a tomboy as she liked physical tasks, Tomoe was a little hyper, and Ruruko had a tendency to be violent in a way an old movie gangster would.

We each had fun talking and it was nice getting to know each of them. We each were upset when the bell rung to get to class but we planned on meeting up some other time, hopefully with the rest of the student council. The most important thing to me however was how they each were devils. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was probably a cover so they could meet without drawing attention. It also would give them influence over the school so it was a good move on whomever came up with the disguise's part.

I made my way back to the classroom and sat down in my seat just listening to the chatter as we all waited for the teacher. The biggest topics were guys, girls, and an utter resentment of school. One conversation caught my attention however as two girls talked about kendo. While I have done well in sword fights I knew that I could always improve my technique. I looked around to try and identify where the conversation was coming from but heard someone clear their throat before I could.

I turned to the noise and saw a girl staring at me. She had brown hair in twin braids, green eyes, and a fair complexion. She wore the standard uniform, purple framed glasses, and a confident smile.

???: "So you are Y/N the "white knight" of Kuoh?"

Y/N: "That is what people are calling me. And you are?"

???: "Ah, where are my manners, I am Aika Kiriyuu."

Her smile become perverted however as I watched her continue to stare at me. I was a little worried and it only worsened when she spoke.

Aika: "You're pretty big huh."

I didn't know what exactly what she was talking about but by the tone in her voice I could take a pretty good guess. I started blushing and she giggled. Luckily the teacher came into the classroom before it could get worse for me. Aika started walking back to her desk but stopped to whisper to me before sitting down.

Aika: "Talk to you later cutie~"

With that she sat down and I was left to shiver. The tone was enough to tell me she was a perv and I seem to have caught her eye. The part that made me shiver however was the tone. It reminded me of Akeno. I really did miss her along with the others.

I was given no time to dwell on the past as the teacher started with the lesson. I simply got settled for another long ride of tiresome work.

{Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N rethinking his decision to go to school rather than get a convenience store job}

It was lunch time and I simply wanted a little time to myself. I grabbed my lunch from my bag and headed up the stairs to the roof. I got settled down and opened the box to start eating. I closed my eyes and simply thought about everything that has happened since arriving.

While lost in my thoughts I heard someone walk next to me

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