shtrati i dashurise

shtrati i dashurise

451,398 9,931 100

Ishte e sigurt qe Ajla po fliste pa vetdije. Nuk kisha cfare beja tjeter. I hoqa bluzen. Mrekulli brenda mrekullise. Asnjehere se kisha par Ajlen pa rroba. Me vinte ta puthja e ta beja vula ne ate trup. U eksitova shume sa vetem siper sutinave e putha pak. Nuk doja te dukesha sikur perfitoja. I vesha bluzen e bardhe por ajo ishte pak e tejdukshme dhe i dukeshin sutinat e kuqe. Ajla ishte ende si e pavetdijshme. E shtriva per ti hequr tutat pasi ishte djersitur shume. Joshem dhe mu nxeh trupi. Eshte ndjesia e pare qe perjetoja edhe pse kisha shkuar me shume femra, perseri Ajla bente te ndjehesha ndryshe, te çmendesha, te eksitohesha. Ia vesh tutat shpejt e shpejt dhe e mbuloj. E puth ne ball dhe ne buze.It's my first history. Hope you like, thank you all for read. 💕…



387,441 12,309 36

" So Louis tell me can you speak, or are you not much of a speaker?" Harry said." A-a Littl-le b-bit." Louis responded stuttering.© Larrysshipcaptain All Rights Reserved 2014…

✔️ (🏹) 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓾𝓼𝓽-STENBROUGH!

✔️ (🏹) 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓾𝓼𝓽-STENBROUGH!

25,275 1,005 16

"I've buried my love, to give the world to you."!In which Stanley Uris writes letters to Bill Denbrough.(It cast au!)(Sad ending)RANKED #1 IN #MOONDUST ON MAY 22, 2019©️sauceysink | 2018…

Oil Meridian

Oil Meridian

30 1 4

I think we all know where this story was inspired on…

*Where Are You*

*Where Are You*

1,949 553 22

في ليلةٍ بين اثنين هما أنا وأنت، قمرٌ ونجمٌ يُشاركاننا حبّاً ووداً دون كلل نتهامسو و نتراقص تحت ضوء القمر كالعاشقين اذا بالحياة تفرقنا وتجعل قلبي تائها في طريق لايعرف غير احضانك فهل لك ان تقود زمام الامور لحين عودة قلبي من قبر حبيب قد ولة وطوت حياته💔💔الابطال: 🎀*jeon jungkook🎀 ❤️‍🩹*park jimin*❤️‍🩹 🎀* lee anaa*🎀 💖 * Kim wejdi*💖بدأت في:03/09/2024ورايتي لا تدعم المثلية بأي شكل من الاشكال…

Punknsen shipping cute

Punknsen shipping cute

1,552 27 9

The most dumbest and laziest Punksen in the wordll…

Sny a noční můry

Sny a noční můry

29,972 1,074 18

"Odejdi od něj Kristýno! Copak nevidíš co s tebou udělal ?!" Řval na mě Nik jako na malou holku, myslel to dobře já vím. Chtěl abychom já i malá byli v bezpečí."Nemůžu! On mi ji sebere když odejdu, nemám kam jít!" Rozkřikla jsem se zas já.------------------------Otěhotněla jsem když mi bylo 15, věřte že plánované to nebylo.Z lásky jako trám ke mě a malé se stala jen jedna velká nenávist, malou věřím že miluje ale mě ? Já jsem jen hračka.Co když ale jednoho dne ta bolest a modřiny zmizí ?…



30 0 7

Whitty x Reader Oneshots

Whitty x Reader Oneshots

20,758 256 38

this book is no longer being updated.…



3,216 303 19

Valentina has been added into a chat with Mark…

Random si Tag-uri pt RP

Random si Tag-uri pt RP

522 62 51

Titlul spune tot...lene sa scriu o descriere…

Pizza's object show ship (ornot) opinions

Pizza's object show ship (ornot) opinions

168 2 1

I may use this to rant about the characters relationship and what would and would not work...hjrjdjskakksekridokwwllehdjehrwgeiqkoroauwiejdibdkxnxlaldjaofworskjdofkasi haven't watched many object shows outside inanimate insanity, bfb, hfjone and the nightly manor and aib but i'm trying to watch PPT2 soon!…

Jenna the bitch
Atarashii gakko Images

Atarashii gakko Images

1,231 4 20

Images of Atarashii gakko bc I love them so much and they deserve their own book for this 🤧…



18 0 1




865 43 10

Melody is on the run. Hiding from her family and their rich friends for two weeks sounds easy enough. But what happens when the boy she has been secretly in love with is among the people chasing her?…

Nostalgy Book

Nostalgy Book

2,518 372 13

Liber me dy autore a.k.a ma tmirt e wattit 😏Un jam Artiola dhe sja kam iden ca kena me ba te ky liber 😂Pis ✌***Kam than un se nuk din gja ti. Pershneti maj iher njerzt, PERSHENDETJE llejdis end gjentëllmen.Un jam Gabro a.k.a Gabro SH.P.K edhe sja kam idennn ca dona me ba te ky liber.Puc ✌…

Street Fight

Street Fight

69 12 2

This text talks about a street fight.…

My skyy

My skyy

10 2 2

انا اكثر شخص بالدنيا يحبك...

انا اكثر شخص بالدنيا يحبك...

88 3 7

واحد يقع في حب بنت عمه وهو متعاطي......الكاتبه (jo_3)…