Ray: Uh, guys. There's something you really need to see.
The others approached. Caitlin looked out the window, a sinking feeling emerging in her stomach.
Caitlin: Oh, my God.
Looking out the window, the group saw the planet Earth. They were in space. Worse, they were onboard the Dominator mothership.
Oliver: Come on. Let's find a way off this thing.
The group all turned and snuck their way out of the room. They crept through the halls, pressing their backs against various items to stay hidden. They stopped when two Dominators walked past them. They spoke in a mix of tongues and clicks, forming an alien language.
Dominator: Klic-clac-to nick-lava shack-too. Nick-lava shoo-la.
After the two passed, the group stepped out from their hiding positions. They made their way down the hall.
Thea: Ok. So how do we find our way out of an alien spacecraft?
Caitlin: There's got to be some kind of escape pod or transport vessel. Something the Dominators would use to scout the place kinda like Star Wars.
Sara looked over at her, not really expecting Cait of all people to make a reference to Star Wars.
Caitlin: Y/N and Cisco made me watch a marathon with them, okay?
Ray: This way. Even though it's an alien technology, certain principles of design are universal.
The group turned a corner and stopped. They were immediately met by a small group of Dominators standing before them.
Ray: Or not.
The Dominators turned around, ready to attack. Caitlin made her way in front of the group. She brought up her hands, immediately changing into Frost and firing out a cold jet stream of air that blew back most of the aliens and froze others to the wall. To their surprise, neither woman needed to think hard or focus on key memories to transform. They could now change instantly, more connected than ever.
The rest of the group of humans behind her stood there in awe. They did not expect to meet Frost or even know Caitlin could do that. The white haired woman spun around, waving to all of them.
Frost: Hi, everyone.
Thea and Sara slowly brought up their hands, waving back. Just then, more Dominators sprung out from behind. Oliver grabbed a nearby weapon off the wall and held it up. After a moment of tinkering, he managed to get it to work. He fired a yellow bolt of plasma energy at the aliens, keeping them at bay.
Oliver: Ray's right. Certain principles of design are universal.
The group backed up and ran down the other end of the hallway. Frost and Oliver brought up the rear, firing bolts of energy and ice to push the Dominators back. The group rushed through the halls before emerging into a large hangar bay. Various ships of different designs surrounded them on all sides.
Diggle: Think you can fly one of these things?
Oliver: I'm hoping that between you, me, Ray, and Sara someone can fly one of these things.
The group eventually settled upon a small shuttle craft. They stepped inside and sat down in a circle, their seats surrounding a pillar in the center of the ship. In front of them was what looked like a small screen on a pedestal.
Sara: Okay, now what?
Oliver: Ray?
Ray: Um, now might be a good time to find the owner's manual.
Frost: I don't think they come with that, sweety.
Thea looked at the screen in front of her. She decided to press it. The screen lit up blue and the pedestals lowered, locking in place like a lap bar. The entire ship whirred to life.
Thea: And mom said I wouldn't amount to anything if I didn't go to college.
They all then felt a sinking feeling as the pod was dropped from the ship. Everyone held on tight, closing their eyes, Frost smiled with glee, obviously having fun.
Frost: Wheeee!
The ship fell for a moment before hovering. The thrusters kicked in and it sped off towards the planet bellow it. Before long, other Dominator ships dropped down. They flew towards the small escapee ship, swarming it like a colony of bees.
Ray: Uh, really hope you hit autopilot because I don't see any controls on this thing.
Diggle: Hold on! We got incoming!
Sara: How do you know?
The ship suddenly shook as it was hit by a laser blast.
Diggle: Lucky guess.
The Dominator ships continued to close in. They fired upon the vessel. The back engine was hit and the ship began to spin out of control.
Oliver: We need to find a way to steer this thing or we're not gonna last very long!
Outside, three Dominator ships formed a triangle. They projected a laser grid from one another, forming a holographic triangle. It began to build up in energy, ready to fire and destroy the escaped vessel.
Suddenly, before they could fire, the ships were knocked off course by the Waverider flying in. The time ship flew over the prisoners' ship and pulled it in with a tractor beam. Once the ship was locked in, the Waverider made the jump, disappearing away into the reaches of space away from the Dominators.
Frost: Well, aren't we just the lucky ones?
Diggle looked over at her, still confused by the woman with white hair and why she was so different from before. The group made their way off the ship and into the Waverider. Leaning against a corner wall, Nate Heywood was standing there waiting for them.
Nate: Oliver, nice clothes. Shopping at alien GAP?
Oliver: Not funny.
Nate: Well, lucky for you guys, the Waverider has a machine that replicates old clothes and weapons.
He spun around, introducing himself to Oliver's sister.
Nate: Hi, I'm Nate Heywood.
Thea: Thea, and this is exactly twice as many spaceships as I ever thought I'd be on.
Sara: Well, actually, it's a time ship.
Nate then noticed Frost. He brought out his hand, giving her a soft grin.
Nate: Hello, good-looking. How are you this evening?
Frost: Sorry, bud. We're already taken.
Nate was left a bit confused as to why she used the term "we" to refer to herself.
Oliver: How did you find us?
Nate: I didn't. Your need army back in Earth did.
Frost: Aww, little Cisco came through. Remind me to give him a kiss after this.
Sara: I'm gonna take Dig to the med bay, have Gideon fix him up.
Diggle: Whoever Gideon is.
The others followed Nate onto the bridge of the ship. They were standing in a large room with seats in front of a large window. Behind them was a small room with polished furniture and various items collected across history.
Oliver: Thanks for the save.
Nate: No problem.
Ray: Except for all of our other problems.
Oliver: Like what, Ray?
Ray: After we woke up, I got a look at the tech the Dominators were using to keep us under. They're using a neuromorphic interface similar to how I manipulate the Atom suit.
Thea: Wait, what does that mean?
Ray: I think our hallucinations were to keep our minds occupied while the Dominators...
Oliver: While the Dominators what?
Ray: Well, while they probed our subconscious. I'm guessing looking for intel.
He thought for a moment, realizing something.
Ray: Wait, maybe they didn't choose us at random. Maybe they chose us because we couldn't fight back.
Nate: Because none of you are metahumans.
Thea: Wait, what about magic hands over there? Isn't she a meta?
Frost: Technically, from both a psychological and, to an extent, biological standpoint, Caitlin and I are two completely separate people. It was Cait who was in control at the time, plus not to mention I was kinda suppressed for a bit. They most likely didn't even know I was in here.
Oliver: Bigger question: What intel were they after? What is their plan?
Ray thought for a moment. He remembered what the aliens had been saying.
Ray: "Klic-clac-to nick-lava shack-too."
Thea: Gesundheit.
Ray: It's what one of the Dominators said to another. Sounds like the beginning of a not-so-funny joke, but... Gideon.
Gideon: Translating.
The group looked over at a console screen in the center of a room. There, a projection of a female head took form as the ship's A.I. spoke.
Thea: Do you ever think that our lives would really get this weird?
Gideon: The phrase loosely translates to "We are nearing completion of the weapon."
Nate: What weapon?
Gideon: I'm afraid I have no idea, but I'm tracking the Dominator mothership you escaped from, and it appears to be on a direct course for Earth.
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