Y/N: "Hello" - Talking
Y/N: 'Hello' - Thoughts
Y/N: Punch - Actions
Y/N: "Hello" - Whisper
A/N: "Hello" - Author Note
Hello - Narration
Orpheus: Hey everybody! I am back in action and I have a few things to get done. First off thank you for all the support I have gotten as none of this would be possible without all of you. The second relates to how this profile will function. I have a book on my profile page called teaser and I want all of you to read it. It lets me test out an idea, the first three people to comment what the book is get the prologue early, and after the story has been discovered you all can ask for harem members which lets me start working on chapters as soon as possible so everyone wins, Yeah! Lastly I can understand how absorbing some magic kills someone while absorbing other magic leaves someone alive can be confusing so I'll explain it now. Some magic is essential such as the ability to see in the dark, better hearing, sensing and hiding power or presence, and basic healing. These are needed and a demon has only one of them. Other magic is like destruction magic where Rias can make more than one ball of destruction so losing one isn't a big loss. This is also the same principle that makes replica gears possible. Anyway thanks for reading and talk to you at the end.
{Y/N's P.O.V}
Life on the road was interesting. You have no home on the road so you simply follow it until there is no road left to walk. I had no home to go to so I do just that. I traveled, met Gods and Goddesses from many different mythologies, and worked on my magical capacities.
I found that the powers of God gave me pure light magic along with creation magic and a pair of white wings that shimmered in the moonlight like diamonds. I also absorbed so much corrupted light that I had gained wings as black as night itself. I had become part angel and fallen angel.
It was odd at first becoming an enemy that I was bred to hate but I knew I still was me. I had been taking odd jobs to get cash and my sole traveling companions were Morrigan and Lilith. They normally walked next to me down the roads of life but they were tired meaning they were in bat form on my shoulders.
Right now I was heading out to fallen angel territory for one of my odd jobs. As I continued walking I found my destination, an old looking mansion. I didn't even bother to knock and just walked inside as last time I knocked I waited about five hours.
The inside of the Mansion was nicer if dusty. It seemed no one had cleaned in years and with the many rooms and hallways it was easy to get lost. I knew exactly where I was going however and headed there right away as I wanted to get this done.
After a good jog I found myself in the main room of this mansion. It, unlike the rest, was well kept and clean with many tubes and objects protruding from ever which angle. The few things that I did recognize were sacred gears of all shapes, sizes, and uses.
Standing near one of the gears and conducting experiments was the reason I was here. He had a long red coat, grey pants, and way to many belts. He was tanned with brownish eyes, brownish black hair with golden bangs, and a goatee I wish he would shave.
This is Azazel the leader of the fallen angels and self proclaimed collector or as I know him the horny hoarder. My relation to him is an odd one. He helped me master my fallen side and gave me jobs that often went violent yet proclaims how much he wants peace. He is a determined one who loves studying sacred gears and a charismatic person who can get any of his followers to do what he wants. He is also a horn dog who has proclaimed that he has had thousand of harems over the years and that lust was what got him thrown out of heaven. He was kind but I always felt uneasy around him because it felt like he knew more than he let one and that charismatic side reminded me of my father and his manipulations.
I saw that Azazel was hard at work and I knew that if I left him there he might work himself to death. I sadly didn't have the time to waste on playing the how long till he notices something wrong game. Last time I set a fire and he almost missed it. I walked over to him and slapped his head hard to get his attention. He turned around confused before smiling when he saw me.
Azazel: "Y/N, just the hybrid I was looking for. Come sit down, lets have some tea."
Y/N: "Fine just please let's hurry this up, I felt like I was being watched on the way here."
Azazel: "It was probably nothing, come on."
Azazel lead me to a table and we chatted for a bit, him telling me about his research on a twilight healing gear to make a type of regenerative medicine for supernatural beings and I told him of my travels with my familiars. I could tell the two on my shoulder were glaring holes into him as he was a bit of a perv the first time we meet him, another reason they stayed in their bat forms.
Azazel: "As much fun as it is to talk I know that you're here for the job so lets get on with it."
I turned my head to him and started listening, wanting to both know how much I would be paid and the details as I don't want to be caught off guard.
Azazel: "I'll cut straight to the point. Some of my fallen have broken contact and I fear they might be doing something drastic. I have a spy among the group but he has reported that it is going to be hard to get in contact if not in person."
Y/N: "So your telling me to find the spy, get any info I can, confirm in there is a fallen presence, and kill any and all fallen I find breaking orders?"
Azazel: "Yes, but only kill the angels if they are breaking the treaty. We don't need another great war on our hands."
I nodded and stood up getting ready to go. I knew that I might be able to find them on my own if they are in devil territory but it would be harder in angel as corrupted light and normal light have a similar feeling.
Y/N: "So where will I be going?"
Azazel: "You will be going to Kuoh town. And don't worry, I give you the usual payment"
I nodded, walked out of the room, and left the mansion. Kuoh town was a place I wasn't looking forward to going to. It was a touchy subject for all of the members of the three factions. The devil whom had once ruled the area had fallen in love with an exorcist. It was the closest to peace the factions were but some fallen and devils killed them apparently. Another war was almost started and from then on the devils claimed it as their territory but never instilled someone to take over. That meant it was crawling with strays of at species.
To combat this two devil peerages now protect the place but they have their work cut out for them. Didn't bother me though as it meant I could introduce myself to the houses and see if I could steal a ticket to the underworld. I have a drinking buddy there whom I would like to see.
Morrigan: "Hey are you gonna walk to Kuoh? Because that is a bit of a walk."
I just kept walking as the sound of Lilith's breathing filled our ears as she was already asleep. I cracked a smile at that before responding.
Y/N: "Yeah I'll walk. Get some sleep. Besides we don't have to be there right away so it's not like anyone is gonna die."
Morrigan laughed a little before falling asleep on my shoulder. I just kept walking using the moon light as my guide. Even with the prettiness I couldn't shake the feeling that someone is following me.
{Timeskip brought to you by a week of chibi Y/N hiking, getting lost, sleeping with chibi Morrigan and chibi Lilith snuggling up to chibi Y/N, and sleeping with a chibi bear gnawing on chibi Y/N's head}
{Rias' P.O.V}
I had just dismissed the members of my peerage after the update on Issei getting a date with a fallen. I was frustrated as I couldn't touch the fallen without breaking a treaty as long as she didn't try and kill him. I was planning on killing the fallen and asking if he wanted to be a devil but now this just complicated things. I was gonna have Koneko tail the fallen and Issei and kill the fallen if she tried anything. I know that Sona wanted him dead along with all the other girls in the school but I can't just let a life be thrown away.
As I pondered my thoughts Akeno sat down next to me and asked me a question.
Akeno: "Rias I'm curious. I am pretty sure that if we told Issei that he could get a harem him he became a devil then he would join in a heartbeat or if he dies on the date you could make him your servant so why protect him in the first place."
Rias: "I think it is because it would be what he would want."
We both looked down and remembered him. I remember coming home and reading the note and crying to myself. Akeno wasn't any better. When we saw the chess pieces we jumped at using them for some connecting to Y/N. I wanted to know he was okay so badly I used it and became a queen to him. Sona and Seek along with Ravel said they got one as well and had the same reaction as me besides Ravel as she couldn't absorb the piece.
A few weeks passed and I decided to test something out. I had put some magic into the queen piece and it pulsed out. A while later I received one back. I tested it out with Akeno and we found that it was one of the pieces secrets. It worked as a way of contacting a king or other pieces as a sort of head count. When one of us used it we all felt it. It helped calm us as a way of knowing Y/N was still out there somewhere.
As these memories filled my head I felt a pulse from Y/N. I looked up at Akeno and we both smiled at each other.
Rias: "Come on, we have a big day tomorrow."
Akeno and I headed out to our own homes but I couldn't help but worry. My mind didn't worry about any one thing but everything in my life. My only hope was that I got to see Y/N soon. I needed to tell him how I felt for him before it is too late.
{Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Issei practicing corny pickup lines before seeing the time and running out of his home}
{Y/N P.O.V}
It was a Sunday and I had just arrived in town. It was moderately sized and I was looking all over the place to try and find a trace of fallen or the spy. I only had a description but I hoped it would be enough to find him.
I sat on a roof near a park simply board out of my mind. Morrigan and Lilith had used magic to appear in less revealing clothing while looking for a place to stay since it would seem this wasn't as cut and dry as I had thought it would be.
While looking around I saw a white haired girl looking lost. She had fair skin, amber eyes, and shoulder length white hair. She wore a school uniform from the nearby high school, had a cat pin in her hair, and was pretty short.
She had a neutral expression but looked around like she was looking for someone. What caught my attention was the demonic energy given off by her so I knew she was a servant to someone. I looked around until I noticed a girl flying away from the park. She had fallen wings so I guessed she was being followed by the devil and shook her off.
I looked to the floor of the park and saw a boy laying in a pool of his own blood with a hole in his chest. I was almost positive that the fallen had done it but it was also possible that he got caught in the crossfire between a fallen and devil since they were being followed. I needed to confirm this however and she might lead me to my contact so I sprouted by three pairs of wings and followed.
I flew closer to the ground and cloaked myself to avoid detection and followed from a distance. I saw her reach a ruined church at the edge of the town and land answering my question as to how they avoided my detection all day. I landed a like away and walked towards the church.
When I got there I saw plenty of fallen angels talking inside the church but the one I had followed was nowhere to be seen. I gave off no signature naturally as I was born magic-less and was invisible but I knew that I still could be heard. With this many around it would be risky to spy especially with all the stray exorcist I can see piling in from a secret entrance.
I knew I had lost her so I simply headed off to find Morrigan and Lilith. The fallen were here and I could confirm that. Tomorrow I could find the spy but tonight I could relax. Just need to wait for the right moment.
{Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Kiba carrying a passed out chibi Issei until remembering he can use magic to send him home}
Last night was both nice but a bit annoying. Morrigan and Lilith had found a house with a family of corpses riddled with light bullets. My guess is that some stray exorcist had done them in. We altered the memories of the neighbors to make it seem like they had moved out and introduced ourselves as the group moving in next door. After cleaning up the mess inside and giving the family a proper burial we got set up.
My room was the master bedroom with a king size bed, a flat screen TV, and a walk in closet. I put in my cloths and set up a bird cage of sorts for Morrigan and Lilith in case humans came over. Afterwards Morrigan found the thing she was looking for, booze.
She got drunk along with Lilith by spiking the drink she had for dinner. They got wasted and fought to see who could seduce me better before falling asleep leaving me blushing. I carried them to my room and laid them in bed before getting in myself knowing they would pull me in somehow if I didn't.
They were both at home right now nursing their own hangover while I was looking around Kuoh for any signs of fallen. I wanted to find the spy as well as see if there was a time when the church would be empty so I could find something inside. As I flew something caught my eye or more accurately someone.
It was that kid who had a whole in his chest earlier. Somehow he was still alive but he was stumbling around like he was scared of himself. What really surprised me however was the small trace of demonic magic in him. It was a tiny amount just barely more than my own, which is zero, yet it was there. My guess is someone sensed the sacred gear in him and saved him. It felt strong yet it was held back immensely by his own lack of strength.
While it was odd it didn't matter to me what the devils here have done to him just that he is alive. I decided to let him be but as soon as I saw him stubble his way towards the town square this late into the day I saw someone.
He hat a fedora, trench coat, and a demeanor that screamed detective. He was tanned, had shoulder length black hair, and calm black eyes.
This was the description of the man I was to meet. He was the spy and he too was walking towards the town square. A flew over to him and grabbed his shoulder. He turned around but before he could react I pulled him into an alleyway to avoid prying ears.
He had a look that said he was to old for this shit before widening in recognition when I stopped using magic to hide my horns. I pulled my hand away from his mouth and we stared at each other. I was about to speak but he beat me to it.
Dohnaseek: "So your the one Azazel wanted me to meet."
Y/N: "And your the spy. So can you tell me now what you fallen are doing in devil territory?"
Dohnaseek looked around to confirm that we were alone before he started talking.
Dohnaseek: "I don't know the specifics. What I can tell you is that a girl, a nun, who was excommunicated from the church is coming here. The boss lady's name is Raynare. She wants to impress Azazel and thinks that if she takes the nuns sacred gear it will make her powerful."
I thought on the info. If that was true then getting rid of that kid was just a precaution to make sure no one interferes. Probably a warning to the devils to stay out of it. Although it also sounds like the plan wasn't very well thought out or that the guy was a last second thing as it was sloppy and could spark another war.
Y/N: "Thank you for the info, I'll be on the lookout."
Before I could leave Dohnaseek grabbed my arm stopping me from leaving.
Dohnaseek: "Why can't you take care of them now?"
Y/N: "They haven't broken any treaty yet so I can't act on them just yet. Plus we have time before the nun gets here. I just have to find her and convince her to leave and no one gets hurt."
Dohnaseek removed his hand from my shoulder and chuckled to himself a bit.
Dohnaseek: "Guess you are a bit of a softy."
Y/N: "Heh, well I don't want anyone to die a needless death. Besides I don't want those fallen starting another war. For now act natural and give me updates when something comes up."
I handed him a card with my address for him to get in contact and I left. I realized that this is gonna take longer than I had hoped for so I would need some cover to move around the town without seeming suspicions. It then hit me. Tomorrow I would be signing up for school.
{Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Rias upset that Issei seems to be a walking magnet of trouble}
{Rias' P.O.V}
I had just finished healing up Issei's wounds and was getting dressed. He had been attacked by a fallen named Dohnaseek but it was odd. He was a lot less hesitant to give up a kill than most fallen especially one in the state Issei was in.
I was already upset I had to reincarnate him although I can't blame Koneko for being shaken off the trail. That fallen girl had been going all over town so I think she knew we were on to her from the very start.
I had finished changing and looked to the bed where Issei was asleep. I knew that I would need to explain to him soon what he was now or else more incidents like this would follow. I wrote a note that said that all of this was real and that I would send someone to pick him up at school
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