5.5 Facing Reality

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Caitlin was back in her shared penthouse apartment. She was in her bedroom, getting ready for the night. She wore an elegant black dress that sparkled in the light. Her hair and makeup had been done up, bringing out her defined features.

Caitlin was in the middle of putting her earrings on. She opened her jewelry box and sifted through the various jewels and chains. She finally found a pair that she liked.

As she was putting the diamond earrings on, she stopped. Two other earrings were sitting close to one another. One resembled a gold wing, another a golden lightning bolt. Upon seeing the decorative items, a voice ringed out through her head. It was her own voice. A memory came to mind of her handing a tall man a metal cap with gold wings.

Caitlin: It fits you.

Caitlin came back to reality. She stopped and looked around, left with another feeling of unease. She looked at all the awards and diplomas around her room, the intricate and expensive furniture, the elaborate design of everything. It was perfect. And yet, something felt off. Like it was wrong. Like it was all wrong. Everything was off, but she couldn't figure out why.

Just then, the wardrobe behind her started to shake again. Caitlin spun around and looked at it. It rocked back and forth violently, like something was desperate to get out. Cait noticed something odd about it. A faint mist was pouring out of the cracks in the wood. The doorknob seemed to be covered in a small sheet of ice.

She instinctively brought her hand up over her stomach, over where the baby was supposedly growing. It grounded her back to this reality. The wardrobe stopped shaking. Everything returned to normal.

Caitlin took a deep breath. She mentally eased herself, telling herself everything was fine. She was good. She was happy. So why did everything feel so off?

Caitlin looked over at the portrait hanging on the wall. It depicted her and Ronnie on their wedding day. The man's bright eyes no longer seemed happy. For whatever reason, they appeared sinister.

Caitlin was escorted out of the limousine by her husband. She gave him a nice smile as they walked over the red carpet towards their destination.

The gala was grand. There was music, refreshments, dancing. Everything was perfect. When the time came, an announcer stepped up to the podium at the back of the room. She cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention.

Announcer: Good evening, everyone. I'm glad you all could make it. Tonight, we celebrate not just a remarkable advancement, but a remarkable woman. The brave, determined, and distinguished scientist who has already done so much for us. With her recent discovery on the transmutation of personalities, this council would like to present Dr. Caitlin Snow with this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

Caitlin was stunned. She hadn't known her award would be so grand. She brought her hand to her mouth, stunned and trying to hide her shock. The crowd cheered and applauded as she walked up on stage. She was handed the award trophy and stood at the podium.

Caitlin: Thank you. Thank you all. This is truly a remarkable phase in my life. And I just want to thank all the brilliant and smart scientists who came before me. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you.

The crowd went back to cheering. Caitlin smiled as thunderous applause boomed for her throughout the plaza. She looked around at all the scientists who had come out to see her.

Then, as she was looking, one scientist caught her eye. He had dark hair and glasses. Just then, another image flashed before Caitlin. A memory of the same man a wheel chair. When she came back, something had changed.

Caitlin: Dr. Wells?

These flashes, they weren't just random. They were memories. Her memories. She was starting to put them all together. While her mind wandered, she looked around, fumbling her words.

Caitlin: I... uh... Thank you.

She waved to everyone as she left. Some were confused as to why her speech hadn't continued. Caitlin stepped aside to where Ronnie and her parents were.

Thomas: Caity, are you alright?

Carla: It's not like you to freeze up like that.

Ronnie: Do you need anything? What's wrong?

He rested his hand gently in her shoulder. Caitlin turned and looked at it, no longer looking at his gesture like a calming presence, but more like a foreign object.

Caitlin: I want to go home.

The brainiac division of scientists were back to work in Queen's hideout. They worked at their computers and plugged in the regulator chip they had acquired.

Rory: Any luck with the regulator we took off Cyber-Woman?

Cisco-1: Cyber-Woman? I think I'm starting to like you guys.

Curtis: The regulator worked, but my translator did not. The only thing I got back from the Dominator tech was soup.

He held up a tablet, showing his point. The screen was flooded with yellow code and images that didn't appear to make any sense.

Felicity: What? No, no, no. This just looks random.

Rory had a look at the code. He soon recognized its symbols and meaning.

Rory: It's not. It's Gematria.

Cisco: What?

Rory: Gematria is the numerology of-

Felicity: -of the Torah. How did I not see that?

Rene: For the gentiles and those of us who actually had social lives in high school, what the hell are you talking about?

Rory: In Hebrew, each letter possesses a numerical value. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases.

Curtis: You mean the Dominator's language is based off the Old Testament?

Rory: Or shares commonalities at least. You wanted proof of a divine plan to the universe, right?

Felicity typed in the symbols she was seeing. After a moment, she was able to produce some useful information.

Felicity: Guys, I'm getting references to six Terran captives. The signal's coming from... Wait, that's not possible.

She looked at the coordinates to make sure she wasn't seeing things. The others joined her.

Felicity: -3.127 Latitude, -23.7987 Longitude.

Cisco-1: That doesn't make any sense. Geographical coordinates don't have any negative numbers.

Cisco: I mean, they do. Only when...

He paused, thinking for a moment. Both he and Felicity's eyes went wide, coming to the same realization.

Felicity: Oh, my God. I think I know where they are!

Cisco: It was staring us right in our faces from the beginning.

Curtis: What? What is it?

Both Cisco and Felicity looked at one another.

Cisco / Felicity: Spaceship.

Caitlin walked inside her large, luxury apartment with Ronnie and her folks. She looked around at all the ornate details of the room, a sinking feeling in her gut. Now, more than ever, she knew it felt wrong.

Carla: I think we're going to retire for the night.

Thomas: Yes. I think we all just need some time to lay down and take in the calmness of the evening. Good night.

He kissed his daughter on the cheek before he and Carla walked off to the spare guest room together. Caitlin held her cheek. A new realization was hitting her. Ronnie saw her and took her hands in his.

Ronnie: Hey. You okay, babe? Is everything alright?

Caitlin looked down at their hands. She forcefully pulled hers out of his.

Caitlin: No. No, it's not alright. Everything is wrong.

Ronnie looked at her, swallowing.

Ronnie: It's okay. Just tell me what it is. We can work through it together.

Caitlin: No, we can't. Because this isn't real. None of it is.

Tears were starting to build up in her eyes.

Caitlin: I want it to be, so much. There's so much I want from this. But it isn't complete. There are other things that I want.

Ronnie: Cait, we can work through this together. I'm here for you. We are a pair, you and I.

She looked at him. At that specific word choice, her mind flashed again. More memories flooded through her as she was finally able to put it all together. There was one man at the center of it all, and it wasn't her so-called husband.

Caitlin: Most people don't really see this type of work as rooted in true science.

Y/N: Well, I think it's spectacular, and that's coming from a fellow scientist.

Caitlin: It's not safe.

Y/N: Caitlin, I have to go.

Y/N: "This is how you remind me of what I really am."

Caitlin: What?

Y/N: Nothing. It's just you look... really nice.

Caitlin: I don't always dress like a high school principal.

Caitlin: "Summer lovin', had me a blast. Summer lovin', happened so fast."

Y/N: "I met a girl crazy for me."

Caitlin: "I met a boy cute as can be."

Both: "To, uh, oh those summer nights."

Caitlin: Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?

Y/N: Of course.

Y/N: The reason I come into work everyday is so I can see you... Caitlin, I love you.

Y/N: Don't let anyone hurt you again, you brilliant scientist.

Caitlin: We are quite the pair, Mr. L/N.

Y/N: Yes we are, Dr. Snow.

Cait flashed back to where she was standing. She was breathing heavily. She remembered everything. The brunette woman looked at the man before her.

Caitlin: No, we're not. I'm sorry, but you're not the one I love.

Caitlin stepped back, walking away from him. Ronnie just stood there, taking in everything she just said. Cait continued walking until she made it to the spare guest room. She found her mom already in bed, reading a book.

Carla: Cait? What is it, sweety?

Caitlin approached her mother. She took her hand in hers.

Caitlin: I'm sorry. I wish things were like this, but they're not.

She swallowed hard, her throat feeling dry.

Caitlin: More than anything, I wanted you to be a supportive mother, my mother. But after... You just weren't. I found my own way. I'm sorry.

Cait was having a hard time keeping it together. While she spoke to her mother, her father stepped out from the bathroom wearing long pajamas.

Thomas: Snowflake, is everything alright?

That was when Caitlin broke down. She walked over to her father and wrapped her arms around his neck. She remembered everything now, what really happened, and why he wasn't around. Fresh tears streamed down her face as she cried into his neck.

Caitlin: No, but it will be.

She continued holding him tight, refusing to let go.

Caitlin: I love you.

He gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her equally tight.

Thomas: I love you, too. I have always loved you. Remember that.

Cait nodded. When she eventually settled back down, she released her grip on him. With tearful eyes she stepped back and held up her hand.

Caitlin: Goodbye, Dad.

Caitlin turned around and walked back out into the hall. She started to quicken her pace. There was one more person she had to confront. And she knew where they were.

As she made her way down the hall, Caitlin flung open the door to her bedroom. She looked towards the back of the room where the wardrobe was located. The large closet was shaking again, a gentle steam rising out of it. Something was desperate to get out.

Caitlin approached the shaking cabinet. She delicately placed her hand over the intricate carvings on it. In the center of the frame, directly above the key hole, was a small, faint snowflake.

She grabbed a hold of the handles and thrusted open the wardrobe. Out of it fell a mirror image of herself. However, this one had white hair, blue lips, and paler skin. The figure stood up, straightening her jacket and wiping the dust off her shoulders.

Frost: Thanks. You would not believe how cramped it was in there. I think I was getting a Charlie horse.

Frost paused. Both her and Cait stared at one another in disbelief. It was the first time either one of them was able to fully see the other. It was a strange sensation seeing them separated.

Frost: Wow. This is... Isn't this exciting?

Caitlin approached Frost. She pulled her close and wrapped her arms around her neck, catching the cold woman off guard. Caitlin held her other side close, speaking to her.

Caitlin: I'm never locking you up again.

Frost wasn't sure what to say. A bright smile spread across her face. She slowly brought up her own arms, wrapping them around Caitlin. The two stood there, united once more.

Caitlin: I don't care what others say or what I myself may be afraid of. You're not just an extension of me. You're my sister. One I didn't know I needed.

Frost continued to smile wildly. At last, she felt truly accepted for who she was. She wasn't just another version of Caitlin or vice versa. They were their own people. After a moment, the two separated, continuing to smile at one another.

Frost: Come on, sis. Let's get out of here.

Together, the two walked out of the bedroom and started to make their way out of the apartment.

Frost: So, Alice, any idea on what this Wonderland is all about?

Caitlin: I think it's a dream or perhaps some kind of hallucination. Things seem almost too perfect.

Frost: But you saw through it?

Caitlin: Nothing's that perfect.

Frost: Speak for yourself. So, how do we get out of here?

Caitlin: There's got to be an exit. Most likely it'll be some monument or building that shouldn't exist.

Frost: Any ideas on where that may be?

Caitlin: Just one. We'll have to be careful, though. If this is a forced hallucination, it'll want to keep us here. Most likely through some kind of memory or event.

The two stepped out into the main entrance to the apartment. They stopped when they saw someone blocking their way.

Frost: You mean like that?

Ronnie stood in front of the exit door. His hands and head were on fire, his eyes a milk white. He sneered at them.

Ronnie: You have everything here, Cait. Why are you trying to throw it away?

Caitlin looked over at Frost.

Caitlin: You ready?

Frost: You bet.

She cracked her knuckles, ready to fight.

Ronnie: I can't let you leave.

Frost: Wasn't asking, sweetheart.

Frost and Cait charged at him. Ronnie brought up his hands, shooting a pillar of fire towards them. Frost brought up her own hand and formed an ice shield, protecting the both of them. The two separated, running on either side of Raymond. Frost fired several sharp icicles towards him. Ronnie dodged most of them, but one scraped his side.

Caitlin came up from behind and punched him across the jaw. Ronnie spun around. He tried to punch Cait with a flaming fist. However, his hand was soon encased in a ball of ice. Frost punched his back as he spun around. She then summed a sword of ice and tossed it to Caitlin. The cold woman formed a blade from her own hand and the two engaged Ronnie.

The duo swung their swords, cutting Ronnie's side. He eventually stood up and shouted. A shockwave of fire blew out from him. The two heroes were thrown off their feet and thrown to the side. As Frost fell, she hit her side on the corner of a table. She winced in pain.

Caitlin fell on the floor close to another table. Ronnie looked between the both of them before deciding to deal with the ice queen first. Caitlin watched as he approached Frost who was still down on her back, holding her side. She looked around for anything that could help. She then spotted something. There on the table was the award trophy she had received earlier.

Raymond approached Frost. The downed girl tried to back away, but was cornered by bits of debris. Ronnie brought up his hands, ready to melt her with his flames.

Suddenly, Caitlin jumped in from behind. She smacked her trophy over the back of Ronnie's head, breaking the figurine. Raymond held his head in pain and fell to the ground. Relieved, Caitlin held her hand out to Frost and helped her up. Ronnie looked up at the two before him.

Ronnie: Cait...

Caitlin: I already told you. You don't get to call me that anymore.

Frost held up her hand and encased Ronnie in a prison of ice, keeping him trapped on the floor. With that, the two women looked at one another and nodded. They made their way out of the exit and out into the night time streets of Central City.

The two made their way to the Snow Industries tower at the heart of the city. They took the elevator up to one of the top floors. With confidence, the brunette and white haired women stepped out onto the floor.

Frost: Are you sure this is the place?

Caitlin: I think so. Just look around. There's got to be some door or gateway out of here.

Frost: Found it!

She held her hand up and grinned like a little school girl. Frost pointed over to the back wall. There, covering the doorway, was what looked like a green archway. A blinding white light emanated from its entrance. The two women stood before it. Caitlin took in everything before taking a deep breath.

Frost: You ready?

Caitlin: Yeah.

Frost saw her partner. She grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together.

Frost: We're in this together.

Caitlin looked over and smiled at her duplicate. The two looked at the white light before them. Then, with a deep breath, they both walked through it, hand-in-hand.

Caitlin steadily woke up. She felt a pounding force in her head. For a moment, her eyes flickered between their natural color and pure white. She looked down at her hands. Her and Frost were merged once more.

Cait slowly took in her environment as she stepped out of the pod she had been sleeping in. She was wearing a loose fitting grey suit. She found herself standing in a large room lit with green lights. Surrounding her, she found other pods. Emerging from them were a few of the other heroes she had met. They all had just come out of a similar dream experience to hers. Oliver looked over and spotted her.

Oliver: Caitlin?

Cait held up her hand.

Caitlin: I'm fine.

Sara: Where are we?

Ray Palmer stood up. He approached a nearby window in front of them. He blinked for a moment, rubbing his eyes to make sure what he was seeing wasn't just

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