Linda: Let me out of here! I demand to be let out! Hey!
Linda Park banged on the cell walls of her modified metahuman prison in Iron Heights. Her custom white suit and gauntlets had been taken away from her. She had already tried turning invisible to try and trick one of the guards into opening the door, only to find that the cell was equipment with heat-seeking cameras and her food was delivered via a small slot in the wall.
From the cortex chamber in S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco Ramon watched Park scream in her cell. He took a big sip from his drink with a grin on his face. The long haired genius then switched the camera feed off.
Cisco: Lights out for Dr. Light.
Y/N was to the side, rubbing his shoulder.
Y/N: I tell ya, she put up quite the fight. I almost missed dinner with that one. Got back in time to pay the check and get a to-go box.
Dr. Wells walked in, casually stealing Cisco's drink and taking a sip himself.
Wells: I suggest we work on better visual displays in the Flash goggles. Try and find perception filters for anomalies even Y/N wouldn't be able to see. What's the update on the meta suppression formula?
Cisco: I'll add that modification to the upgrade.
Caitlin: I've come along further with the suppressor, but I'm finding it difficult to produce a formula that targets the entire body. With so many metas with different powers and abilities, not every one of them works the same way. The best I've been able to do right now is with the data from the three of us. Right now the formula is still in the early process and targets the nerve fibers at the end of the skin, especially considering all of us express our abilities through our hands in some way, shape, or form.
Y/N: The test trials have been lacking a bit as well. With me alone, the formula is unpredictable. One dosage tired me out, temporarily putting a handicap on my speed, while another energized it.
Wells: Alright. Any permanent damage?
Y/N: None that we've found so far. The drug just runs through my system. Sometimes too quickly. Further tests with Frost revealed a similar outcome, so we can rule out my hypermetabolism as having an effect on it.
Caitlin: Our goal right now is to suppress any metahuman genes for just long enough that we can catch the crooks, not do any permanent damage to their systems.
Wells: Good. The last thing we need is any calls for unethical practices riding up on the lab.
At that moment, an alert popped up on the screen. Cisco went over to check on it, motioning to Y/N.
Cisco: Fire on Third and Main. Apartment complex.
Y/N nodded. He quickly grabbed his suit from the mannequin behind him and rushed out of the lab. The Flash ran across town to the scene of the fire. Running upstairs into the burning building, Y/N began grabbing anyone he could find and running out with them. Once everyone was out, he got to work putting out the flames. He spun his arms into whirlwinds that blew out the fires.
By the time the fire department arrived, most of the fires had been put out. Medical teams quickly got to work helping everyone while some of the firefighters doused the flames near the base of the building. Y/N ran out to the chief after having put out most of the flames. The two were familiar with one another and shook hands.
Chief: Thanks, Flash.
Y/N: Anytime. We have fourteen residents. Three are asthmatics and may need medical attention. One woman is a nurse down at Central City Hospital. She can help where you need it. Four residents have minimal burn marks while one has second degree burns. He needs any attention you can give him.
Chief: Alright. Thank you.
Suddenly, Cisco got another alert. He spoke to Y/N over his earpiece.
Cisco: Another fire. This one on Twelfth and Diamond.
Y/N heard the call and sped off. He found this fire to be on the top floors of a high-rise office building. He ran up and did the same as the one before, grabbing everyone out and putting out the flames. He did as much as he could, putting out the fires in no time. When he was done, he rushed down to check on the people.
Y/N: Is everyone okay?
They all nodded. Just then, Cisco got yet another alert. It was followed by a series of alerts. Several fires had broken out all across Central City. Inside S.T.A.R. Labs, the team stared with wide eyes.
Caitlin: What is going on?
Cisco: Either the Bat has allowed his pyromaniac to come to our city, or we're dealing with a new arsonist of our own.
Caitlin: But look at the locations. They're all too spread out to be done by one person.
Cisco: Then maybe it's a team or a teleporter or something. Who knows in this crazy city?
Cisco was fumbling around, putting on his suit and goggles. Wells turned to Caitlin and addressed both of them.
Wells: Go! Help Y/N. I'll direct from here.
Caitlin nodded. She grabbed her hero attire and joined Cisco. Wells took Ramon's seat and sat down at the computer terminal.
Wells: Alright, Y/N, Cisco and Caitlin are starting on the East side at Ninth and Pavilion. I need you to head West to Sears and Todd.
Y/N nodded and ran off. Cisco turned to Caitlin as the two finished up.
Cisco: You ready?
Caitlin: Yeah.
Wells: Go!
Cisco opened a breach and jumped through. Vibe and Frost emerged on the other end, now in front of a flaming building. Frost was wearing her new superhero suit. She had switched out her leather jacket and boots for a flowing blue and black dress with her insignia on it. The two looked at the flames coming from the building.
Cisco: Oh, man.
Frost: Let's make this quick, tech whiz.
The police had already arrived on the scene alongside the firefighters. Dt. Joe West stepped out of his car. At that moment, the flames erupted outwards from the building. A burning chunk of debris fell down towards Joe. He ducked, but was saved when a cold blast of ice hit the flaming debris and knocked it out the way. Joe looked over to see two of the local heroes already on the scene.
Frost: You're welcome, Detective.
Joe nodded towards Frost. He then got to work, helping police direct citizens away from the burning inferno. Frost and Vibe set out to rescue the citizens inside and put out the fire. Vibe opened a breach into the building and leaped through. A few seconds later, several residents wrapped in blankets jumped out of it onto the safety of the street below.
Frost brought up her hands and blew a cold jet stream onto the building. She jogged through the inferno and continue to spew ice from her hands, putting out the blaze. Within no time, Vibe had gotten the citizens out and Frost had extinguished the fires.
Cisco: Right. Onto stop two.
Vibe opened another breach and both he and Frost leaped through to their next burning building. Across town, the Flash was running about, doing what he could. Y/N would quickly try and get people out and put out the fires. Running out of building, Y/N carried out the last resident that was inside. The little girl clung tightly in his arms as Y/N placed her down gently.
Y/N: Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. You're alright, now. You're safe.
The little girl had tear stains falling down her face, but listening to the kind and soothing words of the hero helped her calm down. Y/N placed her down and she rushed over to her parents who were nearby. Y/N tipped his cap to the citizens and ran off to tackle his next fire.
Before long, the trio of heroes had gotten all the fires extinguished. Y/N stopped on top of a roof, catching his breath and gently exhaling. Cisco bent down and started hacking up spit and coughing after breathing in so much smoke. Frost took deep breaths, concentrating and taking things slowly.
Cisco: Alright... That's <cough> all of them... I think.
Wells: Correct-amundo, Ramon. All fires have been extinguished.
Y/N: There's no way this was all coincidental. Any sign of arson or common factors at the scenes?
Wells: Already working on that.
Y/N took his goggles off to wipe them. After cleaning up the lenses and putting them back on, he looked up. That was when he spotted it, or rather him. The Flash froze right in his tracks. On the building directly across from him was a black figure. It wasn't a shadow, it wasn't a trick of the light. The man was dressed in an all black jumpsuit.
Y/N stared at the man. His blood went cold. He recognized the figure. It was him. The man he had seen a few months ago, the one who had killed Rival. The monster who had led to his parents' deaths.
The man in black didn't move. He stared directly at Y/N. His head cocked to the side a bit, like he was studying the Flash. Cold, black eyes stared through a ripped, black mask with shred up marks across the jawline, making it look like he had a monstrous mouth and sharp teeth. He looked less human and more like a monster.
Wells: Y/N, do you see anything on your end? Y/N?
The Flash didn't respond. Y/N kept eye contact with the man. He squinted, staring at him through his tinted goggles. A surge of various feelings washed over the young man all at once. Fear, terror, anger, revenge. He tightened his fists, both out of an anger as well as an anchor to keep himself down to reality. It was as if he feared being washed away by everything if he didn't focus.
Blue lightning started to surge around the black figure. Then he shot off down the side of the building and onto the streets below. Y/N took off and raced after the black speedster. The Flash made his way to the ground and ran through the streets. He looked around. He had lost the man. He changed direction and darted off into what he thought was the right direction.
When he approached an intersection, Y/N was caught off guard by the black speedster running at him from the side. The speedster hit Y/N and swept his legs off the ground. The Flash went flying into the air. He spun around before landing on his back.
Y/N groaned and looked up. The black figure suddenly appeared directly in front of him. The only word Y/N could use to describe his mask was evil. It showed no emotion and yet every emotion at the same time, like a maniac getting enjoyment after playing some sick game. Y/N had seen many men with the same face go through CCOD while growing up. But none of them were like this one. This one felt truly dangerous and unhinged.
The black racer stared at Y/N. He then spoke. His voice was deep and menacing, as if the pits of Hell themselves had opened up to release the demonic voice.
Zoom: Our time is soon, Flash.
Y/N looked at him in confusion.
Y/N: What?
Zoom: Within it, your true nature will be revealed. You are no hero. Soon, everything we've worked towards together, will come to fruition.
Y/N continued to stare at the man. He was now more confused than ever. Before he could say anything though, the black speedster took off. He soared down the street and was gone in just a few seconds. There was no point in chasing after him. Y/N continued to lie in the ground, now panting to catch his breath.
Wells: Y/N? Y/N, are you there?
Y/N: Yeah. I just... Oh, man.
At CCPD, the police were already on the case about the breakout fires. Patrol units given equipment issued by S.T.A.R. Labs made their way to each location, monitoring the scenes for any potential metahuman attack. They questioned the rescued citizens about what happened and did a thorough search through every building to determine if foul play was involved.
Barry Allen walked through the halls while reading a file. He was cross referencing police databanks with metahumans with any abilities related to pyrokinesis, thermal conduction, or combustion. Captain Singh walked by Barry and talked with him real quick.
Singh: Allen, got anything for me on those reports?
Barry: Uh, no, sir. All suspected metahumans are currently being held at Iron Heights. Warden confirmed their presence both now and during the events of the blaze.
Singh: Alright. What about the gas companies? Anything with them?
Barry: No, sir. The companies had no involvement. In fact, all of the buildings' heating systems had already been updated around two years ago. Although all were at different times.
Singh: Good. We can rule out an insider job. What about the sites themselves? Find anything?
Barry: Very little. Although all sites were consistent with one variable. Trace elements of nitric oxide, ozone, and hydroxyl were found, elements typically consistent with lightning or electricity.
Singh: Okay. The timings are all too coincidental for it to just be an electrical mishap. Regardless, I want men looking into the buildings' electrical equipment and safety valves. Any findings I want reported back to you. Understood?
Barry: Yes, sir.
Singh: Good. Good job, Allen.
Barry: Thank you, sir.
Singh walked off and left Allen to his duties. Barry went back to walking and looking at the files in his hands. He stopped when he looked up. He spotted a familiar face strutting over towards him. Patty Spivot walked in a manner that showed both seductive qualities as well as a serious, firm work stance. Both lovers smiled brightly as they noticed one another in the hall.
Barry: I thought you were investigating the crime scene.
Patty walked over and grabbed Barry by the collar. She pulled him to the side and pinned herself against the wall while wrapping her other arm around the back of Allen's shoulder. She leaned in and the two began to make out passionately. After a moment, they paused to catch their breath.
Barry: Someone's glad to see me.
Patty: Yeah, well, I was on break, so I thought I'd just come and say hi to the most handsome guy in the world.
Barry: Mmm-hmm. I think all this heat is getting to you, Detective.
Patty: Oh, you're going to be the one talking about heat, huh? After you so carefully made sure to burn breakfast this morning?
Barry: Hey, I was distracted.
Patty: What? By the smell of black toast?
Barry: By the look of a certain blonde staring at me.
Patty: Well, you're hard to resist yourself, Mr. Allen.
The two went back to making out. They kissed one another with passion and lust, deepening their desire for one another. They were pulled out of their make-out session by someone clearing their throat. Both paused and turned to face back down the hall. Y/N was standing across the hall, looking at both of them with a jokingly disgusted face.
Y/N: Never thought a kiss would be the most sick thing I found at the police station, but here we are.
Barry: Excuse me? How many times have I walked into S.T.A.R. Labs on you and Caitlin kissing?
Y/N: About five times, but who's keeping count of the amount of times I make you uncomfortable?
Y/N gave a guilty shrug while Barry shook his head with a grin. Patty walked over to Y/N with a smile. The two hugged in a familiar exchange.
Patty: Y/N, good to see you.
Y/N: Great seeing you as well, Pat. Um, can you give Bare and I a moment, please? I have something I want to talk with him about.
Patty: Sure. I'll leave you two to geek out about your nerd stuff. See you later, babe.
She walked off, turning and waving bye to Barry. Barry smiled and waved back. Still smiling, he turned to his foster brother.
Barry: So, have you given Caitlin...
He made a motion with his hands. It took Y/N a moment to realize what he was on about.
Y/N: What? Oh, no. I just can't find the right time to. We were close the other evening, but duty dropped down out of the sky.
Barry: Well, you better do it soon, dude.
Barry continued to grin but paused. He noticed the look on Y/N's face. L/N seemed deep in thought. His brow was lowered and serious, like something was bothering him. Barry shifted, worried about his expression.
Barry: What's wrong, man?
Y/N: Barry, I saw him again. The man in black. He's back.
Y/N and Barry were standing inside of Allen's office. They pinned up a photo Y/N had taken with the camera in his goggles. It showed the black speedster standing across from him on the roof. The photograph was hung up with various other pictures and news articles, all documenting Y/N's parents' car crash and, more importantly, Nora Allen's murder.
Y/N: He was just standing there. His eyes were pure black and his mask was just... wrong. I'm confident he was the one who started the fires. No one else is that fast and could have done it.
Barry looked at
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