Y/N ran out of the vortex back to the present. He ran back to the apartment building and into his living room. He stopped and knelt back down. He looked at Caitlin's body on the floor. Y/N was no longer angry. He was now tremendously sad. He bent down and held onto her body while kneeling on the floor. He threw his cap to the side and let all the tears out.
Y/N: Caitlin, why? Please, don't leave me. Why? Why? My snowflake...
Y/N continued crying. A breach opened inside the room. Cisco and the others jumped through into the dark apartment. They all immediately froze upon seeing Y/N kneeling down on the floor holding onto Caitlin.
Cisco: Oh, my God.
Ramon fell on his knees. He cried with Y/N. Barry and Patty held onto one another and cried. Wells couldn't bear it anymore. He blamed himself. Joe and Henry both broke down with Henry holding onto Joe who was struggling to stand.
Y/N looked down at his beloved girl. He brought a shaky hand up and shut her eyelids closed. He slowly kissed the top of her forehead.
Y/N: Why? It should have been me. Why was it you?
Everyone continued mourning uncontrollably. Wells looked over at his colleague, a woman he had hired who had been tricked, betrayed, lost her career, and now her life. Cisco looked at who he considered his best friend and cried further into his hands.
As the group continued to cry, a new presence unfolded in front of them. A strange, thin blue light almost seemed to be coming off of Caitlin's body. It hovered to the side of the slain girl. Small snowflakes and cool air floated in it. That was when a figure formed.
Frost appeared from within the light. She was transparent, almost like a ghost. She looked down at her other half before her. Fresh tears streamed down her face. An identical hole was in her own chest.
Frost: Oh, Caity...
Frost looked down at her sister. She and Y/N's eyes met. They both were in deep mourning. Frost then asked a perplexing question.
Frost: You love her, don't you?
Y/N nodded.
Frost: So do I.
Frost proceeded to bring her hand down onto the hole in Caitlin's chest. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Getting down on her knees, she appeared to be doing something. Y/N was confused by what she was doing. He then saw a miraculous sight. The hole in Caitlin's chest started to heal. It filled back in and began to leave barely a scar. The others watched on in shock.
Cisco: What is she doing?
Harrison thought for a moment. He then realized what was happening.
Wells: Frost and Caitlin are more than just separate personalities. They're entirely different beings living in a symbiotic relationship, both inhabiting the same body. She's using her life force to bring her back.
Cisco: But, that means...
Wells nodded, confirming his suspicion.
Wells: She's sacrificing herself for her.
Everyone watched as the hole in Caitlin's chest healed. Color started to come back to her face. As it did, Frost started to fade a bit. She winced in pain. Y/N looked over at her. He was worried for her sake.
Y/N: Frost...
Frost: Promise me one thing.
Y/N: Anything.
Frost: Make her happy.
Y/N nodded. Frost gave him one last smile. Then she faded off into the great unknown. Everyone watched as the person known as Frost gave up her own life to save her other half.
Y/N breathed heavily. He was in shock. A tear rolled down his eye, now having witnessed the death of both women he loved. Suddenly, he felt movement in his arms. He looked down. Caitlin's head moved a bit. She started breathing again. Her soft eyes fluttered open. She looked up at the man who was holding onto her. Y/N's face brightened.
Y/N: Cait?
Caitlin: Y/N?
Y/N started to cry tears of joy. Everyone else started to do the same. Y/N pulled the brunette girl up into his arms. He held her tight and hugged her deeply. Caitlin brought her hands up and wrapped them around his shoulders. Both breathed heavily in their soft embrace. Y/N then brought her back. He ran a hand through her hair down to her chin, cupping the side of her face.
Y/N: I thought I lost you.
Caitlin smiled a bit. Both were now crying with tears streaming down their faces.
Y/N: Frost...
Caitlin: I know. I know.
She completely broke down now, mourning the loss of her other half, her sister. Y/N did the same. He held her close and swayed back and forth. Everyone else stayed where they were. They all mourned the loss of a friend and a true hero.
It didn't take long for the group to construct a memorial site in the lab for Frost. In it was a photograph of her with Y/N having fun. Inside the case was the frozen lightning bolt concoction the two had created. Her suit was displayed proudly behind the glass. Caitlin started wearing a snowflake necklace to remember her.
Newspaper outlets and media were alerted to the hero's death. She was hailed as one of the city's best. The mayor even declared that that year's Christmas parade would be dedicated in her honor. When asked about Zoom, the Flash would try to dodge the question, only saying that he was gone and Frost was the true hero to remember.
As the weeks passed, life returned to normal. The Flash and Vibe continued to hunt down metahumans and other criminals. The city began its rebuilding process. Life returned to as it was.
However, Caitlin noticed that not everything had returned to normal. She noticed how Y/N had become a bit more distant since that night, as if he were closing himself off. The two barely spoke about Frost. They hardly had date night anymore. One evening, Caitlin convinced him to finally go out for a walk together.
The two walked by the river together. Caitlin looked at Y/N. She noted how he always seemed to be staring off into space. She tried to make conversation, get things started for them.
Caitlin: The river looks nice this evening.
Y/N just shrugged. Caitlin saw his demeanor. She decided to confront him about this. She stopped while Y/N continued walking. The young man got a few feet before turning around to face her. He was curious as to why she had stopped walking.
Caitlin: I'm sorry, Y/N. I just... I can't live like this anymore. We need to talk.
Y/N: What is there to talk about?
Caitlin: What is there to...?! You hardly talk anymore, you're up late into the night, you barely sleep, and you're just... not you. I need to know what is bothering you. We can work it out together.
Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: No, I don't think we can. Cait, I think we should see other people.
Caitlin felt the wind get knocked out of her. She looked at him, trying to hide her emotions.
Caitlin: What?
Y/N: You got hurt because of me, because of your connection to me. Caitlin, you died! If it hadn't been for... Everyone close to me gets hurt one way or another. I want to keep you safe, but to do that, I can't have the one thing I really want. I can't have you.
Caitlin was now on the verge of tears. Y/N looked at her and tried to turn around.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Cait.
Y/N tried to walk away. However, he didn't get far before Caitlin grabbed him and forced herself in front of him. She looked at him with a face that had tears but was also stern at the same time. Her tone was no longer soft and understanding. It was her serious voice she only used when talking to patients or if she was angry.
Caitlin: You listen here, mister. You are not going anywhere. This is my life and I choose how I want to spend it. And I am going to spend it with you, damnit.
Y/N: Cait...
Caitlin: Shut up! You really think you alone are why I got hurt? You did nothing. I chose this life. This was my choice. I chose to save your ass all those years ago from being experimented on when I didn't even know you yet. I chose to stick by your side as a fugitive on the run. I chose to join you in this grand pursuit of yours. And I chose to love you and I choose to still do so and stand by your side. Don't even try to run away because I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth. I will paralyze you with a tranquilizer dart and a sledgehammer if I have to.
Y/N looked at her. A small smile crept onto his face.
Caitlin: You once called me your lightning rod. Well you are my lightning bolt. No matter what, I will always find a way to get you, I will stick by your side no matter what, you asshole. You are the only thing that makes me happy in this godforsaken world.
She was in tears now, fighting for her point.
Caitlin: You may be smart, Y/N L/N, but you are so, so dumb when it comes to reaching out to people. Not everything is your fault. This is my life and I choose to spend it with you, no matter what. You are never getting rid of me.
Y/N smiled at her. He brought her in for a hug and patted the back of her head. The young man then brought her head forward. He caressed her face before planting a kiss on her lips. He gave a warm smile, promising to stay.
Y/N: I'm sorry.
Caitlin: That's better, idiot.
Y/N chuckled. She giggled with him. Y/N loved hearing her angelic laugh. It was so nice and took a huge burden off his shoulders. The young man turned to look out over the river.
Y/N: You know, it is nice, but I think I know a nicer view.
Caitlin looked at him questioningly. Before she could say a word, Y/N picked her up and ran off with her. The two tracked hundreds of miles, the wind blowing in their hair. After a bit, they stopped. Y/N put Caitlin down. She looked out at where he had taken her and gasped.
Caitlin: You didn't.
Y/N: Niagara Falls, all for you, babe.
The two stood looking out over the grand waterfalls. It was a beautiful view. White waters cascaded down a large cliff in a gorgeous display of nature. It was perfect.
The two stood there for a while, taking in the view. Y/N eventually turned to her. He held both of her hands in his and spoke with a smile.
Y/N: I would not be who I am without you, Caitlin. You complete me. You are the love of my life, my guiding light. You make me happier than anything else in this world. You are perfect in every way beyond even what I could imagine. Your mind, your smile, your laugh, your intellect. You are the girl of my dreams who I could only describe as impossible. I am done with my past. I want to focus on my future with you. You said staying with me was your choice. Now, seeing as I'll never get rid of you, I think it's time I ask you to make one more.
Caitlin was a bit confused by what he said. However, she immediately knew what he meant by his next action. She covered her mouth as she saw Y/N get down on one knee. The young man pulled out a small blue box from his pocket. He opened it up, unveiling a small but beautiful diamond ring.
Y/N: Dr. Caitlin Snow, will you marry me?
Caitlin started to cry again, this time out of joy. She nodded her head enthusiastically, too shocked for words. Y/N took the ring and gently placed it on her finger. Caitlin admired the beautiful symbol of their love. Y/N stood back up and held her hand.
Y/N: I love you, Dr. Snow
Caitlin: And I love you, Mr. L/N. Although, guess I'll be going by Mrs. L/N soon.
Y/N smiled brilliantly. He wrapped his arms around her midsection and picked her up, spinning her around. Caitlin giggled and laughed in his arms. The two lovers stood in each other's embrace as the roaring waters sent out a song as loud and as full as their love for one another.
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