Y/N: Wait, you're telling me that the weapon Ultraman is searching for is on MY Earth?!
Riddler: Precisely! And if they are as narrow minded and determined as they are here, the Crime Syndicate will no doubt have found it by now.
Patty-27: If they have it, then it's only a matter of time before Ultraman uses it. If the rumors are true then...
Barry-27: They will be able to bend the will of every being on that Earth. That entire universe.
Slade: Yeah, and no doubt ours is next.
Patty-27: The Fighters would immediately be disbanded, force to do their whim.
Y/N and the others shuddered at the thought. Y/N was starting to feel uneasy. He had to get back home. Suddenly, one of Riddler's men spoke up.
Man: Sir! The Playing Card squadron has returned.
Riddler: Welcome them in.
Riddler tightened his glove around his fingers while motioning for someone to open one of the doors located near the side of the room. A small garage door slid up and a literal circus parade of entertainers entered through into the room. There were jugglers with grenade belts strapped to their chests, clowns with various weapons concealed as party tools and instruments. A drummer walked in, his drum holding various supplies and medical equipment. Some of the clowns looked like proper soldiers with cartoonish paint splattered over their helmets and tactical gear. Y/N looked at them all in surprise and with a brow of confusion.
One of the men, clearly the group's ringleader, entered the room. He had a wide smile that was highlighted with bright red lips over a pale white face. He had purple hair that contrasted with his bright green suit. An orange tie and lapel flower hung loosely from his long sleeved jacket. It almost resembled a green jester's uniform. He had green pants with purple stripes that led down to a pair of purple tap shoes. The man was giggling and let out a cackle that was very familiar to Y/N.
Mark Hamill as the Jokester (Earth-27)
Jokester: Honey, I'm home!
Y/N: What the...?
The grinning Jokester waltzed over to Riddler. He grabbed him by the shoulder and gave an exaggerated look of relief.
Jokester: Riddler, baby, you would not believe the story I have for you. It's a tale of woe, adventure, romance, and loss. We lost a few good men, I must say. None our own. Just seeing Ultraman's goons lying down on the ground. It was so... Please, don't look at me.
Jokester started to act like he was upset and crying. He turned and hunched down, pulling out a handkerchief and pretending to cry into it while wiping his eyes. Riddler rolled his eyes.
Riddler: Did you get what we came for, you blathering excuse for Bozo?
Joker cracked a smile while wiping his eyes. He spun around and flicked the handkerchief in his hand. It folded like a magic trick and was replaced by a small CD disk. Riddler beamed upon seeing the disk. He grabbed it and smiled wildly. He became as giddy as a school girl and handed the disk to one of his men.
Riddler: Deconstruct what you can. At long last, the identities, backstories, and conundrums of the Crime Syndicate, all on one file for us to access. Oh, how wonderful!
Riddler giggled with glee. Y/N's ears perked up at what was described. An entire file on the Crime Syndicate?
Y/N: Wait, what? You're telling me that that thing has all the information on the Crime Syndicate?
Jokester turned around, hearing Y/N's voice. He recognized the young man before him.
Jokester: Flash? Y/N L/N? Is it really you, boy?
Riddler: Same name, same hero, different Earth.
Jokester: Ah, I see. That's a shame. Oh, we used to have so much fun, you and I, Flash. The brave and the bold, the joke and the literal punchline, the quick witted duo. You used to love my jokes! Haven't really enjoyed them as much nowadays. Guess they're not as funny when you're on the receiving end.
Y/N: Oh, believe me, I've been on the receiving end of your tricks before, Jesse.
Jokester: Jesse? No, no, no. The name's Jackie, my dear boy, though everyone calls me Jokester. Just rolls off the tongue better, you know?
Slade: Yeah. He really lives up to that name as well.
Jokester: Well of course I do, silver fox! As they say, "laughter is the best medicine". Ha, ha, ha!
Riddler ignored everything Jokester was saying. He went back to the CD disk that was being downloaded.
Riddler: The Syndicate have known all there is about us. I saw it fit that we return the favor.
Barry-27: Everything we've heard up to now about them has been rumors, inside men. Nothing concrete. When we heard whispers about them possibly finding a way to get to another Earth, we decided to take our opening.
Riddler: I sent Jokester and the Playing Cards to retrieve the data from the Crime Syndicate's surveillance tower. Owlman, the trusting man he is, always kept files on his team. It was quite the chore to find out where these were being hidden. Cost us a few men in the process. But, if anyone was going to get the jump on Owlman, I knew the Jokester would be it.
Jokester: Owly and I go way back, you know. His skills are resourceful, but you can't quite outwit someone when there is no solid form of wit to outdo. After all, you can't drive someone mad when they're already mad to begin with. It was like using trigonometry to solve the mystery of the unicorn. The best part is, I wasn't just the performer, but the audience as well! And poor old Owlman never got the joke. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Man: Sir, we've got the files processed.
Riddler: Pull them up on screen.
Everyone turned to face the large set of screens at the front of the room. On them popped up several images, case files, and descriptions regarding the members of the Crime Syndicate. Everyone looked at the screens in awe. Riddler grinned widely and pressed his hand together.
Riddler: This is it. Everything all at once!
The group started to read over the files. Riddler looked at a screen for Owlman. Barry-27 walked over and started to read some from it. The green commander spotted the Owlman's real identity and was somewhat taken aback.
Riddler: My, my. Thomas Wayne. The billionaire playboy is the all seeing owl.
Y/N: Thomas Wayne?
Riddler: Entrepreneur from Gotham. Family was murdered when he was young, disappeared for a few years, then returned to take his place in their manor.
Barry-27: Says here he was recruited as a member of the Court of Owls. Explains his large army and recruitment methods.
Slade: What about Ultraman and his cunning bride?
The images changed, one screen showing Ultraman and another showing Superwoman.
Riddler: Looks like our darling dearest was an Amazon and stowed away to the world of man to enslave and corrupt it. She took on the name Lois Lane and... well we know the rest.
Barry-27: Says here that Ultraman was once a simple farm boy from Kansas born Kent Clarkson. Pressed under his parents' thumbs and used as labor. His folks instilled in him the ideology that strength, power, and control can only come from the oppression of others. Later in life, he moved to Metropolis where he became a corrupt journalist. Was accused of providing slanderous work against some of the biggest news agencies in an attempt to topple the American public news media. He printed out several false warnings and sensational headlines, telling people the nukes were coming, don't trust their neighbors, and to off themselves.
Slade: So the son of a bitch is mortal? How the hell did he get his powers?
Patty-27 looked further down at the file. She compared it to one with Johnny Quick. Her eyes went wide.
Patty-27: Barry, look at this.
Barry-27 walked over to her while she compared the files.
Patty-27: Quick was once a worker at S.T.A.R. Labs who stole research material and sold it to the highest bidder. Eventually, he was found but fell into a shelf full of chemicals during a thunder storm. He was hit by a bolt of lightning and granted his immense speed.
Slade: Coward and a wimp if you ask me, but what has this got to do with Ultraman?
Patty-27: Just listen. Later, when S.T.A.R. Labs was testing out their new particle accelerator, Quick is believed to have sabotaged the lab in order to gain more speed. He caused the accelerator to go critical, releasing waves of various different matter into the air. Clarkson just so happen to be visiting the city at the time when he was hit by a set of various compounds of antimatter and composite particles.
Barry-27 nodded in understanding.
Barry-27: Ultraman got his powers the same night Y/N did.
He looked further at the batch of particles that entered Ultraman's system.
Barry-27: High traces of red sun radiation and solar pulsars. The chemical makeup in his system is similar to kryptonite.
Y/N's eyes widened at that.
Y/N: Wait a minute, are you saying that Ultraman's powers are derived from and strengthened by kryptonite, not weakened by it?
Patty-27: It would appear so, yes.
Riddler smiled with glee at all the data they were given. He started to jump in place and giggle.
Riddler: Yes! This is precisely what is needed! We have the tools, we have the technology, and now we have the information. People must know about this.
Y/N looked at the screen and back to Riddler.
Y/N: I need to have this.
Riddler looked down at him from his platform.
Riddler: Excuse me?
Y/N: This data, it can be invaluable to helping my team stop the Syndicate.
Slade: Now, slow down, hot shot. We just risked life and limb to get this data. Do you really think we would give it to you?
Y/N: But they are not here on your Earth anymore. They're on mine. I need it.
Riddler crouched down to look at Y/N. He took off his hat and suit jacket as he spoke.
Riddler: As do we. Don't you see what this could mean for us? For years, Ultraman and his squad have made themselves out to be gods. Do you know what happens when you tell people God exists? They begin to worship. They bow down at a higher power they don't even know the origin off. Uncertainty gives rise to myths, myths create legends, legends create belief. But if you tell everyone God is man, then they give doubt. They don't see legends. They see people with extraordinary abilities, but people all the same. People who can bleed, people who can be killed. It's happened before over a millennia ago. With this, we can tear down the myths, let people know they are mortal men. Let them know they can rise up, because you don't bow down to simple men. That is why we need this data.
Y/N: Then just give me the data on Grid.
Riddler: What?
Y/N: You said these are files and data collected from the Syndicate, right? Protocols and ideas put in place by Owlman? If he's as trusting as you say he is, then he will no doubt have created protocols to take each member of the Syndicate down. Chief among them is Grid. His data and technology are what is keeping my friends pinned down. You take down the stronghold's walls, and the castle will crumble.
Slade: You seriously don't think-
Riddler held up his finger at Slade. He paused, thinking for a moment. The green suited figure leaned his chin on the top of his cane. He tapped his fingers in a contemplative mood. After a moment, he nodded.
Riddler: Alright. I accept.
Slade: What?
Y/N: Really?
Riddler: Consider it an act of good will towards an old friend who, at the very least, has remained good. I will give you the few files we have on the mechanical man and his encryption network.
Riddler held out his hand. Y/N smiled. He brought up his own hand to shake. However, before he could, Riddler moved his hand back.
Riddler: If you help me with something in return.
Y/N: What?
Riddler: No deal is free of charge. You help me, I help you.
Y/N: Alright, deal. What is it you need from me?
Riddler stood up. He brought his cane around his back and rested his arm along its narrow shaft. He paced back and forth and explained his conundrum.
Riddler: Riddle me this: What is seen but unseen, gone in a camera's blink, and as bright as the morning rays of sun?
Y/N: A flash?
Riddler: Precisely. That is what I need. A Flash. Now the data we have acquired comes from the Syndicate's frequency tower base, but that has never been my eye's main focus. I need something, something valuable. Something hidden away, stolen, and kept at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Slade: You can't be serious. If word from the tower breaks out that it was burgled, then the labs will become the most guarded place on the planet.
Jokester: Oh, cut it with the mysticism, Eddy. Tell the young lad what you want.
Riddler: Very well. What I desire first requires context. Now, you may be surprised to know that this is not our first run in with the multiverse. You are our first visitor, but you are not our first experience, at least from a theoretical perspective. Tell me, how is it you think we became so familiar with the concept of the multiverse?
Y/N thought for a moment. He then remembered something, something the Reverse Flash had said upon their first meeting.
Y/N: Me. The me from this world said that I was not the only Flash with knowledge of the multiverse. He told you about it.
Riddler: That he did. You always suspected something greater was out there, a world that knew nothing but peace, a world that knew chaos just as we have, and yet another where things were completely reversed. All of it was theoretical, of course, but you thought the multiverse could be our answer to getting rid of the Crime Syndicate. You came before me with a proposition. If we could construct something that would allow us to enter the multiverse, we could send the Syndicate to one of those universes, sealing them away forever. We worked together, you, Barry, and I, on a prototype system. The idea was that it could be used to close off other Earths from one another. After a few test runs, we found it nearing completion.
Y/N: Until I betrayed you all.
Riddler: Yes. You stole the prototype. I can only guess that you told the Syndicate about your ideas of the multiverse and that's what inspired them to come to yours.
Y/N: What's your point?
Riddler: A few weeks ago, our scanners detected something, a breach unlike any other. I believe that to be the gateway used to enter your world. I also have reason to believe that our prototype weapon is still being stored in S.T.A.R. Labs alongside the gateway.
Riddler bent down again to face Y/N.
Riddler: I want you to use it. Shut down the main gateway and use the weapon to seal off our world.
Y/N: What?
Riddler: You heard me. Seal it off. Close us off from all other worlds. Keep the Syndicate off of their home world forever.
Y/N: But you guys would be stuck here, forever cut off from the rest of the multiverse.
Barry-27: That's a sacrifice we're willing to make.
Y/N looked over at the hooded Barry-27. The grizzled man nodded back at the Flash, letting him know it was alright.
Riddler: This is our world. We only get one of it. It is our responsibility to make it better than it is.
Y/N thought for a moment. This was something big. But he needed to help these people. He nodded.
Y/N: Alright. I'll do it.
Riddler: Excellent. My friend, Gary, here will give you the data you need. Jokester will lead your infiltration into S.T.A.R. Labs.
Jokester: Yes, sir.
Jokester turned and gave an exaggerated solute.
Riddler: Mr. Wilson and Mr. Snart will be your accomplices in this mission to help break you in.
Barry-27: We're going, too.
Y/N turned and looked over at Barry-27 and Patty-27. They both nodded.
Barry-27: He'll need backup if the Reverse Flash appears.
Riddler: Very well. Prepare yourselves. You disembark at 14:00.
Everyone turned to get ready and take their positions. Y/N turned and rushed over to Barry-27.
Y/N: Barry, you don't have to do this.
Barry-27: My mission has always been to fight for my people and for my brother. And whether it be him from a different world or not, I will continue to fight by him and for what he stood for.
Y/N nodded.
Y/N: Thank you.
Barry-27: Don't thank me yet. Save it for when you get home.
The Justice League were all looking at the screens in front of them. Projected on the large main screen was the image of Oa hovering over the Earth. On the others were smaller screens of the Hall of Justice. Something appeared to be under construction there. A large antennae had been placed atop the old hangar's roof.
Clark: What are they working on?
Bruce: Whatever it is, they need Oa for it.
Alfred: And you can bet bloody hell that it's to be used against the entire Earth. Look at the structural input on that antennae. It appears to be comprised of some large alloy, possibly aluminum and titanium.
Bruce: The same material used for deep space satellites and towers used by NASA. We can deduce that the antennae is thus to be used to send a signal to or keep in contact with Oa. But why is still the question.
Alfred: I believe Mr. Stewart may be able to answer that for us.
Diana: John, what is the Central Power Battery?
John rubbed his chin. He exhaled and explained.
John: The Central Power Battery is a large lantern constructed using the core of Oa. The entire planet not only serves as a homebase for the Green Lanterns but also a place to recharge our rings when our own batteries need to be refilled. In case of dire emergencies, Oa itself can be used to flood planets or even solar systems with an enormous amount of willpower. It's only ever been used if a planet is close to beyond saving or if a threat is deemed too dangerous by the Guardians. But...
Clark: But what?
John: It's believed that the Ring of Volthoom was constructed using a piece of the Central Battery. But Volthoom latched his soul onto the ring, corrupting it. It was deemed too dangerous to be kept on Oa. Its power began to dominate the planet's willpower with that of its own. The Guardians said they had destroyed the ring. Why would they lie?
Victor: To protect you. If everyone believes the ring is gone, then there's no temptation to go looking for it.
Clark: It must have
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