The Crime Syndicate walked through into the converted meeting hall in the Hall of Justice. At the center of the room sat the newly constructed syphoning device mad for Power Ring. In the center of it was placed a chair with metal clamps and straps, almost resembling an electric chair. The chair was surrounded by nodes and wires that led up to the antennae tower placed above the room.
Power Ring looked at the chair and gulped. It looked uncomfortable and resembled more of a prison rather than a machine for conquest. He held up his hands, having second thoughts about going through with the plan.
Power Ring: Hey, uh, are we sure this thing is safe? I-I mean, I'm all fine with waiting a little longer if we need to make adjustments. In fact, I think I need to get some fresh air and-
Superwoman grabbed Power Ring by the collar and dragged him over to the chair device. She forced him to sit down in it and take his seat. She gave a sickening, wicked smile as she strapped the clamps around his wrists and legs. His right ring arm was placed inside of a special clamp put on a mechanical arm attached to the chair. Superwoman finished up by locking a leather strap around Power Ring's head, keeping him upright and looking forward.
Superwoman: There. Now you be a good little boy and stay put. This will only take a moment. You won't feel a thing... maybe.
Power Ring looked at her, his jaw open in fear. Superwoman simply gave him a smirk and turned her back to walk away. She passed by Owlman who was standing behind a control panel for the machine. The two gave each other knowing looks and proceeded to continue with their plan. Superwoman made her way over to her husband and pressed a hand against his chest.
Superwoman: Come on, dear. Let's allow you to take your rightful place on the throne.
Ultraman nodded with a smirk. He turned to Owlman.
Ultraman: How long will this take?
Owlman: The ring's energy needs to be stabilized and directed first. Once the full connection is made, you can control it from there.
Ultraman nodded. He, Superwoman, and Johnny Quick all walked out of the room, allowing Owlman to work. The caped fowl pressed a few keys, starting up the machine. Next to him, sitting with its eyes closed and focusing on the systems, was Grid.
A hum was heard emanating from the machine following by a metal clang. Power Ring squirmed uncomfortably in his chair. He felt something. The mechanical arm his ring hand was in started to lift up. It forced his hand to lift and point up directly at the sky. It pointed up towards a glass dome above him. The dome was situated directly underneath the large antennae.
Owlman: Alright, Power Ring, focus. You may be of use to us yet. Remember, this is the only reason you are alive. Let the ring do the talking. You just follow along.
Power Ring: I-I... Y-Y-Yes, s-sir.
Owlman nodded. He pressed a few more keys, preparing the device. Power Ring closed his eyes and focused. He listened to the ring on his finger, its commands booming in his head. The ring began to light up.
A green beam fired out of the ring. It hit the glass dome and began collecting inside of it. The tower above began to crackle and spark with green bolts of electricity. Power Ring grunted. A tear rolled down his eye, one born out of fear and pain. The ring's energy started to build up high above.
Ultraman walked into the makeshift thrown room joined by his two colleagues. Johnny rubbed his hands together and cackled with excitement.
Johnny: Oooh-boy! This it it. It's actually happening.
Ultraman looked at his throne. It was made of a dark grey material with purple cushions. His red emblem was plastered on the back. The tall brute admired his new weapon and position as supreme leader. Superwoman placed a hand on Ultraman's shoulder. He turned around to face her.
Superwoman: Darling, try not to strain yourself too much beforehand. Even with all your strength, all those heads at once will be an undertaking.
Ultraman: An undertaking that needs to be done. And only I have the strength to do it.
The two grinned at one another. Ultraman cupped his wife's cheeks in his hands before bringing her head forward. The two kissed in a session of passion and love. Johnny rolled his eyes at their display. When they were done, the two separated.
Ultraman walked up to his throne. He sat down slowly, taking it all in. His hands rested up on the tall arm rests. His dark red cape flowed down the chair to his boots. Sitting in place, Ultraman allowed Superwoman to perform the next task. She took the metal cap situated above the throne and lowered it down to rest on his head. She locked it in place and stepped back, grinning at her husband.
Ultraman grinned with a curled lip on his throne. He took everything in, preparing to fulfill his destiny. Everything was quiet, save for the low hum of machinery around the place. That was until a new disturbance arose. Before anyone could even detect it, Ultraman heard the commotion from far away with his supersonic hearing.
Grid: Perimeter breach. Movement detected on south side of facility.
Before Ultraman, a digital screen was projected. The area looked fine. That was until static filled the screen. The camera had been disabled. Ultraman listened closely with his powerful hearing. He could detect where the movement was coming from.
Ultraman: Backdoor view. Now.
The screen changed again. This time it displayed the back of the building. The camera looked out at a street level. There was nothing. The back loading lot looked peaceful. All that could be seen was the orange sky of the rising sun. That was until two smashed cameras came crashing down in front of the camera. They were broken to pieces. Looking closely, one could see two shadows flying by on the ground. They were faint, but clearly humanoid. Very familiar humanoid outlines.
Ultraman clenched his fists in anger. He sneered at what he was seeing. Speaking over the comms, he barked to Owlman.
Ultraman: How long until the command program is ready?
Owlman: I've still got a few minutes. It'll take some time to engulf the planet.
Superwoman: Do not fret, darling. I will deal with the intruders.
Ultraman: No. I'm going as well. It's time to exterminate these pests once and for all.
Ultraman tore the cap off his head and stood up. He marched through the Hall towards the back. Superwoman and Johnny Quick followed behind. When he reached the back door, Ultraman kicked it right off its hinges. He walked out with his team to confront the remaining members of their opponent team.
The rest of the members of the Justice League stood on the other side of the parking lot. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern hovered in the air while the Flash and Cyborg stood on the paved ground. Ultraman flew into the air. He glared at the Justice Leaguers. His face showed both pride but also annoyance, like a parent having to scold their child one too many times. Superwoman flew into the air and hovered next to him.
Ultraman: If you know what's best for you, you'll leave.
John: Not while you still have our friends.
Superwoman: Your friends are to be blessed. They will be the first to witness the new free world and the last to perish with the old.
Diana: You speak of freedom by courting with madness. It is injustice you bring, not peace.
Ultraman: Surely you two of all people can understand what we're trying to do here. The Amazons have lived in peace because they were separated from the evils of this world. The Guardians have spent centuries trying to maintain the peace with their soldiers, yet they require more because this planet's wickedness keeps spreading. The human race is beyond saving.
John: Does that include yourself, Clarkson?
Ultraman's scowl tightened at the mention of his mortal name.
Ultraman: I am no longer part of the human race. I have transcended it.
Superwoman: Depart and we will show you mercy.
Diana: Mercy? It's madness is what you display.
Ultraman: Enough talk! Let's finish this.
John: Yeah. I agree.
The three members of the Syndicate prepared to attack. Ultraman cracked his knuckles. He was angry, but allowed himself to show a bit of glee. These four were weak compared to his strength alone. He would have fun tearing them apart.
However, it was while preparing to fight that Superwoman noticed something. The other team was not preparing themselves. It was almost as if they were waiting for something. It seemed odd. Unsettlingly odd.
That was when it happened. Roaring over the hill behind the Hall, smashing its way through guard rails and breaking through dirt, a large, tank-like vehicle rumbled onto the scene. The League members scattered, making way for it. The metal vehicle parked. It appeared heavily armored with a thick metal sheet and wheels the size of a single person. On its front was positioned a glass windscreen, the cockpit appearing to be empty. On the rims of the tires were displayed familiar icons, each resembling a large bat.
From his command post in the cave, Alfred steered the tank into position. He pressed a few buttons and the tires spread out, extending on axles almost like a cat preparing to pounce.
Alfred: Right gents, and lady, let's give these punks a good what for.
Pressing another button, Alfred activated a hatch on the back of the tank. The top flipped open and allowed a large machine gun to pop out. Grabbing a joystick, Alfred took aim. He had markers on all three members of the Syndicate.
Deciding to deal with the speedster first, Alfred opened fire. Johnny began running about, avoiding the spray of bullets. He caught a few and tossed them back at the tank. The bullets hit the large metal side and did nothing, leaving only minor dents.
Deciding to up the game, Alfred pressed another button. On the side of the tank's gun, a small compartment flap slid over. A missile fired out of it. Johnny grinned. Moving at super speed, he grabbed hold of the missile. He spun around and tried to toss it. However, what he failed to notice was that it was a specialized heat seeking missile, made specifically to track those who generated lightning or heat vision.
The missile exploded mere seconds after leaving Johnny's hands. It threw him across the field where he landed on the ground and skidded across the pavement on his chest. The tank redirected its attention to Ultraman. The flying tyrant glared at it and puffed out his chest.
The tank opened fire, shooting a flurry of bullets into the evil man of steel. The bullets bounced off Ultraman's chest like they were nothing. Ultraman grinned. seeing the tank's greatest defenses do nothing. Then something happened that caught him off guard.
The tank stopped firing. Pressing another trigger, Alfred motioned for a small searchlight to rise up just below the main turret. Ultraman looked at it. What was a searchlight going to do to him? Then the light turned on. It glowed a bright yellow and orange. The inside bulb almost resembled boiling magma rather than electricity.
All of a sudden, Ultraman felt weak. He fell down to the ground and landed on his feet before being forced down on his knees. He looked at his hands then back at the searchlight. Superwoman flew down to him and stood by his side.
Superwoman: What is it?
Ultraman pulled his head up and looked at the searchlight.
Ultraman: Yellow sunlight.
The team must have figured it out. Just as kryptonite weakened Superman but powered Ultraman, yellow sunlight powered the man of steel but weakened his evil counterpart. Superwoman grew angry. She jump up towards the tank, her eyes glowing red.
Wonder Woman dived in and grabbed Superwoman by the neck. She forced her head up just as the woman in black fired her heat vision. The red beams missed the bat tank and shot up into the sky. Diana then kneed her in the gut. Superwoman held her stomach before diving at Diana in a fit of rage. The two clashed and clawed at one another, trying to keep the other down.
Green lantern flew in and generated a cage around Ultraman. The bitter, evil tyrant was weakened by the search light's replicated energy, but he was still strong. He forced himself up and grabbed hold of the green bars of the cage. He shouted and smashed them to pieces.
John generated a giant anvil and forced it down on Ultraman. It kept him pinned for only a moment. The strong man grabbed the bottom of the anvil and forced it up into the air where it broke. He then took flight, engaging with John in the air.
On the ground, Johnny Quick pulled himself up and ran towards the Flash and Cyborg. He gloated, standing there in front of them. Lightning crackled around his fingers as he eyed his opponents, looking almost like a vicious hyena ready to attack.
Johnny: This is the end of the line for you two. Your helmet would make a nice trophy, Flash. Maybe I can also find some use for the scrap metal from you as well, tin can.
Neither hero said anything. They just looked at Quick with emotionless stares. The two crouched down, prepared to fight. Quick took a moment to stretch before bending down as well.
Then the two speedsters took off. They circled one another, red blurs on the field. Johnny tried to throw a punch at the approaching Flash only for the speedster to duck at the last minute. Johnny chased after him, running in circles around the lot.
Cyborg transformed his arm into an energy canon. He fired at the blurs, trying to hit Johnny. The bolts hit the ground, leaving small burn marks on the pavement. Looking up, Victor spotted Ultraman fighting Green Lantern in the air. Transforming his other arm, Victor created a sonic energy canon. He fired a sonic beam at the red caped evil doer.
Ultraman covered his ears and stopped, holding his head in pain. The tank's searchlight turned and shined on him. Ultraman was weakened again and fell to the ground.
From his monitor in the control room, Owlman watched the fight unfolding outside. He looked closely not at the two flying heroes, but at the two ground ones. He noted their odd complexions. Neither were showing any sign of emotion or exhibited any moment of weakness. He thought for a moment before turning to Grid beside him.
Owlman: You have new orders. Go guard the front entrance.
Grid: Affirmative.
Grid stood up and walked away, making his way out of the room. Owlman went back to looking at the monitors. He rubbed his chin for a moment, thinking.
Johnny and the Flash continued their chase. The two stopped. Johnny had to catch his breath for a moment, but the Flash showed no sign of exhaustion.
Johnny: Boy, you really know how to get 'em. Too bad you weren't like this on my Earth.
The Flash continued to stand there, simply staring at Johnny. Quick grinned, thinking the hero was trying to hide his feelings from him.
Johnny: Does it make you feel better to know I put the poor bastard out of his misery? Too much of a whiner anyway. So much with the Barry, and the Harrison, and the... whatever that brown haired bimbo's name was.
The Flash crouched down, bringing his fists up to fight again. Quick grinned. Now he had him. He rushed towards the Flash and socked him right across the jaw. Y/N's head fell back, but it was what it felt like that seemed odd to Johnny. It didn't feel like hitting flesh and bone. Instead, his fist felt like it hit solid rock.
Shaking his hand in pain, Johnny threw his other fist. He hit the Flash right in the eye. The speedster's goggles cracked and smashed. Johnny chuckled, pleased with his work.
Then the evil speedster was caught off guard by something else. The Flash turned his head to look back at Quick. The cracks in his goggles allowed Johnny to see the true eyes of the man underneath. Only something was off about them. The Flash's eyes were glowing a bright green color.
Johnny: What the...?
Green Lantern flew down to confront the fallen Ultraman. The evil tyrant pulled himself up and glared at John. His eyes were glowing a bright red. John brought up his ring and constructed a large riot shield. Ultraman hit it with a short burst of heat vision. John deflected it back, causing the beams to hit Superwoman.
Superwoman was about to throw another punch when she was knocked away by the blast. Ultraman watched her fall back down onto the ground. He was in shock. Then he turned to John with gritted teeth. He was now not only bitter but angry. John saw the look in his eyes and prepared for the worst.
Ultraman charged towards Green Lantern. He smashed through his shield construct and grabbed him by the neck. The two smashed through the bat tank, tearing it into two halves and taking it out of the fight.
John was thrown to the ground and shoved through the concrete. A cut opened up on his head and he coughed with exhaustion and pain. At that exact moment, Flash and Cyborg turned a pale green. Both became translucent before dissipating like all the other Lantern constructs.
Johnny gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He had been tricked. He turned back to the door into the Hall and scowled. There was thus only one place they could be now.
Y/N and Victor approached the front entrance to the Hall of Justice. Victor was currently hacking back into the system. With the antivirus in place, he slowly began to flush Grid out of the front half of the building. The camera footage was replaced with that of the morning prior, showing no disturbance outside.
Y/N: Is it working? Are you in?
Victor: Yes, I'm in.
Y/N: Good. Can you get access to the rest of the building, maybe map a location to Bruce and Clark?
Victor: I'm trying. The restart is taking longer than expected.
Y/N: Is it an encryption AES network, Triple DES, or Twofish network?
Victor: I could find it a lot easier if I didn't have to answer your questions every five seconds.
Y/N: Sorry. My bad.
The two made their way to the front entrance doors. Some of the systems were still down, but the security shutter on the doors were up. All that was needed was more the revolving doors to operate. Victor tried to hack back into the doors. He received an error. He pulled up his arm and projected a digital display.
Victor: This should be working.
Victor squinted at the data he was receiving. It didn't look right. The antivirus flush out had stopped midway through the upload process. Y/N looked at the revolving doors before them.
Y/N: These doors are designed to lock and prevent air from leaking out, correct?
Victor: Yeah, mostly just to keep the AC bill down.
Y/N: Well, if the lock were to sense the motion of the motor, it would
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