Y/N: What?
Y/N-27: Thought you were the only Y/N with knowledge of the multiverse?
Y/N struggled and pushed against his doppelganger. He finally managed to free himself by kicking him in the shin. The Flash fell down and picked up his headgear before running off. The Reverse Flash sneered with a sinister grin and chased after him.
The two dual speedsters raced across the ravaged city. They shoved into one another and collided through the streets. Y/N was fast, but found his counterpart to be equally matched in speed and skill. Reverse Flash slammed the Flash against the wall before Y/N would run off and get the trip on him.
The two continued their back and forth until the yellow speedster got the upper hand. As Y/N was running, he found himself being punched in the face by another Reverse Flash. He rolled on the ground and on his side. The yellow suited doppelganger stopped close to him.
Y/N-27: Guess you didn't see that one coming.
Y/N: What... What was that?
Y/N-27: You never seen that trick before? Gosh. You really are slow.
Y/N: Time travel?
Y/N-27: No. Something much simpler.
The Reverse Flash held up a finger, indicating for his counterpart to watch. The yellow speedster began vibrating quickly back and forth between two locations. He disappeared for a moment before reappearing. However, now he was standing in two places at once. There were two versions of him standing side-by-side.
Y/N: I... What?
Y/N-27: Always like to show off for a fan. I never really have those anymore. A speed mirage. Multiple places, multiple images...
Suddenly, as Y/N was still lying down, he was grabbed and picked up by a third Reverse Flash. The third image slammed him against a corner wall nearby. The two other images of the yellow speedster vanished into thin air.
Y/N-27: ...all at once.
Y/N grunted back at his clearly malevolent alter. He squirmed in his tight grasp, holding onto the fist clenched around his throat.
Y/N: Why are you doing this?
Y/N-27: I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to continue. I have my orders. And besides, there can be only one fastest man alive.
The Reverse Flash brought up his hand and started vibrating it back and forth. Y/N was useless, trapped in his strong grip. He prepared for the worst. However, he was saved by an unlikely source.
A sonic screech was let out nearby. Both speedsters fell back and rolled onto the ground. Y/N recognized that screech. It sounded identical to Black Siren's. Y/N looked up to see the metahuman who had saved him. However, he was caught off guard when he spotted a different blonde in front of him.
Y/N: Patty?
The Black Canary stepped forward. Patty Spivot looked down at the two identical Y/N's in confusion. Her attention was drawn to the Reverse Flash who was chuckling.
Y/N-27: Detective, good to see you again.
Patty glared at him. She turned her attention to the Y/N in the red suit. Her eyes relaxed a bit.
Patty-27: Yeah, it is.
The Canary turned back to the yellow cruel speedster.
Patty-27: I told you to stay out of my city, L/N.
Y/N-27: And I told you, I don't take orders from you anymore.
Patty-27: Ultraman is gone. You don't have to continue this foul crusade anymore.
Y/N-27 grunted and shook his head.
Y/N-27: This was never about losing him. We both know what is needed for justice to prosper.
Patty-27: No. It's only what you desire, not justice.
Y/N-27: Besides, I gave up on that crusade long ago. Ultraman is no longer my enemy. He has shown me the way. Or at least his cohort has.
Patty-27: That's what I feared. You know none of this will bring her back.
The Reverse Flash laughed and stood back up.
Y/N-27: I know. I just don't care anymore.
Patty-27: I know that. But someone else still has faith.
As they were talking, an arrow was fired from the building beside the three. It flew across the rooftops and approached the Reverse Flash. The yellow speedster heard the arrow firing and brought his hand up. He turned and caught it mere inches away from hitting his face.
Y/N-27: Nice try. Smart move with the distraction, Detective. I applaud you for that.
As the yellow speedster monologued, Patty pulled out a small gas mask and placed it over her mouth and nose. Suddenly, the arrow in Y/N-27's hand blinked with a small light before exploding. It let out a thick gas that surrounded the Reverse Flash.
Y/N coughed a bit from the gas being released. Patty-27 ran over and covered his mouth, protecting him from the gas. The two ran off towards the fire escape on the roof and made their escape down to the alley below. The Reverse Flash coughed and fell down on his knees. He looked at his vibrating figure. It slowed down, becoming more solid. He stayed on the rooftop, needing a moment to regather his speed.
Down below, Patty-27 and Y/N ran through the alleyway before stopping. Y/N needed a moment to catch his breath. Patty took the mask she was wearing off her face.
Y/N: W-What the hell was that?
Before Patty-27 could answer, the two heard something firing above. They looked up to see a man in a green hood and suit sliding down to them using a retractable arrow. In his hand he clung onto a collapsible bow that he used as a grapple hand. He had a mask identical to Patty's that covered his lower chin. A dark green cloth mask covered his eyes and the bridge of his nose. He spoke in a deep voice through the mask.
Arrow: Carbonyl dichloride mixed with o-chlorobenzylidene malonotrile and anesthesia. It targets respiratory functions and muscle tissue, bringing temporary onset paralysis.
Y/N looked at the man in confusion. The green costumed vigilante walked towards the two others in the alleyway, taking off his lower mask but keeping his hood up. As he did, Patty-27 jammed a small syringe into Y/N's arm. She pulled some blood and put those drops onto a small tablet device she held in her other hand.
Y/N: Ow! What the hell was that for?!
Patty-27: Checking for DNA analysis and molecular vibrations.
Y/N: Listen, I-
The green hooded figure grabbed Y/N and shoved him against the wall. He held one hand tight onto his collar and the other hand turned to the side, blocking his chest.
Arrow: No, you listen here. You better tell us where you're from and what you're doing here. Because if you don't, the next place you're going to find yourself is in the morgue with the rest of the Syndicate's so called experiments. Why do you have his face?
Y/N: Experiments? What? I'm from a different Earth, not a clone or some sort. I'm his counterpart, equivalent, doppelganger, what have you.
Patty-27 looked at the screen in her hands which popped up with the results of the blood test.
Patty-27: He's right. Blood type and DNA structure are similar, but differ in vibration and composition.
The green clad vigilante brought his head up and glared at Y/N.
Arrow: Where the hell are you from?
Y/N squinted and looked at the figure holding onto him. Even though he had on a green mask and hood, Y/N could still make out parts of his face. And that voice. It sounded so familiar only deeper.
Y/N: Barry?
The Green Arrow looked at Y/N. He backed up slowly. He lowered his hood, allowing Y/N to get a good look at him. It was him. Barry was the vigilante who had just saved him. Y/N was at a loss for words.
Y/N: W-W-What?
Barry-27: Answer the question.
Y/N: I, uh, my name is Y/N L/N, the Flash. I'm from Earth-62612. I came here to learn more about Ultraman.
Barry-27 and Patty-27's eyes went wide. The looked at one another and nodded in agreement. Barry-27 walked close to her.
Patty-27: Then the rumors are true.
Barry-27 nodded. He spoke in a voice that was a bit more gruff than what Y/N was used to out of him.
Barry-27: Tell the commander that the time has come. His team has its opening.
Patty nodded. She turned and started to lead everyone out of the alley.
Patty-27: Come on. We need to go.
Y/N: Where? Can someone please explain to me what's going on here?
Patty-27: That's what I'd like to know considering I'm now talking to another version of my brother-in-law.
Y/N: I'm sorry. Your what?
The three walked out of the alleyway and through the streets of the rundown Central City. Around them, police cars hovering in the air with searchlights flew by. The group made sure to hide while making their way across town. Patty-27 led the way, talking over a hidden mic piece in the sleeve of her black jacket. Y/N was busy explaining where he was from and what had occurred on his Earth.
Y/N: They came to us out from nowhere. We assumed they had to be from a different Earth, so we found a way to track them down to here. I arrived so I could find more information on them. Maybe find a way to stop them.
Barry-27: The Crime Syndicate is unstoppable. At first they were just deranged individuals wreaking havoc across the globe. That was until Ultraman arrived. He rallied them together and managed to take over the world. People fell into submission, afraid to stand up. We all heard the stories. Anyone who talked back was silenced and never heard from again. Some disappeared in the middle of the night. Some were whisked away in the blink of an eye. What few of us who choose to stay and fight must remain hidden in the shadows.
Patty-27: The Freedom Fighters have waged a bitter war against the Syndicate and have become a thorn in their side. For months, Ultraman and his cronies have hunted us down. Now we're perhaps smaller than ever. More people are afraid everyday to stand up.
Barry-27: But we've heard rumors, ideas about them leaving for another Earth in search of some grand weapon of submission.
Y/N: A grand weapon?
Patty-27: We didn't know if the rumors were true. But with you here and confirming our suspicions, we may have a chance at ending this bitter war once and for all.
Y/N: And what about you two? I'll take it you've been leading the charge in Central City?
Barry-27: Something like that. Not everyone needs superpowers to do what we think is just.
Y/N looked down at what his two friends' counterparts were wearing. Barry-27 was in his green hood and suit. A quiver filled with various types of arrows rested on his back. A belt with various knives, tools, and buckles was strapped around his waist. Patty-27 was wearing a torn black jacket over a navy blue shirt. She had a set of black hiking pants and tactical boots on her lower half. Y/N also noticed that she wore an odd collar with an amplifier around her neck. He guessed her scream wasn't natural and needed to be generated by the device.
The three stopped in the middle of an alleyway. It was a dead end. Patty walked over to one of the Ultraman propaganda posters hanging up nearby. She brought up her fingers and pressed down on Ultraman's red glowing eyes. The eyes sunk for a moment, revealing them to be a set of concealed buttons.
Suddenly, the ground started to shake. The end of the road before the group lifted up, almost like a drawbridge. Y/N noticed it was a lead lined hatch. It uncovered a ramp that led down into a dimly lit room.
The three walked down the ramp into the concealed hideout. The hatch lowered behind them as they entered the subterranean hideout. Tables and files strewed every corner of the room. Soldiers were busy running around in hustle formation. Some people were set up on medical tables and makeshift doctors' offices. It looked like something straight out of a war film.
Y/N looked around at the people in the room. Some of them were faces he recognized as small time heroes on his Earth, others villains. There was Barbera Minerva, Victor Fries, Maxwell Lord, Larry Trainor, Kyle Nimbus, and many, many more. Y/N also noticed something else about each person he passed. They all seemed to look at him with a look of either shock or disapproval. However, even stranger, no one tried to attack him. If his doppelganger was a villain on this Earth, why didn't they try to attack under false identity?
Y/N: Why are they all staring at me like that?
Barry-27: You used to be one of us.
Green Arrow and Black Canary continued to lead the Flash through the bunker hideout. They turned a corner and walked towards a specific individual. Y/N thought he recognized him. His puffy blue coat and tactical gear were unmistakable. Patty confirmed his suspicions.
Patty-27: Snart.
Leonard Snart turned around to face the approaching ensemble. He grinned seeing Patty-27 and Barry-27 walk over to him.
Snart-27: Hello, Lieutenant Allen. Did you and the Mr. enjoy your night out on the town this evening?
Patty-27: Let's save the small talk for later. Is the commander around?
Snart-27: He's busy overseeing the mission. He dispatched the Playing Cards squadron when he got your message. Why? You need to talk to him?
Barry-27: We have some intel for him.
Snart-27: What type of intel?
Barry-27 turned to the side, unveiling Y/N. Snart-27's eyes went wide a bit. After a moment of taking in the speedster, he grinned.
Y/N: Snart?
Snart-27: That's my name. Don't wear it out. And you are...?
Y/N: Y/N L/N, the Flash.
Snart-27: Yes, yes. I assumed that much.
Snart-27 bent over to Barry-27.
Snart-27: What are we thinking? One of the better worlds or...?
Barry-27: He's not Earth-1, but yes. He appears to be one of the better ones.
Snart-27 grinned at Barry-27.
Snart-27: Like old times, huh?
Y/N: Uh, excuse me, I'm not a clone or anything. I'm from a different Earth and-
Snart-27: Yes, I guessed that much as well, pretty boy.
Y/N: Oh. How so?
Snart-27 pointed to Y/N's head.
Snart-27: Simple. Our Y/N never wore a stupid metal hat. He always preferred a cowl, which I still say is about just as dumb, but since when does fitting ever take into account my input? Welcome to Earth-27, by the way. Don't bother telling me yours. I won't remember, it's for the commander to hear, and I don't really care anyway.
Patty-27: Snart, the commander?
Snart-27: Like I said, he's busy. I can alert him to your grand news. Maybe he'll actually enjoy it. Until then, you can take Turboman here and give him the rundown on our situation.
The group nodded. Patty-27 turned and led Y/N into one of the small bunker rooms to the side. Barry-27 stood next to Snart-27 before following.
Barry-27: I'll see what all he can tell us about his world and the Syndicate's presence there.
Snart-27: Take your time, Allen. Besides, think of this as a chance at rekindling old friendships.
Snart-27 gave his teammate a cocky grin. Barry-27 simply looked at him without emotion and turned away. He followed the others into the separated room.
In the hidden lead mine, the rest of the Justice League were preparing for battle. Y/N had been gone a little over an hour now. That was plenty enough time for the Crime Syndicate to track their location and begin their pursuit. However, there was nothing. No attack, no break in, no ambush, not even a blip on the radar. It was all very puzzling.
John: I don't like this.
Clark: The Syndicate should have located us by now. It's perplexing as to why they haven't attacked us yet.
Victor: It means that whatever they're currently doing they deem to be far more important than us.
Diana: Just what is Ultraman's plan?
Suddenly, an alert popped up on the main screen.
Bruce: Looks like we won't have to wait long to get an answer.
The group huddled around the computer with Bruce in the chair. Fires started to break out in the cities again in the same locations. However, there was something different about them. All the symbols took on the form of the Green Lantern Corps insignia. The group looked at it all with interest and intrigue.
Victor: What the hell are they doing?
Clark: If they were trying to call out the Guardians, why do it here on Earth? What's got them so occupied on our planet and its people?
Bruce: Familiarity. Things might be different in their own universe, but they know Earth and its locations. If it worked once on their world, it stands to reason whatever they're planning will work here as well.
Diana: But what are they doing with the cities?
Bruce: Let's focus on the common factors. Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Jump City. What connects these locations?
Victor: Metahumans. Enhanced individuals with superpowers and altered physiology.
Clark: What about Houston? What has that got that they want?
Victor: Houston was the sight of Trigon's emergence last year. It would be a location with high spiritual and magical energy.
Bruce: Right. Now look at the other common factor.
John: The lantern insignia?
Bruce: Instead of all the other Lanterns, they are calling out the Green
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