Felicity popped the cork off of the champaigne bottle. Everyone stood around in the hangar, celebrating their collective victory. Sara pulled out a flask, which some of the members of her team joined her in sharing. Kara, wearing her civilian clothing, smiled to the others and walked over to join in on a group conversation. Felicity and Ray watched her go, noting the blonde woman's ponytail and glasses.
Felicity: It's like looking into a mirror.
Ray: Yeah, you know what's funny? She really kinda looks like my cousin.
Caitlin-1 was standing to the side, stuck in her own thoughts. She was joined by her counterpart who was holding a drink of her own with a cheery smile.
Caitlin: You alright?
Caitlin-1: Yeah, just... Needed to be by myself for a moment.
Caitlin: Well, with me here, you technically still are.
The two shared a nice chuckle. After a moment, Caitlin-1's smile faded again, showing concentration. Caitlin noticed her appearance and recognized her unique expression.
Caitlin: Something bothering you?
Caitlin-1: What makes you say that?
Caitlin: You're doing the...
Caitlin-1: Biting my lip thing?
Caitlin: Yeah. Don't worry. Y/N's called me out on it multiple times. It really is just difficult to hide ourselves, huh?
Caitlin-1 nodded slowly.
Caitlin-1: About that...
Caitlin looked over at her Earth-1 double, focusing and giving her her full attention.
Caitlin-1: I know you said it would take time, that maybe I can find balance. But the truth is... I'm scared. I mean, even though we're two of the same, we're really aren't are we?
Caitlin thought about that for a moment.
Caitlin-1: I mean, my Ronnie was a great man and beloved husband. Yours was a psychotic madman and soldier. Your Dr. Wells is the genuine article. Mine was a deranged, speedster, murderer from the future disguising himself as Dr. Wells and all others I've had have been from different Earths. Heck, our Flashes aren't even the same person.
Caitlin nodded, agreeing with that sentiment.
Caitlin-1: I just... What I'm trying to say is... What if things are different between us than they are between you and her? What if I can't control her or find balance? What do I do then?
Caitlin looked over at her counterpart, seeing the worry on her face. She brought up her hand and rested it on her shoulder.
Caitlin: Then you make it what you want. Like I said, it may take time, but we can't always worry about the future. Just take things slowly and remember that your friends will always have your back.
Caitlin-1 looked back at her. She seemed to ease up a bit, smiling at her other self.
Caitlin: Besides, if you need any help, you can always just call yourself.
Both Caitlins smiled at one another, happy and content with what they had. To the side of the hall, Agent Smith walked in. He spotted Nate and made his way towards him. Nate noticed the man and groaned.
Smith: Dr. Heywood.
Nate: Don't "Dr. Heywood" me. What the hell are you doing here?
Smith: I like parties, and I'm here for the mop-up.
Nate: Cover-up. But you can't cover this up.
Smith simply gave him a slight grin. Kara noticed them and walked over. She spoke in a friendly, jovial attitude.
Kara: Agent Smith! It's so funny seeing you here. I was just having the loveliest chat with your president about you. I was telling her, on my Earth, we have a Department of Extranormal Operations, which deals specifically with aliens. She thought it was an excellent idea. She also loved my pitch about reassigning you to Antarctica.
Smith's smile faded into a scowl. Kara simply scrunched her nose and smiled back, walking away happily. Nate smiled as she left, turning to Smith.
Nate: Maybe next time, you're a little nicer to strange visitors from another planet. Pack a jacket.
With that, Agent Smith turned around and walked away, defeated. Barry-1 was in the middle of a conversation with some of his friends. He then noticed a particular absence. He looked around the party to see if he could find him.
Barry-1: Hey, where's Y/N?
Y/N L/N stood on the curb of a suburban neighborhood in Central City. He looked across the street, looking through the window of a small house. Y/N had a smile on his face. He was soon joined by Barry-1 who walked over to him. Y/N nodded.
Y/N: I was curious as to whether I truly existed on your Earth or if it was just a role of the multiversal die.
He pointed towards the house. Looking through the window, Barry-1 noticed thee people. One of them was obviously Y/N's Earth-1 counterpart. The two were spitting images of each other. He didn't recognize the other two, but Barry-1 assumed they were his parents. He looked back at Y/N, astonished.
Y/N: On my Earth, we moved to Central City when I was about six-years-old. I met you, we became best friends, and... Well, you know the rest. But here, we didn't move until I was fourteen. We never met, but...
Barry-1: Your parents continued to live.
Y/N nodded. Barry-1 watched the happy trio inside, glad to see Y/N's happy family and reminiscing about his own.
Barry-1: What he's like here? You, I mean.
Y/N: I did some light digging. He graduated with high honors, focusing on his education and science. He went to Midway and graduated with a degree in criminology. He now works as a CSI agent.
Barry-1 nodded. He looked over at Y/N. He saw there was no anger, no hint of jealously, no envy behind his expression. He was just happy to see a new, different, possibly happier version of himself.
Y/N: I'm just glad there's a version of me out there who got to keep his parents.
The two of them continued to stand there together, watching the other Y/N eat dinner with his family. They then noticed a black car pull up to the house and park next to it. Y/N-1 stepped out from the house and walked to the car with a smile. Both Y/N and Barry-1 assumed it to be a close friend. However, both were caught off guard by a familiar blonde woman stepping out of the driver's seat of the car.
Barry-1: Is that...?
Patty Spivot walked out of the car and greeted Y/N-1 with a warm hug. What she did next surprised both onlooking speeders. Patty and Y/N-1 shared a light kiss. They beamed wildly at one another before walking back into the house, hand-in-hand.
Both Y/N and Barry-1's mouths were left hanging wide open. Barry-1 pointed at Patty, then back at Y/N, then back at the two inside, then back at Y/N.
Barry-1: Did... Did she... Did you two...
Y/N continued to stand there with a gaping jaw. After a moment, he began to laugh hysterically, bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet. When he eventually, settled down, he spoke.
Y/N: Oh, wait till my Barry gets a load of this! I will never let him live it down!
Y/N continued laughing while Barry-1 shrugged and chuckled as well. The two took in their strange circumstances and just how bizarre their lives had become over just a few short years.
Eventually, Y/N and Barry-1 returned to the party. The two speedster took their drinks and joined Oliver and Kara in celebrating.
Kara: Either of you ever saved the world before?
Barry-1: Yep.
Oliver: Last year.
Y/N: Against aliens, as a matter of fact.
Kara: It doesn't get old, does it?
Barry-1: Nope. It sure beats screwing up the world.
Kara: Hey, you are too hard on yourself.
Y/N: Man, if there's one thing Barrys seem to share across the multiverse, its pressure on themselves. You need to just let it go, man. Relax with the choices that have been made and try to move on.
Oliver: That's what people usually tell me.
Kara: And for good reason, I'm sure. But, back on my Earth, it's just me and my cousin. Between the two of us, we're more powerful than-
Barry-1: Everybody in this room combined?
Kara: No, no. That's the point. That's what you've all proven here. Meta-humans or not, superpowers or not, you are Earth's mightiest heroes.
All four of the other heroes nodded in agreement. Oliver put his head down for a moment and cleared his throat. He turned to Kara.
Oliver: Um... I owe you an apology. Keeping you at arm's length was the wrong move, and... Well, the truth is that this Earth could probably use a Supergirl.
Kara: Well, that's funny, 'cause I was just thinking my Earth could use an Oliver Queen. What about you, Y/N? Need anyone on your Earth?
Y/N looked at all of them and began listing off what he had. He pointed to Barry, then Kara, then Oliver.
Y/N: Taken, taken, and taken by a guy with just as bad if not worse brooding issues.
They all shared a nice chuckle. Kara then turned back to Oliver with a smile.
Kara: I know you said you don't get unnerved, but you did. I think hardship is what makes us stronger. That's probably why these people look to you as their rock.
Oliver nodded, smiling back. Barry-1 looked between all of them before smiling with a suggestion.
Barry-1: You guys feeling a group hug?
Oliver: No.
Kara: Come on. Come on.
Y/N: Bring it in, Hawkeye.
The four joined in a group hug. Oliver groaned through all of it, but eventually let up a smile. After a moment, they all separated.
After the party, everyone decided it was time to head back home. Y/N and his team stood outside with Kara as Barry-1, Oliver, Digs, Cisco-1, and Sara watched them leave. Kara held up a small device Cisco-1 had made for her. It was capable of opening small breaches between their worlds.
Barry-1: You ready to see if Cisco's gadget works?
Kara: Ready. And remember, if you guys ever need me, I'm just a call away.
Oliver: Same here.
Kara walked forward and pressed the blue button on the small, circular disk in her hand. A blue, swirling vortex opened before her. Before she stepped through, the superpowered girl looked over at Y/N.
Kara: Hey, Flash. Tell my cousin on your Earth I said 'hi'.
Y/N: Will do, Supergirl.
He gave her a little salute. Kara smiled back. She then stepped through the breach back to her world. It closed behind her, disappearing in a flash of light. Y/N and his team then stepped forward.
Y/N: Well, I guess it's time for us to leave as well.
Barry-1 stepped forward towards him.
Barry-1: Y/N, about your parents...
Y/N held up his hand, stopping him.
Y/N: It's alright, Barry. My parents' deaths are in the past. There's nothing I can do to change that. And, in all honesty, I don't think I would change a thing.
Barry-1 looked at him, a slight smile appearing out of the corner of his lips. Y/N exhaled, but kept the smile on his own face.
Y/N: I am the man I am now because of the events in my life and the choices I made along the way. And I am happy. I am happy for who I am and who I am with.
He reached out his hands, pulling both his Cisco and Caitlin into a hold. Caitlin leaned her head against his neck and placed her hand on his chest. Cisco smiled and patted his friend's back.
Y/N: I will find the one responsible for my parent's deaths, but I'll do it the old fashioned way.
Barry-1 smiled at his friend. Y/N smiled back before stepping forward. He reached out his hand. Barry-1 took it and the two shook.
Barry-1: Good luck, Flash.
Y/N: Same to you, Flash. Keep moving forward, Bare.
The two smiled again at one another. Cisco-1 stepped over to his counterpart. The two discussed on how they could open a breach to Earth-62612.
Cisco: So, I just need to focus the same way I do with a normal breach?
Cisco-1: Yes. But keep it steady. Make your mind clear. Find where you want to be, down to the most minute detail. You may also need these.
He handed Cisco a pair of duplicate gauntlets similar to his own. Vibe took them and put them on.
Cisco: Thank you.
Cisco-1: No problem. Tell Dante I said 'hi'.
Cisco: I will.
Cisco-1 stepped back, allowing his double to concentrate. Cisco held out his hands and tried to think. He focused on home and where he wanted to go. Then before his eyes, a swirling breach opened up. He continued holding it, not use to the strain of opening an interdimensional portal.
Cisco: Okay, let's go. Quick.
Y/N and Caitlin gave one last wave to their Earth-1 friends. Y/N then grabbed his two partners. His sped off into the vortex back home. With that, the breach closed and everyone was returned back to their proper worlds.
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