5.10 Home and a Rival

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Y/N and Caitlin were sitting down on the couch in their shared apartment. Caitlin was lying with her head in Y/N's lap while he gently ran his fingers through her hair. The two of them were watching TV, calm and enjoying a night of peace after everything they just went through.

While lying down, Caitlin let her eyes wonder. She looked around the room, taking in the shared photographs of the two of dates, the comfortable furniture, and the small diplomas hung up. The walls weren't nearly has pristine as in her dream nor was the furniture as eloquent. Compared to the large penthouse apartment in her hallucination, the shared apartment was much smaller, less elaborately decorated. But it was home and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Caitlin exhaled deeply, taking in the comfort of her home and her comfortable position. She let out a soft moan as Y/N continued to run his hand through her hair, closing her eyes. Y/N's concentration was directed back down at her and he chuckled softly. She almost seemed like a cat with how comfortable she was in his lap. Caitlin opened her eyes and smiled at him.

Caitlin: I love you.

Y/N: I love you, too.

Caitlin: No, I mean, I really love you.

Y/N looked down at her, a bit puzzled.

Y/N: Babe, are you alright?

Caitlin sat up. She looked at him and gently took his hands in hers.

Caitlin: When I was abducted, I was out into this... hallucination. It was more like a dream, though. I had everything I always desired. My father was alive, my mother was proud of me, I had tons of awards, I was married, and I was even expecting a baby of my own.

Y/N looked at her. He gave a sincere smile.

Y/N: Cait, that's amazing. That sounds spectacular.

Caitlin: It was, but...

Y/N looked at her, slightly puzzled.

Y/N: But...?

Caitlin: But it wasn't perfect. It didn't feel full. There was something missing, something that prevented it from being everything I really wanted.

She held his hand and placed her palm against his cheek.

Caitlin: You.

Y/N took her hand, squeezing it and smiling.

Y/N: Cait...

Caitlin: My life may not be what I initially envisioned, but I am happy because I have you in it. You make everyday brighter and hopeful for me. Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more. I don't need any fancy awards or recognitions to know my true worth. I just need you.

Y/N continued smiling, holding onto her hand. A small tear welled up in his eye.

Y/N: Cait, thank you. Thank you for everything. Everyday, when I think I've had it rough, when I think I can't go on any longer, I come home to you and I am reminded who I really am and what I'm fighting for. You are my lightning rod. And I hope that I can give you all the things you deserve. The praise you deserve, the family you are worthy of, and the future you want.

Caitlin: You already have.

The two came close and kissed each other deeply. They held onto one another, sinking in their embrace. After a moment, they separated. Caitlin then got an idea.

Caitlin: I want to show you something.

She grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled him up off the couch. She dragged him into the small space behind their kitchen where the two had set up a small cabinet of chemistry equipment in case they needed to do any emergency analysis. Cait liked to joke that cooking was essentially chemistry with food, so its placement felt natural.

Caitlin pulled out a set of vials and a written down pair of instructions. Y/N thought he recognized the formula, but didn't interrupt her. Caitlin proceeded to mix different vials of various chemicals. She handed Y/N one of the vials she'd been mixing things into.

Caitlin: Stir this for me.

Using his super speed, Y/N stirred the vial in his hand, shaking it until the mixture seemed just right. As he did so, Caitlin changed into Frost. The cold woman looked down at the instructions, trying to finish what her other half started.

Frost: Okay. Now, just give it a little spark.

Y/N looked at her with a raised brow. Frost indicated for him to do it and Y/N shrugged. He released a small orange spark from his fingertip into the vial. As he did so, Frost held up her hand and froze the liquid inside.

When it was all done, the two looked at their work. The vial was made up of a mix of red and purple liquids, frozen over in a blue sheet of ice. In the center was a bright lightning bolt, a bit of Y/N's spark that had been frozen. It gave off a very faint orange light, still thriving with electricity.

Frost: Proof that opposites do attract.

Y/N looked at the vial before looking back over at Frost. He wrapping his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. The ice queen brought her own arms up, holding him tight. The two eventually put the vial onto the mantel below the television and returned to their sitting position. Y/N went back to running his finger through the woman's now white hair. Frost closed her eyes, taking in the delicate moment.

Frost: So this is what it's like to feel warmth.

Y/N smiled down at her. As Frost relaxed, she transformed back into Caitlin. The brunette sunk deeper into her boyfriend's hold on her.

Y/N: I love you. Both of you.

Y/N walked through the visitors' wing of Iron Heights. He made his way to the call center and sat down in front of the glass window. On the other side, a particular meta-human he had just put away was brought forward by a pair of guards.

Edward Clariss was wearing a bright orange prisoners' jumpsuit. Around his hands were a pair of bio-dampening cuffs. The once god-like Rival was now reduced to a mere mortal.

Clariss was brought towards the glass and sat down in his seat. He grabbed the phone next to him so he and Y/N could talk. He looked at the man across from him, giving a look both of annoyance but also intrigue.

Rival: I wasn't expecting any visitors.

Y/N: I'm a representative of S.T.A.R. Labs. We think we can help you.

Clariss cocked his head back. He rolled his eyes, a light grin appearing on his face.

Y/N: You have the potential to become something great, Clariss. Working with us, we can maybe find a way to shorten your prison sentence and teach you how to hone in your powers. You can use them to help people.

Clariss brought his head back down. He looked at Y/N with a crooked smile.

Rival: What? So you can make me Flash Jr.? You think I don't know who you are, Y/N L/N? The red streak? The "hero of Central City".

Y/N felt his hairs stand on end. He tried to feign ignorance, giving Clariss a confused look.

Rival: Oh, don't act so surprised. He told me everything. Don't worry, I haven't told anybody... yet. I just want you to know that you could also be so much more. But it's too late. He's after you.

Y/N brought his head forward.

Y/N: Who?

Rival: The one who came to me, who showed me what I could become. Bad choice on his part, though.

Rival jumped up, slamming his fist against the glass. Y/N flinched back in surprise.

Rival: When I get out of here, I'm coming for you first. Then, I'm coming for him. He won't know what he's dealing with, 'cause I'll get what he's after first.

Y/N continued to stare at Clariss with wide eyes. The mad criminal continued to sneer. He licked his lips at the mere thought of his revenge.

Suddenly, a streak of blue light entered the room. Before anyone could do anything, a black claw plunged its way through Clariss' chest. Y/N jumped back, startled. He looked on in horror as the claw pulled itself out and Clariss fell to the floor, dead. Y/N was even more startled by what he saw behind the body.

A black, blurry figure stood behind Clariss. It was difficult to make out, but it was definitely humanoid. Blue sparks of electricity coarse around it. 

Then, as quickly as it entered, the black figure took off. As it ran off, it killed the two guards in the room who were just as confused as Y/N. Y/N ran after it, zooming out of the facility. The orange streak of lightning chased the blue streak. The two ran over buildings and through the streets.

Finally, they stopped on the top of a high rise building. Y/N stood several feet away from the figure, its back turned to him. The young man's face was red with anger.

Y/N: Why did you kill them?!

The figure stood motionless for a moment. It then turned around and faced the man behind it. Y/N's blood ran cold when he saw who it was. It was the black figure he'd seen that night. The night his parents were killed. The night the same figure murdered Nora Allen.

Y/N: It's... It's you...

The black figured stared back at Y/N. It had solid black eyes and torn strips for a mouth, almost making it look like a demon. Its black suit was complemented by an equally black, inverted lightning bolt. The figure didn't look like a man. It looked like a monster. Y/N was paralyzed with fear.

Y/N: Who... Who are you?

The figure spoke in a deep, gravely voice. It sounded like it originated from the deepest bowels of hell.

Zoom: Soon, Flash. Soon.

Then, in a flash of blue light, the figure spun around and ran off, far away into the night of Central City. Y/N didn't even try to chase it. He was too frozen with fear and shock. He just watched as the blue light disappeared over the horizon, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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