Mick: Hope you didn't try to sneak a peek or anything.
Judy recoiled and rolled her eyes.
Judy: Eww. Gross.
Judy brought up the keycard and swiped it against the scanner. The door opened up and the three made their way inside. Snart led the way followed by Judy with Mick bringing up the rear. They walked down a narrow hallway. If two of them had been standing shoulder to shoulder, their arms would be pressed against the walls.
The group made their way down the hall and turned the corner. Snart froze, causing Judy to nearly bump into him. She looked over his shoulder at the obstacle in their way. A hall of laser detection grids was set up down the white, pristine hallway. Red lines ran across from one wall to the next. Any movement across would be instantly detected.
Snart pulled out his cold gun and cocked it. He aimed it at the lasers and fired. A cool white flame flew across the room. It hit the lasers, freezing them in a narrow stream of fragile ice. As the ice moved along the lasers towards their projectors, it froze over the lenses. The mechanisms inside the projectors froze and broke. The lasers shut off. All that remained was a hallway filled with narrow lines of ice, almost resembling cobwebs that stretched from one end of the hall to the other.
Snart grinned a cocky smile of his own. He held up his hands and walked through the hall of icicles. The cold ice lines shattered and fell to the ground. Judy looked around, impressed. The group continued on their journey before making it to the next obstacle. Another door blocked their path. Before it on the side of the door was a small scanner. Snart bent down to examine it.
Judy: Retinal scanner?
Snart: Yes. Not part of the plans. It must have been recently installed. I can try to bypass it from here with a little...
Snart flicked open a small panel switch nearby. The metal flip popped off the wall, revealing a series of wires connecting to the scanner. Snart got to work on trying to break through it and cut the right wires.
Mick looked at the work and rolled his eyes. He turned around and walked back down the hall that they came. He leaned outside the door and looked around. Spotting movement nearby, he found a worker in a lab coat walking by. Rory cleared his throat, garnering the scientist's attention. He stared at the brutish man before him in confusion. Mick grinned and motioned him over with a finger.
Mick: Hey, comb over. Come here for a sec.
Snart continued to work on disabling the retina scanner and unlocking the door. Judy stood nearby, peering over his shoulder to see.
Judy: Have you tried cutting off the parallel circuit and sending the receiver to the back end?
Snart: Yes, I have, purple ace. And I could work a lot faster if you weren't disrupting me. Not all of us have super speed.
Judy: Alright, geez. I was just saying you could redirect the receiver power module to the locking mechanism so that instead of locking the door, the power needed for the scanner is sourced into the mechanism and unlatches it.
Snart looked back, somewhat impressed by the teenage girl's knowledge.
Snart: Not bad, kid. That could work. I'll just need to...
As he continued to work, Mick walked back down the hall towards them. He was dragging behind him the unconscious body of a knocked out scientist. A black eye spotted his face. Mick pushed past Snart and held up the scientist's face to the scanner. The retina scanner shined on the man's other clean eye and accepted it. The door gave an audible unlocking sound as it gently pushed open.
Judy: Or we could take the percussive maintenance approach. Good.
Snart stood up and eyed his partner. Mick gave an innocent grin and dropped the body of the scientist to the floor. Snart led the way again as the group walked through the door. However, he had only taken a few steps when he heard something whirring.
Two small turrets placed on either side of the wall sprung to life. They turned and aimed at the intruders. Thinking quickly, Judy took off her helmet. She flung it towards one of the turrets, breaking it. The silver metal cap bounced off and smashed the second turret. It then came back and returned to Judy's hand. The teenage speedster put it back on her head and grinned at the other two.
Mick: Nice.
The trio continued on their journey down the narrow halls. They stopped once again when they came to a long hall that led to another door. Small domes resembling cameras covered the sides of each wall. They were aligned in rows and equipped with fish eye lenses.
Judy: Motion detectors. Alright, cool guy. You said you had a plan to get past these.
Snart: I do. As I said, most of these sensors use changes in thermal temperature to indicate motion. However, too much heat could also act as a vulnerability. A quick, extreme change may max out its sensory capabilities. Plus, with the sensitivity needed to track even the signature of a fly coasting by, a little extra dose of temperatures exceeding 6,000 degrees Celsius may be just enough to put them out of commission.
Judy nodded her head in understanding.
Judy: So a temperature achieving the Planck temperature would not only be too much for it to even detect, but would actually melt the cameras as well.
Snart: Bingo. Mick, if you would be so kind...
Snart motioned out for his partner to do his thing. Mick grinned and stepped forward. He pulled down his orange tinted goggles and pulled out his heat gun with a delectable smile.
Mick: Finally. Now I get to burn stuff.
Mick let loose and fired a beam of pure fire at one of the walls. The cameras all melted, some staying ignited and charred. Mick moved over to the other wall and did the exact same thing. The only thing that remained of the sensors were dripping pools of black melted plastic. The heat had been too great even for the cameras to pick up before melting.
The group made their way to the next door at the end of the hall. Beside this one was placed a numerical keypad. Snart looked at it.
Snart: Looks like we're dealing with a five digit code, meaning with every number variable, we're dealing with-
Judy: About 90,000 combinations.
Snart looked at Judy and raised his brow. She knew what he was asking her to do. She groaned and took a short breath before walking over to the panel. Working quickly, Boom began typing in every combination possible into the keypad. Her fingers were a blur, pressing every button on the metal pad.
Finally, after nearly half a minute of number combinations, the correct code was entered. The door unlocked and allowed everyone entry. The three goggle wearing individuals stepped through it. They were on the last leg of their journey. Judy brought up her hand to her ear and spoke into her comms.
Judy: Alright. Guys, we're almost in. Just got to get past this door.
Caitlin: Judy, be careful.
Judy: I will, Mom.
Wells: Remember, you're supposed to get in there, grab the tachyon device, and leave. No distractions, no offshoots. In and out before Zolomon sees you.
Judy took a deep breath, anxious. She followed the two crooks towards a large, vault-like door. Judy looked at it, her heart pounding in her chest. Just beyond this final obstacle was Hunter Zolomon. The man who had changed her parents' lives, who had tricked her into coming here, who had killed her aunt and grandparents, was just a few yards from where she stood.
The trio looked at the door. Snart knelt down and examined it. A set of metal prongs stuck out from the door and slid into a set of matching holes in the wall. It resembled a bank's secure doors. Snart pressed his ear to the door and listened intently. Judy knelt down next to him. She whispered, talking in a hushed voice.
Judy: What now?
Snart thought for a moment before replying.
Snart: This door is about four inches of pure steel. Now, look at the material lining the locks. Can you tell me what you see?
Judy looked around the edges of the door and sighed.
Judy: Micro compression materials imbedded directly into the steel of the door itself. Phasing is out of the question.
Snart: Right. So our only way inside is to open this little hatch before us. Maybe also find a way to distract black racer in there so he doesn't notice us. Thankfully, I think I know a way for us to get past this door.
Mick: Well don't hold it in, brainiac. Spit it out.
Snart: I was going to, poultry brain. As I was saying, the door is locked using a pole bar method. It has an emergency generator powering it. In case of a power outage, the locks move onto that backup power. However, as it's doing so, for less than a second, the locks become unhinged. I could block it up, but we'll need a power surge to force the door onto its backup generator.
The group looked at the door. Snart looked over at Judy who examined it with wide eyes.
Snart: I know your father has quite the extraordinary ability for causing power outages. You think you can do that for us, cap girl?
Judy: I-I don't know. I've never caused an EMP blast before. I don't even know how to channel that much lightning.
On the comms back in the lab, the others listened intently. Caitlin bit her lip and exhaled gently.
Caitlin: I... I think I can teach you. Y/N's explained the process to me before. You need to channel your emotions to the point where you built up a large amount of kinetic energy before dispersing it. I'll walk you through it.
Judy listened to her mother while looking at the door.
Snart: Well, girl, can you do it?
Judy took a deep breath and nodded.
Judy: I can try.
Snart nodded. He reached for his belt and pulled out one of the blue cartridges he used for his gun. Leonard then pulled out a trigger device and a small tube. He attached both to the cartridge before attaching that to the locks on the door.
Judy carefully took off her gloves. She pressed her hands against the cool metal of the door and took a deep breath. In S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin took a similar breath. She focused before speaking directly to her daughter on the comms.
Caitlin: Okay. Judy, listen to me. I want you to clear your mind of everything going on right now. Take deep breaths. Get away from where you currently are and clear your thoughts.
Judy did as she said and closed her eyes.
Caitlin: Now I want you to think. Think of memories. Any memory. As long as it is a strong one, one you have strong feelings about. Concentrate on it. Hold onto that memory. Think about what it felt like. Think about those emotions. They don't have to be negative emotions. Any memory of any event will do. But don't let it consume you. Stay in control and let it guide you.
Judy focused, letting her mind go back to certain memories. She thought of the time spent with her family. She thought of her time running with her father the other night. That led to other memories of her in her own time, laughing with her parents and working with her team. She smiled, thinking of it all. That all led back to one particular memory.
Y/N: Okay. You ready, superstar athlete?
Judy: Dad, I told you not to call me that.
Y/N: Hey, it's true though. You're a lot better at sports than I was at your age.
Caitlin: Or now for that matter.
Y/N: Hey, watch it. You aren't any better.
Judy took a deep breath and bounced on her feet. She felt a gentle breeze blow onto her hair. The evening sun in the distance cast the tall dried grass around her in a golden scene of tranquility.
The fourteen year old girl nodded to her father who had his hands placed on her shoulders. Her mother stood on the other side of her. She brushed a strand of hair out of her daughter's face while holding onto a tablet with her other hand. She smiled down at her little girl.
Caitlin: Remember to just take it safe and easy. Don't overdo yourself.
Judy nodded. The young girl had only just recently been told about her inherited speed and been allowed to practice using it. After her parents removed the bio-dampening pendant from around her neck, she was allowed to run around the house and backyard. However, she never had been allowed to truly stride out until this moment.
The group stood on the old abandoned Ferris's Airfield runway. Cisco was with them, holding up a specialized speedometer. He calibrated it while Judy's parents talked to her.
Judy: What if I'm too fast? What if I can't stop and crash into something? What if burst out into the city?
Cisco: That's what those crash barrels are for. If you need to, just plow into those. You'll only receive minor injuries.
Caitlin eyed Cisco with a stern glare. Ramon quickly tried to back peddle, attempting to escape her death stare.
Cisco: I mean you'll be fine. No broken bones or injuries whatsoever.
Y/N chuckled and helped to calm his daughter's nerves.
Y/N: Try not to overthink it. Just let it all ride through you and take it in. Don't think too much about how fast you're going. Just enjoy the moment.
Judy smiled up at her father. Y/N patted her shoulder and stepped back. Caitlin kissed her little girl's forehead and stepped back as well. She was a little tense, nervous about what could happen. Her husband saw how anxious she was and gently wrapped his fingers around his wife's hand. Caitlin took a deep breath and prepared herself. Cisco stood near Y/N behind Judy and held up the readout gun.
Cisco: Okay. Ready when you guys are.
The others nodded. Judy looked back at her parents. Y/N gave her a reassuring thumbs up. Caitlin smiled as she calibrated the tablet in her arms.
Judy took a deep breath and gently exhaled. She crouched down into a runner's position. Cisco held up the readout gun and positioned his feet, remembering last time.
Judy closed her eyes and breathed. When she reopened them, purple lightning crackled around her irises. She took off. A purple trail of lightning followed behind her. A large gust of wind was blown up from her acceleration. Cisco was pushed off his feet and fell back. Y/N caught him before he could hit the ground.
Both proud parents looked on with wide eyes at their daughter's display of speed. Judy ran across the open airfield at breakneck speeds. She hollered and shouted with glee. The wind blew through her hair and her legs felt like they were running on air. She felt open and free.
Judy smiled at the memory. As she went back to it, purple lightning started to crackle around her palms. Judy continued to visit similar memories all associated with her family and friends.
Then her memories turned dark. Judy thought of rougher times. Her first defeat at the hands of a meta criminal, learning about the loss of an aunt she never had the chance to meet, allowing Zoom to come back to now, the idea of everything being taken away because of him. As she went through her memories and thoughts, more lightning surged from her body. It was channeled through her hands and into the door.
Snart looked at the glowing purple aura emanating from the speedster and took a step back. He held up the trigger device and waited for the right moment. Judy let her emotions run over, filling her with energy. Purple lightning crackled around her body.
Suddenly, all that built up energy was released. A purple shockwave of lightning soared throughout the room, releasing an electromagnetic pulse. All the lights in the room went out, plunging the room into darkness. The locks on the door momentarily retracted.
As soon as the lights went out, Snart pressed the trigger. The freeze capsule exploded inside the locking mechanism. The locks were frozen in place instantly. The metal of the door groaned under the cold ice sheet.
The backup generator turned on. The lights inside the hall turned a dull red. However, the locks did not reengage, stuck in their frozen state. Snart looked at the locks and smirked.
Snart: Bingo.
Judy looked at the door and panted. A smile crept onto her face. She let out a breathy sigh of relief and amazement.
Judy: I did it.
On the other end of the line, Caitlin smiled, filled with pride in her daughter's accomplishment.
Caitlin: That's my girl.
Just then, Y/N walked into the cortex chamber. The three scientists saw him and stood up out of their seats. They tried to act innocent and like everything was normal. Y/N walked in scratching the back of his neck.
Y/N: Guys, listen. There's something I want to talk to you all about.
Cisco: Uh, yeah, but right now we-
Caitlin: Of course! What is it you need to talk about?
Y/N took in a deep breath and let out a sigh.
Y/N: It's about us, all of us as a team. And about me closing you guys off.
He was about to continue when he noticed a particular absent.
Y/N: Where's Judy?
Cisco: Oh, yeah. She's in, uh, the training room right now. Running laps, you know? Getting it all out of her system.
Y/N: Oh. Okay, I'll just go and grab her. I want all of you to hear this, her especially.
Caitlin: No!
Y/N looked at
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