4.3 Rogues Gallery

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The Flash rushed through the lit up streets of night time Central City. He made it to the jewelers store before busting inside. Thankfully, no one was inside the blazing complex. Running around, he quickly put out all the flames. 

Y/N finished and rushed back to the front door. He looked around, trying to see what may have caused the fire. Suddenly, before he could truly comprehend things. A white flame shot next to him. Y/N dodged it as a chair behind him was covered in ice. He turned around, now realizing who he was dealing with.

Y/N: Snart.

Leonard Snart walked down a set of stairs near the back of the jewelry store. He wore a new suit with leather straps holding onto various pickpocketing tools. Sets of vials for the cold gun in his hands were placed on a belt near his midsection. The grinning man wore a puffy white collar over his vest as well as a mask containing a set of protective glasses.

Snart: Hello, Flash.

Y/N: I didn't think fire was your thing, Cold.

Snart: Oh, it's not. You just haven't met my partners yet.

At that moment, a side door burst open and a large, bald man stepped out. He wore a beige mechanic's jacket over a gray, fire retardant suit. On his head he wore a pair of goggles with orange tinted lenses. In his hands he held onto a bag of stolen jewels as well as a specialized flamethrower gun.

Mick: Come on, Flash! You put out my pretty lights!

Mick Rory pulled the trigger on his gun, causing flames to rush out and ignite more items on fire. Y/N ran around, putting them all out. He rushed back to where he was and stood there, prepared to rush the two crooks.

Y/N: Aw, Snart, you made a friend. But you may need a little more than that to stop me.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning crashed through the window behind Y/N and struck him. He was flung across the floor and onto the ground, his body crackling with electricity.

Snart: You weren't paying attention, speedy. I said "friends", as in more than one.

From behind the shattered glass window stepped a man in a black leather coat. He had bleached white hair and a villainous smirk. As he walked by the downed Y/N, he kicked him hard in the face.

Mardon: That was for killing my brother.

Y/N looked at him and spoke through gritted teeth. Blood trickled from his lip.

Y/N: I didn't kill your brother, Mark.

Weather Wizard shrugged and kicked the downed Flash again. He stepped back as Y/N groaned in pain. As he was picking himself up, he felt someone leap onto his back. He wrapped his arms around Y/N's neck. The red hero heard the man's giggle and instantly knew who it was.

Trickster: Heya, Swiftie. Long time no see!

Y/N grabbed the Trickster's arms and pulled him off of his back. The man with the orange hair and purple lips stood there with a wide, toothy grin and sickening laugh.

Trickster: Don't you see, Flash? This whole robbery was a trick! A trick on you! And I do so love tricks. Ha, ha, ha!

Before Y/N could question him, the Trickster quickly pulled a device out of his velvet jacket and strapped it onto Y/N's arm. The speedster looked at it, noticing a timer and dynamite attached to the device.

Trickster: You ever seen the movie Speed, Keanu Reeves, national treasure? You're the bus and that's the bomb. A kinetic bomb, actually, and if you go below 600 mph, it'll explode. Same thing happens if you try to remove it.

He then pressed a button in the device. Y/N's eyes widened as he saw the timer begin to flash a red light.

Trickster: Ooh, it's active! Better get going, busy beaver!

Y/N looked down at the bomb before running out of the building as quickly as he could. Trickster threw up his arms in a celebratory fashion.

Trickster: And we're off to the races! Ha, ha, ha!

Y/N ran down the streets at high speeds, making sure he was fast enough to stop the bomb from going off. He blew past newspaper stands and caused car alarms to go off. The fast man called to his friends over his earpiece.

Y/N: Guys, Trickster strapped a bomb to me!

Cisco: Trickster?

Caitlin: How did he get out of Iron Heights?

Y/N: No time! If I stop running, this thing goes off!

Wells moved over to one of the screens, checking the sensors on Y/N's suit. He located the bomb and groaned.

Wells: Y/N, that thing is linked to a speedometer. It will go off if you stop running.

Barry-1: This is all very familiar.

Y/N: Well, I can't run forever!

Caitlin: There's got to be a way to get it off him without damaging it.

They all thought for a moment. Wells finally came up with a solution.

Wells: Y/N, do you see any walls near you?

Y/N: Why?

Wells: Because I need you to run into one, or more accurately, through one.

Caitlin: What?

Wells: If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body, your cells will be in a state of excitement that should allow you-

Barry-1: Phase! You'll run right through the wall, leaving the bomb on the other side!

Wells looked over at Barry-1 for disrupting his train of thought.

Y/N: How do I do that?

Barry-1: Listen to me, okay Y/N? This isn't Wells, this isn't Cisco, this isn't science talk. This is one speedster talking to another. Breath. Fell the air, all the wind on your face. Feel  the ground, how it moves under your feet. The lightning pushing you forward on your path. Feel the lightning. Feel its power. Feel the electricity traveling through every nerve in your body. You're not just you now. When you run, you are a part of something greater. Part of the Speed Force. 

Y/N closed his eyes, focusing on what Barry-1 was saying. He understood what he was talking about. He'd felt it before. He wasn't just someone who could run fast. He was a part of something, a nature beyond human understanding.

Barry-1: Focus and phase.

Y/N reopened his eyes and started to vibrate. He concentrated, trying to get his molecules to match the frequency of the air. He could feel himself becoming one with his surroundings.

The speedster ran towards a long truck. He plowed straight into it. However, instead of crashing into the hood, Y/N vanished through its grill. The bomb was left behind, falling to the ground. Y/N traveled through the long truck and emerged on the other side.

Y/N looked down at his arm, shocked that the bomb was off. He patted himself down, still in disbelief as to what he just did. Suddenly, the bomb went off, exploding behind him. Y/N turned around and pumped his fists into the air.

Y/N: Yes!

The others all breathed a sigh of relief on the other end. Y/N continued standing there with a smile on his face. However, he didn't have long to celebrate. He was suddenly met by a gloved hand punching him in the jaw.

The speedster fell down to the ground from the force of the punch. He looked up to see bright red lightning running around him. The lightning stopped to reveal a man standing right in front of him. Y/N looked at the man in shock. He was a speedster, too.

The other speedster looked at Y/N with a devilish grin. He wore an all black suit with strings of orange around his arms, almost appearing like magma pouring out of solid rock. An orange lightning bolt was plastered onto his chest. Fins surrounded the man's cowl, making his mask appear intimidating and ferocious.

Y/N: What?

Rival: I knew that psychopathic joke wouldn't get the job done. He couldn't tie his shoes without falling for one of his own tricks. 

Y/N continued to stare at the black speedster in shock and disbelief.

Y/N: Who... Who are you?

Rival: The best speedster around, and the only one there needs to be. I guess you could call me your rival, but you sure ain't mine.

Y/N continued to stare at him in confusion.

Rival: You may be fast, Flash, but no one's as fast as me!

The Rival moved quickly towards Y/N. He punched him hard with Y/N falling back with each blow. He was fast, just as fast as Y/N. It was difficult to dodge his punches.

Y/N eventually shot to the side, dodging one of the Rival's blows. Y/N then turned and ran  off, luring the Rival away. The two chased each other through the streets, running up buildings and down roads.

However, Rival soon caught up to Y/N. He tripped him and grabbed him from behind. The man in black began to run through the streets, tossing Y/N into whatever he could find. He eventually stopped and tossed Y/N in front of a tall building.

Rival: Sorry, Flash. Looks like your time in this city is nearing its end.

Y/N picked himself back up. He was about to reengage the Rival when another set of hands reached out from the glass behind him and grabbed him. Y/N was pulled inside the glass pane, trapped in its reflection. He banged helplessly against his mirrored prison. There was only one man who could have done this.

As if on cue, a man stepped out from the glass pane next to him. Mirror Master turned around and grinned at Y/N. The Flash noticed that he was now wearing a new costume since the last time they met. He had on an orange suit with a black and green mask. He wore green gloves and boots and a dark green belt.

Y/N: Scudder.

Scudder: Hello, Flash. Like the new look?

He indicated down to his new costume.

Scudder: Yeah, I know. Not really my style. But, the buffoon of a clown insisted on it. Still, I cannot deny its craftsmanship.

Both Rival and Mirror Master waved to Y/N as he continued to bang against the glass.

Scudder: Sorry, Flash, gotta run. You know how it is. I hope you have enough space to run in your little hamster ball there.

With that, the Rival grabbed Mirror Master and ran off. Y/N banged on the glass one last time, watching them leave through gritted teeth.

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