An alert blared from the computer screens. Felicity rushed over to check what it was. Her face instantly changed to that of worry and panic.
Felicity: Reading reports of ships opening all over the world.
She then noticed something even more alarming.
Felicity: Oh, frak.
Oliver: Talk to me.
Felicity: Something from the Dominators' mothership just broke atmo, and, not to get too technical, , but's really, really big and and falling to Earth really, really fast.
Barry-1: It's the meta-bomb.
Y/N: Those bastards are prepared to pull an Enola Gay on us.
Felicity turned, looking at Y/N with a cocked eyebrow.
Y/N: I minored in history.
Felicity: Okay. Why would the uglies drop ships on us in they were just planning on blowing us up?
Oliver: Because the ships were just a distraction to keep us from stopping the meta-bomb.
The Waverider soared through the air at high speeds, enroute to intercept the bomb. Onboard, Sara piloted the time ship while Cisco-1 helped to navigate and check comms.
Cisco-1: Too bad, 'cause we're gonna stop them.
He then turned to Sara.
Cisco-1: We're gonna stop it, right?
Sara: Let's hope so.
The three other heroes continued to stare at the warning screen in the warehouse.
Oliver: We have to keep the Dominators at bay.
Stein: This might help.
Professor Stein rushed over to the trio. In his hand he presented a small disk, about the size of a quarter. It had a blinking red light placed in the center of it.
Stein: I've mass produced a small device that, when placed on individual Dominators, will cause indescribable agony. It taps into the central nervous system at the base of the neck and produces a frequency that-
Y/N: Taps into the telepathic neurons in their heads, offsetting the transmitters needed for concentration, and creating an immeasurable form of migraine.
Stein looked at the man and nodded, amazed he was able to come to that conclusion.
Stein: Not the nicest invention, but war is war.
Barry-1: Nice going.
Stein: The caveat, of course, is that if we activate the weapons before all the devices are placed on all of the Dominators, they'll know what we're up to.
Oliver: Well, we got to do it fast.
Y/N: Only way we know how.
The Waverider finally managed to catch up to the bomb. The two onboard saw the large, spherical ball fall past them. Sara cocked the ship down and followed close behind it. The bomb was nearly as large as the ship itself and appeared to be made out of a solid metal frame with a strength similar to titanium.
Cisco-1: Damn, that's big. I didn't think it was gonna be this big. What are we gonna do?
Sara: You got me. I only know how to stab, punch, or skewer things.
Down near the ground, the collection of heroes all stood on the rooftop of a large building. They were preparing for the Dominators to appear. However, they all seemed to be in a bit of a disorganized mess.
Oliver: Keep your eyes open, people.
The teams were a bit disjointed, some following Oliver, some Barry-1. Mick was bickering with Nate and Vibe. Some of the Legends were trying to find their places amongst Team Arrow. Looking around the group, Y/N rolled his eyes. These people may know how to work in teams, but they were unfamiliar with such powerful units. The capped man eventually shouted out to everyone.
Y/N: Hey, everyone, focus!
Everyone turned around, not expecting the speedster to raise his voice in such a manner. Y/N began barking orders, knowing what he remembered from his time with Bruce and Clark.
Y/N: Firestorm, Atom, I want you guys in the back. Take out any stragglers. Nate, Vibe, Spartan, you take the right. If any come near you, hit them back or breach them to the front. Amaya, Heat Wave, left side. Aim for low level swarms. Frost, Flash, Arrow, up here with me. Supergirl, I want you below and ready for the heavy hitters.
Oliver looked over at Y/N, disliking his insistence on bringing Supergirl. The Flash looked back at him.
Y/N: I know what you said, but I don't care. Trust me. You'll be glad she's here.
Everyone got into positions. Oliver continued to side eye Y/N before nodding, approving of his leadership skills. Y/N nodded back. Standing next to him, Frost bent over to speak.
Frost: Caity thinks that was really hot.
Y/N looked at her, giving her a smirk, one she reciprocated back with her own. As they faced forward again, Frost smacked the side of her head, speaking to the woman on the other side.
Frost: You were, too. Don't try to deny it.
The united teams all stood, ready. Above them, the Dominator mothership flew down low. It hovered above the city as beams of yellow light were released. From out of the cylindrical pillars of light emerged an army of Dominators, all ready to fight.
Oliver: Get ready!
The Dominators stood before the heroes and let out a shrieking battle cry. At that, the heroes charged. The two Flashes took off, running around the aliens and placing Professor Stein's weapons on the base of their necks. The other heroes took to fighting off the alien onslaught.
Firestorm and Atom provided covering fire from above. Vibe pushed pack a large section of the creatures with his sonic blasts. Heat Wave, Spartan, and Amaya engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the aliens. Frost coated several in ice, either freezing them to the ground or causing them to slip and fall. Green Arrow bent down and fired a set of arrows at a few of the creatures in the back who were trying to pull out their weapons.
Nate turned to steel and engaged one of the Dominators. He ducked under it's extended, blade-like claw before being pushed back by its sheer strength. He slid and stopped himself, turning and delivering an uppercut to an alien as it tried to sneak up on him. He grabbed it and tossed it back towards the Dominator who'd pushed him back. As the creature flew through the air, Barry-1 ran in and planted a device on its neck.
Mick: Fry, you freaks!
Mick fired a steady jet stream of flames onto the aliens, pushing them back. Behind him, Diggle was trying to shoot at an oncoming alien. It pushed through his bullets and shoved him to the ground. Just before the creature could stab Spartan, it was grabbed by Atom. Ray pulled the creature high into the air before dropping it.
Ray: See you later, Dominator.
Seeing the falling Dominator, Vibe opened a breach below it. The creature fell through as another breach was opened above two more aliens. The falling Dominator crashed down on top of them, crushing them.
Frost formed a sword and engaged a Dominator in a duel. The creature soon took a hold of her sword and snapped it. Watching her weapon break in front of her, Frost's eyes went wide. In anger, she froze the alien's foot to the ground. The cold woman then formed a sharp icicle and plunged it through the alien's chest. Another Dominator tried to sneak up on her from behind to avenge its partner. However, Frost pulled out the icicle and tossed it right into the other alien's head. She then reformed her sword and sliced it across the chest.
Y/N continued running around, planting the devices. He stopped on the corner of the roof. Taking the opportunity, a group of Dominators tried to surround him. Y/N pulled down his cap and charged it with lightning. He tossed it like a frisbee and it bounced off of the aliens, knocking them down like bowling pins.
Y/N grabbed his cap as it came back to him and placed it snuggly on his head. Looking to the side, he noticed Spartan and Heatwave being forced to back to the edge of the roof by another group of aliens. Seeing the same thing, Frost nodded to him with an idea. She held up her hands and formed an ice bridge that circled around from Y/N's location on the roof to theirs.
The Flash ran across the bridge towards the other two heroes. Using his body as a battering ram, he shoved through the Dominators surrounding them, pushing them back. Diggle watch the fast man speed off past them.
Diggle: That is still the weirdest shit I've ever seen.
Oliver continued to fire his arrows around. Seeing them, Vibe indicated a plan. He opened a set of breaches. Green Arrow fired a set of arrows through one. They all emerged out of different breaches, hitting far away aliens all at once.
Nearby, Atom grabbed a Dominator and tossed it into the air. Cisco opened a breach and Y/N ran through it. He emerged in the air and grabbed the alien. The fast man placed a device on its body before kicking himself off of it and falling through another breach. He emerged next to Frost. The winter witch formed two small icicle shards and tossed them to him. Y/N charged the ice with lighting and began to spin around like an orange tornado, cutting through several aliens.
Amaya, Nate, and Mick soon found themselves surrounded on all sides. Pressing her dangling necklace, Amaya took on the strength of an elephant. A glowing silhouette of the creature emerged from her body and let out a triumphant blare from its trunk. It disappeared and Amaya used her strength to push back the Dominators.
The Waverider continued its chase after the falling bomb. With each passing second, the large sphere fell dozens of feet, getting dangerously close to impact.
Cisco-1: This thing has to have a tractor beam, right?
Sara: Yep.
The White Canary activated the ship's tractor beam. A blue cone was projected from the bottom of the vessel and surrounded the ginormous bomb. It was able to slow its decent, but it was not able to stop it completely. The Waverider began to be dragged down with the weapon.
Cisco-1: It's slowing down, but, like, barely.
Sara: Thank you, Cisco. I haven't noticed. Strap in. Firestorm, if you're done playing with your friends out there, we could really use your help.
Jackson: I'm on it!
Firestorm threw one last fireball before flying off towards the falling bomb. On the rooftop, the team of heroes continued their fight against the Dominators. Spartan found that his bullets were effective if he could hit the eyes of the creatures. Heat Wave continued to holler and shout as he fried the beasts alive. The Flashes continued running around, planting the devices.
Oliver pulled out an arrow and shot a particularly tall Dominator in the shoulder. The alien turned around and shrieked. It engaged him in close combat. Oliver ducked under its swings and managed to get in a few hits. However, with one strong punch, the Dominator tossed him into the air.
Oliver fell back and off the edge of the roof. Then, before he could plummet to the ground, a girl in a red cape flew in and grabbed him. Supergirl brought Green Arrow back onto the roof safely. Oliver turned, nodding to her. Kara noticed the large Dominator before then and charged towards it. With a strong punch, she sent it hurtling back hundreds of feet.
Supergirl then flew around, punching through some of the larger brutes and shooting others with her heat vision. The Dominators had put up a competent fight before. However, now with the Kryptonian, they were not only outmatched, but afraid.
Back at the S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse, Felicity looked at the screen before her. Small, green dots were scattered around the blue map, indicating the devices the Flashes had been planting. The blonde woman held in her hand a circular disk with a red button in the center.
Felicity: Good work planting Professor Stein's nano-weapons, but we still got Dominators all over the country. This looks like a job for Supergirl.
Kara took off, soaring through the air towards another city full of Dominators. Barry-1 took off as well, running to Starling City and starting his work there. Vibe opened a breach and Y/N ran through it, instantly transported to the West coast.
Barry-1: Thanks, Felicity. I'm not the least bit insulted.
Felicity: Ah, sorry. I meant Supergirl and the Flash.
Y/N: And to think I traveled across the multiverse to help you.
Felicity: Flashes. Supergirl and the Flashes. This is totally a job for all three of you. That's what I meant. Supergirl and Flash and... Flash.
Up in the sky, the Waverider continued it's struggle to lift up the bomb. The controls sparked and lights flashed around the bridge as a great strain was put on the ship.
Sara: Firestorm, we're holding it up.
Cisco-1: But, like, Barely.
Sara: Not helping, Cisco!
Firestorm flew up onto the bomb. He landed on top of it, planting his feet against the cold metal.
Sara: Firestorm, do it now!
Jackson: Do what?
Inside his mind, Jackson could hear Stein talking to him, his voice echoing around like a PA system.
Stein: I believe Ms. Lance intends for us to transmute the meta-bomb into something harmless.
Jackson: I was afraid you were gonna say that.
Firestorm placed his hands down on the bomb. He concentrated. The flame on his head grew brighter and waves of orange light emanated from his hands through the bomb. Back down on the ground, the three fast superheroes continued running across the country, planting the nano-devices on the hoards of Dominators.
Felicity: Alright, devices are bring planted. Let me know when I can bring the pain.
Oliver looked around. The team was holding their own, but they would soon be overcome with Dominators, especially with Supergirl and the two speedsters occupied.
Oliver: Do it!
Felicity pressed the trigger in her hand. The center piece light flashed as the devices were activated.
Felicity: Done.
Across the country, all the Dominators stopped and fell down on their knees. They cried and writhed in pain. An immeasurable force of stinging nerves fired through their bodies. They all fell down and shrieked in terror, unable to stand and overcome it.
Oliver: It's working.
Supergirl and the Flashes soon rushed back in and rejoined the others. Y/N stopped next to Cisco and bent down, panting with his head between his legs after running across the entire country. He brought up his hand and the two partners shared a fist bump.
Mick: What about the superhero bomb?
On top of the bomb, Firestorm struggled and pushed to try and change the makeup of the bomb. The Waverider was losing its grip and the ground was getting closer. Firestorm tried as hard as he could. It was just too large.
Jackson: Grey, I can't do it, man. It's too big. I can't.
Stein: You must, Jefferson. I have a daughter. Her name is Lily, and she's counting on you. She's counting on both of us.
Jackson was taken aback. He had no idea Stein had a daughter. Filled with a new sense of determination from both men, Firestorm shouted and exerted all he had. An orange light pulsed around the meta-bomb. Suddenly, it all transformed. The metal bomb turned into harmless water that careened down on Central City, being no more threatening than a light rain.
Cisco-1: They did it! They can do that?
Sara: They did that. Ground, what's your status?
On the ground, the heroes watched as all the Dominators pulled themselves up and ran away. They were pulled back into their ships by a set of yellow tractor beams.
Nate: They're retreating.
Felicity: It's not just them. It's all around the world.
The Dominator ships all took off and reunited with the mothership. Once every last one of them was onboard, the ship turned around and took off into the sky, disappearing above the atmosphere back into the reaches of outer space.
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