7.11 World's Finest

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The team had all gathered in the Fortress of Solitude. Cisco had joined them, preparing for what the team had planned. The six members of the Crime Syndicate were all tied up together, situated over a small ring on the floor. 

Grid was completely offline, his body parts strewn together into a bag. Johnny Quick was rubbing his neck from where Y/N had injected a speed dampening serum into him. Owlman simply sat there with his mouth hanging wide open, drool dripping down his chin. Ultraman glared at Superwoman in anger. The Amazon warrior still retained bruises over her body. 

Ultraman turned to address the League. They were all standing with Superman next to a control panel of crystals. Ultraman sneered, attempting to mock them.

Ultraman: Whatever prison you conjure up, it will not hold. I will find a way to break out of it. No matter where you send us, I will return.

Victor: We're not sending you anywhere.

Ultraman: So you intend to keep us locked up here?

Victor: No. I literally mean, you are going nowhere

Y/N turned to Cisco. His friend was adjusting the gadgetry on his gloves and setting up a dial on his gauntlet. 

Y/N: You sure you can do this? 

Cisco: Sure. I'm just opening a breach to no designated area, trapping an indestructible prison inside of the space between worlds where no matter, anti-matter, or even a solid Earth exists. Piece of cake.

Y/N smiled at his friend. He handed him his goggles. Cisco took a deep breath and put them on.

Clark: You ready, Cisco?

Cisco: Ready as I'll ever be, Superman. 

Clark smiled and turned back to the crystals before him. He pushed one down, letting it sink into the panel and start up the prison process. The rest of the team stepped back, knowing what was coming next.

A low rumble could be heard as a large window opened up above where the Crime Syndicate was situated. The villainous members all looked up, anxious as to what was coming next. At first they didn't see anything. All there was was the clear night sky. Then they spotted it.

A floating pane of what looked like glass slowly floated through the sky. It spun around like a top as it inched closer and closer to the fortress. The Syndicate held up their hands, knowing what was coming. The pane fell down towards them and into the room. As it touched them, the group felt like they were spinning before finding themselves trapped in the Phantom Zone prison.

The pane prison started to float back up. Cisco concentrated and opened a breach above it. He focused, trying to not think of anywhere in particular. The pane floated through it, taking its prisoners with it through the breach. 

When the prison passed through, the breach closed. The Crime Syndicate were now floating in a prison in an area outside the multiverse. Cisco took off his goggles and breathed a sigh of relief.

Cisco: That's how it's done.

The team cheered. Y/N patted his friend on the back with a smile. Everyone celebrated their victory. For the next few minutes, they all congratulated one another and shook hands. As things were dying down, Cisco found himself talking with Clark.

Cisco: I just... The suit's not really doing it for me. It's classic, don't get me wrong, but it lacks flare.

Clark: Well I like to stick with the classics. Makes everyone feel safer when a hero can dress up like a wrestler.

Cisco: Can't argue with that. But it seems a bit impractical for solar absorption, don't you think? I've actually got a few ideas.

Clark: Let's here them out.

Cisco: All black suit with retroreflective emblem and shoulder pads. I could actually probably help make it with some things from S.T.A.R. Labs. It'd allow you to absorb more sunlight in dire situations while also keeping your mobility and classic design. I'm thinking a new hecta-polymer fabric with conductive heating and cooling.

Clark: That actually sounds pretty good. Think you can work on that for me?

Cisco got a big smile on his face.

Cisco: It would be my honor, Superman. 

Both chuckled with Clark giving Ramon a warm smile. Y/N soon walked over and put his hand on his friend's shoulder.

Y/N: Well, sorry to do this to you guys, but it's probably time we should head back home. It was nice working with you all again, even if the stay was a bit longer than expected. 

The team all shook hands and said their goodbyes.

Clark: Good luck, you two.

Diana: It was nice meeting you, Cisco.

Victor: Keep in touch. I'll be sending you tickets to the next game when I'm in town.

John: And I'm still expecting my wedding invitation in the mail.

Y/N: You've got it, man. 

The two S.T.A.R. Labs heroes waved to everyone and prepared to leave. Cisco grinned and nudged Y/N in the shoulder.

Cisco: Race you back home.

Vibe opened a breach and proceeded to jump through it. Y/N shook his head with an open hanging mouth.

Y/N: Oh, you did NOT just do that to me!

Y/N took off, racing out of the fortress and running all the way back to Central City. The rest of the team laughed, all shaking their heads. They got back to their conversations before everyone departed, hoping to see one another under more peaceful conditions next time.

The Hall of Justice began its long rebuilding process. Cranes and operators moved about the place, restoring it to its natural beauty and architecture. Victor and Diana watched over the construction. Victor highlighted a few blue prints, talking with the foreman and directing workers on what all needed to be fixed.

As the two League heroes oversaw construction, they soon found themselves greeted by a small crowd of children. The students just so happen to be on a field trip nearby and had spotted the heroes. They rushed over eagerly to get their autographs and show off action figures and t-shirts they had of the team.

Girl 1: Wonder Woman, you're my idol!

Boy 1: I love you, Cyborg!

Boy 2: Is it true Batman sleeps upside down?

Girl 2: Can you sign my tiara?

Diana smiled warmly and bent down, signing autographs and amusing the kids. Victor found himself being greeted by a small boy with a crutch. His other leg had recently been amputated and he now had on a prosthetic one. Victor smiled at seeing that the boy had decorated the leg with Cyborg's logo and decals.

Boy 3: Mr. Cyborg, sir, my name is Harold.

Victor smiled and knelt down to the kid's level. 

Victor: Hello, Harold. It's nice to meet you. I like your leg.

Harold: Thanks. I was in an accident recently and the doctors had to take my real leg away.

Victor: I'm sorry about that.

Harold: It's alright. Now I'm just like you!

Victor: Yes you are. And you are very brave. 

Harold: Thank you, sir.

Victor: Here.

Victor brought up his hand and touched the boy's prosthetic leg. A small bit of nanobots crept onto the leg. They formed around it, changing the boy's cardboard decals into real ones. Instead of Victor's red 'C' emblem, this one formed a glowing blue 'H'. Harold looked down in amazement at his new upgraded leg.

Victor: Pretty cool, right?

Harold: Thank you!

Harold flung himself forward and gave Victor a great big hug. Victor was caught off guard, but brought his own hands up and hugged the boy back. A few feet away, Harold's parents saw the whole display. Both were in tears seeing their son meet his favorite superhero and the kindness Cyborg showed to him.

Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle were sitting down at the table in Wayne Manor. Both were chuckling, having a good time as Alfred prepared dinner. Selina was finishing up a story that Bruce was interested by.

Selina: So she buries the cat, right? Everyone mourns their loss and goes on with their lives. A few days later, she hears something scratching at her door. She turns and sees it's the cat. Now of course her mind goes to, "Oh my gosh! This is Pet Cemetery! What has happened?" Well, a little while later, her neighbor comes by and asks if they've seen their cat who looks identical. They buried the wrong cat! They buried the neighbors' thinking it was their own!

Both chuckled at the story. Selina broke down laughing, snorting a bit. As the two chuckled, the doorbell rang. Bruce got up to answer it.

Bruce: I'll be right back.

Selina: Bruce Wayne expecting guests?

Bruce: More like... friends.

Bruce walked out of the living room to answer the door. Alfred was about to answer it himself, but Bruce put his hand up.

Bruce: That's alright, Alfred. I've got it.

Bruce walked to the large door and opened it. He was greeted by two people on the other side. Lois Kent was wearing a nice blue skirt and sunhat. Clark was wearing a white shirt and black tie with dress pants. He adjusted his glasses while trying to balance a bowl of Lois' egg salad she'd made. Bruce looked at them and jokingly gave a questioning look.

Bruce: Don't I know you two from somewhere?

Lois: Bruce! How are you doing?

Lois walked in and gave Bruce a hug. Clark followed behind and allowed Bruce to shut the door. 

Clark: You know, I've never actually driven up here myself before. I've always just taken, well, the cave entrance.

Bruce: It's alright. I hope traffic wasn't too bad.

As the two talked, Alfred and Selina made their way over to them. Alfred took the salad bowl from Clark while Bruce introduced his girlfriend.

Bruce: Clark, Lois, this is Miss Selina Kyle.

Selina: Pleasure to meet you both.

Selina held out her hand and shook with Lois.

Lois: So good to finally meet you, Miss Kyle.

Selina turned to Clark and winked.

Selina: Hey, Superman, eyes on your own girl got it?

Clark's face turned red. He knew she was joking, but he still felt embarrassed. The group all got into a nice conversation while walking through the hall. Alfred eventually walked over and smiled with a grin, seeing his master socialize with true friends.

Alfred: Dinner is served if everyone will join me in the dining room.

Selina: Why, thank you, Alfred.

Lois: There better be a lot. I'm starving.

Bruce turned to Clark while the group walked down the hall.

Bruce: Find a babysitter for Jon?

Clark: Yeah, uh, Jimmy actually offered to watch over him. Finally gave us some time to ourselves.

Bruce: Good, good. Dr. Snow get in touch with you guys about potential dampeners?

The group all continued their conversation as they walked down the hall and to dinner. The evening was filled with laughter and friendly conversation. For the first time in a while, Bruce truly felt a connection with people.

John Stewart sat in a bar in Detroit. A few days ago, after the Crime Syndicate was dealt with, he and Superman were able to push Oa back to its original location amongst the stars. The Guardians were restored and the Corps began its rebuilding process. John was praised as a hero and a true example for all Green Lantern members to follow.

John was fine with the adoration and had even been offered a promotion in the Corps. However, he decided to instead take some time off, give himself a break from everything. He found himself wanting to reconnect back with his humanity after so much time in space.

John continued to drink at the bar, sitting alone and left with his thoughts. While he was lost in thought, John was pulled away by a woman's voice calling out to him.

Woman: A face like that should be smiling with friends, not contemplating what his next order's gonna be.

John: Oh, I was just flipping between the Jolly Pumpkin and the Old Stitch.

The woman walked over to John. She was fair skinned with long black hair that went down to her shoulders. She had plump pink lips and eyes that showed both curiosity and experience. 

Woman: Is this seat taken?

John: Only by my buddy, the wind.

The woman chuckled at his joke. She sat down next to him while retaining her smile. She offered a hand to him.

Woman: Katma. Katma Tui. Most people just call me Kat.

John: That's an interesting name. 

Katma: My family's an interesting group. And you are...?

John: John Stewart.

John brought his hand out and the two shook. As they did, John got the strangest sense of Deja vu. It was if he knew this woman before. He felt comfortable around her, but he couldn't explain why. He had just met her, but she seemed familiar in some way. Maybe in another lifetime?, he told himself. Katma noticed him spacing out a bit.

Katma: You all good, space man?

John shook himself out of it. He looked at Kat, finding her smile to be gorgeous. He smiled back at her.

John: Yeah, I'm good. So, where are you from?

Katma: Oh, that's tough to say.

John: Pretty far?

Katma: Yeah. Yeah, I guess you could say that. What about you? Are you local or just a traveler?

John: A bit of both.

The two continued their conversation, talking long into the evening. They talked for hours, letting everything else around them fade away. Through the darkness of the night outside, the only light they were focused on was one another.

Y/N and Caitlin sat at the kitchen table in their shared apartment. They had envelopes and papers strewn about all over the place. The two were planning their wedding together as well as the honeymoon. They were going over travel locations, entertainers, and items for the venue.

Caitlin: How do you feel about Tahiti?

Y/N: Mai tais and a cool breeze? Resting my feet in the sand and swimming in the ocean instead of running on it? Count me in.

Caitlin smiled at him as they prepared. 

Caitlin: Good. Now, this is a bit of a sudden change in subject, but what about the cake? What are we thinking?

Y/N: I've always been a fan of red velvet.

Caitlin: Yeah, but I've typically preferred yellow. Now, we could try and get one made at...

As Caitlin talked, Y/N looked at her. The way she seemed so happy and excited about their long awaited day, the way her lips moved nonstop, going over every detail. It caused he himself to smile wildly. Caitlin noticed she wasn't getting a response from him and turned only to find him smiling.

Caitlin: What?

Y/N brought his eyes up and cocked his eyebrow. Caitlin knew that look. She giggled while holding up her finger in protest.

Caitlin: No. Don't.

Y/N wrapped his arms around Cait's midsection and lifted her up. She laughed and uselessly tried to fight against him. Y/N brought her over to the couch and plopped down on it, bringing her down with him. He held onto her, tickling her sides while she squirmed in his arms.

Caitlin: Y/N! Please... Ha, ha, ha. Stop. You know I'm... Ha, ha, ha!

Y/N eventually stopped. Caitlin rolled her eyes while coming off of her laughing fit.

Caitlin: You win. 

She turned around, keeping her body on his chest. She planted her chin down over his ribs and looked up at him. Y/N was lying down on his back on the couch. Cait noticed his brow furrowed in a certain way. She knew he was thinking about something. 

Caitlin: What's on your mind, speedy?

Y/N perked up and looked back down at her. A small smile appeared on his face. He began running his fingers through her hair while explaining what he'd been thinking about.

Y/N: It's just... over the past year, I've not only been subjected to some of my biggest life changes. I've also gotten to see what could have been or what wasn't. Events in my life that could have happened to me but didn't for one reason or another. All the changes, all the choices altered in some way. It's given me time to think about how my life is and how much it's changed.

Caitlin cocked her head to the side, listening to his explanation.

Y/N: You asked me once if I was happy with what life has given me. And after seeing everything, the answer is clear to me. Yes. I am extraordinarily happy with the life I have lived. Despite what things may have been like before... before the timeline changed, I am still happy with what has happened now. I have friends, a great team, I get to help people. But most importantly, I got to meet you. And out of everything that has transpired, I think that is the greatest gift that lightning bolt could have given me.

He smiled brilliantly down at her. Caitlin smiled back as well. She brought her head up close to his chin. 

Caitlin: You're just saying that to convince me that we should choose red velvet.

Y/N: What? No. But if it's working...

The two laughed and chuckled together. Y/N wrapped his arms around her as she brought her head down again to his chest. 

Y/N: Let's compromise. How about a layered cake? Bottom half is red velvet, top is yellow. Deal?

Caitlin: Only if I get the first bite.

Y/N: You got it.

The two sat together with one another. Caitlin rested her head on Y/N's

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