Date: February 14, 2017
Caitlin Snow turned a bit in her sleep. It was early morning and the sun was rising. Gorgeous rays of white light shined through the bedroom window and cascaded onto the stone blue bedsheets. Caitlin was nice and snuggled up, comfy in her current position. She was made even more comfortable when an arm coming from the other side of the bed wrapped around her midsection.
Y/N brought his hand up close to his girlfriend's neck. With her eyes still closed, Caitlin turned her head and kissed the top of the man's hand. She turned her head back down and nuzzled into the pillow. She lightly mumbled when Y/N got close to her.
Y/N: Good morning, lovely.
Caitlin: Morning, speedy.
Y/N brought his head up and craned down so he could kiss Caitlin's neck. He playfully rubbed his nose against her, tickling her neck and hair. Caitlin softly giggled and let out a bright smile. Y/N smiled back at seeing her smile. To him, this was always the best part of his mornings. Just seeing her happy was enough to get him started.
Caitlin: Did you make coffee?
Y/N looked over at the clock, realizing he too had slept in a bit and hadn't gotten up as early as he normally did to make coffee. He also noticed the date. Valentine's Day.
Y/N: Uhhhh, yeah.
Quick as a flash, Y/N jumped out of bed and rushed into the kitchen. He rushed back in with a fresh cup of coffee from C.C. Jitters and placed it down on the night stand next to Cait. Dr. Snow grinned. He may have thought he was sneaky, but she could always tell by the little swoosh of wind and small crackle of lightning when Y/N was running. She'd gotten so good at listening to it that she could even tell when he'd take off, stop, and even which foot he'd start on.
Caitlin: Nice try, speedy.
Y/N smiled down at her. What she had not noticed was that he had set up a large bouquet of flowers for her on the table next to the door. He kissed her forehead while she continued to rest.
Y/N: Take all the time you need to wake up. Breakfast will be ready when you are.
Caitlin smiled at his act of chivalry. Y/N then walked off to the kitchen to get things ready while she rested. The fast man walked through the two's shared apartment and grabbed all the items needed to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He even pulled out some sweet treats to add on top of the pancakes, remembering Caitlin's favorite treats she said her dad used to make.
After getting everything set up, Y/N decided to put on some music while he worked. He took out his phone and scrolled through his playlist. The speedster selected his tune and started playing it. As the song started, he took a spatula in his hand and held it up, singing and acting as if it were a microphone.
Y/N swayed with the music, sliding on his socks across the polished floor. Using his speed, he ran around while dancing. The young man flipped a pancake and tossed it up into the air. He then sped around, fixing a whole bunch of different items, before coming back and putting the pancake on a plate before it fell back down.
Hearing the music playing in the other room, Caitlin woke up with a smile. She stretched and grabbed the coffee cup left on her nightstand. As she took one sip, she turned and noticed the bouquet of flowers left on the small table nearby. The brunette girl got up and walked over to them. She smiled, seeing Y/N had left a note saying how much he loved her.
Caitlin walked into the kitchen and found her boyfriend making breakfast. Y/N spun around and noticed her watching. She giggled at seeing him singing and freezing in place, realizing he'd been caught. Y/N stopped the song and walked over to his girlfriend. He brought her in a big hug and the two kissed each other on the lips.
Caitlin: Well, someone's in a good mood this morning. I saw the flowers you bought.
Y/N: Hope you like them. Happy Valentine's Day.
Caitlin's eyes went wide, realizing something. She tried to hide it with a smile.
Caitlin: Oh, yeah. Happy Valentine's Day.
Y/N looked at her. He noticed her trying to bite her lower lip through her smile, realizing something was bothering her. He gave a warm chuckle and looked down at her.
Y/N: You forgot, didn't you?
Caitlin: What? No. I, well, um...
Y/N grinned, shaking his head. He knew how busy Caitlin tended to be and thus how easily she lost track of time. Caitlin gave an apologetic look.
Caitlin: I'm sorry, yes. I didn't get you anything.
Y/N: It's okay. It's alright. You don't have to give me anything.
Caitlin: But I feel like I need to after all you've done for me.
Y/N continued holding her with a smile. He brought up his hand and started listing off various things on his fingers.
Y/N: Let's see, you saved me from experimentation when I was struck by lightning, you act as my personal nurse and doctor anytime I'm hurt, you fight and protect me on the battlefield, you help come up with ways to stop the metahuman crooks we catch, and you make a killer casserole. Honestly, it feels like I'm the one who needs to do something for you. Like I said, you don't need to get me anything. You're more than enough.
Caitlin smiled at him, relieved that he didn't seem upset by the fact that she forgot.
Caitlin: You really are the best. Breakfast smells good.
Y/N: Yeah. Hope you're hungry. I slaved forever over it.
Caitlin grinned at his statement while Y/N prepared her a plate. The two gathered their food and sat down on the couch in the living area of their apartment. They both ate in each other's peace while watching the morning news.
Caitlin: So, knowing you, got any plans for us today?
Y/N: Oh, just a few.
Y/N grinned at her as he said so. With how hectic their lives were as both scientists and superheroes, the two sometimes found it difficult to make time for themselves. They both agreed on special "date days" in which they'd take a day or two off each month to spend the time with one another as a proper couple. It was going well for them and Y/N was thankful that this date day had landed on Valentine's Day.
Caitlin: Okay. What are they?
Y/N: It's a surprise. No spoilers.
The two finished up and soon prepared to get ready. Y/N grabbed Caitlin's hands and pulled her up on her feet.
Y/N: Alright, beautiful. Let's go.
Caitlin: Right now? But I haven't even put my makeup on.
Y/N: Please, we both know you don't need it. You're fabulous as you are. Besides, between you and me, I think Frost is the one who goes a little excessive with the makeup.
In that moment, Caitlin's other half took over. Instantly her hair turned white, her skin turned paler, and her lips turned blue. Frost looked at Y/N with eyes that were both stern and sarcastic at the same time.
Frost: Hey!
Y/N: Actually, you are just the half I wanted to see.
Y/N and Frost stood together in the snow. Y/N was wearing a red winter jacket, earmuffs, and a pair of thermal gloves. He occasionally vibrated his body to stay warm. Frost wore a modest leather dress that covered her body but left her arms exposed. She didn't even need gloves and was perfectly fine without anything covering her head.
The two lovers worked together packing snow and ice. Y/N packed together a bunch of ice into a ball. Frost simply flicked her wrist and commanded the snow around her to form a large ball. Together, the two built a large snowman on top of the mountain. They gave him a little pair of eyes and a blue and red striped scarf around his neck.
Y/N: I think that about does it.
Frost: You know we probably could have done this on the ground, right?
Y/N: Yeah, but this is worth it for the view.
Frost: Yeah, you got me there. That ticks a high point off my bucket list.
The two stood together and looked out over the horizon. They were standing on the top of Mount Everest, enjoying the warmth that was only brought on my each other's company. After admiring the view, the two stood back and looked at the snowman they'd built. Frost leaned into her boyfriend's shoulder and Y/N wrapped his arm around her. Frost then flicked her wrist again towards the snowman. Some snow kicked up, forming her symbol on his chest. She even made him wink at the couple.
Y/N: Show off.
Frost: No, this is showing off.
Frost commanded a small amount of snow flurries to rise. They drifted through the air before sticking to Y/N's face, forming an exaggerated pair of eyebrows and a curly mustache. Frost giggled seeing the goofy look on Y/N's face.
Y/N: Nice.
Frost: It's okay, Frosty. You've still got proper assets where it counts.
She playfully smacked his behind before walking off. Y/N grinned watching her strut over to the snowman. He bent down and decided to form another ball of snow, this one smaller. He then tossed it at the girl who had her back turned to him. The snowball hit Frost on the back of her shoulder. She turned around in an exaggerated look of shock at the man behind her.
Frost: So it's like that, huh?
Frost brought up her hand and generated a small snowball of her own. She tossed it, hitting Y/N on the chest. He was knocked back for a moment before straightening up, brushing the show off his chest with a grin.
Y/N: Oh, it's on.
Y/N ran about, quickly gathering snow and making snowballs, piling them up like an arsenal of cannonballs. Frost starting generating more snow to use for herself, arming her hands with two frozen balls of ice. When they were done, the two stood across from one another, acting like it was a Mexican stand-off.
Frost threw the first ball. Y/N dodged it quickly, turning his head and watching the ball fly by in slow motion. He then started throwing his own snowballs, tossing them and grabbing them instantly with incredible speed. Although not as fast, Frost was able to put up a decent fighter of her own with her balls of frozen fury.
After a while, Frost decided to change the game. She looked down towards the side of the mountain. It was a long way down, but she liked the challenge.
Frost: Keep up if you can, Big Red.
Frost ran and jumped off the side of the mountain. She brought up her hands and blew out a cold jet stream, producing an ice slide for her to ride down. Y/N grinned and took off, racing her down the mountainside.
Y/N and Caitlin walked through the park together, hand-in-hand. They took things slow, admiring the tranquil peace of everything. The birds chirped softly, the trees swayed with the cold but warming weather. Some parts of the grass were dead but promised a colorful return once spring was in fold.
Looking around, Y/N and Cait challenged one another on what to expect in the spring and summer when life had fully returned to the beautiful landscape. Y/N thought there would be a rise in daffodils this year while Caitlin predicted an increase in the lilac community. They wrote down their predictions in a small notebook and would come back during the spring and early summer to see if their hypotheses were true. The one who got closest to their hypothesis would get to choose what book they read together. Y/N looked around, taking in the scenery while also finding it difficult to take his eyes off the brunette beside him.
Y/N: So, Frost has now been to one of her desired locations. What about you? Anywhere you would like to visit sometime, Dr. Snow?
Caitlin: Well, let me think for a moment, Mr. L/N. Um, Sydney's always sounded appealing. Times Square, The Grand Canyon, New Zealand. Oh, I know! Niagara Falls. The water streaming down in such a grand display of nature at its best. Oh, it's so wonderful! I've always dreamed of visiting there.
She smiled as she spoke with enthusiasm. Y/N smiled at her and ran his hand over the top of her head.
Y/N: Alright. We'll add it to the bucket list.
Caitlin: Guess it helps that I now have my own quick traveling buddy who doesn't need to refuel every few miles.
It was evening as the sun set over Central City. Y/N and Caitlin were back in their apartment, getting ready for a nice dinner at a restaurant the two had booked a month in advance. Caitlin was putting on a nice blue dress that covered her slender figure. Y/N was in the living room, putting on his coat. He was wearing a black suit jacket over a blue dress shirt.
While putting on his jacket, Y/N turned to look over his shoulder. When he was positive Caitlin wasn't looking, he grabbed an item from a hiding spot he'd put it in. He put it in his jacket pocket, keeping it hidden. Just seeing the object made his heart race with anticipation, but he had to take things slow, steady his breathing. One of the downsides to dating Dr. Caitlin Snow was that she could always tell how fast your heart was going, even if you were a speedster, making it difficult to lie around her.
Caitlin: You ready?
Y/N: Yeah, I just...
Y/N paused as her turned around. He spotted Caitlin in her blue dress. She was breathtaking. Her short brown hair had been done up in curls and her dress flowed brilliantly over her body, snug in all the right places. Y/N stared at her with an open jaw.
Y/N: Wow. You look amazing. Not that you don't always look amazing. You do. It's just that... damn.
Caitlin smiled and strutted over to him, her heels clicking against the floor.
Caitlin: You don't look so bad yourself, handsome.
She walked over and gently rested her hands on his chest. The two leaned in, sharing in a deep kiss. They both smiled in the kiss, happy to be in each other's arms. After a moment, they separated.
Caitlin: Come on or we're going to be late.
Y/N: What's the rush? I could get you all the time in the world if I wanted to.
Caitlin: Really?
Y/N: It's me, remember?
The two lovebirds made their way to the fancy restaurant. They were escorted to their table. A tall candle had been lit, setting a romantic mood by casting the room in a low, warm light. Y/N pulled out the seat for his date and offered her her place across from him before taking his own seat. The two ordered their meals and enjoyed a nice bit of wine while waiting. While drinking, Caitlin noticed her date smiling at her.
Caitlin: What?
Y/N: Nothing. It's just... I never thought my life would end up this good. Being with you and Frost, getting to be out there, enjoying the thrill of it all, but also being able to take it slow and settle down every once in a while. And to think, all this because some pretty brunette decided to take a chance on risking her life to save me while I was in a coma knocked out on painkillers and IV. I never could have done this without you. Honestly, I don't think I'd even be here, be me, without you.
Caitlin put down her drink and smiled at him. As she smiled, her hair turned white and her lips turned blue. It wasn't a sudden shift from one alter to the other. It was more gradual, as if both were in sync with one another. Frost brought over her hand and clasped it with Y/N's.
Frost: And we wouldn't be here without you.
The two smiled at one another. Y/N gently brought up her hand and kissed it. Frost blushed before the blush spread to the rest of her body, transforming back into Caitlin. Y/N smiled at the woman across from him. With his other hand under the table, he fiddled with the item in his pocket.
Y/N: I hope the rest of our lives are like this. Us just being us.
Caitlin: I hope so, too. I guess my not so perfect life ended up being perfect after all.
Y/N: Yeah, and I think we can make it a bit-
At that moment, he was cut off by a high speed sports car driving past the group. It was being driven by a woman wearing a white suit and black visor. She poked her hand out from the speeding car, shooting a beam of light behind
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