The Mercury Labs center was bustling with work activity. Assistants and secretaries moved about the place, holding onto clipboards and carrying bags full of research notes and binders. Some coworkers discussed business as they made their way to the stairs or elevator. Others checked in at the security center at the front desk, getting their badge registered or confirmed before beginning their shift.
Detective Patty Spivot entered the front lobby alongside Barry Allen. Both were in their work attire, making their way to the front check in desk. The secretary working saw the two enter. She perked up before the two law officials, trying to act more professional before them.
Secretary: Hello. Welcome to Mercury Labs Therapeutic and Medicinal Center. Do you have an appointment?
Patty: I'm Dt. Spivot, this is Mr. Allen. We are with the Central City Police Department, here to ask you just a few questions regarding the fire at one of your other locations.
Secretary: Yes. Yes, I was told to expect you. Dr. Palmer is in his office right now. I'll go ahead and call him down.
The secretary made the call. Barry took the time to look around the bustling lobby. To the side, close by, stepped out two more of his colleagues. Leonard Snart and Mick Rory were each wearing custodial uniforms as they walked around the lobby. Mick grumbled as he pushed around a mop bucket and started to sweep the floor.
Mick: Why do I always get the mop job?
Snart: Sshhh.
Mick: I'm just saying, this is not what I meant by doing dirty work.
The two custodians continued their work together. Barry turned back to Patty and the secretary. A young doctor then walked into the room. He had dark black hair and a tall, thin frame. The young doctor walked over to the detective and shook her hand while giving a sincere smile.
Ray: Dr. Raymond Palmer, pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I'm head of Mercury's science division as well as an associate of its PR team.
Patty: Detective Spivot, CCPD. We'd like to ask you a few questions regarding your downtown location's recent fire.
Ray: Yes, yes. Follow me to my office.
Patty and Barry nodded as they followed the young doctor to his office. Snart and Rory eyed them as they left, continuing their duties. The two undercover custodians continued to play their part, acting like average workers. Snart then noticed their next play.
Walking into the lobby was a young woman. She had a smaller frame that was more than made up for in her calves and biceps. If she were in a prison, she'd be one of the few who could possibly hold their own against the rougher inmates. Snart looked at her enter, eying the items hanging around her belt. He looked at the security uniform she was wearing, recognizing her as the head of security for the facility.
Snart nudged Mick in the shoulder and indicated over to the woman. Mick got the message and continued to mop the floor. He then turned around and put the mop back in the bucket, walking over to another area of the floor to clean.
The head of security continued to walk forward. She stepped over the wet area of the floor Mick had just cleaned. Rory put his foot out and nudged her a bit. The woman slipped and fell back. As she did, she was caught by Snart who held her in his arms. The woman looked up in shock, stunned for a moment.
Snart: My apologies, madame. Are you alright?
The usually head strong guard was caught off by Leonard's smooth talk and calm nature. His face gave a gentle smile that reassured her of many worries.
Guard: I-I, um, yes. Thank you, sir.
Snart: It was our fault. We should have cleared the area first.
Snart helped the woman back up onto her feet. As he did, he reached behind her and pulled off a set of keys. The head guard stood up and straightened herself up.
Guard: Yes, well, clean that up and make sure you put down a sign.
Snart: We will get on that, ma'am.
Snart winked at the guard. The woman turned around, trying to hide a small blush. When she was gone, Snart motioned over to Mick. They got what they needed. The two custodians made their way out of the lobby and down one of the employee halls.
Patty and Barry followed Dr. Palmer down through the halls towards his office. As they walked, the young doctor got a call on his phone. He picked it up and spotted who the caller ID was. He answered it and spoke quickly.
Ray: Hey, honey. Listen I... Yes, yes. I left the card on the counter... Just put it with the other insurance papers then. I'll take a look at them later... Anna, honey, I'm, uh, kinda in the middle of something important right now... No, no. It shouldn't be an issue. I'll see you at dinner tonight... Alright, love you too, hon. Alright, bye.
Dr. Palmer hung up. He turned around, smiling to the two officers following him.
Ray: Sorry. Wife.
Patty tried to reassure him, making small talk to earn his trust.
Patty: Dinner reservations?
Ray: Yeah. We're hoping to try out that new Banjara Place that opened up a few months ago.
Patty: That's nice. I went there myself a few weeks ago.
Barry: Yeah, you should try the grilled tilapia. It's pretty good.
Ray: I'll have to make a note about that.
Dr. Palmer opened the door to his office and ushered the two detectives inside. Barry and Patty each took a seat as the young doctor made his way over to his desk.
Ray: So, what is it you would like to know?
Barry: We'd just like some help in determining the causes of the fire the other day.
Ray: Yes. I can give you all the information I know.
Patty: Was there any kind of experiment that could have gone array? Anything any of the scientists may have mentioned?
Dr. Palmer shook his head.
Ray: No. Nothing. Everything was up to code. That building had actually just gone under an inspection last week. Checked all the boxes. Everything was deemed safe and operable.
Barry: What about potential arson? Anyone who'd want to get back at the company?
Dr. Palmer thought for a moment and clicked his tongue.
Ray: If it was, then you'd be dealing with a pretty extensive list. Mercury Labs has made more enemies than you may realize.
Patty: What do you mean by that?
Ray: I will be the first to admit that our facilities have not always been the greatest in terms of staffing. People tend to think that all the super powered criminals that run amuck in this city are the result of S.T.A.R. Labs and its particle accelerator incident from a few years ago. But there are quite a few who have unintentionally been the result of our facilities here. Mostly ex-employees, people found to have some sort of psychological negativity that we didn't wish to be associated with. I will tell you this, though. Our safety measures and patient care are much more reliable and safer than what S.T.A.R. Labs could potentially offer. A high cost, high performance technique over there is equivalent to our least performing operations here.
Barry: Sounds like you're a bit competitive.
Ray: A little competition never hurt anyone. It helps drive the industry. Plus, I will admit that I'm probably a little bias given my position in this company.
Snart and Mick walked down one of the cold underground hallways in the basement. Mick had done away with the mop bucket he was pushing and now walked with his broad shoulders pulled back. Snart walked with his signature cold demeanor as the two made their way towards the laundry room.
The duo made it to their desired door. Snart pulled out the set of keys he'd stolen and unlocked the metal door. He allowed his partner to enter while he stood watch outside.
Mick walked through the laundry room. He looked around the large room. Washing machines and dryers lined the walls. There were shelves filled with various chemicals needed in case of any improper stains on a lab coat.
Mick rolled his tongue in his mouth and spit out a bit of mucus buildup into the trashcan nearby. He then spotted what he needed. A small cart full of newly washed security uniforms stood idly by. The burly man grinned and made his way over to them.
However, upon entering the room, Mick had failed to notice another worker who had been by one of the washing machines. The worker walked over to Rory and stood between him and the laundry cart. Mick rolled his eyes upon seeing the man blocking his path. The worker had on a light blue button-up, indicating he was either a low level guard or outside patrol worker. He was about the same height as Mick and was well built, although not as broad as the undercover criminal. He spoke in a condemning tone, almost like a parent who had just found their child sneaking in some candy.
Worker: Excuse me, sir. May I ask what it is you are doing here?
Mick rolled his eyes and put on a grin of his own.
Mick: I just want to collect my laundry. Is that good for you?
Worker: It looks like you're already wearing a good enough uniform. Besides, the janitorial suits are on the other side near dryers 21-26.
Mick: Yeah, well, I was told to bring up some of the new uniforms for the boys in blue. Guess they're too business standing in place to do anything.
Worker: These are the old uniforms. The new ones are in the storage closet on the second floor.
Mick: Ah, I see. That's where things got mixed up.
The worker squinted his eyes at Mick.
Worker: I don't recall seeing your face around here.
Mick: I'm new. Transferred in from steel bars, if you catch my drift.
The worker only narrowed his gaze. He looked down at Mick's chest, noting an absent name tag and ID badge on his uniform.
Worker: I see, Mr....?
Mick: Rebecca Silver.
The worker raised his brow at the female given name in contrast to the man's oafish appearance.
Mick: My father was a pretty cruel jokester.
The worker nodded. He reached down for his radio, ready to report a possible intrusion. Before he could even lay his finger on the button, Mick decked the worker with a mean right hook. The employee toppled over and fell onto the cold floor. Mick grunted and kicked his passed out body to the side while making his way to the cart in front of him.
Mick rolled the laundry cart out of the large room. Snart nodded and locked the door behind him as he left. The two walked back down the hall towards the elevators.
Back inside Dr. Palmer's office, the dark haired scientist continued with his explanation, answering all questions thrown at him. He leaned back in his chair, thinking about the events that had occurred that day of the fire. Patty leaned forward a bit, giving him another question.
Patty: Many of the other staff say you were there that day. Is that correct?
Ray: Yes, I was there. We were in the process of moving a few things between facilities. When the fire broke out, some of our projects in the energy and prosthetics divisions were lost, including a special project I was particularly fond of. Anything we could salvage was moved to Dr. Kreisburg's lab for storage and archiving.
As Dr. Palmer answered the question, Barry looked down at his desk. He noticed a few of the doctor's ID badges lying on the table close to his edge. There was also a cup of coffee nearby on the desk. Its strong aroma still sifted in the air. Patty saw the items too and knew what Barry was thinking.
Patty: Well, I think you've answered all our questions, Dr. Palmer.
Ray: Please, call me Ray. I'm glad I could be of assistance.
Barry: Your questions will really help us in this case. Thank you for your time.
Ray: The pleasure is all mine.
Barry stood up and brought out his hand to offer a shake. As he did, he intentionally bumped the coffee cup, stumbling and making it look like an accident. Warm brown coffee spilled all over the table. Some trickled off and spilled down onto Ray's pants.
Barry: Oh, my gosh! I am so sorry!
Ray: It's fine. It's fine.
Patty: Here, let me help you clean that up.
Patty grabbed a few nearby napkins. She wiped them across the desk, cleaning it. As she did, she swiped one of the ID badges and hid it under the napkin. She carefully placed it inside her pocket while Dr. Palmer was distracted with his wet pants.
Ray: It's alright. Just a few stains. I've received far worse in the lab.
Barry: Well, uh, sorry, again. And thank you for, um, everything.
Patty: Yes, we really appreciate your honesty and time that you allowed for us.
Ray: It's alright. You two take care, now. Stay safe, detectives.
Barry and Patty waved goodbye and left the room. The two of them walked back down the halls, but not into the lobby. Instead, they went further into a closed hallway where no one was around.
Snart and Mick came by with the laundry cart. As they passed by, Snart slid one of the uniforms off the cart down into the floor. Patty picked it up as they passed by. She and Barry took a few steps forwards before coming across a broom closet. They opened the door and slipped inside. Barry put down his bags while Patty held up the blue security guard uniform.
Patty: Alright. Strip.
Barry looked at his fiancé with a raised brow. He knew what she meant, but decided to tease her a little with it.
Barry: I think I'd prefer a drink first.
Patty stuttered for a moment before teasing him back.
Patty: Well, uh, maybe I'll take you out for one when this is over.
Barry: You're just trying to get any excuse to see me in my boxers, aren't you, Detective?
Patty: I don't need an excuse for that. But maybe tonight I'll give you a little surprise for behaving, you geek.
Barry: Yeah? What kinda surprise?
Patty: Return of the Jedi, scene 4, timestamp 22:50. Only this time it'll be just for you.
Barry: No... you didn't.
Patty: I may have ordered something special for Comic Con that we can use.
Both grinned mischievously at one another. Patty put her head down, trying to contain a blush. Barry brought his head back in a wide smile. Both then remembered they were still inside of a broom closet with a mission to do.
Barry: You know, we probably should be more professional.
Patty: Hey, you were the one who initiated it.
On the comms at S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin and Cisco rolled their eyes. Caitlin tried to get the two back on task.
Caitlin: People, can we focus up, here? Save the flirting for later.
Cisco gave her a look as if to say "pot calling kettle black." Caitlin shook her head at him and made sure everyone else was in the clear.
Caitlin: Judy, you in position?
A block away from the building, Judy was crouched down in her Boom suit. She looked out towards the facility, awaiting the signal.
Judy: Yep. Just waiting on those bio-dampeners.
Caitlin: Alright. Snart? Mick?
Snart and Rory walked down to the lower levels. They stood before a locked door that required a high level keycard to access.
Mick: Yeah, we're ready, brown hair.
Barry walked back out into the hall now wearing the security guard uniform. He carried with him the badge retrieved by Patty. Allen put down the metal briefcase he'd been carrying around and unlocked it. He reached inside and pulled out a bag of Big Belly Burger food.
Barry walked through the halls with his bag of food. He looked around, trying to act like a normal security guard. The young man eventually made it to the security office. He swiped the ID badge in the lock and was allowed entry.
Barry walked inside and shut the door behind him. In front of him were placed several television monitors, all viewing various halls and laboratories around the building. Sitting in a chair, watching the monitors was an older man, most likely in his forties. He wore a similar uniform to Allen with a radio attached to his belt. The guard turned to face the man he heard enter.
Barry: Bossman called me up to see if I can cover for you.
Guard: Uh, thanks. I've been staring at these for hours. You new around here, kid?
Barry: Yeah. I just started yesterday. Told me I should come here today to learn the main camera views, all that fun stuff.
Guard: Right. "Fun stuff". I recommend making yourself comfortable, maybe pulling the game up on your phone as you're doing this. Watcha got there?
Barry: Oh, just some lunch.
Guard: Hope they told you to bring me some as well.
Barry: Of course, man.
Barry reached inside the bag and offered a wrapped burger to the security guard. A few minutes later, the guard was passed out in the floor. The half eaten burger had fallen out of his hands. Barry looked at the monitors and different security measures in place.
Barry: Alright, I'm in.
Cisco: Your coworker like his burger?
Barry: One belly buster with benzodiazepine, hold the mayo. He's just going on break for a little while, now.
Barry looked at the cameras. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small thumb drive. Allen took the drive and inserted it into the main computer next to him. He selected the files from old camera footage and placed them over the camera feed. After that, he deactivated the cameras themselves.
Barry: Alright, cameras are down.
Judy: Okay. Waiting for my cue.
Caitlin: Remember, you'll be going in with us blind. We won't be able to help you from there.
Judy: Okay. I got this. I got this. It's just robbing a secure technological facility. Nothing major. You got this.
Judy bounced on her feet, ready for her mark. Snart and Mick waited by the door for the next step to continue. Inside the security office, Barry pulled up the several features around the building. He selected the desired outcome and flicked the power switch. The blue light in the control switch went out, indicating the bio-dampeners had been shut off.
Barry: Now.
Judy took off. As quick as a blur, she raced through the back entrance of the facility and made her way to the security office. She ran inside, grabbed the ID tag from Barry, then ran back out.
The young L/N raced across the building, making sure not to be seen or garner any attention. She made it downstairs to the basement and found Snart and Rory. Spinning around each of them, she switched them out of their custodial uniforms and into each men's respective work attire. The duo's elemental powered weapons hung from their belts in holsters. Both looked down at themselves, admiring the
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