1.13 The City's Hero

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Y/N could feel himself slowly drifting awake. His vision was blurry but soon cleared. Above him appeared to be pure whiteness. It took him a moment to realize he was staring at a white ceiling tile. 

Sensing he was in a different location, Y/N suddenly jolted awake, sitting up. He found himself to once again be sitting on a hospital bed. He was also greeted by two familiar faces.

Caitlin: He's up!

Cisco: Dude, how many times are we gonna do this?

Y/N was panting before calming back down. Caitlin rested her hand on his shoulder, easing the tension in his body. Cisco stood at the foot of the bed, checking over a few vitals.

Y/N: How long was I out?

Caitlin: Forty-eight hours, seventeen minutes.

Cisco: And, man, we thought you died a couple times there. You are a heavy sleeper.

Y/N looked around, realizing he was in a different location than before. They weren't back at the warehouse. Instead, the three were situated inside of a small room. A glass wall and door led out to a larger room with another glass lab across from Y/N's room. In the center of the main room was a half circle desk. Computer monitors and files were scattered all about the desk. Behind that was an open doorway leading into a large hallway. Y/N looked around before noticing the logo on the floor in the main room.

Y/N: Are we...?

Wells: In S.T.A.R. Labs.

Dr. Wells walked into the room, stepping into Y/N's hospital wing. 

Wells: The cortex room to be exact. This is the heart and soul of it all.

Wells then looked over at Y/N. He grinned at the younger man.

Wells: Welcome back, Mr. L/N.

Y/N looked at all of his friends. His mind was a blur. He then remembered the last thing he saw. He looked to his two friends close by, giving a questioning look.

Y/N: The accelerator. Did we...?

Caitlin: You stopped it, Y/N. We're all safe.

Cisco: I'll say you stopped it. Dude, the whole building shook from that explosion. The entire city experienced a blackout for about twelve hours.

Y/N: The whole city?

Caitlin: Yes. We had to wait to hook you up and take your vitals. Thankfully you're enhanced healing abilities kicked in, keeping you stable just long enough. You're lucky to be alive.

Y/N exhaled a sigh of relief. He sat back down, sinking into the soft pillow behind him. The others looked at him, happy that he was awake.

Y/N: We did it.

Caitlin: No. You did. You're a hero, Y/N.

The brunette doctor gave Y/N a bright smile, one which the young man reciprocated. Wells nodded his head with his own smile.

Wells: And you'll be happy to know that former General Eiling's work has come to the public's knowledge. We are all, including yourself, freed of all criminal charges.

Y/N smiled at that. He could go home. He could see his family. But more importantly, his friends were free to go. However, after a moment, his smile sunk.

Y/N: What about the other meta-humans?

Wells: Still on the loose, I'm afraid. 

Y/N nodded, thinking for a moment.

Y/N: Then I'll have to bring them all in, the bad ones at least.

Cisco: Dude, you don't have to do that.

Y/N: But I feel like I do. I am a part of this now. I need to make sure this city's safe.

The others continued smiling, seeing how even after just nearly dying, Y/N wanted to keep going.

Caitlin: I think what he means is, you don't have to do it alone.

Y/N's eyes widened. He looked around at his three friends.

Y/N: No. I couldn't ask you guys to do that.

Cisco: This isn't a question, dude. We're ding this. This is our city, too.

Wells: Yes and I think what Mr. Ramon is trying to say in his own, simplistic way is that these meta-humans are our responsibility as well. The city needs us to right our wrongs.

Y/N looked over at the two of them. He then looked over at the woman still standing at his bedside.

Y/N: You, too?

Caitlin thought for a moment before shrugging, giving Y/N a fake pout. 

Caitlin: My future's pretty uncertain. God knows where my career's going. As long as I get to make change and do something right for once, I don't see why not.

Y/N smiled at her. He tried to then pull himself out of bed. The other three held up their hands, telling him to stop.

Cisco: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not right now, dude.

Wells: Yes. Even for someone as fast as you are, Y/N, you still need rest.

Caitlin pressed her hand against Y/N's chest, pushing him back down into the bed.

Caitlin: Your body is still healing. It needs time. No running, no Flash. Your system is taxed. You rest while the rest of us work on what needs to be done. Doctor's orders.

She gave him a playful wink. Y/N chuckled at that and jokingly saluted her.

Y/N: Yes, ma'am.

Caitlin smiled and walked out of the room with Dr. Wells. Cisco turned to Y/N before leaving himself. He spoke in a hushed whisper so Caitlin wouldn't hear.

Cisco: When you're rested enough to walk, come find me. I got something cool to show you.

Y/N gave him a thumbs up. Cisco gave his own thumbs up while trying to scoot out the back of the room. His side hit the doorframe, causing the young scientist to trip for a moment. He caught himself and rubbed his sore side while walking away.

Y/N laughed at his friend's antics. He then sat back, leaning into the pillow that now covered his head. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about what he'd done. Most importantly, he thought about the friends he made in just the past few weeks. Then, for the first time since he had awoken from his coma, Y/N slowed down, relaxed, and rested.

A little while later, Y/N felt comfortable enough to stand up and walk. He found Cisco and the two met up in the cortex chamber. Walking to the back of the room, Cisco opened a glass case and walked towards a dummy rack.

Cisco: I present to you, the new Flash.

Cisco turned the rack around to show a mannequin wearing a new suit he had especially designed. The suit appeared to be made of a latex polymer of sorts. It almost appeared like leather. The entire suit was a bright red, paired with yellow gloves and boots. A white belt with a silver buckle and trimming lined the waist. On the sides of the belt were two small compartments for storage. Near the head, the suit retained Y/N's helmet and a rebuilt version of the goggles. 

Cisco: It uses the same tri-polymer base as your previous suit, only now working with a specialized fiber to keep you from burning any holes in it while improving mobility. The aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. Plus it has built in sensors so we can track your vitals from here.

Y/N stared at the suit, whistling at its sleeker design. He liked the color scheme and hoped it'd be better suited for running than the baggy jumpsuit he previously used. He then pointed to the large, yellow symbol covering the chest.

Y/N: A lightning bolt?

Cisco: I thought it'd help to give us a reminder of how this all started.

Cisco grinned with Y/N grinning back at him. The two fist bumped and clapped their hands together. Cisco eventually walked away while Y/N continued to look at the suit for a moment. After a bit, he got an idea.

Joe and Barry were at home, sitting at the kitchen table. The two had gotten the news that Y/N was no longer a criminal. However, they still had to find him. The two just sat there, lost in thought.

Joe thought back on all the crazy events that had happened in just the past few weeks. First Mardon returns from the dead and can control the weather. Than a man made of steel shows up and is turned in to the police. Then S.T.A.R. Labs blows again, causing a city-wide blackout. 

However, through it all, there was one constant factor. A man. A fast man. One who appeared as a streak of light. Joe sighed before turning to Barry.

Joe: Bare, look, I owe you an apology. 

Barry looked at him, confused by what his foster father was saying.

Joe: I was wrong. I didn't take you seriously. You or Y/N. Hearing what you guys said happened that night... I thought it couldn't be true. Thought it had to be the frightened imagination of a child. But seeing what all's happened the last few days... I dunno. All these things you and Y/N used to talk about are now starting to feel very real. What I'm trying to say is that I believe you. There was someone there that night your mother was murdered. There was something Y/N saw through his parent's car window. I am sorry that I didn't believe you.

Barry looked over at Joe. He exhaled, happy to finally feel that satisfaction in someone trusting him, especially someone who he regarded as his other father. 

Barry: Thank you, Joe. 

Joe held out his hand, squeezing Barry's.

Joe: We'll find whoever really killed your mother. And we'll find Y/N. And from now on, I want us to be more honest with each other. Don't doubt anything the other person says. If there are any feelings or if anything feels odd between us, I want you to let me know.

Barry began to tear up. He squeezed Joe's hand back, the two now feeling closer. After a moment, he grinned, looking up at the man.

Barry: Does that include dating your partner?

Joe laughed at that one, shaking his head.

Joe: No. Whatever weird shit you and Patty talk about, I don't want to know.

Now both of them were laughing at the situation. Suddenly, as they were laughing, the front door burst open. Quick as a blur, a figure stepped through and was instantly standing in front of the sofa. He'd closed the blinds to the window behind him.

Joe pulled out his gun and pointed it at the figure. They appeared to be shaking, as if their image was not entirely still. Barry stood there next to Joe, his mouth gaping open in shock. 

The figure brought up its hands, showing it meant no harm. It then slowly stopped vibrating. Its image became clear, showing a bright red suit and silver helmet. Joe looked at it, recognizing the man as the one who had saved him and stopped Mardon. 

Barry continued to stare at the figure. He thought he recognized the metal helmet, but from where? The man then carefully took off his hat and goggles covering his eyes. Joe and Barry stood there in shock, recognizing the man in red.

Y/N: Dad, I'm home.

Joe put away his gun. He and Barry continued to stare at Y/N in surprise. Joe was then the first to approach the boy. Y/N began to tear up with joy, finally being able to see his family. Joe also began to cry. He approached Y/N and pulled him into a tight hug.

Barry made his way over quickly and joined in the hug. All three men stood there, embracing one another. They were all reunited, now one, big, happy family again.

A few days later, Dr. Wells stood in front of a crowd. He was wearing a modest suit and addressing the press about any questions they had regarding S.T.A.R. Labs.

Reporter: Dr. Wells, is it true that the particle accelerator was sabotaged?

Wells: Yes, that is in fact true.

Reporter: And the meta-humans? Are they too a result of the accelerator explosion?

Wells: Yes. That is also correct.

Reporter: Are you absolving S.T.A.R. Labs in any way related to these meta-human attacks?

Harrison stood up tall and proud in front of the crowd.

Wells: No, I am not. Even though we were tampered with, that does not exclude S.T.A.R. Labs from any fault in the meta-human crisis we are facing. We are still to blame for those actions we ourselves set into motion. I am still to blame. However, I am ready to make up for what I have done. I would like to announce that S.T.A.R. Labs will be working closely with the CCPD to restrain these meta-humans who choose to act out and harm others. We will be providing support and equipment necessary to restrain these inmates at Iron Heights Penitentiary.

Reporter: And what about this new, good meta-human? The Flash? Many are calling him a hero? Is he in connection with S.T.A.R. Labs.

Wells: To some degree. The Flash is indeed supporting S.T.A.R. Labs. However, as to the full extent of his involvement, that I cannot say. All I can say is that our city is lucky to have a hero like him. 

Y/N was running across town, stopping various crimes. One moment, a store would be getting mugged. The next, a streak of red would rush in, apprehend the robbers, and run away. The citizens of Central City stopped to watch the red streak race through the streets.

Y/N: (narrating) So, that's how it came to be. How I became the fastest man alive. Of course, speed isn't everything. You've still got to have connections, friends, a team. My city is in a mess right now, but with a team like this, we can't lose.

Cisco, Wells, and Caitlin were all in the cortex chamber, looking over monitors of Y/N's path and vitals. They also checked on police reports and signals.

Caitlin: Vitals are steady.

Cisco: Y/N, there's a robbery at Grant Mall. The West side.

Y/N: Which one is that?

Wells: The one with the Big Belly Burger.

The two younger scientists looked over at their boss, both showing somewhat surprised faces with raised brows.

Wells: What? I eat.

Y/N turned and ran off towards the crime in progress. He zipped through the city like a bolt of lightning.

Y/N: (narrating) Now, some of you may be thinking you know it all by now. But trust me, my story is just beginning. I know there are some dark times to come, but I also know that we can take them on. We have each other and we have others counting on us. There will be trouble and I will be there to stop it, faster than anyone before. Because I am the Flash.

General Eiling was rummaging through his belongings in his house. He'd already been stripped of his position and title. It wouldn't be long before the authorities came for him. The old soldier was trying to pack any and all things he'd need.

Suddenly, Eiling heard a loud thud from behind. It sounded like his door had been broken down. However, it wasn't caused by a grenade or battering ram. He knew the sounds of those all too well. This sounded big.

Eiling grabbed his hand gun, clicking the safety off. He slowly crept towards the door, ready to shoot. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something. He quickly turned around and pointed his gun at it. He then froze.

Standing in front of Eiling appeared to be some large beast. It was in all black and nearly twice his size. It had dark knuckles and a rancid odor. Then the beast spoke to the former general. No, spoke would be incorrect. This thing appeared to be talking directly into his mind.

?: General...

Eiling was frozen with fear and terror, unable to think clearly.

Eiling: What... What are you?

Grodd: Man in black send Grodd. Grodd find General. Need him for goal.

Eiling: Yeah? What for?

Grodd: Grodd kill Father.

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