Felicity: Blah. Sounds like he's the cooler one.
Cisco-1: Hey, I can open breaches between dimensions, which is a one up on him because it's something he can't do.
Felicity: Yet.
Cisco-1 rolled his eyes. Felicity looked over at him. She stood up, holding a magnifying glass in her hand.
Felicity: Okay. I think I know what's really bothering you.
Cisco-1: I'm having the worst case of FOMO while everyone else is out there kidnapping an alien?
Felicity: No. I think you escaped 2016 to get away from Barry.
Cisco-1 shook his head and pulled himself up onto his feet.
Cisco-1: Mm-mm. Excuse me. I escaped 2016 so I could come see the Waverider and so that I could time travel.
Felicity: And?
Cisco-1: And... also, yes, I wanted to get away from Barry.
Felicity: Ah! You realize that's insane, right? You're holding a grudge against your best friend when the world is potentially going to end.
Cisco-1: I'm sorry. My "best friend"? He only killed my brother.
Felicity: He didn't kill-
Cisco-1: Okay, you're right. He didn't literally kill my brother. What I mean to say is, he was responsible. Okay? He just needed to save his family, and in doing that, he ended up destroying mine.
Cisco-1 shook his head. He walked over to the table behind him, placing his hands against it and leaning forward. After a moment, a slight grin appeared on his face.
Cisco-1: You know, all this time traveling, fighting aliens, this is the stuff I used to dream about as a kid.
Felicity: Yeah, me too.
Cisco-1: But it doesn't feel like a dream. It just feels weird.
Felicity: Well, exactly, and it's only gonna get weirder. So that's why we have to be able to rely on our friends.
Cisco-1: I really wish I could, right now, Felicity. But he's not my friend.
Back outside, the battle had finally finished. The Dominators each grabbed a lifeless body of a soldier and dragged them away. Each one went up to the ship above them in a yellow beam of light.
Amaya: They're taking off.
Nate: I don't get it. Why are the Dominators attacking us, then just leaving?
Amaya: It's an RIF mission. "Reconnaissance in Force."
Cisco: They're taking the dead back to be studied.
Mick pointed towards one Dominator that remained.
Mick: Ah, look. A straggler.
Amaya: We need him alive, Mick.
Mick: I'm just gonna rough him up a little.
Cisco: Great. Nice to see all Heat Waves have a thirst for beatings.
Mick: You better believe it, bub.
The group walked down the hill and onto the vacant battlefield. They approached the lone alien. The Dominator was currently dragging away the body of a fallen soldier.
Mick: Hey!
Upon seeing the four costumed heroes, the alien growled and shrieked. It tossed the body in its hand towards them. Mick dodged and brought up his heat gun. He fired a steady jet stream of flames onto the Dominator's chest. The creature let out a high pitched scream as it felt the heat against its skin.
Mick: Squeal, you pig.
As soon as he let up, Nate jumped in. His body turned to solid steel and her punched the Dominator across the face. The alien fell down, knocked out, as Nate changed back to normal skin.
Cisco: You can do that?
Nate shrugged at him with a smile. The four all huddled around the downed alien. Suddenly, before either of them could grab it or pick it up, they were surrounded on all sides by government agents. One man in particular spoke out. He wore a black suit and tie alongside a thin pair of lenses. His hair was neatly combed over in a fashion popular for the time.
Smith: Well done. I see you've managed to catch us a specimen.
Nate: I'm afraid we're gonna have to keep this one.
Amaya: Who are you?
The agent pulled out his badge and card.
Smith: Just a humble civil servant.
Mick: I don't like guys with badges.
Nate: Easy, Mick.
Smith: We just want to ask a few questions.
Nate: We'd love to answer them, but-
Amaya: We're in a bit of a hurry.
Smith: So are we.
Suddenly, some of the surrounding agents fired darts at the three heroes. Each one was hit with a tranquilizer which lodged into the side of their necks. They all fell down on their knees, trying to fight it.
Nate: You don't understand. We're here to save the future.
Smith: And you can tell me all about it... When you wake up.
The three all finally collapsed. Smith snapped his fingers, ordering his men to collect them.
Smith: I want these three and the specimen safe and secured. If I see so much as a scratch on that creature without my permission, you'll be reporting in your license.
Agent: Sir, weren't there four of them?
Smith turned around, examining the three downed hero. He was right. There had been four of them. As the soldiers snuck in, Cisco had quickly opened a breach and leapt through it.
Smith: Find him! He can't have gotten far.
Cisco-1 and Felicity remained bored inside the Waverider. They paced back and forth, unsure what they should do.
Felicity: Any idea on when they'll be back?
Cisco-1: No idea.
Suddenly, a breach opened before them. Vibe fell out, landing on his side before closing the breach and pulling himself up.
Felicity: Oh, my God!
Cisco-1: Dude, what happened out there?
Cisco: Guys, guys. They got 'em!
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