6.4 Inspection and Invention

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Joe, Cisco, and Patty were walking through a rundown, lower section of town. The suburb that once housed well kept yards and fresh houses was now home to rundown homes with faded paint jobs and sagging roofs. The suburb had at one point in time been known for its family friendly neighborhood and atmosphere. But that was long gone. Now it was better known for its crack houses and gang membership. 

One house in particular seemed worse than the others. The front porch sagged like a tired, sad dog. The once blue paint job had long since faded, now appearing a sick shade similar to a dark cloud. Vines and roots grew across the yard and over the front driveway. Some of the windows had been smashed from previous gang activities. The two detectives and one scientist walked up the porch towards the house.

Cisco: Joe, what are we doing here?

Joe: Something still doesn't feel right about this whole Zoom thing. If we want to catch him, instead of focusing on what he's been doing on other Earths, I thought we should look into his history with ours, start from there.

Cisco: Right, but what are we doing here specifically?

Joe: This is Barry's childhood home. I thought about investigating it again at some point, but I've never been able to find the time or any good reason to. But with the man in black's return, I thought it'd be best we start building our case to help get Henry out of Iron Heights.

Both Cisco and Patty stared at the house with open eyes. They took in its rundown appearance. This was it. This was where Nora Allen had been murdered.

Cisco: Guess this place really fell from grace.

Joe: After the incident, nobody really wanted to buy a home where a recent murder had taken place. Local rumors ranging anywhere from the murder being a bad omen to the house itself being haunted. Eventually, the whole neighborhood fell with it. 

Joe pulled out a spare key from years ago and unlocked the door. Even after unlocking it, the door was still jammed. Joe had to apply a little force and shove it open. The old wooden door gave in, opening up to the small home inside. Dust bunnies and mothballs covered the place. If the outside was bad, the inside was even worse. Some parts of the floor had given way and opened up, holes leading down to the crawl space under the house. Still, some parts of the house remained fairly well kept.

Joe: I've tried my best over the years to keep as much of the crime scene intact as possible. I never knew why, some part of me grasping at some useless idea of hope. Maybe some uncovered truth that could prove Henry's innocence. Now, Barry doesn't know we're here and I'd like to keep it that way. He and Y/N have enough going on to deal with Zoom. The last thing they need is a personal connection. Those boys are smart, but they can become a little overconfident with themselves. Understood?

Cisco: Right.

Both Cisco and Patty nodded. Joe walked into the old house, Cisco following behind him. Patty stayed behind, hesitant to enter. She paused at the doorway and looked at the room inside. Joe turned back to her.

Joe: Detective?

Patty: Barry never wanted me to see this place. I can see why. 

She was hesitant to enter, knowing this was something deeply personal to her boyfriend. Joe walked over to her and eased her worries.

Joe: I know you respect Barry, and I appreciate that. It's what I myself appreciate about you, Detective. But right now we need to cast aside personal relations and do our job. Barry would understand.

Patty nodded. She took a deep breath and crossed the threshold into the rundown home. The group all made their way to the living room where the murder had taken place. Old, torn up police tape still covered the room. Cisco placed down the briefcase he was carrying and unlocked it. He pulled out a small device that resembled a speedometer. He walked around the room with it, scanning the walls. After a bit, he shook his head.

Cisco: Not picking up anything. Not even with the super light.

Patty: Super light?

Cisco: Well, technically it's a multi-spectrum ultraviolet laser enhanced scanner that detects molecular schisms at 600 megavolts, but I figured "super light" was easier to say.

Joe: What's it tell you?

Cisco: Not much. You did a good job at preserving this place, Joe, but I think too much has decayed for us to find anything.

Joe pulled out a few photographs of the crime scene from years ago. He pointed towards the ground and then the wall next to it.

Joe: Nora Allen's body was right here. Her blood splattered over onto that wall next to the mirror. Her hand was pointing towards the window. 

Patty looked over the details of the murder on a file.

Patty: How did the police accuse Mr. Allen of the murder? 

Joe: The body was found with a stab wound through the upper chest cavity into the heart. Traces of Nora's blood were then found on a kitchen knife from the other room. Henry had been cooking at the time, so it seemed logical to others that he would be the one in possession of the weapon.

Patty looked at the image of the wound then at the direction of the where Nora's body was laying. She noticed something odd about the medical reports.

Patty: Wait, Joe, this doesn't make sense.

She pointed towards the image of the wound as well as the medical report on the body.

Patty: The knife was a standard kitchen knife, but look at the marks on the body. It doesn't look like a clean cut. The abrasions and smaller indentions on the side of her chest and shirt seem to indicate the weapon had been moving back and forth.

Joe: The police thought Henry may have wiggled the knife to get closer to her heart, cut through the bone of her chest cavity. 

Patty: Right, but look at how small and consistent the cuts are. Even if the knife were wiggled back and forth, it wouldn't be able to make that many cuts in such a short amount of time. And look at the bone fractures. It doesn't seem to indicate a struggle but rather that it was all done in one clean cut, all the way through.

Joe: So the knife couldn't have been used. It wouldn't have been enough force to break through the chest and bone in one lashing.

Patty: And look at the report on the heart. It doesn't show any sign of being cut, no tip from the knife or anything. Rather it seems to have been crushed.

Joe: What are you getting at, Detective?

Patty: I'm saying that her heart was strangled, not cut. Whatever broke through appears to have applied immense pressure to the right coronary artery. 

Joe looked at the images and then around the room. Cisco stopped when he reached the mirror. His finger brushed beside it. At that moment, the world flashed around him. Cisco was in a black void with the room being the only thing around him. He heard screaming for a moment before coming back to reality. He panted with what he saw.

Joe: Cisco, what is it?

Cisco: I just... I saw something. I think... I think it was that night.

Joe: I'm sorry?

Cisco: I think I accidentally vibed. I saw the murder. It was just a glimpse, but...

Patty: I'm sorry, you what?

Joe: It's this thing he can do where he sees into visions of past events.

Cisco turned and looked down at the mirror. He had a look of shock and hesitation on his face.

Cisco: I think... I think I can see what happened. I can see what really happened that night.

Joe looked at him. He knew how Cisco had described his visions before. He didn't want him to be harmed by what he may potentially see.

Joe: Cisco, you don't have to.

Cisco: But I do. Barry and Y/N would do the same for me.

Both Joe and Patty nodded. Cisco approached the mirror, slowly stretching out his hand. He was anxious and a bit scared by what he may see. The young man gulped and took a leap of faith. He forced his hand down onto the mirror and concentrated.

The world flashed and spun around Ramon. He looked around the dark void he was standing in. He was right next to the mirror as he had been, only now it was much cleaner and shinier than before. The room looked new and well kept with red and beige carpeting and clean wall paper. It was a far contrast to the horror unfolding in front him.

Cisco looked towards the center of the room. Nora Allen was kneeling down, crying in the center of the room. Blue lightning surged around her, creating a blur that encompassed her body. Nora put her hand out, crying out to the people in front of her. 

A young Barry Allen watched from the sideline in horror. He saw his own mother surrounded by a mystical blue force. It looked like a chaotic storm. Henry was next to him, trying to keep him back away from the lightning.

Henry: Nora!

Nora: Go! Get Barry away! Get out of here!

Henry hesitated, looking at his wife longingly. He needed to save her. He took out a long pole that had been used for display off the wall. Mr. Allen held up the pole and lunged towards the blue force in the lightning. He was pushed back and the pole snapped in half. It was thrown to the ground. Blue lightning sparked from it for a moment.

The young Barry looked at the display with eyes of wide fear. Cisco followed his gaze. That was when they both spotted it. Between the flashes of light could be seen a tall, black figure. He had a monstrous jaw and cold black eyes. A reverse lightning bolt emblem sat across his chest. The figure then disappeared back into the lightning.

Nora: Go! I love you!

Henry didn't know what to do. Looking back at his horrified son, he made his decision. It pained him to leave his wife, but he had to protect his son. Henry grabbed Barry and carried him out of the house. Barry cried and tried to reach out to his mother.

Barry: Mom!

Nora: Baby!

Henry left the house, carrying Barry in his arms. The blue lightning continued to storm around Nora. Then it stopped. Cisco covered his mouth, now looking at a horrific sight. Zoom had stopped in front of Nora. His wrist was vibrating, his hand plunged into her chest. Nora froze, the color instantly draining from her face. Her eyes fell dull. Zoom glared at her before pulling out his hand and letting her lifeless corps hit the floor with a thud. 

Zoom: See you soon, Flash.

Zoom then quickly left. He rushed away and came back in a mere second. He then rushed out of the house, leaving behind a trail of blue lightning as well as a knife recovered from the kitchen and coated in Nora's blood. 

Cisco felt a vile urge to vomit. It was horrific. Just when he thought he couldn't take anymore, his vision changed. He was back in the real world. Ramon fell down in fear on shaky legs.

Patty: Cisco!

Patty and Joe rushed over to him. They helped pick him up and got him back on his feet.

Joe: Cisco, are you alright?

Cisco: I... I saw it. I saw it all. It was awful. It was him. Zoom. He killed her. Barry was right.

Both Patty and Joe put their heads down, sorry he had to see what really happened. Ramon was visibly shaken up, sweat dripping from his brow.

Patty: Oh, my gosh.

Joe: It's alright. We now know what really happened. But the courts are not gonna take the word of a vision. We're on the right track, but it's not like we can show them what happened.

Cisco looked around. He spotted the mirror again. An idea popped into his head.

Cisco: Maybe we can.

Cisco stood up and picked up his scanner again. He pulled the mirror out a bit. Shining the blue light onto the backside of the mirror, he spotted several floating particles.

Cisco: Yeah. Yeah, this is it.

Patty: What is it?

Cisco: Silver nitrate.

Joe: The compound used in photography.

Cisco: It was often used to back vintage mirrors.

Cisco's mind started to race with ideas.

Cisco: That night, the lightning generated by Zoom would have actually generated enough flashes to produce pictures onto the silver nitrate.

Joe: Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?

Cisco: With this mirror, we might be able to generate photographs of what happened that night.

Both Patty and Joe looked at Cisco in shock. They might actually be able to do this. They might be able to produce tangible proof. 

In the basement of S.T.A.R. Labs, Y/N, Caitlin, Barry, and Hunter were all working together on the speed trap. They'd already constructed the base for it and were now working on the side components. While working on it, they all came to a new realization.

Caitlin: If this works, we might be able to trap Zoom. But what about transporting him? We can't just leave him locked in here forever.

Hunter: No, you're right. We need to harness his speed. If we can find a way to steal his speed just as he did with others, maybe we can depower him.

Barry: At that point he'd be just a normal man. 

Y/N thought for a moment. He then walked over to one of the extra storage rooms behind them. He scrolled through several blueprints and pulled out one in particular. He walked back into the larger chamber room where they were constructing the device.

Hunter: What have you got there?

Y/N: It's a prototype designed by Wayne Tech. It's part of the Injustice Protocols the League had put in place. If any one of us were to go rogue, we set up a few contingency plans to stop or depower them.

Caitlin: Right. Who's is this one?

Y/N: Mine.

Caitlin's eyes widened. The others looked at Y/N with curiosity. He unrolled the blueprints and presented them to the group. It looked like a modified version of the treadmill used in the lab to test Y/N's speed.

Y/N: It's a speed extrapolator. Basically it's supposed to be able to syphon off or potentially even cut off a speedster's connection to the Speed Force. As they're running, the extrapolator targets the lightning generated off of them and absorbs it. It acts like a magnet, sucking in the energy generated and targeting metahuman physiology.

Caitlin: Y/N...

Y/N: It was meant for me in case I went bad or went under mind control. But it just might be the thing we need for Zoom.

The others looked at it and nodded. Hunter exhaled. For the first time in a while, he felt confident. A brave smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Hunter: Alright. Let's get to work. 

The group set to work on both machines. Y/N looked over the blueprints to the extrapolator. Caitlin walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around his and leaned in close to his head, looking over the plans with him. Her voice had a hint of worry in it.

Caitlin: This was really made for you?

Y/N: If it makes you feel any better, it was meant to be a backup device. You and Frost were always the main protocol. 

Cait poked her head up at that.

Caitlin: What? 

Y/N: Yeah. I mean, ice and speed are opposites, so you've got that to stop me. Plus I don't think I could ever hurt you, even if I had gone mad. Besides, if anyone was going to figure out a way to stop me, it would be you and your brilliant mind.

Caitlin smiled and leaned into him more.

Caitlin: That is both sweet and slightly terrifying at the same time.

Y/N: Kinda like how I feel about you.

She looked at him with a jokingly furrowed brow.

Caitlin: Excuse me?

Y/N: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. 

They both smiled. Y/N leaned in and kissed the top of her head. From across the room, Hunter saw their little act of affection. He lightly smiled seeing the two lovebirds together. Barry noticed his gaze and smiled as well.

Barry: Before you ask, yes, they're always this affectionate, even out in public.

Hunter: It's nice. Real nice.

He looked down for a moment. Barry noticed how Zolomon's eyes rested on the ring on his finger.

Hunter: Reminds me of me and my wife.

Barry perked up, showing interest. He didn't truly know who Hunter was or what his life had been like before coming to this Earth and he was curious as to how it was.

Hunter: We met in the Resistance. She was actually my first patient. She was a speedster, like Y/N. We called her Trajectory. She was always on a path towards justice and peace for all. She was firm, determined, and a little strong headed. But behind all that she was funny and soft. She had the best laugh out of anyone in the entire block. And she was smart just as much as she was fast.

Barry grinned, glad to hear about the lovely woman.

Hunter: She really gave Zoom a run for his money. Perhaps too much. When we were ambushed, she tried to hold him off. Told me to get everyone else out. She paid the price for her act of bravery. Zoom plunged his hand right through her chest, crushed her heart. She died in my arms.

Barry looked at Hunter with immense sadness. He could see the distraught on the man's face. Barry brought up his hand and set it on Hunter's arm. He gently shook it, reassuring her.

Barry: Her death will not be in vain. 

In another room in the lab, Dr. Wells was busy examining a small piece of technology. As he was

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