The group of rescued heroes made their way inside the S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse. Cisco-1 was there to greet them. He walked with them towards the back of the room where the others were.
Cisco-1: I cannot believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: alien spaceship. I have questions.
Oliver: They can wait.
He then turned to Nate.
Oliver: Thanks for getting my sister home.
Nate: Yeah, man.
Caitlin: Okay, right now we need to focus on the oncoming Dominator mothership.
Y/N was in the back of the room with Cisco, Barry-1, Caitlin-1, Felicity, and Professor Stein. His head immediately popped up upon hearing his girlfriend's voice.
Y/N: Cait!
In the blink of an eye, Y/N sped out of his chair and over to Caitlin. He grabbed her by the waist and picked her up, spinning in circles. Caitlin giggled as her boyfriend spun her.
Y/N: Yes, yes, yes! I am so glad you're safe!
Caitlin: Yes. We're fine.
Y/N placed her back down, the two smiling gleefully as they stared at one another. Suddenly, Caitlin's eyes flashed and she transformed into Frost. The cold girl remained close to Y/N, giving him a gentle grin.
Frost: Glad to see me again, handsome?
Y/N looked at her. He then did something even Frost did not expect. He leaned in and kissed her lips. It was a quick kiss, but one just as loving as the ones he would give to her other side. Frost stared at him with wide eyes while Y/N stared back with a smile.
Y/N: Yes. It's good to see you again.
Frost looked puzzled. She stuttered as she tried to speak. Y/N immediately answered her question before she could even ask it.
Y/N: You said it yourself, you're a package deal.
Frost leaned back, smiling brilliantly at him. Y/N smiled wildly back. Cisco walked over to the two lovebirds, seeing his rescued friend.
Cisco: It's good to see you again.
Frost: You too, Cisco. Thanks for finding us.
Frost and Ramon hugged tightly before separating. As the reunited trio stood together, they were joined by the rest of Earth-1's team Flash. Caitlin-1 walked over hesitantly, eyeing Frost. The mistress of winter looked over at her, giving a smirk and a gentle wave.
Frost: Don't be afraid. I won't bite... mostly.
Caitlin-1 slowly approached her other side's doppelgänger. She looked her over, examining her features and mannerisms.
Frost: What do ya think?
Caitlin-1: I... I'm honestly not sure what to think.
Frost: Sounds about right. You know, it sounds weird hearing you both in here and out there.
She pointed to her head before pointing at Caitlin-1.
Caitlin-1: Wait, you can hear her?
Frost: Oh, yes. In the past it always felt like a tug-of-war. But now... it feels clearer. Like seeing through a window or watching a TV screen.
Stein: Remarkable. You two are now operating as a unit similar to Jefferson and I when we merge. Except with you two, it's two beings that originate from the same body. It's like your neurological pathways are acting in tandem while also allowing different ideas and personalities to be expressed.
Y/N: Yeah. In the past, Caitlin's always expressed it like going into a fit of blind rage. But now, you two really seem like you're in control of the whole thing without the need for a negative ignition or positive cool down.
Frost: Ugh, don't I get enough science talk from Caity?
Caitlin-1 continued to stare at Frost. Frost noticed the look she was giving and rolled her eyes. She took Caitlin-1's hands in hers. The Earth-1 girl pulled back at first before allowing her to touch her.
Frost: I know what you two are going through, sweety. It may seem scary. But, with good friends and the right amount of counseling, you may be able to find...
She switched back into Caitlin. Her eyes softened and her voice became sweeter as the main alter took back over.
Caitlin: ...balance.
Caitlin-1 looked at herself from another Earth. She seemed calmer, helping the Earth-1 Caitlin try to come to grips with her situation. Seeing her, Caitlin-1 exhaled and took a moment to think. As they both stood there, Oliver walked over to the group and cleared his throat.
Oliver: We should probably, um, get back to business.
Caitlin/Caitlin-1: Right. Sorry.
Oliver nodded and turned to Barry-1.
Oliver: What's our status?
Barry-1: Nothing since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads.
Nate: Why would they do that?
Ray: What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about meta-humans?
Y/N: Conquer and divide. See who really posses a threat and who they may deem as the "weak ones".
Felicity: Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire.
Kara: Well, metas pose the biggest threat to their invasion. It would make sense they'd want to get to know their enemies.
Stein: By kidnapping people. Perhaps they were searching your minds for potential meta-human vulnerabilities.
Oliver: I think it's time we return the favor.
Diggle: What do you want us to do? Kidnap one of them now?
Caitlin indicated towards her duplicate.
Caitlin: That could theoretically allow us to access their knowledge. What with Cisco's powers and there being two of us, we may be able to look inside their minds and find what they know. Plus, you know, I little payback doesn't hurt.
Y/N: The only problem is that Dominators are few and far between now.
Barry-1: Ever since we fought off that one ship, they've kinda been in short supply.
Nate thought for a moment before suggesting an idea.
Nate: Actually, I know where to find one.
The others followed him as he walked over to the computer station. He pulled up an old recording dating back to the mid twentieth century.
Nate: I've been reviewing old Army footage of their first encounters with the Dominators, and I think I pegged the fight to...
He pulled up the footage and started playing. The black and white video showed a group of soldiers running on the battlefield, shooting at something off camera.
Nate: ...Redmond, Oregon. 1951.
The Army soldiers continued fighting. Some of them were shot down, hit by a flash of some sort of beam. One solider stood on the back of a truck, firing a machine gun. Explosions surrounded him. He cried out into the air, trying to avenge his fallen comrades.
Suddenly, an explosion blew the solider back and knocked the truck on its side. The camera fell to the ground, now pointing up at the dim sky. Then, slowly approaching the camera, the outline of what was clearly a Dominator stepped forward. The footage ended and the screen froze.
Stein: You're suggesting we travel to 1951, abduct a Dominator, and interrogate it to determine their intentions.
Sara: They kidnapped us. Seems fair.
Both Ciscos looked at one another, their eyes going wide.
Cisco-1: Whoa. Time travel. I'm definitely in.
Cisco: Same here, McFly.
Barry-1 looked over at his Cisco.
Barry-1: Okay, hold on, though. Professor Stein and Caitlin have been talking about a way to take down the Dominators. They could probably use your help.
Cisco-1 rolled his eyes.
Cisco-1: Pass. Besides, they have the other Caitlin. She can help.
Felicity: Yeah, I mean, I'm with them, mostly because I just don't want to loose my geek cred, but time travel!
Nate: I could take Amaya and Mick.
Oliver nodded in agreement. Barry-1 just gave up, not wanting to argue with Cisco-1.
Oliver: Do it.
Cisco-1 and Felicity cheered in celebration. They turned around and walked towards the Waverider parked outside. Cisco walked over to Y/N. The two clapped and held their hands together with firm grips.
Y/N: Good luck. Don't be coming back with any pepper shaker aliens, got it?
Cisco: No promises, Capaldi.
The two smiled at one another before Cisco let go and joined the others in boarding the time ship. Y/N walked over to Barry-1 and the others.
Barry-1: The new president called, which would be cool under different circumstances, but she wants to meet with us.
Oliver: Let's bring Ray, Sara, and Y/N as backup.
Caitlin: I'll stay behind on this one. The less people know about Frost on this Earth, the better this Earth's Caitlin is off.
Y/N nodded in agreement with her.
Kara: What about me? I can do backup.
Oliver looked at her for a moment. He then nodded away from the group.
Oliver: Can I talk to you for a second?
He walked off to the side. Kara looked at the others in confusion. They all shrugged, not really knowing what Queen was up to. Kara then walked over to talk with him in private. Oliver thought for a moment, searching for the right words.
Oliver: I would like to minimize your involvement in this.
Kara looked at him, shocked.
Kara: Why? Because I'm an alien? I also happen to be your biggest weapon.
Oliver: You are an unknown quantity, and this is not personal.
Kara: Except that's exactly how it feels.
Oliver: Kara, when I started living this life, it was just me. I was going up against human threats that I could handle. Then it was meta-humans, and I can handle that. Now I learn that there are multiple Earths, and I was brainwashed aboard an alien spacecraft-
Kara: I'm sure that was unnerving, but I don't-
Oliver: I don't get unnerved. But when I go up against something new, I push back. Right or wrong, it is who I am and it is what I do. So I'm asking for a little space because I have to draw the line somewhere. I need to claw back a sense of normalcy. Please stay here.
Kara continued to look at him with a side eye. Oliver separated and walked away. Y/N was standing not too far away from them. While everyone else had separated, Y/N stayed behind, listening in on their conversation. As Oliver passed, the fast man bent forward and asked him something.
Y/N: What about me? Where do me and my cohorts fit in your idea of "normalcy"?
Oliver licked his lips and turned to the other speedster.
Oliver: To my knowledge, you are like Barry. Your team is like his. As far as I'm concerned, you guys are an extension of what I already know. She is not.
With that, Oliver walked away. Y/N watched him leave. He then turned his head and looked back at Kara. The Flash sighed before getting to work, helping the Caitlins and Stein with their project.
The Ciscos and Felicity boarded the Waverider, ready to depart. The three geeky scientists all looked around, amazed by the technology they were walking in and around. They started to ask various questions, bombarding Nate with several inquiries.
Cisco-1: This ship is everything!
Felicity: What type of propulsion system does it use?
Nate: No idea.
Cisco-1: Oh, my God. Did you see that construct on the bow?
Cisco: Yes! It looks like it could be some sort of time sphere.
Nate: Yeah, no idea.
Felicity: To operate a ship of this size, the deep-link nets would have to be-
Cisco-1: Like a quantum neural chipset-
Nate: Hey, guys, guys. Amaya and Rory are waiting for us on the bridge. Can we just keep moving along?
Nate walked towards the direction of the bridge, leaving the other three to continue following in amazement.
Felicity: This ship is...
Cisco-1: Automatic?
Felicity: Supersonic.
Cisco: Hypnotic.
All: Funky fresh.
The Waverider soared through the air as is emerged at its destination. The large time ship lowered its landing gear and plopped down safely onto the green field of a hill in Redmond, Oregon. As soon as the vehicle fully landed, its cloaking device activated. The entire ship became invisible to the naked eye.
Onboard the bridge of the ship, Mick switched on the handbrake and lifted up the restraints on his seat. The others followed suit. The Ciscos and Felicity looked around in awe with gapping jaws.
Cisco-1: We made it. This is the '50s.
Cisco: Sick. Like, Elvis Presley Sick.
Suddenly, Felicity bent down and hurled onto the floor. She gagged as she emitted her lunch from earlier onto the Waverider.
Nate: Severe time jumps can cause nausea, temporary deafness...
Felicity brought her head up and tried to speak, only for it to come out as gibberish.
Felicity: Oh, fling dumb flarb.
Nate: Linguistic disorientation.
Felicity: Havesh dromeb.
The blonde woman quickly covered her mouth, unable to control what she was saying. Heat Wave pointed at Cisco-1, indicating towards the mess on the floor.
Mick: You. Clean it up. We're gonna kidnap an alien.
Cisco: What?
The three members of the Legends stood up and began to walk out. Cisco-1 chuckled and stood up in protest.
Cisco-1: Ha. Okay. I know I did not just travel through time so we could stay on the ship.
Mick turned around, indicating towards the other two.
Mick: Ponytail, oddball, you're staying as well.
Felicity: Domb lope contilo toon agua.
Nate: I'll take that as, "Have fun storming the castle."
With that, the Legends disembarked. The other three were left standing there. Cisco looked over at his counterpart.
Cisco: Did he just...
Cisco-1: Oh, for real? You're gonna use Princess Bride against me? Against me?
Felicity started to get sick again. Cisco grabbed a trash bin, holding it out for her. The other Cisco rubbed her back while she projectile hurled.
Cisco-1: Okay. I got you, girl.
Outside, the Legends walked towards where they believed the battle field was located. Nate was now wearing a black and blue armor chest piece with red lining. A star was located in the middle. He wore a matching red helmet with blue highlights. Mick looked over at his teammate, rolling his eyes.
Mick: Celebrating July 4th early?
Nate: Ray made it for me.
Mick: You look like a star-spangled idiot.
Amaya: We need to find the Army.
As if on cue, the group suddenly heard the sounds of energy beams and machine guns. They rushed over towards the source of the noise, only to be met with a gruesome battle. Down in the valley below them, army trucks and soldiers fired upon encroaching Dominators. Above them loomed a large scout ship.
Nate: I think we found 'em.
The Dominator ship fired laser beams down upon the small army. Men were flung off trucks and soldiers were knocked to the ground. Several alien scouts were on the ground. They slashed and clawed through the Army like nothing. The creature stood at nearly twice the height as the men they were fighting, pushing them down and throwing them aside with immense strength. The military men stood no chance.
Nate: What are we waiting for? Let's grab an alien and get out of here.
Mick: Sure. Just... waiting for one of the weaker ones of the herd.
Amaya: I don't think there are any weak ones.
Just then, a breach opened right next to the group. Vibe leaped out. He looked out towards the mass panic and slaughtering happening in front of him.
Cisco: Oh, my God.
He then looked to the side. The Legends stared at him. Mick had an annoyed look on his face.
Cisco: I know, you said stay behind. But you can't really cage this inquired mind. Relax, the others are still onboard.
Inside the Waverider, Cisco-1 and Felicity were extraordinarily bored. Cisco laid sprawled out on the floor while Felicity spun around in a swivel chair.
Felicity: Do you have any idea what's going on out there?
Cisco-1: It's a real-life Spielberg movie, and we're stuck in here.
Felicity: Can't you open one of those portal thingies like the other you?
Cisco-1: No. He's the one who can open breaches between locations. I haven't
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