7.10 Crime and Justice

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Green Lantern pulled himself up and generated a machine gun with his ring. He opened fire on the approaching Ultraman. The bullets bounced off of him harmlessly. 

John decided to form a set of chains to wrap around Ultraman. They connected to his arms and waist. Without breaking a sweat, Ultraman continued to walk forward and snapped through the chains effortlessly.

John created a giant boxing glove and flung it at Ultraman. This one did cause him to stop. Ultraman paused as his head was turned to the side by the glove. He turned back and glared at John. His eyes lit up red as he prepared to shoot.

John: You've got to be shitting me. 

Just then, before Ultraman could fire his heat vision, Wonder Woman jumped in and shoved him farther away through the lot. The two crashed through the pavement. In a shipping crate nearby was a statue of the god Atlas, planned to be installed in the garden outside the Hall. The two super beings crashed through the crate, smashing the statue to pieces.

Both landed on their feet. Diana held up her shield, pushing against Ultraman. The navy blue suited villain pulled back his arm and punched the shield. Diana was flung back a few feet and onto the pavement. 

When she stood back up, Wonder Woman spotted Ultraman as he grabbed hold of a large chunk of the statue the two had crashed through. He picked it up and tossed it with tremendous force. Diana pulled out her sword and sliced through the flying chunk of marble rock. It was cut clean in half, missing her body.

John looked on at the two fighting and was about to join in when he heard movement behind him. Before John could fully turn around, Superwoman flew in and grabbed him by the waist. She carried him up high into the sky. John generated a hammer and tried to beat against her, but she remained vigilante in holding onto her foe. 

Superwoman carried John high above the clouds before bringing back her fist. She punched him with immense strength down towards the ground. John spun wildly out of control through the air. However, he managed to regain control and fly back up. Generating a giant fist, he charged back up at Superwoman. 

Superwoman was hit and flung up higher into the sky. John then created two large gloved hands. The hands folded together and slammed down on Superwoman. The woman in black was sent flying back down to Earth. Her body ignited in the atmosphere with how fast she was falling. She crashed down with a loud thud, leaving a large crater in the asphalt.  

Diana and Ultraman continued their duel. Wonder Woman pulled out her lasso and threw it towards him. Ultraman caught it in his hand and pulled tight on it. Diana tried to pull back, but found her foe to be stronger than her. She was pulled forward and slammed her feet into an upturned pillar in front of her, trying to gain traction.

John landed beside Wonder Woman, their backs to one another. In the distance, he could see Superwoman trying to recover. Looking around, he spotted Diana's shield on the ground.

John: Swing them around.

Diana: Got it. 

John used his ring to grab Diana's shield. He tossed it back behind him. The large disk bounced off several objects before slamming into Ultraman's calf, knocking him slightly off balance. It wasn't much, but it was enough to give Diana the slack she needed.

John looked back towards Superwoman and threw out a long green rope at her. Superwoman had just managed to stand back up when the rope wrapped around her arms and midsection. John motioned to Diana and the two acted on their plan. 

John and Diana pulled on their respective ropes. Ultraman and Superwoman were flung off their feet. They flew through the air before colliding into one another. The two's bodies were smashed against one another before they were dropped down onto the ground.

John and Diana panted with exhaustion. They nodded at one another in agreement on their work. On the ground, Ultraman pulled himself up on his knees. He held his head in pain. Looking to the side, he found Superwoman down, trying to pick herself up. Bruises adorned her arms and legs. Ultraman crawled over to her and cradled her head.

Ultraman: My love, are you alright? We must stand up.

Lois looked at her husband before grunting. She shoved him off of her body and away from her.

Superwoman: Get off of me you blithering ape! All you've ever been good for is your strength and you can't even use that properly! I should have left you sooner when I had the chance!

Ultraman looked down at his wife with wide eyes of shock. Superwoman's expression was similar. She couldn't believe she had just said that. Looking down at her leg, she realized why it had come out. A part of the lasso of truth was touching the side of her foot.

The husband and wife stared at one another in shock. Ultraman put his head down. He closed his eyes tight, his face showing signs of agony and betrayal.

Superwoman: Honey? I-I'm sorry. That wasn't me. 

She tried to caress his cheek. Ultraman looked back up at her. His eyes were burning red. The air around him became hazy from the heat, swaying like a mirage. Ultraman moaned out in anguish and punched Superwoman with immense strength.

The female Amazon went flying back and smashed into the dirt hill behind the parking lot. Before she could even get back up, Ultraman was on top of her. He pummeled her chest and fired a beam of red hot heat vision into her abdomen. It didn't cut through her strong body, but it did burn through her suit and leave a blistering burn on her skin. Superwoman cried out in pain.

Ultraman stopped and brought his hand back to throw another punch. That was when something shot up behind him, gaining his attention. The two Justice League members turned around as well to see what was going on. 

A green beam fired out from the powered up antennae on top of the Hall of Justice. It soared up into the sky and made contact with the large planet floating above the Earth. Oa was engulfed by the green energy. A dome began to form around the planet. It was slow, but before long, the entire planet would be consumed. The plan was nearing completion.

Cyborg made his way through the halls to the converted meeting room. He stopped upon entering the room. Wires and cables were strewn everywhere. In the middle of the large room sat a large tube that led up to the antennae on the roof above. In the center of the tube was a chair with Power Ring strapped into it.

Power Ring spotted Victor upon entering. He looked to be in immense psychological pain. Tears streamed down his eyes. He looked at Victor and begged for mercy.

Power Ring: Please, make it it stop. 

Victor looked around the room and spotted a control panel for the machine. He rushed over to it and began trying to shut the thing down. It was useless. The system was on a self-fulfilling cycle. There was no way to shut it down from here. 

Victor began looking further into the device's network and coding. Maybe he could find some backdoor entrance. It was while searching that he noticed a particular oddity about the room. Something, or rather someone, was missing. Owlman was nowhere to be seen. 

Batman and the Flash walked through the halls of the facility. The Bat kept a close watch with the speedster checking their tail. The two eventually walked out into one of the large display rooms they needed to pass through. Various items had been put on display as either authentic pieces or replicas documenting the League's accomplishments and history. The original batsuit, a kryptonian escape pod, the original Flash suit, and a skull head belonging to one of Brainiac's robots were just some of the items spaced around the environment. 

Just then, a voice called out from the rafters to the two below. Y/N and Bruce looked up and spotted Owlman perched above, looking down at them. He was holding onto someone.

Owlman: Halt. Call off the attack. Don't step a foot closer or the lady gets it.

Owlman pulled the woman he was holding onto out of the shadows. She had curly blonde hair with hints of grey. A thick metal chain was wrapped around her arms and legs, keeping her pinned up. A bruise on her head indicated she had not been taken without a fight.

Selina: Bruce...

Both heroes looked up in shock, seeing Selina Kyle captured and tied up. Owlman was holding a vial labeled "Smylex" above the woman's head. He threatened to drop it on her if the heroes stepped closer.

Bruce: Let her go.

Owlman: I take orders from no one. I told you what would happen if you tried to escape. This attack ends now. Call the ceasefire.

Bruce: You know we can't do that.

Owlman: Do it or Miss Kyle gets a new makeover.

Selina: Bruce, don't!

Y/N: Don't do it!

Batman looked up at his opponent, challenging him. Owlman glared down like a hawk looking at his meal from its perch above.

Owlman: You know what the difference is between us? We both looked into the abyss of fear and agony. But what I looked into it, I came out with knowledge. I am willing to make the hard choices you never could. That is why I will persist. I am fear. I am power. I am the Owlman.

Bruce: Don't.

Y/N: Prove it. Prove this isn't really who you want to be.

Owlman: My dear boy. This is me. This is who I was meant to be. It's who you can be too.

Y/N: Let her go.

Selina: No!

Owlman: Well, Bruce? What's it going to be? The lady or the planet?

Batman looked up, his eyes in contemplation. For the first time, Batman looked like he didn't know what to do. Owlman noticed his look and cackled.

Owlman: You don't really have a choice, do you? You've only ever been about the mission. You are close, so close to being just like me. All you need to do it cut off your ties to a normal life. You know she means little to you anyways other than serving as a reminder of what once was and can never be again. 

Y/N: You don't know Bruce. He'd never become like you. She means more to him than that. 

Owlman: Really? Then let him prove it!

As the villain mocked the two heroes, Flash looked around the room. He spotted some items. Some gas and steam valves had been exposed during the renovations made to the building. One in particular was placed above the owl. He motioned over to Batman. The Bat nodded in understanding. 

The Flash took off, running around the room. His orange lightning crackled as he jumped up and about, lighting the room with an orange streak. Owlman eyed him, watching what the speedster planned on doing next.

With Owlman distracted, Batman pulled out a batarang and tossed it up at the gas pipe above. Without even turning his head, Owlman brought up his empty hand and caught the weapon. He grinned and turned back to his foe. 

However, before Owlman could finish turning, another batarang was thrown quicker than he had expected. He noticed a faint orange tint to this one, almost like a spark of lightning charged by the Flash running by. It hit the pipe above and let out a gust of steam. A gust of hot boiling steam hit Owlman in the face, forcing him to let go of both Selina and the Smylex. 

Selina screamed as she fell through the air. Before she could hit the ground, she was caught by the Flash. 

Y/N: I've got you.

What the Flash had failed to notice was the vial of the Joker's special toxin. It came careening down from above. Before the vial could hit the two of them, it was caught by Batman in the nick of time. He disposed of the vial and turned to the Flash.

Bruce: Get her to safety.

Y/N nodded. He grabbed Selina and carried her away to the other side of the room, away from Owlman. The silver caped villain landed on one of the above catwalks and looked on at the two. He noted something odd about the way the Flash was moving. He had circled the room for a bit, like he was biding time, before stopping at the safe point on the other end of the room. It was like he had taken the long way round. 

Owlman noted the odd behavior and directed his attention back down to the floor below him. He found Batman to be gone. Just then, appearing much quicker than Owlman had suspected, Bruce ran out of the shadows on the catwalk and brought his leg up, kicking his doppelganger.

Owlman stood up and the two began to fight in hand to hand combat. Owlman threw a punch which Bruce ducked under and delivered a strong uppercut. Owlman was surprised by his reflex time. He guessed the Bat most likely had taken a shot of adrenaline before engaging.

Owlman landed a roundhouse kick on the Bat's chest, hitting his yellow emblem. Bruce backed up a few feet and grabbed both sides of the guard rails to steady himself. Owlman tossed an explosive grenade at him. Bruce caught it and threw it over the railing where it exploded in midair.

Owlman rushed in and socked Bruce across the jaw. Batman returned the favor with the two trading blows before pushing one another back again. Looking above and behind the Bat, Owlman spotted a low hanging air conditioning pipe. He pulled out an owlerang and tossed it. Batman ducked under the blade, but spotted it hit the metal cables keeping the ventilation shaft up.

The large metal pipe groaned and started to bend down. Bruce threw down a wire cable and leaped off the side of the catwalk. The large vent shaft came crashing down directly onto where Bruce had been standing. The Batman swung on his cable under the catwalk and flung himself back up onto the opposite side.

As Bruce came back up, he kicked Owlman with a strong blow to the chest. Owlman crashed through the guardrail behind him and plummeted to the ground below. Moments before he could hit the floor, he extended his cape and glided back, sliding on the tile floor.

Owlman: Give up, Bruce. You can't defeat me. I killed you once before and I'll do it again. 

Batman scowled down at his foe. He jumped and spread out his cape. The Bat glided down on his makeshift pair of wings, albeit not as gracefully as he normally did. He came crashing down onto Owlman, shoving him  to the floor with him. 

Selina: He's gonna kill Bruce!

Y/N: No he's not. He's not going to kill you either. I promise that. 

Seeing the two on the ground, the Flash began to run. He made his way to them and started running in a large circle, forming a small arena for the two and shielding them in with a wall of orange lightning. 

Owlman stood up and reengaged the Bat. He threw a series of punches and kicks with the Bat quickly blocking or parrying his attacks. Flung back a few feet, Olwman reached into his belt and pulled out a throwing knife. Batman saw what he was doing and reacted quickly. 

Batman pulled out his cable and threw it, grabbing the knife in the Owl's hand. He pulled it out and delivered a spinning kick to the head, sending him to the ground. Just as Owlman was about to bring his head up again, he was kicked again by the Bat. 

Owlman turned his head and looked around. He looked closely at the Flash running around. He noticed something. The orange lightning being generated was slightly toned down from how it usually was. It gave off less light and was not as vibrant as before. The image of the Flash himself also seemed to be slightly translucent at times.

Looking around, Owlman spotted something on the ceiling. It looked like a set of security cameras. However, he had checked all the cameras in this facility and had memorized them before. These were not cameras at all. They were concealed projectors.

Owlman brought his head up again. Batman tried to kick him, but the Owl caught his foot. He pushed Bruce back and stood up tall. He delivered a flurry of punches before pulling out an owlerang and hitting Bruce in the jaw with the but of it. A cut scraped Bruce's exposed lip and he fell back. Owlman grabbed the Bat's leg and shoved him to the ground.

With Batman down, Owlman took his owlerang and tossed it at the projectors above. It hit all of them, causing the devices to spark. The image of the Flash around the two disappeared, revealing the speedster had never left Selina's side. Owlman turned to him and grinned.

Owlman: Having trouble with your speed, Flash?

The Flash scowled at Owlman. After a moment, a smirk appeared on his face. Behind Owlman, Batman pulled himself back up. He wiped the blood trickling from his lip, a scab already forming on it. Owlman turned around and faced the Bat.

Bruce: Not at all.

Batman brought up his fist and delivered a powerful punch to Owlman's jaw, one powered by a surge of orange lightning. Owlman went flying back and slid across the ground. 

Selina looked at the display with wide eyes and turned to the hero beside her. The "Flash" brought up a small remote device about the size of a pen. He pressed it and his face changed. It transformed from Y/N's young frame to that of the older Bruce. On the floor, "Batman's" jawline changed to that of the younger Y/N. 

Owlman pulled himself up and looked at the "Batman" in shock and surprise. Y/N smirked under the mask. No longer needing to hide it, he used his speed to lay punch after punch into Owlman. He stepped back a bit and took off, slamming his body into the Owl, causing parts of the silver villain's bodysuit to crack.

Before Owlman could fully recover, he was hit again, tearing off a decent portion

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