Chapter 4: We Meet Again

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and sit down. I waited for them to talk but didn't hear anything. I opened an eye and saw the person that had sat right next to me. It was a familiar face as it was that white haired girl from earlier. She had sat right next to me and was eating her lunch.

Neither of us had made a move to talk to the other, just to take in the feeling of the other. It was nice, almost as if any spoken words would just ruin the moment. All we needed was the other to be there and we got what we wanted. To be left alone but not unseen.

As we had both finished up our lunches I pulled out a chocolate bar as a sort of dessert. I was going to eat it but noticed the girl staring at it. I decided maybe this would help us open up so I gave the small devil the chocolate. She seemed hesitant to take it but did. I smiled a little as she seemed cute with the sweets even if she had a mostly neutral expression. I heard a small snap and saw her offering half of the bar to me which I accepted.

After finishing the treat she stood up and started walking away. Before she reached the door she stopped and looked back at me.

???: "Koneko."

Y/N: "Huh?"

???: "My name. Koneko Toujou."

Y/N: "Well Koneko, I enjoyed our time up here. I wouldn't mind seeing you up her for lunch some other time."

I smiled a bit and I could see a small smile form on her face with the faintest of blushes. I guess deep down we both just wanted someone to be near.

Koneko: "I would like that."

With that she left, heading down the stairs. I stayed up there a little longer both enjoying the sun and the time with the devil before heading down myself. As I got into the classroom I heard the usual talk but there were less people now then there had been. I used this time to try and find the ones talking about kendo.

After looking around a spotted the two that had been talking about the sport. I made my way over while listening to there conversation. Apparently they were apart of a club and they would be meeting later today. I was excited to try and get in there to practice my technique. I knew that a human was worthless against the speed a supernatural being could get to but the technique to fight was still the same. I would just have to limit my actions to that of a human.

I cleared my throat near the two to get their attention and they both turned around to face me. The two girls giggled a bit when they saw me so I could guess had high school style crushes. One thing of note was like Aika they were human.

The first girl had brown hair tied up with red bows, brown eyes, and fair skin. She wore a standard uniform, a small blush, and a smile.

The second girl had shoulder length pink hair, milk chocolate eyes, and fair skin. She wore the standard uniform and a considerably larger blush than her friend.

Y/N: "Hello, I had happened to hear you two talking about kendo and I was wondering if I could work with you two or the club?"

???: "Wait you do kendo?"

Both of the girls had glimmers of hope in their eyes so I knew I couldn't turn them down now.

Y/N: "I do actually and I would love to work on my technique with you two lovely gals if at all possible."

They both seemed ecstatic. We talked for a while after that and I learned that the brown haired one is Murayama and the pink haired one is Katase. We talked a bit and got to know each other. We made plans for me to come over to the club after school to show off my skill. We sat down after that for the last leg of class afterwards. I just hope I survive long enough to actually make it to the meeting.

{Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N using a hall pass and then taking his sweet time coming back to class}

Class had just finished up and I saw the pervert, who I learned was Issei after he answered that x equals tits in our mathematics class, muttering to himself. It was about how he was expecting someone to have picked him up by now. I simply shrugged it off and made my way outside following the two girls instructions to where the meeting would be.

As I walked out of the class I saw a guy with blond hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. He had a standard uniform like all the other guys here in this school but he had one unique thing. He had a smile that looked like it hurt to keep.

His name was Yuuto Kiba and he was known as the prince of Kuoh. He was intelligent, kind, and a gentleman. He was the type of guy who most girls fantasize being with and guys in a relationship resented due to their partners comparing them to this fantasy male.

I hadn't talked to him but you can't go two feet without some girl talking about how they want him or some guy saying how much they want to kill him. I nodded at him as a way of saying hi to which he responded with a wave.

When I finally made it outside I walked over to the kendo club room and knocked on the door. After a short pause the door opened and I saw all both members I didn't know along with Murayama and Katase. They introduced me to the rest of the girls and after the getting to know you session  we got to what I came here for.

Katase: "So Y/N, do you have something to use or do we need to give you something?"

I realized it would be a good idea to use a sword I might use to remain consistent with the wight.

Y/N: "I do have something so let me get it out of my bag."

I walked into another room and relaxed. I needed to move quickly to not attract attention so I got to work and made one of my favorites since that fateful day. I walked back into the main room carrying a sword of glass that I had dulled as to not injure anyone. Each girl paused look at its beauty.

Y/N: "So, who's first?"

{Issei's P.O.V}

I had heard Rias talk about how I was a devil now along with the rest of the ORC. She went on to explain the system of handing out flyers and how since Koneko had a conflicting contract tonight I would take one. I just failed to go through the summoning circle and I was upset. I was about to leave so I could get on my bike and make it to the contractor's house when something caught my eye.

Issei: "Buchou, what is this?"

Rias walked over to look at what I was pointing at and gave me a sad smile.

Rias: "That is an old picture that I cherish. It was of me and two of my old childhood friends."

I studied the photo a bit because the two people looked familiar. One looked like the student council president while the other was of a kid with black hair and red eyes. He looked familiar but not at the same time. almost like this was someone else.

Issei: "I feel like I've seen the boy before."

Rias tensed at this before grabbing my shoulders. I could see her face and it looked like she has surprised, sadden, but most importantly determined. I looked over to the couch and saw Akeno with a similar look.

Rias: "I am telling you this right now Issei. If you know anything about him, you tell me right now before things get out of hand."

I was nervous by how quickly she got scary. She looked like she would murder me right now and that led to my hesitation which seemed to just make her madder. Koneko and Yuuto got up and looked at the picture to see what got her so worked up and they both seemed as confused as me.

Koneko: "As much as I hate to agree with the pervert that guy does look pretty familiar."

Yuuto: "Agreed, yet this feels more resent."

Issei: "Yeah, almost like the transfer student."

Koneko and Yuuto nodded in agreement which seemed to confuse Rias and Akeno. They frowned again before Rias let go of me.

Rias: "What was his name."

Koneko: "Y/N L/N."

Akeno: "Wait, L/N. Rias wasn't that his mother's last name?"

Rias was looking at Akeno before turning to me.

Rias: "What did he look like and act like?"

Issei: "Um, he was a pretty boy who seemed to go out of it whenever he flirted. He was a pretty boy like Casanova over there but he had white hair and white eyes."

Rias and Akeno's eyes seemed to widen at this. They both looked as if they were holding back tears.

Rias: "Do you know where he is?"

Issei: "Yeah, just follow me."

I started walking over to the kendo club like I've done plenty of times before yet this time it felt different. I had many questions from how Rias and Akeno seemed to know this guy to why they seemed so emotional about him. The biggest question I had however was just who was he.

{Y/N P.O.V}

I was breathing heavily after the workout I just had. I mainly rely on magic so it was a good wake up  call to try and master using weapons. I was able to win all my fights but it was pretty difficult. I bid the club farewell as we had made plans to practice next week. After I walked out of the building I let the blade in my hands evaporate and started walking. I didn't get far before I hear a shout.

???: "Hey wait up!"

I turned around and saw Issei running over to me before almost passing out from his jog. He took a few deep breaths before standing up.

Issei: "I believe there are a few people who would like to talk to you."

Before I could ask who I looked up and saw a few other people, each with the signature of a devil. I saw Koneko, Yuuto, and following them was ... Rias and Akeno.

Rias looked almost identical to when I last saw her. Her long flowing red hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. The only difference was that she looked a little taller and was wearing the school uniform.

Akeno had her black hair a little longer, the same violet eyes, and became a little tanned. She too wore the standard uniform and looked a little taller than last time I saw her.

We stared at each other for a bit not saying a word. Even if nothing was said the air felt heavy with emotion. Those emotions broke free when without warning Rias and Akeno tackled me into the ground, sobbing into my chest. 

I felt a few tears start to escape my own eyes as I embraced them. Koneko and Yuuto seemed to smile at the reunion while Issei seemed more concerned about how the new kid knew too of the students here.

As the sobs started to quiet I could hear them choking out words.

Rias: "I n-never t-thought i w-would s-see y-you a-again."

Akeno: "P-please don't l-leave."

Rias/Akeno: "W-why did you have t-to l-leave?"

I couldn't answer these questions now especially with them in this state so I started rubbing their backs to try and calm them down.

Y/N: "Sh, it's okay. I'm here."

After they had finally calmed down we stood up but they refused to let go of me.

Y/N: "Girls please can you let go. I need to head home. It is starting to get late."

Rias: "No, then you will just leave again."

Y/N: "I promise that I will be back tomorrow. I'll explain everything then okay."

They both hesitantly nodded so I rubbed their heads to make them feel better. They blushed at this action while Koneko seemed a little upset. I rubbed her head as well before saying my goodbyes to everyone there. Before I got to far away I heard Rias yell something.

Rias: "Before classes start head over to the student council room. There is someone who wants to see you."

With that I left for home seeing as tomorrow would be interesting. I was just happy though because I was finally back with Rias and Akeno. Even if it took a while I couldn't help but smile. I hoped I could help them smile as well.

{Timeskip brought to you by a home that is not clean and chibi Morrigan and chibi Lilith fighting over a pancake}

I was making my way to school when I heard someone next to me make a noise. I stopped time in case it was an attack and looked to my left to spot a girl having tripped over nothing. I walked over to her and caught her she wouldn't be suspicions of suddenly being upright and unfroze time.

She seemed surprised by my sudden appearance and looked up at me. She had long blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and a fair complexion. She had a veil, modest clothing, and a cross around her necklace.

She was cute but what caught my attention was the outfit. It would appear as the nun has arrived. It seems my time here is about to get even more complicated.


Orpheus - Well that was a fun bit to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I feel I am starting to understand how to get the chapters how I want them to be. If you couldn't tell this chapters main goal was to prepare for conflict while also introducing Y/N to harem members. Either way, thanks for reading and I will see you all next week and enjoy the rest of tonight.

P.S: This was 5684 words. This chapter was posted later than most of my chapters because I had been working on it last night but a blackout happened in my neighborhood and long story short I lost my progress I am still more proud of this edit than the first though.

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