6.5 The Flash vs Zoom

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Cisco was busy analyzing the readouts from the pole he had found. He held the pole with gloves, being careful not to expose it to any static discharge. He placed the pole inside of a glass case and carefully sealed it shut. Ramon then walked over to a small computer station next to the glass case. He pressed a few keys and let the device do its thing.

A small metal rod was situated inside of the glass case. A buzzing sound could be heard generating from it. Suddenly, a few blue sparks flew from the poll and hit the rod. At that moment, Cisco began receiving a plethora of information collected from the lightning bolt. The screen in front of him was filled to the brim with various electromagnetic readings and chemical compounds. 

Cisco smiled and looked at the display. However, his smile was soon replaced with confusion. He examined the list of compounds, seeing all the information he was receiving.

Cisco: No. This can't be right.

Before he could question it further, an alarm bleeped out through the facility. Dr. Wells' voice came over the intercom. 

Wells: Bomb sighting. Fox Museum.

Y/N: That's on the other side of town.

Wells hacked into the museum's security system. He spotted the bomb placed on a pedestal. That was when he noticed what type of bomb they were dealing with.

Wells: Oh, no.

Y/N: What?

Wells: It's a thermobaric bomb. If it gets too hot, it'll go off. And it's placed on top of the fireplace.

Y/N: What if I just run in and disarm it?

Wells: Y/N, no. The heat generated by you running may be too much. It'll set it off prematurely.

Caitlin: What if I freeze it? We can disarm the system from there.

Wells: Yes, but you'll have to act fast. It's only got twenty seconds left.

Y/N and Caitlin nodded to one another. Caitlin changed into Frost and Y/N grabbed her. They took off out of the laboratory and raced across town to the museum. The bomb continued to warm up. The dial on it was reaching critical. People inside the building were ducked behind tables and chair, looking for anywhere safe.

The Flash and Frost quickly entered the building in a blur. Y/N placed down Frost. The cold woman opened up her palms and released a breath of cold air onto the bomb. The dial on it started to go down before freezing over. The fire below went out and the bomb stopped ticking.

Both heroes breathed a sigh of relief. Frost walked over and started disarming the bomb. The Flash bent down and started helping people up. One gentleman in particular he helped from behind a table and got him back on his feet.

Man: Thank you! Thank you, Flash!

Y/N: No problem. Why didn't any of you try to escape? 

Man: We tried, but the doors were locked.

Y/N: What? Were the security systems put down?

Man: No. They were all locked from the outside. 

Y/N: What? How is that possible?

Before he could let out another breath, Y/N got his answer. A blur of blue lightning entered the building. It knocked into Y/N and pushed him down to the ground. Y/N turned his head as he pulled himself up. He froze. Standing in the center of the room was the black speedster. Zoom glared at the Flash, cocking his head in interest.

Zoom: Impressive, Flash. Like my little test? I knew you were fast. Maybe faster than I thought. 

Both the Flash and Frost glared at Zoom. Frost stood there, frozen in place with fear. Zoom was terrifying. His gaping mouth looked monstrous, his sharp claws made him look animalistic, and his movements made him look unnatural. It was like a demon had taken on the form of a human, but had not yet mastered the disguise. 

Zoom: I told you our moment would come. That time is soon, Flash. But before then, you will see everything you hold dear stripped out of your grasp.

Zoom took off, racing out of the museum. Frost noticed the direction he was running.

Frost: He's heading for the lab!

Hunter: The trap's not ready yet. Y/N, stop him!

Y/N shot off after Zoom. He raced him across town, the two keeping up with one another. The orange blur followed close on the heals of the blue demon. The two got close to the lab. Seeing them approach, Cisco turned on some of the cameras and sensors around the building. He looked at the two speedsters racing by. 

To distract Zoom, Y/N came up with an idea. He knew these streets better then most. That meant that he knew where nearly everything was. The Flash took his metal cap off his head and tossed it. It bounced between the street lights in front of him before flying back. It hit Zoom directly over the head. The speedster in black was momentarily knocked off course.

Y/N took this opportunity to shove his body into Zoom. He got the black demon's attention. Zoom redirected himself and now started chasing after the Flash. Y/N spun around and raced away, leading him far away from the lab.

Frost: Flash, lead him here. We can slow him down with some ice, but I need a clear shot. 

Y/N ran off back towards the museum. He was quick, trying to keep out of Zoom's grasp. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the speedster right on his tail. Y/N shot back into the museum. Frost acted quickly. As soon as she spotted the orange lightning of the Flash, she acted. 

Frost unleashed a steam of ice towards the speedsters. Y/N passed by just in time. The ice mist missed him and instead landed on the blue lightninged speedster. Zoom was pushed back a bit, gliding on the now frozen over floor. He was thrown back and smashed through a glass case in the museum room

Frost generated a few blades of ice and approached the downed speedster. Zoom stood up just as she approached him. Frost started swinging her ice blade. She slashed towards Zoom, but the speedster managed to dodge every blow. Suddenly, with Frost having little time to process, Zoom knocked one of the icicles out of her hand. He spun around and stabbed the blade into her calf. Frost cried out in pain. Y/N noticed her fall. He turned around and yelled out in disbelief.

Y/N: No!

Frost fell on her knees and down to the ground. Y/N glared at Zoom. He took off and tried to grab him. Y/N was quick, but Zoom was quicker. The black speedster brought out his hand and grabbed Y/N by the neck. He threw the Flash down to the ground hard. Y/N slid across the floor and stopped near one of the exhibits. Zoom approached him, mocking the speedster's display at heroism. 

Zoom: Pathetic. That's what you are. Just pathetic. Just like your parents.

Y/N looked at Zoom in disbelief. He knew who he was. He knew Y/N was the Flash and he knew about his parents.

Zoom: Maybe if they were a bit quicker to the draw, they may have lived. Perhaps they were distracted. As are all parents who are too busy with their kids to notice their surroundings.

Y/N glared at Zoom. He looked over at Frost. She was still kneeling down on the floor, holding herself in pain. She let out low moans from her injury. Y/N stared back at Zoom with darted eyes. He was becoming emotional. Seeing Frost down on the ground, hearing Zoom insult his parents directly in front of him...

Orange lightning started to crackle around Y/N. It surged like a live wire. In a fit of anger, he took off and slammed into Zoom. The black speedster was thrown back by a shockwave of orange lightning being released. He flipped in mid air, landing on his hands and knees and sliding back. 

Zoom looked up at Flash. Y/N tightened his fists in anger. He then took off, Zoom doing the same. The two raced one another through the streets of central City once again. While running, Y/N noticed something. As he was running, tapped into his anger, he was starting to become faster. Not only that, but Zoom looked like he was slowing down, as if running out of energy. 

Y/N lured Zoom into an alleyway and acted quickly. He threw an electrified punch, knocking him against the wall. Jumping back, Y/N took off his cap. He supercharged it was lightning and threw it directly towards Zoom. That was when the black racer made his move.

Zoom waited for the right moment before throwing his fist forward. He punched the top of the winged cap with the indented side pointed towards Y/N. A surge of both electrical energy as well as a sonic boom flew towards the Flash and knocked him off his feet. Y/N was thrown back and slammed into the brick wall behind him. Some of the bricks caved in under the force of being hit.

Y/N stepped out in a daze. He didn't even have time to recover before Zoom made his next move. He grabbed the falling metal helmet and rushed towards Y/N. He punched the Flash hard in the gut, forcing Y/N to keel over. He then took the metal cap and slammed it across the young man's head.

Y/N fell to the ground. He put his hand onto his head. When he brought it down, he found red blood covering his yellow glove. A bit of blood also trickled from Y/N's lip. With his power released, Y/N no longer felt angry. He felt tired. Zoom slowly approached. He dropped the metal helmet at Y/N's feet.

Zoom: Maybe there's still hope for you yet.

Y/N looked at him, expecting Zoom to kill him. Instead, the black speedster took off. A blue blur of lightning shot down the street before disappearing into the horizon. Y/N pulled himself off. He was beaten and exhausted. Instead of chasing after Zoom, he decided to run back to the museum. He found Frost trying to pull herself up on her injured leg. She blew a steady stream of ice over her wound, stopping the bleeding. Y/N bent down and put his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Hey. There, there. Here, let me help.

Frost: What would I do without you, Big Red?

Y/N: Probably not be injured, that's for sure.

Frost tiredly smacked the side of his shoulder.

Frost: Stop it. You're too hard on yourself, sometimes. Come on. Let's go home. 

Y/N nodded. He picked her up bridal style and zoomed off out of the museum. They made it back to S.T.A.R. Labs where Frost was immediately set onto a medical bed and treated for her injury. 

Caitlin was lying down in the medical bay of the lab. A cast had been put over her leg. Despite both Barry and Harrison looking over and treating her injury, she insisted on self-diagnosis herself and helping to get the treatments she needed. Her leg was in a cast and she'd have to wear a boot for a few days. Y/N was sitting down in a chair next to her while Caitlin went over her injury.

Caitlin: It's just a punctured soleus and slight bleeding. Thankfully the blade didn't strike anything vital. I should be good and walking in just a few short weeks.

Y/N: We're lucky Frost's healing abilities are able to fight off the injury. That's what we should be thankful for.

Cisco walked in and gave Caitlin a cup of Jell-O to eat. Cait frowned upon seeing that it was lime flavored.

Cisco: No more strawberry.

Caitlin: What do you mean there's no strawberry? I just bought some like a week ago.

Cisco: Yeah, well, I may have eaten some slash all of it.

Caitlin looked at him in disbelief.

Caitlin: Cisco.

Cisco: Do you want me to get you more strawberry Jell-O? I will get you some more.

Caitlin: No, it's fine. But next time I operate on you you're getting bupkiss, mister. Besides, Y/N bought me a whole case at home. Right, babe?

Caitlin smiled and turned to face Y/N. Her expression changed. She could see him with his head down. His eyes were squinted a bit, indicating he was deep in thought.

Caitlin: What's wrong, speedy?

Y/N: It's... You got hurt because of me. Because of your connection to me. Zoom said he would take everything away from me. If he's after me, then you guys...

Caitlin saw the troubled look on his face. She brought out her hand and offered it to him. Y/N took it and placed his own hand in hers. She ran her thumb across his fingers soothingly.

Caitlin: Hey, don't think things like that. This isn't the first time I've been injured on a mission. Just remember that we are stronger together. As long as you are fine to continue the fight.

Y/N: I don't care about me or what happens to me. Only you.

Caitlin: Well you should, because I am only good if you are. We're in this together.  

She gave him a comforting smile, one Y/N reciprocated back. The two continued to sit there for a bit, just taking in one another's comfort. Hunter soon entered. He looked irritated.

Hunter: What the hell was that? You were not supposed to engage Zoom. You were supposed to lead him away and get out of there.

Barry and Joe walked in, seeing Hunter chew out Y/N.

Y/N: Hunter, you don't understand.

Hunter: I understand. You became emotional. You lost focus. Well that is exactly what Zoom wants. He wants you out of focus so he can focus on how best to take you out. You can't let that happen.

Y/N stood up in a fit of anger.

Y/N: I'm sorry, Hunter, but what am I supposed to do?! I'm not a robot! I can't just shut off my emotions! And lest you forget, this guy is the reason my parents are dead! He's the reason both Barry and I have had to grow up without our mothers! He's the reason Henry has been wrongfully imprisoned for seventeen years! So excuse me if I get a little emotional about this!

Y/N fists tightened into a ball. A small bit of orange lightning crackled around his fingers. Caitlin gently rested her hand on his wrist, trying to calm him down. Y/N took a deep breath and walked out of the room. The others watched him leave in a fit. Caitlin motioned for Barry and Joe to follow him.

Joe and Barry followed Y/N out into the hallway. They found him sitting down on one of the steps near the entrance to the accelerator chamber. He had his head down and was bobbing his leg up and down in thought. Joe made his way over and sat down next to him. Both men were silent for a moment before Joe spoke.

Joe: Y/N, I need you to listen, okay? Hunter may be onto something. 

Y/N looked over at Joe.

Joe: I've seen you grow up from a scarred little boy who lost his mom and dad to a brave, confident young man. And you're smart, smarter than I could ever hope to be. But you're also emotionally driven. Now I need you to tell me, why do you want to catch this guy?

Y/N: So he can confess to what he did. So he can admit that he's the one who killed Barry's mom. So Henry can get out of that hellish prison.

There was more than a little bit of anger in Y/N's tone. Joe caught onto it and questioned him further.

Joe: And after that? What do you want to be done with him?

Y/N was silent. He wasn't quite sure. 

Joe: You want him dead, don't you?

Y/N looked over at Joe in a somewhat surprised manner.

Joe: I know you do. Someone who does something like that to you, tears apart your entire life, and somehow gets away with it. Is that what you want? You want to see him dead?

Y/N: I... I... I don't know. 

Joe: I think you do. And I think you've always known it. You can lie to yourself and others for as long as you want, you can say you don't want to kill him and instead want to lock him up, but your actions speak more than what words could ever express. Y/N, I saw the footage of you fighting out there. And that's... not you. You need to be honest with yourself. What is this really about?

Y/N: Yes, Joe! I want to see him dead! I want to kill him! I want revenge! I want him to know exactly what it feels like to have his entire world stripped away from him!

Y/N was standing up now, throwing his arms about. He sat back down and shook his head, disappointed with himself but also knowing it was what he really wanted. 

Joe: Revenge, huh? That's a tricky and dangerous slope, Y/N. I know you, so I know how you can get. But you need to keep your head on straight. Revenge is not you. Now, I know I'm not your real dad-

Y/N: Stop. Don't go there. You are my dad, the closest thing I've had to one for most of my life. But this is personal. This is about my biological father. 

Joe: And is this what he would want from you?

Y/N sighed. He put his head down into his hands.

Joe: I know how you feel, Y/N. He took away good friends of mine as well. But you cannot be focused on a personal vendetta. Revenge... it changes men, good men, into something they are not. You are smart, Y/N. You need to use that big brain of yours in tandem with your equally large heart. Don't just trust your instincts. Let your heart guide your way, but let your mind pull you back when you think you're about to go too far. Don't make a mistake you will regret for the rest of your life.

Barry walked over and sat down next to Y/N. He put his arm on his shoulder. Y/N looked up at his foster brother.

Barry: I want to see him taken down too, Y/N. I want my father out of prison. But none of that is worth losing you, losing the brother I have grown up with. We need to be smart about this. I want you to be you. Because winning my father back, but losing you, is not a victory at all.

Y/N lightly smiled at Barry's words.

Barry: We're in this together. We just need to be smart.

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