Hunter: Civilian casualties. Never intended deaths. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Y/N glared at Zolomon. Nora's death had been intentional. His parents were just a slip up. All of this because of the psychotic man in front of him. Hunter could see that he was getting to Y/N. He saw the Flash tighten his yellow gloved fist.
Hunter: Ooh, I know. Stings, doesn't it. You were never special. All that has been gifted to you has been incidental. You were a nobody before and should have stayed that way. Come on. I know that look. You want to kill me, don't you? Well, then...
Hunter brought up his hands. Suddenly, the generator powering the force field sparked and went out. Blue lightning crackled from it as a blue blur rushed past the machine. The force field turned off. Just then, Zoom rushed in and plunged his hand through Hunter's heart. Zolomon fell to the floor, dead. The others looked at the duplicate Zoom. This one had a cut on his leg. Zoom took off his mask, showing yet another Zolomon underneath it.
Hunter: Let me get you started.
Y/N charged at Zoom. The two speedsters engaged in battle. The others looked on in shock. Frost was worried for Y/N. She didn't want to lose him. They couldn't risk it again. She brought her hands close to her her chest and grunted. Ice started to build up in her palms. Wells and Cisco saw what she was doing.
Cisco: What is she...?
Wells: Get down.
Cisco: What?
Wells: Get down!
Wells tackled Cisco to the ground just as Frost opened up her hands. She outstretched her arms, releasing a shockwave of ice around the room. The ground froze, the walls were covered in snow, and snowflakes started to fall around the room.
Y/N noticed the blast and jumped at the last minute. He flipped over the shockwave. Zoom was not so lucky. He was hit by the ice and fell back. White frost covered his black suit. He was starting to slow down.
Wells saw his opening. He grabbed hold of his gun and fired a dart towards Zoom. The black racer saw it and brought up his hand in an attempt to catch it. However, Y/N saw it too. He rushed towards Zoom. He grabbed Hunter's arm and twisted it around his back. With Zoom down on his knees, Y/N turned him into the dart. The serum dart hit directly into Zolomon's neck.
Zoom could almost instantly feel the effects of the drug. Y/N started running around, laying punch after punch into him. He kept him pinned down on his knees.
When Y/N was done, Vibe released a set of sonic waves, keeping Zolomon pinned down on his knees. Frost tackled him from behind and jabbed a thick icicle into his leg. Hunter cried out in pain. Wells fired another dart. However, Zolomon had had enough.
Zoom got up on his limping leg and spun around with his arms outstretched. Everyone fell back as a swirl of blue bolts went around him. The serum dart went flying to the side and smacked into the wall.
Everyone was on their backs. They looked up at Zolomon. Zoom's leg was bent down in pain. He looked at his hand. It sparkled with lightning before stopping. Knowing he didn't have long, Zoom shot out of the lab and raced away. For the first time in his life, Zoom fled.
Hunter tiredly opened the door to his apartment. He limped inside and threw his mask down. Making his way over to a small hidden fridge, he pulled out a vial of Velocity-9. Putting it inside of an injector, he pressed it into his arm. Zoom pulled the trigger and could feel his speed returning to him. It wouldn't take long for his healing factor to click in.
Zoom looked down into the fridge and sighed. That was the last of the Velocity-9. He needed Y/N's speed now. Hunter looked at his hand. It felt stiff. He didn't have much time.
Zolomon deeply exhaled. He leaned against the kitchen countertop and looked out the window. He needed to get Y/N's speed. He knew, the next time he struck, he'd have to have leverage. He then got an idea. He may know where to get it.
At S.T.A.R. Labs, the group was all getting things in order. Patty had already left to finish up her report on Hunter to use as further evidence. Joe and Barry were busy cleaning up the footage they had. Y/N was sitting down in one of the various chairs placed around the room. His head was down in thought. Barry noticed and walked over to him.
Barry: Hey. Don't worry. We'll get him next time.
Y/N: It's not that. It's... Your mother was murdered. It was for a reason. I just thought, since we both saw the same guy that night, that maybe my parents' deaths were also for a reason. But they weren't. It was all just a stupid accident.
Barry could see the trouble on Y/N face. He put his hand on his shoulder and brought Y/N back over to him.
Barry: Hey, it's okay. Maybe not everything happens for a reason. But I mean, look at you. Their deaths do have meaning. Your parents and what happened to them shaped you into a real hero.
Y/N: That's another thing. This was supposed to be you, Barry. You were supposed to be the Flash. You were supposed to be the one out there saving people. I stole your life.
Barry exhaled. He smiled and looked at Y/N.
Barry: No, you did not. I don't need to be the Flash to be a hero. I don't need to be just like all the other Barry Allens in the multiverse. Zoom may have put us on this path, but he couldn't control our very actions. The things that make us who we are are all because of us. They're our choices. This is your life. You didn't steal anything. And I am proud to call you my brother.
Y/N smiled back at Barry. The two were nice, both accepting of their lives and where they had both ended up. Caitlin looked over at the two of them. She smiled, knowing Y/N was starting to feel better about himself. Y/N grinned and patted Barry on the back.
Y/N: Come on. Let's get your dad out of prison.
The both of them smiled and stood up. Everyone was walking around the lab doing something. Suddenly, a blue blur of lightning soared into the room. Everyone turned to unexpectedly see Zoom. In his hand he had a firm grip on Patty, holding her up by the neck. Her gun had been taken away from her. Everyone looked on in shock.
Barry: Patty!
Patty could barely speak through the tight hand on her neck.
Patty: Bare...
Zoom: This is your chance to be a hero, Flash. Prove that is what you really are.
Y/N: What do you want?!
Zoom: You know what I want and you have the tools to get it for me.
Zoom looked over through one of the windows in the lab towards the treadmill. Y/N looked at it and sighed. The speed extrapolator.
Zoom: Give me your speed and I will release her.
Patty: Y/N... don't...
Wells: Don't do it.
Caitlin: Y/N, you can't.
Cisco: She's right. He'll just kill us all anyway.
Barry: Y/N...
Zoom: Do we have a deal?
Y/N looked at Zoom. He looked towards Patty barely hanging onto consciousness. It shouldn't end like this, but he had no other choice. This was the only way to save her. He had to agree to it. Maybe once he had what he wanted, Zoom would leave them all alone. Y/N looked towards the black racer and nodded.
Y/N: Release her first, then we have a deal.
Zoom: Agreed.
Zoom let go of Patty. She dropped to the floor. Barry was quickly at her side. He helped her up and cupped a hand over her cheek.
Barry: Are you alright? Did he hurt you?
Y/N walked up to Zoom. The black speedster took off his mask, showing his true self.
Hunter: Let's begin, Flash.
The group were all in the side lab, preparing the machine. Caitlin was taking Y/N's vitals, trying to not break down into tears. Hunter gave Dr. Wells the injector he used. Wells plugged it up to the computer station that was hooked up to the treadmill. He sighed and shook his head.
Wells: The machine will extract the Speed Force from Y/N's body into this. All he has to do is run on the treadmill and the machine will do the rest.
Hunter nodded with a smirk. Cisco glared at him with crossed arms.
Cisco: Why do you need his speed? Isn't your precious Velocity-9 enough for you?
Hunter: Uh, to an extent, yes. The first few times I tried it, it was great. An artificial connection to the Speed Force. But there were a few... drawbacks to using so much.
Caitlin: Your cells are degenerating.
Joe: So you are dying. Is that what this is about? Guy who kills so much is afraid karma will catch up to him?
Hunter: It's not death that I fear, Detective. I am the embodiment of it. I do not fear it coming because I know it is I who will deliver it. No. It's how I die. My legacy. I need a rival, someone willing and able to match my speed. An honorable death. So I went to other Earths, challenged their speedsters. When it was clear to me that no one could match me, I stole their speed, used it to prolonged my life. For a bit, I thought Y/N may be the challenge I was after. But I guess not. He's just as scared and sickeningly moral as the rest of them.
Cisco: What about these other Earths? I'll take it you're not from any of them or Earth-X for that matter.
Hunter: No. Even I'm not crazy enough to go anywhere near that place.
Wells: So which Earth are you from?
Hunter thought for a moment. He then lightly chuckled.
Hunter: You know? I don't remember. I've been to so many worlds that I've forgotten where I'm actually from.
Barry: What about all the times when we saw you die?
Hunter: You did see me die, but not this me, not the exact one you see before you.
Patty: How did you do it?
Hunter: You're all smart. You tell me.
Y/N: Time travel.
Hunter: Right on. I knew that I couldn't be in two places at once, at least not without depleting what little speed was keeping me alive. So I went back in time and met another version of myself.
Barry: When did you decide to do that?
Hunter: Oh, I've done it numerous times. Different Earths, same story. The hero Hunter Zolomon comes around, trains a speedster, before he is drastically killed by the speed demon. Believe me, getting my time remnant to agree to me murdering him took a bit of convincing the first go around. But once he saw, well, the genius of my plan, he was all for it.
Joe: Why the charade? Why pretend to be a hero?
Hunter: To give people hope. Hope that I could rip away from them. Hope that seems just out of reach before the whole world comes crashing down. It's so fun pretending to be a hero.
Caitlin: You are no hero. You're nothing but a monster.
Hunter: Maybe. But remember that I'm the monster who has complete control. None of you would be where you are today if not for me.
Hunter looked around at everyone. He grinned with a toothy sneer and a cackle. Y/N got up off the medical table and walked over to him.
Y/N: Enough. Let's do this.
Hunter smirked devilishly.
Hunter: See you soon, Flash. Or maybe I won't.
Y/N was about to walk into the treadmill room. Caitlin was crying trying to hold onto him. Y/N rubbed his hands over her arms soothingly and held her close.
Caitlin: Y/N...
Y/N: It's alright. This how it has to be.
He kissed the top of her head and gave a weak smile. Y/N then turned around and entered the room. Everyone saw him step up onto the treadmill. Patty stood there, feeling guilty. Y/N was giving up his speed to save her. She felt like it was all her fault.
Patty: Y/N...
Y/N: It's okay, Patty.
Y/N got onto the treadmill. He took a deep breath and pressed the button next to him, staring it. The treadmill started up and Y/N began running. Newly installed lights belonging to the extrapolator started to light up around him. Dr. Wells looked at the screen and vial next to him.
Lightning crackled around Y/N's body. The screen began to show a rise of some orange substance entering the vial. It began filling up. After a bit of running, Y/N started to slow down.
Caitlin: He's slowing down.
Wells: The Speed Force is leaving his body.
Cisco: He's becoming human again.
Everyone looked on with wide eyes. Hunter just gave a sneer. It was all falling into place. Y/N was now slowing down to a normal run speed. Dr. Wells looked over at the vial. The machine then stopped. Y/N fell off the treadmill, panting and out of breath. Wells staired at the screen in front of him, blocking part of it from Zoom. 99% of the Speed Force in Y/N's body had been extracted.
Caitlin, Cisco, Barry, and Joe all rushed into the room. Caitlin was down next to Y/N immediately. He was winded and out of breath. He felt extraordinarily tired.
Caitlin: Y/N...
Y/N: I'm alright. I'm okay.
Outside, Dr. Wells unplugged the vial from the extrapolator. He hooked it into the injection unit. Zolomon shoved him aside and forced it out of his hands.
Hunter: Give me that!
Hunter took the injector. Orange lightning buzzed around inside the attached vial. With a wide grin, Hunter took the gun and pressed it to his arm. With a press of a button, he injected the Speed Force energy into his body. He could feel it instantly making him stronger. Hunter's eyes went pitch black. Orange lightning started circling his body before turning blue. Zolomon gave out a high pitched, wheezy cackle. He did it. He finally did it! He was now officially the fastest man alive!
Zoom suddenly sprinted into the side room. He grabbed Y/N by the neck and picked him up. He slammed the now powerless Y/N into the side of the wall and tightened his grip.
Hunter: Thank you, Y/N. But now I think you've outlived your usefulness.
Hunter brought up his other hand. It started vibrating quickly. He brought it close to Y/N's chest, threatening to stab him. Y/N struggled and squirmed, trying to escape the strong grasp that was choking him. Zolomon then stopped himself.
Hunter: Oh, no. No, no ,no. What am I doing? I've put too much work and effort into this world. It would be much more fun for you to see it burn before killing you.
Zoom let go of Y/N. He fell to the ground and panted. Zolomon glared at Y/N with a wide grin. He then quickly turned around. He grabbed Caitlin and rushed out of the lab with her. Both Y/N and Cisco shouted out to the runaway speedster.
Cisco: No!
Y/N: Caitlin!
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