The team was all gathered back at S.T.A.R. Labs. They had extracted the glass pane Y/N was stuck in and were examining it in the workshop. The stuck speedster paced in place with nowhere else to go.
Caitlin: Y/N, can you hear us?
Y/N: .delffum elttil a s'tI. adniK
They all looked at him in confusion, hearing his voice distorted.
Cisco: Uh, what?
Y/N: .delffum elttil a s'ti dias I.
Caitlin: Why does he sound like that?
Wells snapped his fingers upon figuring it out.
Wells: Mirrors reflect objects. They show them in reverse. Maybe that's what we're hearing. Cisco...
Cisco: Already on it.
Cisco walked over to his workbench. He pulled out a recorder and set it to reverse. Walking back over, he connected the device to the mirror.
Cisco: Try it now.
Y/N: Can you hear me? Can you understand what I'm saying?
Cisco and Wells clapped over their achievement.
Caitlin: Loud and clear, speedy.
Y/N: Alright. Can you guys get me out of here? I really need to pee.
Cisco: Have you tried phasing?
Y/N: Yes. It's not working.
They all stood there, thinking. Barry-1 suggested an idea.
Barry-1: When I was stuck in a mirror, I was able to phase out by freezing the mirror. The molecules within the mirror act as a wormhole and-
Wells: Are in a hyper state of flux. All we need is something really cold to slow them down.
They all looked over at Caitlin. Barry-1 looked over at them with a questioning look. Cait nodded and closed her eyes. She concentrated on very specific memories and feelings, ones she didn't always like but that she found to do the trick.
When she opened her eyes again, they glowed a brilliant white. Barry-1 jumped back when he saw her hair turn white. Caitlin's lips became blue, her skin a ghostly pale color. She almost immediately changed her body posture, slumping to the side like a model leaning on her hips.
Frost: What's all the trouble, boys?
Wells: We need you to freeze this mirror so Y/N can phase out.
Frost: Oh, of course. It's always business with you men.
She turned her head, giving a grin at Barry-1. The stunned man continued to look at her, not quite sure what to make of what was happening and especially the others' calm demeanor about it. Frost strutted over to the mirror and stopped. She looked at her own reflection in it past Y/N's body. She turned to get a better look at her backside.
Frost: I like what you've been doing lately, Caity. Have you been working out? It shows. Look at those calves and that-
Y/N: Frost.
Frost: What? I'm just admiring these cheeks. I'm glad Caity gave you a proper look at 'em. For a moment, I was afraid I'd have to do it myself.
Y/N: Frost!
Frost: Alright, alright. Chill, lightning freak. Ha! Chill. See what I did there? Watch out Cisco, I might steal your jokes, then all you'll have left is that brainiac sized noggin and surfer boy hairdo.
Cisco frowned at her comment while Y/N's face flushed red. Frost walked over to the mirror and brought up her hands. A jet stream of cold air blew against the mirror, caking it in a gentle layer of ice.
Y/N placed his hands against the glass and began to vibrate. He concentrated, focusing on what he needed to do. He suddenly slipped as he phased through the mirror. He landed on his feet and readjusted himself so as to not fall over on his face.
Y/N: Thanks, babe.
Frost: No problem, Big Red.
The others all smiled at Y/N's escape. They all then noticed Barry-1's expression. He was speechless and looked at them all with a quivering lip.
Cisco: Dude, you okay?
Barry-1 pointed over towards Frost.
Barry-1: You guys are cool with her?
Cisco: Yeah. She's good. An irritating pain in the ass, but good. We haven't had any problems for a while now.
Frost: Yeah, don't check the fridge.
Cisco clenched his fists and looked over at her.
Cisco: I swear, if you got into my pasta bowl...
Barry-1 continued to look at Frost in shock.
Barry-1: And you don't want to, like, freeze my heart or anything?
Frost pointed at him with a finger gun and winked.
Frost: Count your lucky red boots for that one, Better Bare.
Barry-1 then pointed over to Y/N next.
Barry: And you... you're with her? As in you two are... dating?
Y/N: Well, technically, Caitlin is the one I'm dating. Frost just comes with the territory.
Frost jokingly rested her arm on Y/N's shoulder and leaned into him.
Frost: Yeah. He's got his package deal and we've got ours.
Y/N slapped her on the arm and she gave him a cheeky, devilish smirk. They all then looked over at Barry-1, noticing he still looked a bit uneasy. Y/N turned to the woman next to him.
Y/N: I think we may be freaking him out a bit. Alright, snow queen, come here.
Frost: What? Oh, come on. I just got here! Can't I come out to play a little longer?
Y/N: I know, I'm sorry, but I want to talk to Caitlin now. Cait...
He gently rested his hands on her arms. Frost pouted like a little child. She knew what he was doing. Y/N brought his hands up, resting them on either side of her face. She tried to avoid eye contact, but eventually looked deep into Y/N's own e/c eyes.
Y/N: Cait, you know I'm here for you.
After a moment, Frost's own glowing eyes faded as warm, happy memories flooded her head. Her hair changed back to dark brown and her lips and skin returned to their natural color. Caitlin continued to stand their, leaning her head and sinking into Y/N's touch. After realizing where she was, she cleared her throat and straightened back up into a business stance.
Y/N smiled at her with Caitlin smiling back. The two of them then turned to Barry-1. He seemed to have calm down a bit.
Y/N: You good?
Barry-1: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
Caitlin: Sorry. I know she can be a bit... overenthusiastic.
Barry: No, it's not that. It's...
He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. He sat down on a small bench close by.
Barry: On my Earth, my Caitlin turned into Killer Frost at a bad time. She went on a rampage, trying to make things right in her eyes. She was lashing out in anger, overcome by her emotions.
Caitlin exhaled. Y/N rubbed her shoulder and held onto her hand. She then walked over and sat down next to Barry-1.
Caitlin: I was the same here. I had a lot going through my mind and a lot of troubles to worry about. But, these two helped me through it.
She indicated towards Y/N and Cisco. The two of them nodded, smiling at her.
Caitlin: They helped to bring me back and, together, we've all helped Frost try and turn over a new leaf. It hasn't been perfect, but we make it work.
Barry-1 nodded, shaking his head.
Barry-1: Do you ever feel haunted by it? Afraid she'll go back to her old ways?
Caitlin thought for a moment before replying.
Caitlin: In the beginning, I was. But, over time, things have gotten better. I think she's become her own person, her own hero. But she's still a part of me, a part that I'm sometimes afraid to revisit. She comes out when I'm scared or overly anxious. That's why I have these guys to calm me down.
She indicated towards the three men whom she deemed to be her closest friends. Y/N walked over to her and squeezed her hand gently. Barry looked at the two of them and nodded, accepting her answer.
Barry-1: You know, on my Earth, Frost wasn't always around. Not until I created...
He trailed off, refusing to finish his sentence. The others looked at him, seeing the painful expression on his face. Dr. Wells decided to change the subject.
Wells: You know, with Barry here, we could probably use his experiences on his Earth to deal with our villains.
Y/N: I think that could work. Anything to bring these guys in quickly. What about you, Bare?
Barry: I say let's do it.
Y/N: Great. They all got up and began walking out of the workshop towards the cortex room. As they left, Cisco made his way over to Caitlin.
Cisco: We're gonna need to talk about my pasta later.
Caitlin: Why? What'd she tell you?
The group were all gathered in the cortex chamber. On the screen they had pulled up files on the men Y/N had just faced off against.
Cisco: Some of these rogues we've already met before. Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Trickster, Weather Wizard. But these other two are new faces to pummel.
Pressing a button, Ramon switched over to an image of a gruff, bald man. They recognized him as the man with the flame gun.
Barry-1: That's Mick Rory, an old partner of Snart. On my Earth, we call him Heat Wave.
Cisco held up his hand in a pointed gesture.
Cisco: Alright, I get it, your Cisco probably came up with some cool names, too. But this is my Earth, so I get to do the naming. But I will let this one slide because Heat Wave does sound pretty cool.
Barry-1 shrugged and continued.
Barry-1: On my Earth, Snart and Rory actually turned over a new leaf. They became heroes and part of the Legends.
They all looked at him with confused faces.
Barry-1: What? You don't have the Legends here?
Y/N: Not that we're aware of.
Cisco: Well, at least it's nice to know that Snart's cold heart melted somewhere, even if it is on another Earth.
Y/N: My question regarding our Snart is why? Snart's always been a team player, but he has a code. Why team up with these guys who are notorious killers and madmen? That goes against his code of honor.
Wells: Something must be pushing him to act, reach out to anyone he knows.
Cisco switched images to that of the speedster in the finned mask. Barry-1's eyes seemed to widen a bit on this one while the others awaited his response.
Barry-1: That's Edward Clariss. Calls himself the Rival. He's a speedster who's really full of himself, if I'm gonna be honest. Unfortunately that has led to quite a few dangerous altercations.
Y/N: I'll say.
Y/N rubbed his shoulder, remembering how Clariss threw him earlier.
Barry-1: He was actually never supposed to exist on my Earth until...
He paused. The others looked at him, seeing that what he said next troubled him.
Barry: ...until Flashpoint.
Y/N: What's Flashpoint?
Barry-1 sighed, running his hand through his hair.
Barry-1: After defeating Zoom, the other bad speedster I mentioned earlier, I was in a real bad headspace. I ran back in time and prevented my mom's murder. I stopped the man who killed her.
Y/N's eyes went wide at that revelation.
Barry-1: For the next three months, I lived with both of my parents. They were both alive, someone else was the Flash. Everything was great. But, some real bad things started to happen to the ones I love. They got hurt and they didn't even know who I was. So, I ran back and stopped my past self. I allowed by mother to be murdered. I came back to the present to find that everything was the same as I originally left, or so I thought. There were changes that didn't exist in my original timeline. Killer Frost, Rival, Savitar...
The others all stood there in silence, letting everything sink in. After a moment, Y/N spoke up.
Y/N: Wait, are you saying we can time travel? That I could go back and change how it happened? That I can prevent my parent's deaths?!
Barry-1: Y/N...
Y/N: I could go back and stop it all, stop everything from happening?! I can fix the mistakes of the past?!
Barry-1: Y/N, these are not mistakes. There's no do overs. If you change things, if you go back, it might not be the same as when you came back. You could actually make things worse.
Y/N let his words sink in, thinking with his head hung low. After another, long moment of silence, Caitlin tried to switch the subject back to the matter at hand.
Caitlin: What about our Rogues? We need to find a way to stop them before our next confrontation.
Y/N: Yeah. I'd personally like to strike up against Mardon, give him a taste of his own medicine.
Cisco: It's a shame you can't overcharge him without getting close.
Barry-1: You could just throw a lightning bolt at him.
Both Y/N and Cisco looked at him with widened eyes.
Cisco: What?
Barry-1: Can you not throw lightning?
Y/N shook his head.
Y/N: No. I can supercharge and release built up electricity through my body, but I've never been able to throw my own lightning.
Barry-1: Huh. I've never been able to supercharge things before.
Wells stepped in, coming up with a few ideas to distract them from the recent news they'd discovered.
Wells: I think that settles it. Allen, you show Y/N how he can throw lightning, train him up a bit. Cisco, you and I will work on trying to open a breach to Earth-1, see if we can get Barry home. Dr. Snow, you work on trying to locate our villainous gallery, maybe come up with a few ideas on how to stop them.
Caitlin: Sounds good.
Cisco: Good idea.
Y/N: I'm down for it.
They all nodded and went their separate directions. Y/N followed Barry-1 to the training lab. However, his mind was still stuck on what Barry had just told them. Could it be done? Was time travel the answer?
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